755 research outputs found

    Integrating mobile technologies to achieve community development goals: the case of telecenters in Brazil

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    Telecenters and mobile technologies are two of the main interventions for reducing the digital divide and are primary tools for information access. The rapid and pervasive adoption of mobile technologies had called into question the necessity of continued investment in telecenters; however, telecenters have been credited for serving different needs than private mobile technologies. Users and stakeholders are shaping new ways of access, and telecenters and mobile technologies can benefit from each other to address the issue of underserved communities’ access to information. The literature has not yet extensively addressed this topic. The study presented in this paper has the twofold goal to understand (i) how mobile technologies are used by telecenters to enhance their services to the public, and (ii) whether telecenter operators perceive mobile technologies as viable instruments to innovate telecenters and pursue community development goals. Informed by the Theory of Social Representations (SR), the study presents responses to a questionnaire to Brazilian telecenter operators. Results show that telecenter operators have a positive attitude towards adopting mobile technologies to extend their telecenters’ services and meet their development goals, especially in the areas of education, knowledge, information and communication

    Using photo-elicitation to explore social representations of community multimedia centers in Mozambique.

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    Ten Mozambican Community Multimedia Centers (CMCs) were investigated by analyzing Social Representations of users and staff members. Photo-elicitation, an underexplored methodological approach in the domain of Information and Communication Technologies for Development (ICT4D), was employed to conduct the study, and a three-step qualitative content analysis was performed on both visual and textual data. Results tend to confirm and build upon outcomes from the existing literature on Public Access Venues (PAVs). Local communities value these centers because they bring social recognition to people working or learning there. The venues are associated with a symbolism that extends from the social recognition of the individual to the development and social inclusion of the whole community, which, because of the presence of the venue, does not feel left behind. In this vein, the study also shows that the importance of CMCs is often not related to the newest technology available, but to the technology that reaches the most of the community. The study also highlights neglected dimensions of CMCs, such as the importance of the exterior appearance of the venue, and the perception of a switch in their nature from static centers funded by third parties towards more entrepreneurial-driven ones. The presented research also contributes to the ICT4D field by proposing a promising research protocol, which is able to elicit representations otherwise difficult to obtain

    Exploring the meanings of community multimedia centers in Mozambique : a social representations perspective

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    This article presents extensive research conducted in Mozambique that aims to deeply understand how different social groups understand community multimedia centers (CMCs), which are structures combining a community radio and a telecenter. The social representations theory was adopted to interpret narratives of 231 interviewees from 10 Mozambican provinces. Interviewees included representatives of initiating agencies, local staff members, CMC users (both the radio and telecenter components), users of only the community radio, and community members not using the CMCs. Following the analysis of transcribed interviews, six main clusters were identified, each of them shedding light on a specific understanding of a CMC. These are discussed according to a set of sociodemographic variables. This study suggests that the social representations theory is a valuable framework to provide an integrated view of ICT4D interventions by giving a voice to local perspectives without overlooking the initiating agencies’ expectations

    Balancing Urban Biodiversity Needs and Resident Preferences for Vacant Lot Management

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    Urban vacant lots are often a contentious feature in cities, seen as overgrown, messy eyesores that plague neighborhoods. We propose a shift in this perception to locations of urban potential, because vacant lots may serve as informal greenspaces that maximize urban biodiversity while satisfying residents’ preferences for their design and use. Our goal was to assess what kind of vacant lots are ecologically valuable by assessing their biotic contents and residents’ preferences within a variety of settings. We surveyed 150 vacant lots throughout Baltimore, Maryland for their plant and bird communities, classified the lot’s setting within the urban matrix, and surveyed residents. Remnant vacant lots had greater vegetative structure and bird species richness as compared to other lot origins, while vacant lot settings had limited effects on their contents. Residents preferred well-maintained lots with more trees and less artificial cover, support of which may increase local biodiversity in vacant lots. Collectively, we propose that vacant lots with a mixture of remnant and planted vegetation can act as sustainable urban greenspaces with the potential for some locations to enhance urban tree cover and bird habitat, while balancing the needs and preferences of city residents

    Hubungan Dukungan Keluarga Dengan Kepatuhan Mengkonsumsi Obat Antipsikotik Pada Pasien Yang Mengalami Gangguan Jiwa Di Poli Rawat Jalan RSJD Surakarta

