51 research outputs found


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    For the management of natural resources, one option is integrated partial management of small watersheds; specifically the local management of water bodies as amalgam both bio-physical, socio-cultural elements, such as falling within the watershed itself. In the present work advances in the diagnosis and methodology of the research project on the quality and availability of water resources in the watershed of "Jihuite" and its interrelation with the growth of the city of Tepatitlán, Jalisco exposed, because of the change on land use, population growth and agricultural and industrial development of the region in the last 25 years. The watershed of the Jihuite is located 6 km from the city of Tepatitlán, belongs to the subbasin of the Rio Verde, the Santiago basin and the hydrologic region Lerma- Santiago-Pacific, with an area of approximately 60 km². By the methodological approach of Cultural Ecology and various quantitative and qualitative stages, such as parametric data collection on quality and degree of availability, statistical techniques (principal component analysis) and the use of participatory geographic information systems, as well as interviews, surveys and field trips local uses and handling of water bodies were addressed, by the different users of the watershed, identifying strengths and weaknesses of the current program for local water management, in order to promote local management alternatives that offer greater certainty and sustainability of the resource

    Efecto del uso de agua residual tratada sobre el suelo y cultivos forrajeros de Chenopodium quinoa Willd y Zea mays L.

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    Given the scarcity of water resources for agricultural use, it is necessary to promote the use of wastewater for agriculture. The towns of Capulálpam de Méndez and Ixtlán de Juárez in the State of Oaxaca have anaerobic wastewater treatment plants (WWTP). The morphological growth, biomass production and N and P content were evaluated in two forage species —Chenopodium quinoa Willd and Zea mays— irrigated with treated wastewater (TWW). A complete randomized design (CRD) was established in each municipality, given the homogeneity of the soil, using a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement, i.e., two forage crops (Quinoa and corn) and two types of irrigation (fresh water and treated wastewater), with 4 replicates per treatment. Analyses of variance and Tukey mean tests (P≤0.05) were performed for the studied variables. In the soils, the pH level was "moderately acid" to "neutral" (5.1 to 7.3); the EC indicated "negligible effects of salinity"; organic matter was found at intervals of "medium to high", and the texture was sandy clay loam in Ixtlán and clay loam in Capulálpam. Growth variables (plant height, stem diameter, and number of leaves) and biomass were significantly higher in plants irrigated with treated wastewater in both forage crops. Nitrogen and phosphorus contents were significantly higher in quinoa and corn plants receiving TWW. TWW could be an alternative that would help reduce the use of chemical fertilizers, as it is an important source of nutrients in forage crops.Ante la escasez del recurso hídrico para el uso agrícola, es necesario promover el uso del agua residual para la agricultura. En las localidades Capulálpam de Méndez e Ixtlán de Juárez, Estado de Oaxaca cuentan con plantas de tratamiento de aguas residuales (PTAR) de tipo anaerobio. Se evaluó el crecimiento morfológico, producción de biomasa y contenido de N y P en dos especies forrajeras: Chenopodium quinoa Willd y Zea mays, regados con agua residual tratada (ART). Se estableció un diseño completo aleatorio (DCA) en cada municipio, dada la homogeneidad del suelo. Con arreglo factorial 2 x 2, esto es, dos cultivos forrajeros (Quinoa y maíz), y dos tipos de riego (agua dulce y agua residual tratada), con 4 repeticiones por tratamiento. Se realizaron análisis de varianza y pruebas de media Tukey (P≤0.05) de las variables estudiadas. En los suelos el nivel de pH fue “moderadamente acido” a “neutro” (5.1 a 7.3); la CE indicó “Efectos despreciables de la salinidad”; Materia orgánica en intervalos de “medio a alto”; y Textura Franco arcilloso arenoso en Ixtlán y Franco arcilloso en Capulálpam. Las variables de crecimiento (altura de planta, diámetro de tallo y número de hojas) y biomasa fueron significativamente mayores en plantas regadas con agua residual tratada en ambos cultivos forrajeros. El contenido de nitrógeno y fósforo fue significativamente mayor en plantas de quinoa y maíz que recibieron ART. El ART podría ser una alternativa que ayude a disminuir el uso de fertilizantes químicos, al ser una fuente importante de nutrimentos en los cultivos forrajeros

    Sustrato y dosis de fertirriego en la aclimatización de vitroplantas de Agave americana var. oaxacencis

