316 research outputs found

    Dark Matter Halo Profiles in Scale-Free Cosmologies

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    We explore the dependence of the central logarithmic slope of dark matter halo density profiles α\alpha on the spectral index nn of the linear matter power spectrum P(k)P(k) using cosmological NN-body simulations of scale-free models (i.e. P(k)knP(k) \propto k^n). For each of our simulations we identify samples of well resolved haloes in dynamical equilibrium and we analyse their mass profiles. By parameterising the mass profile using a ``generalised'' Navarro, Frenk & White profile in which the central logarithmic slope α\alpha is allowed to vary while preserving the r3r^{-3} asymptotic form at large radii, we obtain preferred central slopes for haloes in each of our models. There is a strong correlation between α\alpha and nn, such that α\alpha becomes shallower as nn becomes steeper. However, if we normalise our mass profiles by r2r_{-2}, the radius at which the logarithmic slope of the density profile is -2, we find that these differences are no longer present. We conclude that there is no evidence for convergence to a unique central asymptotic slope, at least on the scales that we can resolve.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Spectral simplicity and asymptotic separation of variables

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    We describe a method for comparing the real analytic eigenbranches of two families of quadratic forms that degenerate as t tends to zero. One of the families is assumed to be amenable to `separation of variables' and the other one not. With certain additional assumptions, we show that if the families are asymptotic at first order as t tends to 0, then the generic spectral simplicity of the separable family implies that the eigenbranches of the second family are also generically one-dimensional. As an application, we prove that for the generic triangle (simplex) in Euclidean space (constant curvature space form) each eigenspace of the Laplacian is one-dimensional. We also show that for all but countably many t, the geodesic triangle in the hyperbolic plane with interior angles 0, t, and t, has simple spectrum.Comment: 53 pages, 2 figure

    Detecting deceptive reviews using argumentation

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    The unstoppable rise of social networks and the web is facing a serious challenge: identifying the truthfulness of online opinions and reviews. In this paper we use Argumentation Frameworks (AFs) extracted from reviews and explore whether the use of these AFs can improve the performance of machine learning techniques in detecting deceptive behaviour, resulting from users lying in order to mislead readers. The AFs represent how arguments from reviews relate to arguments from other reviews as well as to arguments about the goodness of the items being reviewed

    Spatially valid proprioceptive cues improve the detection of a visual stimulus

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    Vision and proprioception are the main sensory modalities that convey hand location and direction of movement. Fusion of these sensory signals into a single robust percept is now well documented. However, it is not known whether these modalities also interact in the spatial allocation of attention, which has been demonstrated for other modality pairings. The aim of this study was to test whether proprioceptive signals can spatially cue a visual target to improve its detection. Participants were instructed to use a planar manipulandum in a forward reaching action and determine during this movement whether a near-threshold visual target appeared at either of two lateral positions. The target presentation was followed by a masking stimulus, which made its possible location unambiguous, but not its presence. Proprioceptive cues were given by applying a brief lateral force to the participant’s arm, either in the same direction (validly cued) or in the opposite direction (invalidly cued) to the on-screen location of the mask. The d′ detection rate of the target increased when the direction of proprioceptive stimulus was compatible with the location of the visual target compared to when it was incompatible. These results suggest that proprioception influences the allocation of attention in visual spac

    Characterizing K2 planet discoveries : a super-Earth transiting the bright K dwarf HIP 116454

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    We report the first planet discovery from the two-wheeled Kepler (K2) mission: HIP 116454 b. The host star HIP 116454 is a bright (V = 10.1, K = 8.0) K1 dwarf with high proper motion and a parallax-based distance of 55.2 ± 5.4 pc. Based on high-resolution optical spectroscopy, we find that the host star is metal-poor with [Fe/H] =–0.16 ± 0.08 and has a radius R = 0.716 ± 0.024 R ☉ and mass M = 0.775 ± 0.027 M ☉. The star was observed by the Kepler spacecraft during its Two-Wheeled Concept Engineering Test in 2014 February. During the 9 days of observations, K2 observed a single transit event. Using a new K2 photometric analysis technique, we are able to correct small telescope drifts and recover the observed transit at high confidence, corresponding to a planetary radius of pR = 2.53 ± 0.18 R ⊕. Radial velocity observations with the HARPS-N spectrograph reveal a 11.82 ± 1.33 M ⊕ planet in a 9.1 day orbit, consistent with the transit depth, duration, and ephemeris. Follow-up photometric measurements from the MOST satellite confirm the transit observed in the K2 photometry and provide a refined ephemeris, making HIP 116454 b amenable for future follow-up observations of this latest addition to the growing population of transiting super-Earths around nearby, bright stars.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Planet Hunters. VIII. Characterization of 41 Long-Period Exoplanet Candidates from Kepler Archival Data

