73 research outputs found

    Working memory capacity and the acquisition of a syntactic structure in L2 speech

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Comunicação e Expressão, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras/Inglês e Literatura Correspondente, Florianópolis, 2009.Este estudo investiga se há relação entre a capacidade de memória de trabalho e a aquisição (analisada em duas fases, um da retenção da regra e outro da aquisição em si) de uma estrutura sintática na fala em L2. Partindo da teoria do processamento da informação (por exemplo, McLaughlin & Heredia, 1996) a fala em L2 é conceitualizada como uma habilidade complexa que requer o funcionamento de processos automáticos e controlados para sua execução (Fortkamp, 2000; Shiffrin & Schneider, 1977). A hipótese geral que norteia o trabalho é de que a capacidade de memória de trabalho, medida por um teste de amplitude da fala em L1 e em L2, correlacionará com a retenção e aquisição de uma estrutura sintática na fala em L2. Noventa e sete estudantes adultos de inglês como idioma estrangeiro participaram no estudo, 50 no grupo de controle e 47 no experimental. O método usado foi quase-experimental e predominantemente quantitativo e correlacional. Seguindo sugestões de um estudo piloto (Finardi, 2007), a estrutura alvo investigada foi concordar usando as fórmulas So+aux+I e Neither+aux+I nas respostas curtas da fala em L2. A retenção de uma estrutura sintática na fala em L2 foi operacionalizada como o uso correto dessa estrutura numa tarefa focada e imediata. A aquisição, por sua vez, foi operacionalizada como o uso correto dessa estrutura em uma tarefa não focada e não imediata. Em geral os resultados mostram que a capacidade de memória de trabalho (medida através de testes de amplitude de fala em L1 e em L2) está relacionada com a aquisição dessa estrutura sintática na fala em L2. Os resultados do estudo sugerem que a aquisição dessa regra sintática é mediada pela capacidade de memória de trabalho que opera com processos controlados no sistema baseado na produção de regras. Não obstante a relação entre a capacidade de memória de trabalho e a aquisição de uma estrutura sintática na fala em L2, o estudo complementa a explicação da aquisição dessa estrutura feita pela psicologia cognitiva com estudos de processamento sintático em L2 partindo de um arcabouço linguístico. Os resultados do estudo são discutidos em termos da complexidade linguística e psicolinguística da estrutura sintática investigada em relação à capacidade de memória de trabalho, ao processamento da forma e do significado, a aquisição de uma regra pelo sistema baseado na produção de regras, a variações linguísticas entre L1 e L2 e a limitações na fala em L2, apresentando dados quantitativos e qualitativos para embasar a discussão

    Current Trends in ELT and Affordances of the Inverted CLIL Approach

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    The aim of the study is to review current trends in English Language Teaching (ELT) technologies and methodologies to analyze affordances of an approach proposed by Finardi (in press) and called the Inverted CLIL approach. With that aim, the study reviews ELT technologies and methodologies in general and the Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) approach with the use of Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs) and the Inverted Classroom approach in particular. A teaching project based on the Inverted CLIL approach to teach Sustainability through English as a foreign language is elaborated as an example. Results of the study suggest that technologies have a crucial role in language teaching and should be critically incorporated in ELT methodologies. Moreover, the analysis of the Inverted CLIL approach suggests that it represents a relevant alternative for ELT and a good example of the incorporation of technology in current ELT methodologies

    Internacionalización desde una perspectiva del sur, crítica y emancipadora

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    This experience report discusses the production, evaluation and circulation of knowledge in Latin America, focusing on the role of the internationalization of higher education and languages in these processes. With this objective, I begin the discussion by bringing bibliometric evidence from two works in press to illustrate and discuss these relationships from the perspective of southern epistemologies, arguing in favor of an ecology of knowledge and languages in the internationalization of higher education in the Global South and in Latin America. Academic production on internationalization constitutes an interdisciplinary area that is still expanding and whose recognition is still incipient and strongly influenced by the Global North, as can be seen in the number of citations of authors from that region. The constitution of an epistemology of the South, evidenced in the citations of articles produced by authors from the region, seems to be hampered since cooperation between Latin American authors is small and much smaller than cooperation between Latin American authors with the Global North, a situation that reinforces and perpetuates the status quo and the reverberation of theories and epistemologies alien to the ecosystem of the South. The discussion concludes that in order to allow the constitution of epistemologies of the South in an ecology of knowledge and languages, fostering a more critical and emancipatory internationalization process in Latin America, it is necessary to review and decolonize the strategies of internationalization and the production, circulation and evaluation of knowledge in that region.Este relato de experiencia discute la producción, evaluación y circulación del conocimiento en América Latina enfocándose en el papel de la internacionalización de la educación superior y los idiomas en estos procesos. Con ese objetivo, empiezo la discusión trayendo evidencias bibliométricas de dos trabajos en proceso de publicación para ilustrar y discutir esas relaciones desde la perspectiva de las epistemologías del sur, argumentando a favor de una ecología del conocimiento y de las lenguas en la internacionalización de la educación superior en el Sur Global y en América Latina. La producción académica sobre la internacionalización constituye un área interdisciplinar que aún se encuentra en expansión y cuyo reconocimiento aún es incipiente y fuertemente influenciado por el Norte Global, como se puede ver en el número de citas de autores de esa región. La constitución de una epistemología del sur, evidenciada en las citas de artículos producidos por autores de la región, parece estar obstaculizada ya que la cooperación entre autores latinoamericanos es pequeña y mucho menor que la cooperación entre autores latinoamericanos con el Norte Global, una situación que refuerza y perpetúa el statu quo y lareverberación de teorías y epistemologías ajenas al ecosistema del sur. La discusión concluye que, para permitir la constitución de epistemologías del Sur en una ecología de saberes y lenguas, fomentando una internacionalización más crítica y emancipadora en América Latina, es necesario revisar y descolonizar las estrategias de internacionalización y de la producción, circulación y evaluación del conocimiento en esa región

