133 research outputs found

    Predictive effects of temperament on motivation

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    Although temperament and motivation both reflect individual differences in what is perceived as rewarding or threatening, and what is to be approached and what avoided, respectively, we know rather little about how they are connected in educational settings. In this study, we examined how different aspects of temperament (reward and punishment sensitivities) predict the goals students seek to achieve in relation to learning and performance. In Study 1, four dimensions describing students’ temperament (sensitivity to punishment, intraindividual reward sensitivity, interindividual reward sensitivity, and positive expressiveness) were uncovered, and in Study 2, these were used to predict students’ achievement goal orientations (mastery-intrinsic, mastery-extrinsic, performance-approach, performance-avoidance, and avoidance). The results of exploratory structural equation modeling revealed significant predictions on all achievement goal orientations. In line with theoretical assumptions, sensitivity to punishment was predictive of performance orientations, intraindividual reward sensitivity of mastery orientations, and interindividual reward sensitivity of performance- and avoidance orientations. Positive expressiveness only had weak negative effects on performance orientations. The findings suggest that the goals and outcomes students seek to attain in an educational context are partly dictated by their sensitivity to different environmental cues and the kinds of affective and behavioral responses these typically incite.Peer reviewe

    Predictive effects of temperament on motivation

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    Although temperament and motivation both reflect individual differences in what is perceived as rewarding or threatening, and what is to be approached and what avoided, respectively, we know rather little about how they are connected in educational settings. In this study, we examined how different aspects of temperament (reward and punishment sensitivities) predict the goals students seek to achieve in relation to learning and performance. In Study 1, four dimensions describing students’ temperament (sensitivity to punishment, intraindividual reward sensitivity, interindividual reward sensitivity, and positive expressiveness) were uncovered, and in Study 2, these were used to predict students’ achievement goal orientations (mastery-intrinsic, mastery-extrinsic, performance-approach, performance-avoidance, and avoidance). The results of exploratory structural equation modeling revealed significant predictions on all achievement goal orientations. In line with theoretical assumptions, sensitivity to punishment was predictive of performance orientations, intraindividual reward sensitivity of mastery orientations, and interindividual reward sensitivity of performance- and avoidance orientations. Positive expressiveness only had weak negative effects on performance orientations. The findings suggest that the goals and outcomes students seek to attain in an educational context are partly dictated by their sensitivity to different environmental cues and the kinds of affective and behavioral responses these typically incite

    Adult‐onset idiopathic dystonia: a national data‐linkage study to determine epidemiological, social deprivation and mortality characteristics

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    Background and objectives: Accurate epidemiological information is essential for the improved understanding of dystonia syndromes, as well as better provisioning of clinical services and providing context for diagnostic decision-making. Here, we determine epidemiological, social deprivation and mortality characteristics of adult-onset idiopathic dystonia in the Welsh population.Methods: A retrospective population-based cohort study using anonymised electronic healthcare data in Wales was conducted to identify individuals with dystonia between January 1st 1994 and December 31st 2017. We developed a case-ascertainment algorithm to determine dystonia incidence and prevalence, as well as characterisation of the dystonia cohort, based on social deprivation and mortality.Results: The case-ascertainment algorithm (79% sensitivity) identified 54,966 cases, of these cases, 41,660 had adult-onset idiopathic dystonia (≥ 20 years). Amongst the adult-onset form, the median age at diagnosis was 41 years, with males significantly older at time of diagnosis compared to females. Prevalence rates ranged from 0.02% in 1994 to 1.2% in 2017. The average annual incidence was 87.7/100,000/year, increasing from 49.9/100,000/year (1994) to 96.21/100,000/year (2017). In 2017, people with dystonia had a similar life expectancy to the Welsh population.Discussion: We have developed a case-ascertainment algorithm, supported by the introduction of a neurologist-reviewed validation cohort, providing a platform for future population-based dystonia studies. We have established robust population-level prevalence and incidence values for adult-onset idiopathic forms of dystonia, with this reflecting increasing clinical recognition and identification of causal genes. Underlying causes of death mirrored that of the general population, including circulatory disorders, respiratory disorders, cancers or dementi

