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    This study aims to determine: (1) How the activities of students in learning Brain Gym (brain gym) use cooperative learning strategies together (2) How do students' response to learning Brain Gym (brain gym) use cooperative learning strategies together (3) How learning completeness Brain Gym students after learning (brain gym) use cooperative learning strategies together This study is descriptive and instruments used in data collection is a test result of learning, student activity sheets observation, and questionnaire responses of students.Objects in this study were students of class VII Junior High School 4 Malang with integers material. Data collection is to use the observation sheet to determine the activity of students, the questionnaire is to study the response of students as well as the final test for the completeness result of learning. The results showed that: (1) activity in learning mathematics students with learning Brain Gym (brain gym) use cooperative learning strategies together on material integers, an increase from the first meeting until last. The largest activity lisening activities amounted to 83.33% with both criteria. (2) students' response to learning mathematics with Brain Gym (brain gym) use cooperative learning strategies together on material integers positive results. With an average rating of 3.33% with approved category and the percentage response of 88.98% answered agree. (3) mastery learning students based on final test results, according to (standard school), from 17 students, there are 2 students who are not exhaustive, and 15 students who completed their study with a total percentage of 88.24%, while the completeness criteria according to study results (MONE) of 17 students, there are 4 students who did not complete and 13 students who completed their study with the percentage of completeness of 76.5%. This shows that learning with Brain Gym (brain gym) use cooperative learning strategies together provide a positive influence on student activities, student response and thoroughness of student learning. Keywords: Learning with Brain Gym (brain gym), activities, student learning completeness


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya perbedaan yang positif dan signifikan dalam motivasi dan prestasi belajar kimia peserta didik kelas X Semester 2 MA Ali Maksum Yogyakarta Tahun Ajaran 2011/2012 setelah mengikuti pembelajaran menggunakan metode ekspositori, reciprocal teaching dan tutor sebaya jika pengetahuan awal peserta didik dikendalikan secara statistik. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian factorial experimental designs dengan desain (1) tiga faktor tiga sampel, (2) tiga faktor, tiga sampel dan satu kovariabel. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh peserta didik kelas X MA Ali Maksum Yogyakarta yang berjumlah 196 peserta didik dan terbagi dalam 7 kelas. Sampel terdiri dari tiga kelas, yaitu 1 kelas kontrol dan 2 kelas eksperimen. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan teknik purposive sampling. Pengujian hipotesis menggunakan analisis varian (anava) dan analisis kovarian (anakova). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (a) tidak ada perbedaan motivasi belajar kimia antara peserta didik kelas X Semester 2 MA Ali Maksum Yogyakarta Tahun Ajaran 2011/2012 yang mengikuti pembelajaran kimia menggunakan metode reciprocal teaching, tutor sebaya, dan ekspositori (b) tidak ada perbedaan prestasi belajar kimia antara peserta didik kelas X Semester 2 MA Ali Maksum Yogyakarta Tahun Ajaran 2011/2012 yang mengikuti pembelajaran kimia menggunakan metode reciprocal teaching dan metode ekspositori jika pengetahuan awal peserta didik dikendailkan secara statistik (c) ada perbedaan prestasi belajar kimia antara peserta didik kelas X Semester 2 MA Ali Maksum Yogyakarta Tahun Ajaran 2011/2012 yang mengikuti pembelajaran kimia menggunakan metode tutor sebaya dan metode ekspositori jika pengetahuan awal peserta didik dikendailkan secara statistik (d) ada perbedaan prestasi belajar kimia antara peserta didik kelas X Semester 2 MA Ali Maksum Yogyakarta Tahun Ajaran 2011/2012 yang mengikuti pembelajaran kimia menggunakan metode reciprocal teaching dan metode tutor sebaya jika pengetahuan awal peserta didik dikendailkan secara statistik. Kata kunci: reciprocal teaching, tutor sebaya, ekspositori, motivasi belajar, prestasi belajar

    Preparation, Proximate Composition and Culinary Properties of Yellow Alkaline Noodles from Wheat and Raw/Pregelatinized Gadung (Dioscorea Hispida Dennst) Composite Flours