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    The census of exoplanets is incomplete for orbital distances larger than 1 AU. Here, we present 41 long-period planet candidates in 38 systems identified by Planet Hunters based on Kepler archival data (Q0-Q17). Among them, 17 exhibit only one transit, 14 have two visible transits and 10 have more than three visible transits. For planet candidates with only one visible transit, we estimate their orbital periods based on transit duration and host star properties. The majority of the planet candidates in this work (75%) have orbital periods that correspond to distances of 1-3 AU from their host stars. We conduct follow-up imaging and spectroscopic observations to validate and characterize planet host stars. In total, we obtain adaptive optics images for 33 stars to search for possible blending sources. Six stars have stellar companions within 4". We obtain high-resolution spectra for 6 stars to determine their physical properties. Stellar properties for other stars are obtained from the NASA Exoplanet Archive and the Kepler Stellar Catalog by Huber et al. (2014). We validate 7 planet candidates that have planet confidence over 0.997 (3-{\sigma} level). These validated planets include 3 single-transit planets (KIC-3558849b, KIC-5951458b, and KIC-8540376c), 3 planets with double transits (KIC-8540376b, KIC-9663113b, and KIC-10525077b), and 1 planet with 4 transits (KIC-5437945b). This work provides assessment regarding the existence of planets at wide separations and the associated false positive rate for transiting observation (17%-33%). More than half of the long-period planets with at least three transits in this paper exhibit transit timing variations up to 41 hours, which suggest additional components that dynamically interact with the transiting planet candidates. The nature of these components can be determined by follow-up radial velocity and transit observations.Comment: Published on ApJ, 815, 127 Notations of validated planets are changed in accordance with naming convention of NASA Exoplanet Archiv

    A comparison of self-reported and device measured sedentary behaviour in adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    © 2020 The Authors. Published by BMC. This is an open access article available under a Creative Commons licence. The published version can be accessed at the following link on the publisher’s website: https://doi.org/10.1186/s12966-020-00938-3BACKGROUND:Sedentary behaviour (SB) is a risk factor for chronic disease and premature mortality. While many individual studies have examined the reliability and validity of various self-report measures for assessing SB, it is not clear, in general, how self-reported SB (e.g., questionnaires, logs, ecological momentary assessments (EMAs)) compares to device measures (e.g., accelerometers, inclinometers). OBJECTIVE:The primary objective of this systematic review was to compare self-report versus device measures of SB in adults. METHODS:Six bibliographic databases were searched to identify all studies which included a comparable self-report and device measure of SB in adults. Risk of bias within and across studies was assessed. Results were synthesized using meta-analyses. RESULTS:The review included 185 unique studies. A total of 123 studies comprising 173 comparisons and data from 55,199 participants were used to examine general criterion validity. The average mean difference was -105.19 minutes/day (95% CI: -127.21, -83.17); self-report underestimated sedentary time by ~1.74 hours/day compared to device measures. Self-reported time spent sedentary at work was ~40 minutes higher than when assessed by devices. Single item measures performed more poorly than multi-item questionnaires, EMAs and logs/diaries. On average, when compared to inclinometers, multi-item questionnaires, EMAs and logs/diaries were not significantly different, but had substantial amount of variability (up to 6 hours/day within individual studies) with approximately half over-reporting and half under-reporting. A total of 54 studies provided an assessment of reliability of a self-report measure, on average the reliability was good (ICC = 0.66). CONCLUSIONS:Evidence from this review suggests that single-item self-report measures generally underestimate sedentary time when compared to device measures. For accuracy, multi-item questionnaires, EMAs and logs/diaries with a shorter recall period should be encouraged above single item questions and longer recall periods if sedentary time is a primary outcome of study. Users should also be aware of the high degree of variability between and within tools. Studies should exert caution when comparing associations between different self-report and device measures with health outcomes. SYSTEMATIC REVIEW REGISTRATION:PROSPERO CRD42019118755.Dr. Stephanie Prince was funded by a Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) – Public Health Agency of Canada Health System Impact Fellowship. Dr. Jennifer Reed is funded, in part, by a CIHR New Investigator Salary Award. Dr. Jennifer Reed was awarded a Planning and Dissemination Grant (#150435) from the CIHR to support Open Access publication charges.Published versio