    Effects of BIS/BAS on achievement goal orientations

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    Aims. The Behavioural Inhibition/Behavioural Approach System (BIS/BAS) is a neurological approach-avoidance system, where BIS depicts inhibition, anxiety, and fear of failure. The BAS system was in this study divided into BAS Inter (seeking social approval and rewards), BAS Impulse (impulsivity, immediate rewards), and BAS Intra (excitement at novel situations, own successes as a reward). Achievement goal orientations describe motivational tendencies to choose certain types of goals in a learning situation. Of the achievement goal orientations, mastery intrinsic describes the aim to learn with subjective, and mastery extrinsic with absolute criteria of success, performance approach the aim to outperform others and performance avoidance to avoid situations where one can fail. The avoidance orientation describes a disinterest in academic achievements and the goal of exerting as little effort as possible on school. The aim of the study was to examine how dispositional sensitivities affect the motivational aims of students. The research hypothesis is that BIS/BAS sensitivities predict the achievement goal orientations students adopt and exhibit. The research task is to examine how the Motivation and Sensitivity to Reward and Punishment questionnaire (MSRP) not yet used in published research succeeds in defining and measuring aspects of BIS/BAS. Method. The data was collected from five classes of eighth-graders in a school in Helsinki (N=78) in 2008 as a self-response survey, where BIS/BAS was measured using the new MSRP questionnaire, and achievement goal orientations with the achievement goal orientation questionnaire. The effects of BIS/BAS on the achievement goal orientations were examined by means of regression analyses. The MSRP was evaluated by examining the construct validity of the measurement, considering its descriptive capacity in relation to the background theories, and comparing the results with those from research conducted with other instruments. Results. The MSRP functioned relatively well. The mastery orientations were related to a tendency for low impulsivity, mastery intrinsic also to sensitivity to enjoy novel situations and challenges. The performance-approach orientation was predicted by the tendency to seek social approval, and performance-avoidance was connected to the punishment-sensitive inhibitory system. The avoidance orientation was linked with high impulsivity and low levels of excitement in personal successes and novelty in situations. Dispositional tendencies and sensitivities have a predictive effect on motivational achievement goal orientations, and generalised attitudes towards learning at school are to some degree affected by individuals' inherent qualities. These effects should be considered in school practices, to support and meet the needs of students of all dispositions.Tavoitteet. Behavioural Inhibition/Behavioural Approach System (BIS/BAS) on neurologinen lähestymis-välttämissysteemi, jossa BIS kuvaa estyneisyyttä, ahdistuneisuutta ja epäonnistumisen pelkoa. BAS -systeemi oli tässä tutkielmassa jaettu kolmeen: BAS Inter (alttius hakea sosiaalista hyväksyntää ja palkkiota), BAS Impulse (impulsiivisuustaipumus, välitön palkkiohakuisuus) ja BAS Intra (uusiin tilanteisiin liittyvä innostuneisuus ja omat onnistumiset palkkiona). Tavoiteorientaatiot ovat motivaatiotaipumuksia, jotka säätelevät alttiutta valita tiettyjä tavoitteita oppimistilanteessa. Tavoiteorientaatioista sisäinen oppimisorientaatio kuvaa tavoitetta oppia subjektiivisten kriteerien ja ulkoinen oppimisorientaatio absoluuttisten kriteerien mukaan määriteltynä. Suoritus lähestymisorientaatio kuvaa tavoitetta suoriutua paremmin kuin muut, ja suoritusvälttämisorientaatio niiden suoritustilanteiden välttelyä, joihin sisältyy epäonnistumisen mahdollisuus. Välttämisorientaatio kuvastaa kiinnostuksen puutetta ja koulutyön minimointia. Tutkimuksen tarkoitus oli tarkastella, miten temperamenttitaipumukset vaikuttavat oppilaiden motivationaalisiin taipumuksiin. Tutkimushypoteesinä on, että BIS/BAS - taipumukset ennustavat oppilaiden tavoiteorientaatiovalintoja. Tutkimustehtävänä on tarkastella Motivation and Sensitivity to Reward and Punishment -mittarin (MSRP) toimivuutta BIS/BAS -ulottuvuuksien määrittelyssä ja mittaamisessa. Mittaria ei ole vielä käytetty julkaistuissa tutkimuksissa. Menetelmät. Aineisto kerättiin viideltä peruskoulun kahdeksannelta luokalta Helsingissä (N=78) vuonna 2008 itsearviointilomakkeella, jossa BIS/BAS -alttiuksia mitattiin uudella MSRP -mittarilla, ja tavoiteorientaatioita tavoiteorientaatiokyselylomakkeella. BIS/BAS -tekijöiden vaikutusta tavoiteorientaatioihin tarkasteltiin regressioanalyysin avulla. MSRP -mittaria arvioitiin tutkimalla mittauksen rakennevaliditeettia, sen ilmiötä kuvailevaa kapasiteettia verrattuna taustateorioihin sekä vertailemalla tuloksia aiempiin, muilla mittareilla kerättyihin tuloksiin. Tulokset. MSRP -mittari toimi suhteellisen hyvin BIS/BAS -taipumusten mittauksessa. Oppimisorientaatiot olivat yhteydessä alhaiseen impulsiivisuuteen, sisäinen oppimisorientaatio myös herkkyyteen nauttia uusista tilanteista ja haasteista. Suorituslähestymisorientaatio liittyi rangaistuksille herkkään ihibitiotaipumukseen. Välttämisorientaatio liittyi korkeaan impulsiivisuuteen ja alhaiseen innostuneisuuteen omien onnistumisten ja uusien tilanteiden suhteen. Dispositiotaipumuksilla ja -alttiuksilla on ennustava vaikutus motivaatioon liittyviin tavoiteorientaatioihin, ja sisäiset taipumukset vaikuttavat jossain määrin yleistyneisiin koulussa tapahtuvaa oppimista kohtaan liittyviin asenteisiin. Nämä vaikutukset tulisi ottaa huomioon koulun käytännöissä, kaikkia temperamenttipiirteitä edustavien oppilaiden huomioimisen ja tukemisen mahdollistamiseksi

