181 research outputs found

    Analysis of the M-1 liquid hydrogen turbopump shaft critical whirling speed and bearing loads

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    Shaftwhirling critical speeds and bearing loads for model I and model II fuel turbopump

    Swine embryo culture and transfer for export to England

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    A major threat to swine enterprises is the possible introduction of disease when new breeding animals are purchased and introduced. So, methods of introducing new genetic material while minimizing the potential for introducing disease are needed. Transfer of embryos from a donor sow in another herd or country would minimize disease risks. Already used to introduce new breeding stock into Specific Pathogen Free herds and other closed herds, embryos now are placed in the recipient gilt’s or sow1s uterus within a few hours after their recovery from the donor. That method prevents export and limits application of swine embryo transfer in this country, so we evaluated the feasibility of using an in vitro culture system to store embryos between donor sows and recipient females.; Swine Day, Manhattan, KS, November 8, 197

    Collective Power to Create Political Change: Increasing the Political Efficacy and Engagement of Social Workers

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    Because social workers are called to challenge social injustices and create systemic change to support the well-being of individuals and communities, it is essential that social workers develop political efficacy: belief that the political system can work and they can influence the system. This study explored the impact of an intensive political social work curriculum on political efficacy and planned political engagement among social work students and practitioners. The findings suggest this model of delivering a political social work curriculum effectively increases internal, external, and overall political efficacy, and that increasing political efficacy has promise for increasing future political engagement

    Sport and transgender people: a systematic review of the literature relating to sport participation and competitive sport policies

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    Background Whether transgender people should be able to compete in sport in accordance with their gender identity is a widely contested question within the literature and among sport organisations, fellow competitors and spectators. Owing to concerns surrounding transgender people (especially transgender female individuals) having an athletic advantage, several sport organisations place restrictions on transgender competitors (e.g. must have undergone gender-confirming surgery). In addition, some transgender people who engage in sport, both competitively and for leisure, report discrimination and victimisation. Objective To the authors’ knowledge, there has been no systematic review of the literature pertaining to sport participation or competitive sport policies in transgender people. Therefore, this review aimed to address this gap in the literature. Method Eight research articles and 31 sport policies were reviewed. Results In relation to sport-related physical activity, this review found the lack of inclusive and comfortable environments to be the primary barrier to participation for transgender people. This review also found transgender people had a mostly negative experience in competitive sports because of the restrictions the sport’s policy placed on them. The majority of transgender competitive sport policies that were reviewed were not evidence based. Conclusion Currently, there is no direct or consistent research suggesting transgender female individuals (or male individuals) have an athletic advantage at any stage of their transition (e.g. cross-sex hormones, gender-confirming surgery) and, therefore, competitive sport policies that place restrictions on transgender people need to be considered and potentially revised

    Static Magnetic Field Therapy: A Critical Review of Treatment Parameters

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    Static magnetic field (SMF) therapy, applied via a permanent magnet attached to the skin, is used by people worldwide for self-care. Despite a lack of established SMF dosage and treatment regimens, multiple studies are conducted to evaluate SMF therapy effectiveness. Our objectives in conducting this review are to:(i) summarize SMF research conducted in humans; (ii) critically evaluate reporting quality of SMF dosages and treatment parameters and (iii) propose a set of criteria for reporting SMF treatment parameters in future clinical trials. We searched 27 electronic databases and reference lists. Only English language human studies were included. Excluded were studies of electromagnetic fields, transcranial magnetic stimulation, magnets placed on acupuncture points, animal studies, abstracts, posters and editorials. Data were extracted on clinical indication, study design and 10 essential SMF parameters. Three reviewers assessed quality of reporting and calculated a quality assessment score for each of the 10 treatment parameters. Fifty-six studies were reviewed, 42 conducted in patient populations and 14 in healthy volunteers. The SMF treatment parameters most often and most completely described were site of application, magnet support device and frequency and duration of application. Least often and least completely described were characteristics of the SMF: magnet dimensions, measured field strength and estimated distance of the magnet from the target tissue. Thirty-four (61%) of studies failed to provide enough detail about SMF dosage to permit protocol replication by other investigators. Our findings highlight the need to optimize SMF dosing parameters for individual clinical conditions before proceeding to a full-scale clinical trial

    Conversion of Iodide to Hypoiodous Acid and Iodine in Aqueous Microdroplets Exposed to Ozone

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    Halides are incorporated into aerosol sea spray, where they start the catalytic destruction of ozone (O3) over the oceans and affect the global troposphere. Two intriguing environmental problems undergoing continuous research are (1) to understand how reactive gas phase molecular halogens are directly produced from inorganic halides exposed to O3 and (2) to constrain the environmental factors that control this interfacial process. This paper presents a laboratory study of the reaction of O3 at variable iodide (I–) concentration (0.010–100 μM) for solutions aerosolized at 25 °C, which reveal remarkable differences in the reaction intermediates and products expected in sea spray for low tropospheric [O3]. The ultrafast oxidation of I– by O3 at the air–water interface of microdroplets is evidenced by the appearance of hypoiodous acid (HIO), iodite (IO2–), iodate (IO3–), triiodide (I3–), and molecular iodine (I2). Mass spectrometry measurements reveal an enhancement (up to 28%) in the dissolution of gaseous O3 at the gas–liquid interface when increasing the concentration of NaI or NaBr from 0.010 to 100 μM. The production of iodine species such as HIO and I2 from NaI aerosolized solutions exposed to 50 ppbv O3 can occur at the air–water interface of sea spray, followed by their transfer to the gas-phase, where they contribute to the loss of tropospheric ozone

    The Use of Genus-Specific Amplicon Pyrosequencing to Assess Phytophthora Species Diversity Using eDNA from Soil and Water in Northern Spain

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    [EN] Phytophthora is one of the most important and aggressive plant pathogenic genera in agriculture and forestry. Early detection and identification of its pathways of infection and spread are of high importance to minimize the threat they pose to natural ecosystems. eDNA was extracted from soil and water from forests and plantations in the north of Spain. Phytophthora-specific primers were adapted for use in high-throughput Sequencing (HTS). Primers were tested in a control reaction containing eight Phytophthora species and applied to water and soil eDNA samples from northern Spain. Different score coverage threshold values were tested for optimal Phytophthora species separation in a custom-curated database and in the control reaction. Clustering at 99% was the optimal criteria to separate most of the Phytophthora species. Multiple Molecular Operational Taxonomic Units (MOTUs) corresponding to 36 distinct Phytophthora species were amplified in the environmental samples. Pyrosequencing of amplicons from soil samples revealed low Phytophthora diversity (13 species) in comparison with the 35 species detected in water samples. Thirteen of the MOTUs detected in rivers and streams showed no close match to sequences in international sequence databases, revealing that eDNA pyrosequencing is a useful strategy to assess Phytophthora species diversity in natural ecosystems.This project has been supported by the Instituto Nacional de Investigacion y Tecnologia Agraria y Alimentaria (EUPHRESCO-CEP: "Current and Emerging Phytophthoras: Research Supporting Risk Assessment And Risk Management"). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.Català, S.; Pérez Sierra, AM.; Abad Campos, P. (2015). The Use of Genus-Specific Amplicon Pyrosequencing to Assess Phytophthora Species Diversity Using eDNA from Soil and Water in Northern Spain. 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