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    The steady increase of wheat flour price and noodle consumptions has driven researchers to find substitutes for wheat flour in the noodle making process. In this work, yellow alkaline noodles were prepared from composite flours comprising wheat and raw/pregelatinized gadung (Dioscorea hispida Dennst) flours. The purpose of this work was to investigate the effect of composite flour compositions on the cooking properties (cooking yield, cooking loss and swelling index) of yellow alkaline noodle. In addition, the sensory test and nutrition content of the yellow alkaline noodle were also evaluated for further recommendation. The experimental results showed that a good quality yellow alkaline noodle can be prepared from composite flour containing 20% w/w raw gadung flour. The cooking yield, cooking loss and swelling index of this noodle were 10.32 g, 1.20 and 2.30, respectively. Another good quality yellow alkaline noodle can be made from composite flour containing 40% w/w pregelatinized gadung flour. This noodle had cooking yield 8.93 g, cooking loss 1.20, and swelling index of 1.88. The sensory evaluation suggested that although the color, aroma and firmness of the noodles were significantly different (p ≤ 0.05) from wheat flour noodle, but their flavor remained closely similar. The nutrition content of the noodles also satisfied the Indonesian National Standard for noodle. Therefore, it can be concluded that wheat and raw/pregelatinized gadung composite flours can be used to manufacture yellow alkaline noodle with good quality and suitable for functional food


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    The communication providers compete in offering the mobile phone cards to satisfy the customers. They are giving many facilities and the best services for the customers. Many providers offer the products with their advantages. It changes the customer’s tendency for choosing the mobile phone cards. According this reason, this research will apply the factor analysis method for determining the factors that influence customer’s choice for mobile phone cards. The data used in this research are the customer's score to the mobile phone cards in Surakarta. The customers are the 15-65 years-old of the people in Surakarta city chosen by simple random sampling. The result of the research shows that there are six factors that prioritized by the customers in choosing the mobile phone cards. The factors are prices, services, equipments, features, products and facilities. Keywords : mobile phone cards, factor analysi


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    Software of automatic control system of railway game have been designed and realized by using Borland Delphi 7.0 programming. The application program works as serial to interfacing of microcontroller and protocol RS232 by COM1/2 at computer. The automatic control system consists of infrared sensor, which is used for detecting visitor which enter to game area.The microcontroller will the sent data to computer if the sensor have hand tied and the data is shown at graphic. This software can be used is database system for know is income which was obtained and data is prossesed in database using database systems at Microsoft Access, then the data was saved through data record by ADO component. The software of automatic control have been realized and can accept data which is sent from microcontroller and the result is presented at graphic and can also earn to record data and the result can be saved at Microsoft Acces


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    Model pembelajaran inkuiri adalah model pembelajaran yang mendorong siswa untuk berpikir secara analisis untuk mencari dan menyelesaikan suatu masalah sehingga dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peningkatan hasil belajar siswa kelas X MIPA-1 pada materi Momentum dan Impuls melalui penerapan model Inquiri. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas X MIPA-1 yang berjumlah 20 orang. Lokasi penelitian yaitu SMA Negeri Unggul Pidie Jaya. Teknik pengumpulan data yaitu melalui tes dan non tes. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada akhir siklus 1 siswa yang mencapai ketuntasan belajar sebanyak 44,44% (8 siswa) dan siswa yang belum tuntas sebanyak 55,55 % (12 siswa) sedangkan pada siklus 2 sebanyak 94,44 % (17 siswa) dan 3 siswa (5,55 %) yang belum mencapai ketuntasan belajar. Sehingga didapatkan peningkatan nilai hasil belajar siswa melalui penerapan model pembelajaran Inquiri pada materi Momentum dan Impuls sebesar 191, 05 %

    Children's Recidivist who Conducted Criminal Act: Legal Psychology Perspective

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    Children's social environment influences their psychological return to crimes, and it is a treatment or reward from friends which they consider right since they are encouraged to repeat their actions. The research is an empirical legal research. The results shows that The role of psychologists in Special Child Development Institutions is not optimal, due to limited resources. Furthermore, parents or families should actively supervise and limit the association of children as this will prevent them from returning to the social environment. This is because the environment encourages them to commit criminal acts. Also, the government should make provision for their development through the Ministry of Rights and human rights psychologists of any special institute for children's development

    Isolasim karakterisasi Enzim Bromelin dari mkulit, buah,Bonggol serta Amobilisasi Enzim Bromelin dari Bonggol Nanas(Ananas comosus L).