    Linking temperament with motivation : reward and punishment sensitivities as predictors of students' achievement goal orientations and motivational appraisals

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    The aim of the thesis was to examine how temperamental reward and punishment sensitivities guide motivation in different learning contexts. Motivation was approached as students' relatively stable motivational tendencies (i.e., achievement goal orientations), and appraisals of domain- and course-specific interest, strain, and effort. The thesis comprises three articles. In Article I, the dimensional structure of temperamental sensitivities was studied in two data sets (Study 1; N = 157; Study 2; N = 506), and the predictions of temperamental sensitivities on university students’ achievement goal orientations were also examined. In Article II, the relationships between temperamental sensitivities and achievement goal orientations were followed over the first three school years (N = 212). In Article III, the impact of temperamental sensitivities on interest, strain, and effort was investigated in the domain of mathematics among eighth-graders (Study 1; N = 268), and course-specifically in four different subjects among general upper-secondary students (Study 2; N = 155). Reward sensitivity separated into two main dimensions, defined by the source of reward. Interindividual reward is dependent on the attitudes and actions of others (e.g., attention, praise), whereas intraindividual reward is derived from the individual’s own inner states and actions (e.g., positive responsiveness to novelty, enthusiasm and excitement over successes). Temperament was consistently associated with motivation, regardless of the age of the participants. Interindividual reward sensitivity appears motivationally problematic, given its negative links with mastery strivings, and positive with concerns over one’s performance relative others, work avoidance, and psychological strain. Punishment sensitivity was also linked with higher performance concerns and strain. In contrast, intraindividual reward sensitivity was associated with higher mastery strivings, interest appraisals, and willingness to exert effort, and may hence be more beneficial motivationally and for well-being. The findings indicate that temperamental sensitivities guide motivation in adaptive and maladaptive ways, both academically and as regards well-being more generally. Also notable for research and educational practice are the differential linkages between sensitivity to qualitatively different rewards and motivation.Tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin, miten ns. palkkio- ja rangaistusherkkyys (temperamenttiin pohjaava taipumus kokea ja tulkita ympäristössä palkitsevan kokemuksen tai uhan mahdollisuuksia) suuntaavat eri-ikäisten oppijoiden motivaatiota. Motivaatiota käsiteltiin tavoiteorientaatioina (yleistynyt taipumus tietynlaisten tavoitteiden asettamiseen oppimiskontekstissa) sekä aine- ja kurssikohtaisena kiinnostuksena, kuormituksena ja yrittämisenä. Tutkimus raportoitiin kolmessa artikkelissa. Ensimmäisessä tarkasteltiin temperamenttiherkkyyksien ulottuvuuksia sekä niiden yhteyksiä yliopisto-opiskelijoiden tavoiteorientaatioihin; toisessa temperamenttiherkkyyksien ja tavoiteorientaatioiden yhteyksiä kolmen ensimmäisen kouluvuoden aikana; ja kolmannessa temperamenttiherkkyyksien yhteyttä kiinnostukseen, kuormitukseen ja yrittämiseen kahdeksasluokkalaisten matematiikan opinnoissa sekä lukiolaisten parissa neljän oppiaineen ensimmäisellä kurssilla. Palkkioherkkyys jakautui palkkion lähteen mukaan ulottuvuuksiin, joista sosiaalinen (interindividuaalinen) palkkioherkkyys kuvastaa herkkyyttä palkkiolle, joka on riippuvaista muiden asenteista tai toimista (esim. huomio, kehut). Sisäinen (intraindividuaalinen) palkkioherkkyys puolestaan liittyy yksilön omiin toimiin tai sisäisiin tiloihin (uutuushakuisuus, innostuneisuus omista tekemisistä ja onnistumisista). Temperamentin ja motivaation yhteydet toistuivat samansuuntaisina oppijoiden iästä riippumatta. Sosiaalinen palkkioherkkyys oli kielteisesti yhteydessä oppimisen tavoitteluun mutta myönteisesti suoritushakuisuuteen, koulutyön tai opiskelun välttelyyn sekä kuormittuneisuuteen, ja näyttäytyi siten motivaation ja hyvinvoinnin kannalta ongelmallisena. Myös rangaistusherkkyyden todettiin olevan yhteydessä korkeampaan kuormittuneisuuteen ja sekä suoritushakuisuuteen että etenkin suoritusten välttelyyn. Sen sijaan sisäisen palkkioherkkyyden yhteydet niin oppimishakuisuuteen kuin kiinnostukseen ja yrittämiseenkin olivat myönteisiä, ja tämä herkkyys vaikuttaisikin motivaatiota ja hyvinvointia tukevalta. Löydösten perusteella eri temperamenttiherkkyydet ohjaavat motivaatiota erilaisin, niin akateemisesti kuin hyvinvoinninkin kannalta myönteisin ja kielteisin tavoin. Huomionarvoista sekä tutkimukselle että käytännön kasvatustyölle on myös palkkion lähteen mukaan eroteltujen palkkioherkkyyksien keskenään erilainen merkitys motivaatiolle