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    Peran keluarga sangat penting terhadap pengobatan pasien gangguan jiwa, karena pada umumnya klien gangguan jiwa belum mampu mengatur dan mengetahui jadwal dan jenis obat yang akan diminum. Hasil observasi tingkat kepatuhan mengkonsumsi obat di RSJD Surakarta relatif rendah dimana 45% tidak tepat jadwal pengobatan dan mundur dari pengobatan. Keluarga harus selalu membimbing dan mengarahkannya, agar klien gangguan jiwa dapat minum obat dengan benar dan teratur. Dukungan keluarga sangat diperlukan oleh penderita gangguan jiwa dalam memotivasi mereka selama perawatan dan pengobatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan dukungan keluarga dengan kepatuhan mengkonsumsi obat antipsikotik pada pasien yang mengalami gangguan jiwa di poli rawat jalan RSJD Surakarta. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif korelatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi penelitian adalah pasien gangguan jiwa di poli rawat jalan RSJD Surakarta tahun 2011 sebanyak 2080 pasien. Sampel penelitian adalah 95 pasien yang mengalami gangguan jiwa di poli rawat jalan rumah sakit jiwa daerah Surakarta mengunakan metode purposive sampling. Instrumen penelitian adalah kuesioner dukungan keluarga yang adopsi dari Nursalam (2008) dan kepatuhan mengkonsumsi obat yang berdasarkan dari teori kepatuhan Niven (2002). Teknik analisis data menggunakan uji Spearman Rho. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa berdasarkan hasil uji Spearman Rho diperoleh nilai rhohitung sebesar 0,335 dengan tingkat signifikansi (p-value) 0,001. Nilai p-value lebih kecil dari 0,05 (0,001<0,005), maka H0 ditolak sehingga disimpulkan terdapat hubungan dukungan keluarga dengan kepatuhan mengkonsumsi obat antipsikotik pada pasien yang mengalami gangguan jiwa di poli rawat jalan Rumah Sakit jiwa Daerah Surakarta. Penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa: (1) dukungan keluarga dalam mengkonsumsi obat antipsikotik adalah cukup (66%), (2) kepatuhan mengkonsumsi obat antipsikotik adalah cukup patuh (62%), dan (3) terdapat hubungan dukungan keluarga dengan kepatuhan mengkonsumsi obat antipsikotik pada pasien yang mengalami gangguan jiwa di poli rawat jalan Rumah Sakit jiwa Daerah Surakarta

    Public Access Venues and Community Empowerment in Mozambique: A Social Representation Study

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    This article uses the theoretical construct of Social Representations to investigate how Community Multimedia Centres (CMCs) – venues that offer public access to Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) to underserved communities – are perceived by communities in Mozambique, and it discusses how the local population understands these venues as means to foster community empowerment and socio-economic development. In total 113 participants took part in the study, from six CMCs in different towns of Mozambique. Participants were represented from three different social groups, according to their use of the CMC: staff members, users of both CMC components – telecenter and radio - and radio-only users. The article analyses the Social Representations’ structure, using a Prototypical approach. Findings show that CMCs are seen by local communities as places at which they can receive and exchange information, and also as learning spaces, with the telecenter part focused on the delivery of ICT training and the radio component engaging with educational activities and services in a broader sense. Furthermore, CMCs are perceived as places dedicated almost exclusively to children and young people. The results of this study can help policy makers, practitioners, funding agencies and other relevant stakeholders to improve Mozambican CMCs and leverage their community empowerment potential

    Le competenze infermieristiche avanzate nel trattamento dello stroke in fase acuta in Italia. Strategia per l’identificazione (I parte)

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    Introduction: the goal of this study was to describe advanced nursing competences indicators for identification strategy in the stroke care in Italy and develop a survey tool. Problem: the new structure of the NHS and the needs expressed by patients increasingly require an advancement of the skills of health professionals. To this end the authors have identified and described a method for the detection of advanced nursing skills. Starting from the theoretical structure of AB Hamric have been identified analyzed and compared documents of a professionalizing and clinical from which have identified some categories. For each indicator have been identified one or more items and has been developed ad hoc questionnaire. At the end this was validated. Discussion: the methodology for the identification of the indicators has been efficacy in achieving the objectives. The strategy used in the study is reproducible, since traced to a theoretical model, and contextualized to any clinical setting, where there are secondary sources of evidencebased. It can also be adapted to post basic training course of a single reality. Conclusions: advanced clinical knowledge and skills, frequently without a formal recognition because of the complexity and instability of the patient, are used in the stroke care. Itís hoped to use the tool to verify the effectiveness and then play back the path in other clinical setting

    Information and Communication Flows through Community Multimedia Centers: Perspectives from Mozambican Communities.

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    Community multimedia centers (CMCs) are considered by initiating agencies as instruments able to inform, entertain and educate the population, as well as to offer them a voice into knowledge society and to public initiatives. This article presents a quali-quantitative content analysis of 230 interviews held with staff members, users of the venues, people of the community who listen to their radio component but do not use their telecenters, and community members not using CMCs. The sample includes 10 CMCs around Mozambique. The purpose of the study is to investigate the perception of local communities of inbound, outbound, and shared information and communication flows connected to CMCs. Results highlight how CMCs are perceived as inbound information enablers, mostly by means of their community radio component, and as means to share information and communication within the communities' boundaries. Yet, CMCs still do not appear to be widely recognized as participation means to a reality that transcends the communities' physical borders
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