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    In order to ensure adaptation in the greenhouse of Agave americana var. oaxacensis plants obtained in vitro, the effect of media and fertigation dose on acclimatization and growth of 180 plants were evaluated. This work was conducted in a greenhouse at the Instituto Tecnológico del Valle de Oaxaca, Mexico, in early 2012. Plants were fresh from the laboratory. The experiment was established according to completely randomized design and factorial arrangement with 2 (substrates: sand and perlite) x 5 (fertilization: 1, 25, 50, 75 and 100%). The experimental unit was a plant in a plastic container of 150 cm3 with 18 replications. Fertilization was based on the universal Steiner's solution, and daily, each plant received 10 mL at substrate level for 12 weeks. Growth was evaluated in leaves, stems and roots, performing analysis of variance and Tukey's test (α = 0.05). All plants were adapted, but those plants which grew in perlite achieved the best growth on leaf area, root volume, total fresh weight and root dry matter and total biomass. The size of the plants at the end of the acclimatization stage was related to the amount of nutriments in the nutrient solution.Con la finalidad de asegurar la adaptación en invernadero de plantas de Agave americana var. oaxacensis obtenidas in vitro, se evaluó el efecto de sustratos y dosis de fertirriego en la aclimatización y crecimiento de 180 plantas. Este trabajo se realizó en un invernadero del Instituto Tecnológico del Valle de Oaxaca, México, a principios de 2012. Se utilizaron plantas recién salidas del laboratorio. El experimento se estableció según el diseño completamente al azar con arreglo factorial 2 (sustratos: arena y perlita) x 5 (fertilización: 1, 25, 50, 75 y 100%). La unidad experimental fue una planta en un recipiente de plástico de 150 cm3 con 18 repeticiones. La fertilización se basó en la solución universal de Steiner y diariamente cada planta recibió a nivel de sustrato 10 mL durante 12 semanas. Se evaluó el crecimiento en hojas, tallo y raíz, realizando análisis de varianza y prueba de medias (Tukey, α = 0,05). Todas las plantas se adaptaron, pero aquellas plantas establecidas en perlita lograron los mejores crecimientos en área foliar, volumen de raíz, peso fresco total, materia seca de raíz y total de planta. El tamaño de las plantas al término de su aclimatación estuvo en relación con la cantidad de nutrimentos de la solución nutritiva

    Concentración de benciladenina, tipo y dosis de carbohidratos en el medio de cultivo para proliferación de brotes de Agave americana

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    To evaluate the in vitro shoot proliferation of Agave americana var. oaxacensis, calli fragments with two or three adventitious shoots were put in different culture media with pH 5.8 and consistency of gel, containing the MS mineral salts, 100 mg L-1 myo-inositol; benzyladenine (BA) in different concentration (0, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 mg L-1), type of carbohydrate (sucrose or fructose syrup) and carbohydrate concentration (20, 30, 40 g L-1). Cultures were incubated for 60 days under white fluorescent light in 16 h light/8 h darkness, temperature 20-28°C. The experiment was established according to a completely randomized design with a factorial arrangement 6x2x3. The sucrose was better carbohydrate than fructose syrup. The explants in media without BA and 20 g L-1 sucrose formed four shoots with 10.8 cm tall, and formed adventitious roots. When the BA and sucrose concentration were increased the explants formed more adventitious shoots, but in the media with 6 mg L-1 BA and 40 g L-1 sucrose the esplants formed up to 21adventitious shoots which had 6.5 cm size. The cytokinin prevented the root formation.Para evaluar la proliferación in vitro de brotes de Agave americana var. oaxacensis, piezas de callo con dos a tres brotes adventicios se establecieron en diversos medios de cultivo con pH 5,8 y consistencia de gel, con sales minerales MS, 100 mg L-1 myo-inositol, diversas concentraciones de benciladenina (BA) (0, 2, 4, 6, 8 y 10 mg L-1), tipo de carbohidrato (sacarosa o jarabe fructosado) y concentración de carbohidrato (20, 30, 40 g). Los cultivos se incubaron 60 días bajo luz fluorescente blanca en 16 h luz/8 h oscuridad, temperatura 20- 28°C. El experimento se estableció según un diseño completamente al azar con arreglo factorial 6x2x3. La sacarosa resultó mejor fuente de carbohidrato que el jarabe fructosado. Los explantos en el medio de cultivo sin BA y 20 g L-1 de sacarosa formaron cuatro brotes de 10,8 cm, con raíces adventicias. Al aumentar la concentración de BA y sacarosa los explantos formaron más brotes, pero en el medio con 6 mg L-1 BA y 40 g L-1 sacarosa los explantos formaron hasta 21 brotes de 6,5 cm de tamaño. La citocinina inhibió la formación de raíces

    Bacteriuria asintomática y factores de riesgo en mujeres de pregrado de dos profesiones