    Global impact of nitrate photolysis in sea-salt aerosol on NOx, OH, and O3 in the marine boundary layer

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    Recent field studies have suggested that sea-salt particulate nitrate (NITs) photolysis may act as a significant local source of nitrogen oxides (NOx) over oceans. We present a study of the global impact of this process on oxidant concentrations in the marine boundary layer (MBL) using the GEOS-Chem model, after first updating the model to better simulate observed gas-particle phase partitioning of nitrate in the marine boundary layer. Model comparisons with long-term measurements of NOx from the Cape Verde Atmospheric Observatory (CVAO) in the eastern tropical North Atlantic provide support for an in situ source of NOx from NITs photolysis, with NITs photolysis coefficients about 25-50 times larger than corresponding HNO3 photolysis coefficients. Short-term measurements of nitrous acid (HONO) at this location show a clear daytime peak, with average peak mixing ratios ranging from 3 to 6 pptv. The model reproduces the general shape of the diurnal HONO profile only when NITs photolysis is included, but the magnitude of the daytime peak mixing ratio is under-predicted. This under-prediction is somewhat reduced if HONO yields from NITs photolysis are assumed to be close to unity. The combined NOx and HONO analysis suggests that the upper limit of the ratio of NITs : HNO3 photolysis coefficients is about 100. The largest simulated relative impact of NITs photolysis is in the tropical and subtropical marine boundary layer, with peak local enhancements ranging from factors of 5 to 20 for NOx, 1.2 to 1.6 for OH, and 1.1 to 1.3 for ozone. Since the spatial extent of the sea-salt aerosol (SSA) impact is limited, global impacts on NOx, ozone, and OH mass burdens are small ( ∼ 1-3 %). We also present preliminary analysis showing that particulate nitrate photolysis in accumulation-mode aerosols (predominantly over continental regions) could lead to ppbv-level increases in ozone in the continental boundary layer. Our results highlight the need for more comprehensive long-term measurements of NOx, and related species like HONO and sea-salt particulate nitrate, to better constrain the impact of particulate nitrate photolysis on marine boundary layer oxidant chemistry. Further field and laboratory studies on particulate nitrate photolysis in other aerosol types are also needed to better understand the impact of this process on continental boundary layer oxidant chemistry

    A comparison of self-reported and device measured sedentary behaviour in adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Background: Sedentary behaviour (SB) is a risk factor for chronic disease and premature mortality. While many individual studies have examined the reliability and validity of various self-report measures for assessing SB, it is not clear, in general, how self-reported SB (e.g., questionnaires, logs, ecological momentary assessments (EMAs)) compares to device measures (e.g., accelerometers, inclinometers). Objective: The primary objective of this systematic review was to compare self-report versus device measures of SB in adults. Methods: Six bibliographic databases were searched to identify all studies which included a comparable self-report and device measure of SB in adults. Risk of bias within and across studies was assessed. Results were synthesized using meta-analyses. Results: The review included 185 unique studies. A total of 123 studies comprising 173 comparisons and data from 55,199 participants were used to examine general criterion validity. The average mean difference was -105.19 minutes/day (95% CI: -127.21, -83.17); self-report underestimated sedentary time by ~1.74 hours/day compared to device measures. Self-reported time spent sedentary at work was ~40 minutes higher than when assessed by devices. Single item measures performed more poorly than multi-item questionnaires, EMAs and logs/diaries. On average, when compared to inclinometers, multi-item questionnaires, EMAs and logs/diaries were not significantly different, but had substantial amount of variability (up to 6 hours/day within individual studies) with approximately half over-reporting and half under-reporting. A total of 54 studies provided an assessment of reliability of a self-report measure, on average the reliability was good (ICC = 0.66). Conclusions: Evidence from this review suggests that single-item self-report measures generally underestimate sedentary time when compared to device measures. For accuracy, multi-item questionnaires, EMAs and logs/diaries with a shorter recall period should be encouraged above single item questions and longer recall periods if sedentary time is a primary outcome of study. Users should also be aware of the high degree of variability between and within tools. Studies should exert caution when comparing associations between different self-report and device measures with health outcomes. Systematic review registration: PROSPERO CRD4201911875