306 research outputs found

    Reaction of Ph2C(X)(CO2H) (X = OH, NH2) with [VO(OR)3] (R = Et, nPr): Structure, magnetic susceptibility and ROP capability

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    Reaction of [VO(OR)3] (R = Et, nPr) with 2,2′-diphenylglycine afforded the alkoxide-bridged dimers {[VO(OR)(μ-OR)][Ph2C(NH2)(CO2)]}2, whereas use of benzilic acid, in the presence of alkali metals, afforded 16-membered metallocycles {V8(O)4M(OR)8[Ph2C(OH)(CO2)]12} (M = <1 Na, K). For the ring systems, magnetic susceptibility data is consistent with mixed-valence vanadium with an average oxidation state of 3.5. The dimer and ring systems are capable of the ring opening polymerisation (ROP) of ϵ-caprolactone under N2, air, or as melts affording mostly low to medium molecular weight cyclic and linear products

    Pillared two-dimensional metal-organic frameworks based on a lower-rim acid appended calix[4]arene

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    Solvothermal reactions of the lower-rim functionalized diacid calix[4]arene 25,27-bis(methoxycarboxylic acid)-26,28-dihydroxy-4-tert-butylcalix[4]arene (LH₂) with Zn(NO₃)₂•6H₂O and the dipyridyl ligands 4,4/-bipyridyl (4,4/-bipy), 1,2-di(4-pyridyl)ethylene (DPE) or 4,4/-azopyridyl (4,4/-azopy) afforded a series of 2-D structures of the formulae {[Zn(4,4/-bipy)(L)]•2¼DEF}n (1), {[Zn₂(L)(DPE)]•DEF}n (2) and {[Zn(OH₂)₂(L)(4,4/-azopy)]•DEF}n (3) (DEF = diethylformamide)

    Measures of satisfaction with care during labour and birth: a comparative review

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    Background Satisfaction is the one of the most frequently reported outcome measures for quality of care. Assessment of satisfaction with maternity services is crucial, and psychometrically sound measures are needed if this is to inform health practices. This paper comparatively reviews current measures of satisfaction with care during labour and birth. Methods A review of the literature was conducted. Studies were located through computerised databases and hand searching references of identified articles and reviews. Inclusion criteria were that the questionnaire was a multi-item scale of satisfaction with care during labour and birth, and some form of psychometric information (either information about questionnaire construction, or reliability, or validity) had to be reported. Results Nine questionnaires of satisfaction with care during labour and birth were identified. Instruments varied in psychometric properties and dimensions. Most described questionnaire construction and tested some form of reliability and validity. Measures were generally not based on the main theoretical models of satisfaction and varied in scope and application to different types of samples (e.g. satisfaction following caesarean section). For an in-depth measure of satisfaction with intrapartum care, the Intrapartal-Specific Quality from the Patient’s Perspective questionnaire (QPP-I) is recommended. Brief measures with good reliability and validity are provided by the Six Simple Questions (SSQ) or Perceptions of Care Adjective Checklist (PCACL-R). Conclusions Despite the interest in measures of satisfaction there are only a small number of validated measures of satisfaction with care during labour and birth. It is important that brief, reliable and valid measures are available for use in general and specific populations in order to assist research and inform practice

    Needs assessment to strengthen capacity in water and sanitation research in Africa:experiences of the African SNOWS consortium

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    Despite its contribution to global disease burden, diarrhoeal disease is still a relatively neglected area for research funding, especially in low-income country settings. The SNOWS consortium (Scientists Networked for Outcomes from Water and Sanitation) is funded by the Wellcome Trust under an initiative to build the necessary research skills in Africa. This paper focuses on the research training needs of the consortium as identified during the first three years of the project

    Seeing the baby, doing family: commercial ultrasound as family practice?

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    Medical sociologists and anthropologists have studied the social significance of obstetric ultrasound for families but little is known about how women and families make use of commercially available ultrasound scans. This article draws on interviews with women who booked a scan with a commercial company in the UK. For some women, commercial ultrasound can be understood as a family practice. We investigate this theme by examining who accompanies women to commercial scan appointments, how scan images are shared and how sonograms are used as prompts to resemblance talk. We argue that commercial scans are more than an additional opportunity to acquire ‘baby’s first picture’ and offer a flexible resource to do family, creating and affirming family relationships and rehearsing roles as parents, siblings and grandparents. Our findings confirm the importance of imagination in doing family and raise questions about the role of technology and commercial interests in shaping family practices