    Teachers´use of and beliefs on ludic language in the foreign language class

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Comunicação e Expressão. Programa de Pós-graduação em Letras/Inglês e Literatura CorrespondenteBased on the assumption that to better understand teaching we must comprehend the beliefs held by teachers (Freeman & Richards, 1996), and specifically in the case of language teachers the beliefs about language (Woods, 1993), this research focuses on the relation between the use of and the beliefs on a specific kind of language, namely, ludic language, of two EFL teachers. In order to investigate that, two experienced EFL teachers were observed for a semester, during which field notes were taken and audio-tapes recorded. Episodes of ludic language were identified in the recordings and transcribed to be used in the second stage of this study when they were shown to the teachers so as to stimulate their reflection on their action and express some of their beliefs about this kind of language. This study adopted a qualitative, ethnography-oriented paradigm and has an interpretive and descriptive nature

    Meeting the Other in Literature and ELT through the Critical Analysis of a Short Story

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    This paper reflects about the role of English, Literature and teachers’ beliefs in English language teaching (ELT), addressing notions of native speakerism and Otherness in the critical analysis of James Kirkup’s (1994) short story “The Teacher of American Business English”. The methodology is qualitative and based on Content/Discourse Analysis linking the themes addressed in the story to the literature review that includes the role of English, the contact of languages and cultures, the development of beliefs and identities, and the socio-historical context of such occurrences. The critical analysis shows evidence of prejudiced practices and discourses about the varieties and differences of cultures and languages by the main character in the short story. The study concludes that the views found in the story may be representative of many hegemonic, prejudice views of cultures and languages found in pedagogical practices around the world and as such contributes to the critical reflection on the role of English, Literature and teacher’s beliefs as well as the power of critical analysis based on Literature to aid intercultural encounters/meeting the Other


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    This paper discusses the interface between internationalization and language policies in general in Brazil by looking for evidence and traces of evidence in a local context. More specifically, Brazilian national programs such as the Science without Borders (SwB), the Languages without Borders (LwB) and the Capes PrInt call are analysed in the national context, as evidence of national policies. Then, the analysis and discussion zooms in a local context to find evidence of these policies in the recently approved internationalization and language policies of the Federal University of Espirito Santo (UFES) located in the Southeast of Brazil. Overall the analysis concludes that UFES internationalization and language policies are related and aligned with national policies having been induced by them in a reactive way.KEYWORDS: internationalization; language policies; UFES

    Habitus and Teacher Education in Higher Education: Reflections of a Supervisor and a Master Student during Teaching Internship

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    The paper reflects on the role of the Teaching Internship in the teacher education program based on the perceptions of a professor and a teacher assistant working together in the undergraduate Supervised Internship course during remote emergency teaching (ERT). The professor involved worked in the discipline as principal teacher/master advisor/supervisor of the teaching internship and the other teacher worked as assistant professor/master student/intern in teaching. Using autoethnography techniques with records made by the professor and the teacher involved in the discipline in their reflection diaries, excerpts from their experience were chosen to illustrate the discussion/reflection on the role of the Teaching Internship in teacher education. Bourdieu’s concept of habitus is used in the interpretative analysis, concluding that the experiences lived by the two teachers are permeated and built through the habitus that shaped the interpretation and education of the teachers involved.