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    Este estudio transversal descriptivo busca analizar si la formación profesional de las estudiantes de enfermería influye para que presenten menor frecuencia de bacteriuria asintomática (BA) y factores de riesgo respecto a las de trabajo social. Previo consentimiento informado, se seleccionó un grupo de alumnas de enfermería y otro de trabajo social mediante muestreo simple aleatorio. Se excluyeron quienes estaban embarazadas o en tratamiento con antibióticos. El diagnóstico de BA se hizo con base en tres criterios químicos y de laboratorios validados por la literatura médica. Para identificar factores de riesgo de BA, se aplicó un instrumento de diez preguntas que evalúan situaciones que favorecen infecciones urinarias. Se realizó un estudio piloto y las respuestas permitieron adecuar el instrumento. Se utilizó estadística descriptiva y chi cuadrado para identificar asociación entre frecuencia de BA y área de formación de las estudiantes. Las diferencias se consideraron estadísticamente significativas cuando p≤ 0,05. Se identificó un solo caso de BA en alumnas de enfermería y cuatro en trabajo social, lo cual no es estadísticamente significativo (p=0,26, OR=0,29). Los factores de riesgo que resultaron significativos entre ambos grupos fueron: higiene vaginal inadecuada (p=0,0016, OR=0,17), presencia de lavados vaginales frecuentes (p=0,005, OR=0,26) e ingesta de suplementos vitamínicos (p=0,0008, OR=4,23). Se concluye que los casos de BA positivos no están relacionados con el área de formación profesional; los casos positivos de BA se deben más a factores y hábitos de higiene local que a factores socioculturales y de nutrición

    Análisis de frecuencias alélicas y genotípicas de las variantes CYP2A6*12 y rs16969968 de CHRNA5 y su asociación con el hábito de fumar y el índice de masa corporal (IMC) en sujetos jóvenes del noreste de México

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    Several studies have reported that variants rs16969968 G>A of the CHRNA5 gene and CYP2A6*12 of the CYP2A6 gene are associated with smoking and smoking refusal, respectively. In addition, some studies report that a higher cigarette consumption is associated with low body mass index (BMI). Aim: To analyze the allele and genotypic frequencies of these variants and their impact on smoking and BMI. Material and Methods: A blood sample was obtained and a survey about smoking habits was answered by 319 university students aged 18 to 35 years (127 women, 171 smokers), living in Northeastern Mexico. Genetic variants were studied by polymerase chain reaction/ restriction fragment length polymorphism and their frequencies were associated with smoking and BMI. Results: No associations were found between the analyzed variants and smoking in the study groups. However, there was an association among non-smoking subjects between the A allele of rs16969968 and high a BMI (p < 0.01). Conclusions: This last variant may be involved in food-addiction disorders

    Effects of Cannabinoids on Caffeine Contractures in Slow and Fast Skeletal Muscle Fibers of the Frog

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    The effect of cannabinoids on caffeine contractures was investigated in slow and fast skeletal muscle fibers using isometric tension recording. In slow muscle fibers, WIN 55,212-2 (10 and 5 μM) caused a decrease in tension. These doses reduced maximum tension to 67.43 ± 8.07% (P = 0.02, n = 5) and 79.4 ± 14.11% (P = 0.007, n = 5) compared to control, respectively. Tension-time integral was reduced to 58.37 ± 7.17% and 75.10 ± 3.60% (P = 0.002, n = 5), respectively. Using the CB1 cannabinoid receptor agonist ACPA (1 μM) reduced the maximum tension of caffeine contractures by 68.70 ± 11.63% (P = 0.01, n = 5); tension-time integral was reduced by 66.82 ± 6.89% (P = 0.02, n = 5) compared to controls. When the CB1 receptor antagonist AM281 was coapplied with ACPA, it reversed the effect of ACPA on caffeine-evoked tension. In slow and fast muscle fibers incubated with the pertussis toxin, ACPA had no effect on tension evoked by caffeine. In fast muscle fibers, ACPA (1 μM) also decreased tension; the maximum tension was reduced by 56.48 ± 3.4% (P = 0.001, n = 4), and tension-time integral was reduced by 57.81 ± 2.6% (P = 0.006, n = 4). This ACPA effect was not statistically significant with respect to the reduction in tension in slow muscle fibers. Moreover, we detected the presence of mRNA for the cannabinoid CB1 receptor on fast and slow skeletal muscle fibers, which was significantly higher in fast compared to slow muscle fiber expression. In conclusion, our results suggest that in the slow and fast muscle fibers of the frog cannabinoids diminish caffeine-evoked tension through a receptor-mediated mechanism