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    Bromelin merupakan enzim proteolitik yang terdapat pada tanaman nanas (Ananas comosus L). Telah dilakukan isolasi dan karakterisasi enzim bromelin dari kulit, bonggol, buah serta amobilisasi bromelin dari bonggol nanas. Dalam penelitian ini bromelin diisolasi dengan metode ekstraksi, fraksinasi dengan ammonium suifat dengan kejenuhan F1 (0-10 %); F2 (10-30 %); F3 (30-50 %); F4 (50-70 %) dan dialisis dalam buffer fosfat. Fraksi-fraksi yang didapat diuji dengan substrat kasein menggunakan spektrofotometer UV-VIS pada maksimum tirosin dan hasilnya diektrapolasikan terhadap kurva standar tirosin untuk mendapatkan nilai aktivitas enzim bromelin. Selain itu ditentukan aktivitas spesifik, yaitu unit aktivitas tiap milligram protein. Kadar protein ditentukan dengan metode lowry. Karakterisasi dilakukan untuk mengetahui karakter bromelin, diantaranya suhu, pH dan waktu inkubasi optimum. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa enzim bromelin kulit nanas mempunyai waktu inkubasi optimum 5 menit, suhu optimum 43 °C, pH optimum 8,0 dan tingkat kemurnian yang tertinggi pada F3 (30-50 %) dengan aktivitas spesifik 1,629 U.mg-1; enzim bromelin buah nanas mempunyai waktu inkubasi optimum 5 menit, suhu optimum 35 °C, pH optimum 6,5 dan tingkat kemumian yang tertinggi pada F3 (30-50 %) dengan aktivitas spesifik 5,452 U.mg-1; enzim bromelin bonggol nanas mempunyai waktu inkubasi optimum 5 menit, suhu optimum 35 C, pH optimum 6,0 dan tingkat kemurnian yang tertinggi pada F4 (50-70 %) dengan aktivitas spesifik 7,215 U.mg-1. Setelah amobilisasi enzim bromelin bonggol nanas amobil memiliki waktu inkubasi optimum 5 menit, suhu opimum 33 °C, pH optimum 6,5 dengan aktivitas spesifik 7,215 U.mg-I. Stabilitas enzim bromelin bonggol nanas amobil dapat dipertahankan hingga dua kali pemakaian. Bromelain is proteolytic enzyme contained in pineapple (Ananas cornosus L). Isolation and characterization of the bromelain enzyme from peel, stem, fruits as well as bromelain immobilization from the pineapple stem had been done. In the research bromelain was isolated from pineapple by extraction method, fractionation by ammonium sulphate with saturation level of Fi (0-10%); F2 (10-30%); F3 (30-50%); F4 (50-70%) and dialysis in phosphate buffer. The obtained fraction analyzed using casein substrate by UV-VIS spectrophotometer in tyrosin maximum wave length and its result extrapolized to tyrosin standard curve to obtain bromelain enzime activity value. Beside, it was determined the specific activity, activity unit per milligram of protein. Protein degree was determined by lowry method. Characterization have been done to know the character of bromelain like optimum temperature, pH and incubation time. The research result showed that pineapple peel bromelain enzyme have optimum incubation time of 5 minutes, optimum temperature at 43 °C, optimum pH at 8, highest level of purity at F3 (30-50%) with spesific activity of 1.629 U/mg; pineapple fruit bromelain enzyme have optimum incubation time of 5 minutes, optimum temperature at 35 °C, optimum pH at 6.5, highest level of purity at F3 (30-50%) with spesific activity of 5,452 U/mg; pineapple stem bromelain enzyme have optimum incubation time of 5 minutes, optimum temperature at 35 °C, optimum pH at 6, highest level of purity at F4 (50-70%) with spesific activity of 7.215 Wing. After immobilization enzyme have optimum incubation time of 5 minutes, optimum temperature at 33 °C, optimum pH at 6.5 with spesific activity of 7.215 U/mg. Immobilization enzyme stability maintained t
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