    Exploring the Relationship Between Teacher Personality Traits and Teachers\u27 Attitudes and Practices Towards Family-School Partnerships

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    The primary purpose of this study is to determine if there is a relationship between teacher personality traits and teachers\u27 reported attitudes and behaviors towards family-school partnerships. A secondary purpose of this study was to: 1) explore how various teacher demographic impacted attitudes and practices towards partnership, 2) examine if a cultural match between teachers\u27 and students\u27 backgrounds impacts teachers\u27 reported attitudes and practices, and 3) to compare the personality profile of teachers as measured by the Five Factor Model (FFM) to that of the general population. The participants were 243 practicing teachers in the state of Illinois who completed an on-line survey that contained two partnership measures based on Epstein and Salina\u27s School and Family Partnerships: Survey of Teachers of Elementary and Middle Grades (1993), a FFM personality inventory (Costa & McCrae\u27s (1992) NEO-Five Factor Inventory), and demographic information. Results of the study indicate several significant findings: First, the trait of Agreeableness was found to significantly predict teachers\u27 attitudes and practices towards family-school partnerships. In addition, the traits of Conscientiousness and Extraversion also interact with Agreeableness to predict teachers\u27 partnership practices. Second, certain teacher demographic variables were found significantly impact teachers\u27 attitudes and practices. Third, a cultural match between a teacher and student was not found to impact a teacher\u27s attitudes or practices towards partnerships. Finally, the FFM personality profile of teachers differs significantly from the general population

    Mid-infrared spectroscopy of high-redshift obscured quasars

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    We present mid-infrared observations of 18 sources from a sample of 21 z ~ 2 radio-intermediate obscured (type 2) quasars. The mid-infrared spectra of the sources are continuum dominated, and 12 sources show deep silicate absorption with τ_9.7 ~ 1–2. Combining mid-infrared and optical spectra, we achieve 86% spectroscopic completeness which allows us to confirm that most (63^(+14)_(−22%)) z ~ 2 radio-intermediate quasars are obscured. The new spectra also prove that many high-redshift type 2 quasars do not show any rest-frame ultraviolet emission lines. From the 18 individual mid-infrared spectra, we classify most of the sources into three subsamples: those with hints of the 7.7 and 6.2 μm polyaromatic hydrocarbons (3/18 sources show PAHs; subsample A), those with an excess of emission around 8 μm but no hint of the 6.2 μm PAH (7/18 cases; subsample B), and pure-continuum sources with no visible excess (4/18 sources; subsample C). The remaining 4/18 sources have spectra that are featureless or too noisy for any features to be visible. In subsample A, averaging the spectra leads to a statistical detection of both 6.2 and 7.7 μm PAHs over the continuum, with the strength of the 7.7 μm PAH comparable to that of submillimeter-selected galaxies (SMGs) at similar redshifts. These sources are in a phase of coeval growth of a supermassive black hole and a host galaxy