    Pandemic language teaching : insights from Brazilian and international teachers on the pivot to emergency remote instruction

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    This article reflects on the experiences lived by language teachers from Brazil, Spain, France, Cyprus, Costa Rica and Taiwan during the pivot to emergency remote/online instruction during the 2020 pandemic. The research question motivating the study was what language teachers' perceptions regarding online teaching during the pandemic are. Data were analyzed qualitatively, contrasting data from a questionnaire shared in an asynchronous online form with data from focus group interviews carried out via videoconferencing. The analysis of the questionnaire data showed that the vast majority of respondents used different digital technologies to teach online, both synchronously and asynchronously, but felt unprepared to work in this modality mostly because of lack of institutional support and training. The analysis of the focus group interviews suggests that most teachers expressed concerns as to the limitations of online teaching for interaction and exams. In addition, some teachers have a negative attitude towards online teaching due to the lack of preparation and institutional support. This was aggravated by political implications of migrating to online education that could result in precariousness of the teacher profession. The positive aspects highlighted were the possibility of developing more self-directed and autonomous learning, as well as experimenting with different technologies and approaches. Overall, the analysis of the data suggests that, after the pandemic and with due preparation and support, some of the digital technologies and approaches experimented with during will be incorporated into pedagogical practices in blended approaches, which represent a real trend and possibility for language teaching in the post-pandemic context

    Internacionalizando-se: os desafios para os Institutos Federais de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Brasil

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    The present study assumes that, in a globalized world, the view of English as an international language and internationalization initiatives are essential to foster social capital and the circulation of academic production worldwide. The aim of this study is twofold: to offer a meta-summary analysis of some studies which investigated the internalization of Brazilian higher education carried out mostly in federal universities, and, based on this analysis, to draw considerations regarding the challenges faced by the Brazilian Federal Institutes of Education, Science and Technology (IFs) to go international. In order to do so, a meta-summary approach was used to appraise and synthesize the main findings of the five studies included in the synthesis. In addition, a semi-structured questionnaire was administered to two IFs representatives as an attempt to unveil which internationalization initiatives have been put into practice. Data of the questionnaire was analyzed qualitatively and a discussion is provided taking into account the nature of the programs and actions offered by these institutions to go international as well as the challenges they have faced so far.El presente estudio está basado en las suposiciones de que, en el ecenario globalizado actual, la visión del inglés como lengua internacional y las iniciativas de internacionalización, son esenciales para la construcción de capital social y para facilitar la circulación de la producción académica en todo el mundo. Con eso en mente, el objetivo de este estudio es doble: ofrecer una meta-análisis de estudios que investigaron la internacionalización de la enseñanza superior brasileña en universidades federales y con base en esa meta-análisis, elaborar consideraciones sobre los desafios enfrentados por los Institutos Federales de Educación, Ciencia y Tecnología (IFs) para internacionalizarse. Para aquello, fue utilizado un abordaje de meta-análisis para evaluar y sintetizar los principales resultados de los cinco estudios incluidos en la síntesis. Sumado a lo anterior, un questionario semiestructurado fue aplicado al equipo de la administración de dos de los IFs en un intento de develar cuáles fueron las iniciativas de internacionalización implementadas en ese contexto. Los datos del questionario fueron analizados cualitativamente y una discusión de los datos fue disponibilizada tomando en consideración la naturaleza de los programas y acciones ofrecidas por esas instituciones para internacionalizarse, como también, los desafios que enfrentan en esta jornada.O presente estudo baseia-se no pressuposto de que, no atual cenário de globalização, a visão do inglês como língua internacional e as iniciativas de internacionalização são essenciais para a construção de capital social e para promover a circulação da produção acadêmica. Com isso em mente, o objetivo deste estudo é duplo: oferecer uma meta-análise de uma série de estudos que investigaram a internacionalização do ensino superior brasileiro em universidades federais e, com base nessa meta-análise, elaborar considerações sobre os desafios enfrentados pelos Institutos Federais de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia (IFs) para se internacionalizarem. Para isso, foi utilizada uma abordagem de meta-análise para avaliar e sintetizar os principais resultados dos cinco estudos incluídos na síntese. Além disso, um questionário semi-estruturado foi aplicado à representantes de dois IFs em uma tentativa de desvendar quais iniciativas de internacionalização foram implementadas nesse contexto. Os dados do questionário foram analisados qualitativamente e uma discussão dos dados foi fornecida levando em consideração a natureza dos programas e ações oferecidos por essas instituições para se internacionalizarem, bem como os desafios que enfrentaram nesta jornada

    Internationalization and Language Policies in Brazil: evidence of the interface at UFES

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    This paper discusses the interface between internationalization and language policies in general in Brazil by looking for evidence and traces of evidence in a local context. More specifically, Brazilian national programs such as the Science without Borders (SwB), the Languages without Borders (LwB) and the Capes PrInt call are analysed in the national context, as evidence of national policies. Then, the analysis and discussion zooms in a local context to find evidence of these policies in the recently approved internationalization and language policies of the Federal University of Espirito Santo (UFES) located in the Southeast of Brazil. Overall the analysis concludes that UFES internationalization and language policies are related and aligned with national policies having been induced by them in a reactive way