    “Janus” Calixarenes: Double-Sided Molecular Linkers for Facile, Multianchor Point, Multifunctional, Surface Modification

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    We herein report the synthesis of novel “Janus” calix[4]arenes bearing four “molecular tethering” functional groups on either the upper or lower rims of the calixarene. These enable facile multipoint covalent attachment to electrode surfaces with monolayer coverage. The other rim of the calixarenes bear either four azide or four ethynyl functional groups, which are easily modified by the copper(I)-catalyzed azide–alkyne cycloaddition reaction (CuAAC), either pre- or postsurface modification, enabling these conical, nanocavity reactor sites to be decorated with a wide range of substrates to impart desired chemical properties. Redox active species decorating the peripheral rim are shown to be electrically connected by the calixarene to the electrode surface in either “up” or “down” orientations of the calixarene

    Revising acute care systems and processes to improve breastfeeding and maternal postnatal health: a pre and post intervention study in one English maternity unit

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    Background Most women in the UK give birth in a hospital labour ward, following which they are transferred to a postnatal ward and discharged home within 24 to 48 hours of the birth. Despite policy and guideline recommendations to support planned, effective postnatal care, national surveys of women’s views of maternity care have consistently found in-patient postnatal care, including support for breastfeeding, is poorly rated. Methods Using a Continuous Quality Improvement approach, routine antenatal, intrapartum and postnatal care systems and processes were revised to support implementation of evidence based postnatal practice. To identify if implementation of a multi-faceted QI intervention impacted on outcomes, data on breastfeeding initiation and duration, maternal health and women’s views of care, were collected in a pre and post intervention longitudinal survey. Primary outcomes included initiation, overall duration and duration of exclusive breastfeeding. Secondary outcomes included maternal morbidity, experiences and satisfaction with care. As most outcomes of interest were measured on a nominal scale, these were compared pre and post intervention using logistic regression. Results Data were obtained on 741/1160 (64%) women at 10 days post-birth and 616 (54%) at 3 months post-birth pre-intervention, and 725/1153 (63%) and 575 (50%) respectively postintervention. Post intervention there were statistically significant differences in the initiation (p = 0.050), duration of any breastfeeding (p = 0.020) and duration of exclusive breastfeeding to 10 days (p = 0.038) and duration of any breastfeeding to three months (p = 0.016). Post intervention, women were less likely to report physical morbidity within the first 10 days of birth, and were more positive about their in-patient care. Conclusions It is possible to improve outcomes of routine in-patient care within current resources through continuous quality improvement

    Are women birthing in New South Wales hospitals satisfied with their care?

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    Abstract Background Surveys of satisfaction with maternity care among Australian women have been conducted using overnight inpatient surveys and dedicated maternity surveys in a number of Australian states and territories, however to date no information on satisfaction with maternity care has been published for women birthing in New South Wales. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of pregnancy and birth characteristics, hospital location and type of care provision on patient satisfaction with hospital care at the time of birth. Results Analysis of responses from 5,367 obstetric patients completing overnight patient surveys between 2007 and 2011 revealed three quarters of women were satisfied with care provided in hospital. Compared with women who had previously given birth, first-time mothers were more likely to recommend their birth hospital to friends and family (60.5% versus 56.4%; P<0.05), less likely to have experienced differing messages from staff (44.8% vs 59.4%; P<0.001), and less likely to feel they had received sufficient information about feeding (58.8% vs 65.0%; P<0.001) and caring for their babies (52.4% vs 65.2%; P<0.001). Women having a caesarean birth were more likely to have a negative experience of differing messages from doctors and nurses than women giving birth vaginally (52.7% vs 44.3%; P<0.001). While metropolitan women were more likely to rate their birth hospital positively (76.0% vs. 71.3%; P<0.05) than their rural counterparts, rural women tended to rate the care they received (68.1% vs. 63.4%; P<0.05), and doctors (70.7% vs 61.1%; P<0.05) and nurses (73.5% vs. 66.9%; P<0.001) more highly than metropolitan women. Conclusions The overall picture of maternity care satisfaction in New South Wales is a positive one, with three quarters of women satisfied with care. The differences in care ratings among some subgroups of women (for instance, by parity and rurality) may assist in targeting allocation of resources to improve maternity satisfaction. Further resources could be dedicated to ensuring consistency and amount of information provided, particularly to first-time mothers.Australian Research Council Future Fellowship (#FT120100069)