    Phage display selected magnetite interacting Adhirons for shape controlled nanoparticle synthesis

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    Adhirons are robust, well expressing, peptide display scaffold proteins, developed as an effective alternative to traditional antibody binding proteins for highly specific molecular recognition applications. This paper reports for the first time the use of these versatile proteins for material binding, and as tools for controlling material synthesis on the nanoscale. A phage library of Adhirons, each displaying two variable binding loops, was screened to identify specific proteins able to interact with [100] faces of cubic magnetite nanoparticles. The selected variable regions display a strong preference for basic residues such as lysine. Molecular dynamics simulations of amino acid adsorption onto a [100] magnetite surface provides a rationale for these interactions, with the lowest adsorption energy observed with lysine. These proteins direct the shape of the forming nanoparticles towards a cubic morphology in room temperature magnetite precipitation reactions, in stark contrast to the high temperature, harsh reaction conditions currently used to produce cubic nanoparticles. These effects demonstrate the utility of the selected Adhirons as novel magnetite mineralization control agents using ambient aqueous conditions. The approach we outline with artificial protein scaffolds has the potential to develop into a toolkit of novel additives for wider nanomaterial fabrication

    Interest and strain in upper-secondary mathematics

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    Oppilaiden väliset erot sekä motivaation ja suorituksen yhteydet korostuvat matematiikassa muita aineita enemmän. Matematiikan opintomenestys ennustaa lukioon siirtymistä, mutta motivaatio enemmän kurssivalintoja. Motivaation muutoksesta ja merkityksestä lukio-opintojen alussa tiedetään kuitenkin vasta vähän. Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkastelimmekin latentin muutoksen mallintamisella lukion lyhyen ja pitkän matematiikan kolmella ensimmäisellä kurssilla (N=164) kiinnostuksen ja kuormituksen muutoksia, keskinäistä riippuvuutta sekä yhteyksiä kurssiarvosanoihin, kun aiempi opintomenestys, kiinnostus sekä sukupuolierot otettiin huomioon. Lyhyen oppimäärän opiskelijat kokivat kurssit vähemmän kiinnostaviksi ja kuormittavammiksi kuin pitkän oppimäärän, muutoin tulokset olivat samankaltaiset molemmissa ryhmissä. Kuormitus lisääntyi ja kiinnostus laski opintojen alussa, ja kiinnostus, kuormitus sekä niiden muutokset korreloivat keskenään. Kiinnostus oppiaineeseen ennusti kurssikohtaista kiinnostusta myönteisesti ja kuormitusta kielteisesti, aiempi opintomenestys vain kuormitusta kielteisesti. Myönteinen muutos kiinnostuksessa ennusti hieman parempia kurssisuorituksia. Tulosten perusteella kiinnostus suojaa kuormitukselta, ja vastaavasti lisääntynyt kuormitus voi heikentää kiinnostusta. Kiinnostuksen vahvistumisella näyttäisi olevan lisäarvoa suorituksen kannalta. Kuormituksen ja kiinnostuksen väliseen tasapainoon osana hyvinvointia tulisikin lukio-opetuksessa kiinnittää huomiota.Individual differences and the linkages between motivation and achievement are clearer in mathematics than in other subjects. Mathematics achievement predicts the transition to upper-secondary school, but motivation explains course choices. However, we know only little about changes in and significance of motivation in the beginning of general upper-secondary studies. Therefore, in this study, we examined using latent change score modeling the changes in interest and strain, their mutual connections, and predictions on course grades, during the first three courses in basic and advanced mathematics (N=164), while controlling for previous achievement, subject interest, and gender. Students studying the basic level reported lower interest and higher strain than those studying advanced level. Otherwise, the results were similar in both groups. Strain increased and interest decreased at the beginning of the studies, and interest, strain, and changes in them were correlated. Interest in mathematics predicted course-specific interest positively and strain negatively, previous achievement only strain negatively. An increase in interest predicted slightly better course performance. The results suggest that interest acts as a buffer against strain, whereas increased strain may undermine interest. An increase in interest also appears to support achievement. Attention should be given to the balance between strain and interest as part of student well-being in general upper-secondary studies.Peer reviewe