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    The objective of this research was to prove that the use EGRA technique was effective in teaching passive voice to Grade X of SMA Negeri 5 Palu. The researcher used quasi experimental research. The research samples were XMIPA1 which consisted of 27 students and XMIPA3 which consisted of 28 students.XMIPA1 was the experimental group and XMIPA3 was the control one. The experimental group was given treatment, while the control group was not. The technique of data collection was test. In analyzing the data, the researcher used 0.05 level of significance and 53 degree of freedom (df). The t-counted was 9.84 and the t-table was 2.008. It means that the t-counted was higher than the t-table, and the hypothesis was accepted. Based on the result, the researcher concludes that EGRA gives significant difference in teaching passive voice. In other words, the use of EGRA technique is effective in teaching passive voice to Grade X of SMA Negeri 5 Palu. Keywords: EGRA Technique, Teaching, Passive Voic

    Hubungan Harga Diri dan Interaksi Teman Sebaya Terhadap Perilaku Perundungan

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji secara empiris apakah ada atau tidak adanya korelasi antara harga diri dan interaksi teman sebaya terhadap perilaku intimidasi siswa di SMK Negeri 7 Samarinda. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa di SMK Negeri 7 Samarinda dengan 97 siswa. Metodologi penelitian menggunakan skala bullying, skala harga diri, skala interaksi teman sebaya. Timbangan tersebut disusun dengan skala model Likert dan diperiksa dengan menggunakan analisis regresi berganda. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ada korelasi positif dan signifikansi antara harga diri dan interaksi teman sebaya terhadap perilaku intimidasi dengan skor F = 6,705, R2 = 0,125, dan p = 0,002. Dalam harga diri tidak ada korelasi signifikan terhadap intimidasi dengan skor beta = -0,235, t = -1,807, dan p = 0,074. Dalam interaksi teman sebaya, tidak ada korelasi signifikan terhadap intimidasi dengan skor beta = -0.150, t = -1.152, dan p = 0.252. Kontribusi korelasi antara harga diri dan interaksi teman sebaya terhadap perilaku intimidasi siswa di SMK Negeri 7 Samarinda adalah sebesar 0,125 (12,5 persen)


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran orang tua dalam meningkatkan motivasi belajar Siswa di SMP Negeri 2 Mataraman. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif.  Ditinjau dari sisi psikologi, kebutuhan anak bukan hanya sebatas kebutuhan materi semata, anak juga membutuhkan kasih sayang dan perhatian dari orang terdekatnya, khususnya orang tua. Realitanya, banyak anak yang kurang mendapatkan kebutuhan afeksi (kasih sayang), disebabkan orang tua sibuk mencari uang demi memperbaiki perekonomian keluarga. Dalam menumbuhkan semangat belajar anak sehingga anak dapat melakukan kegiatan belajar dengan bersungguh-sungguh sangat memerlukan motivasi dari orang tua. Orang tua harus bisa memahami keinginan dan kebutuhan anak, sehingga motivasi yang diberikan akan bisa membangkitkan semangat semangat anak dalam belajarkarena motivasi yang diberikan tepat sasaran

    Dampak Permainan Elektronic Game Pada Ikatan Emosi Anak Dan Hilangnya Sense of Place Anak Pada Ruang Terbuka Di Kelapa Gading Jakarta Utara

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    Budaya bermain telah mengalami Perubahan dalam dua dekade terakhir ini. Perubahan tersebut salah satunya diakibatkan oleh adanya media dan electronic game. Sebelumnya budaya bermain lebih berorientasi ke luar ruangan dan melibatkan banyak gerakan fisik, sekarang budaya bermain lebih berorientasi ke dalam ruangan dan cenderung tidak bergerak (sedentary). Penelitian ini ingin mengungkapkan Perubahan budaya bermain yang disebabkan oleh electronic game dan implikasinya pada ikatan emosi anak-anak serta hilangnya sense of place anak-anak di ruang terbuka. Penelitian ini menggunakan kajian etnografi, studi kasus dilakukan pada komunitas anak-anak usia sekolah dasar yang secara intensif menggunakan electronic game untuk rentang waktu yang cukup lama (5-6 tahun), berasal dari keluarga kecil berpendidikan modern, tinggal di lingkungan perkotaan dan lingkungan Perumahan tertutup (gated community) di Kelapa Gading Jakarta Utara.. Penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa batasan orang tua akan kemandirian anak untuk bermain di luar menjadikan electronic game sebagai solusi orang tua yang kemudian mengakibatkan electronic game mengisi kekosongan dan menggeser budaya bermain sebelumnya. Penelitian ini juga mengungkapkan bahwa Perubahan budaya bermain diakibatkan oleh pemaknaan anak-anak terhadap electronic game sebagai suatu pengalaman emosi positif yang menyenangkan. Perubahan budaya bermain juga mengakibatkan berkurangnya atau hilangnya sense of place anak-anak di ruang terbuka, yang diakibatkan oleh pemaknaan anak-anak terhadap ruang terbuka sebagai pengalaman akan rasa takut


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    Antibiotic residues in milk are problem for consumer and daby farmer, discard this milk will be loss for dairy farmer and environment pollution. Penicillin are most antibiotic residues In milk Yogurt is milk fermented milk with starter of Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus bulgaricus. Penicillin residues in milk will reduce starter activity and finalIy unsuccessful these process. The purpose of this study was to determine penicillin level in milk which is possible to produce yogurt, evaluation of decreasing Penicillin residues level in yoghurt, relationship between starter, antibiotic residues and yoghurt quality. Complete Randomized Design, consist of two factor (penicillin residues : 0,0 1 / ml, 2,0 IU / ml, 4,01U/ / ml, 8,0 IU / m4 0,0 IU / ml and 10 IU / ml and starter concentration : 5 %, 7,5%, 10% and 12,5% ). The study indicated that milk with penicillin residues 10 IU/ml, with starter ( 7,5 % - 12,5% ) are still succes to produce yoghurt and to clear up penicillin residues in mil

    Un-Veiling Women’s Rights in the ‘War on Terrorism’

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    This thesis consists of an introductory chapter and four self-contained papers on temporary work agenciesand the economic analysis of law. Paper [I] adds to the theoretical literature on the incentives of Temporary Work Agencies (TWAs). Using aprincipal-agent model with hidden action to model two main types of contracts between a TWA and a ClientFirm (CF), the TWA is shown to potentially act against the best interest of the CF when helping to fill avacant position. The results also suggest that the adverse effect of the incentive misalignment is larger whenthe worker is going to be leased instead of hired by the CF. However, this effect could potentially be offsetby introducing a sufficient level of competition among the TWAs. Paper [II] uses individual-level data on young adults to estimate how the probability of being employed inthe Swedish temporary agency sector is affected by whether a partner or other family member has experienceof temporary agency work. The results show a significant effect from all peer groups of a magnitude thatcorrespond to the other most influential control variables. We also find that this cohort of the agency sectorhas a relatively high education level compared to the regular sector, and that there are predominately menworking in thissector. Paper [III] analyses possible effects on total employment, and the distribution between agency work andregular contracts as a consequence of the implementation of the EU Temporary and Agency Workers Directive in Sweden. The analysis is based on changes in the compensation to agency workers in a calibratedextension of a Mortensen-Pissarides search model. Even though the results suggest a negative net effect ontotal employment, the implementation is shown to increase (utilitarian) welfare, and an increased transitionprobability from the agency sector into regular employment will increase welfare even further. Paper [IV] focuses on settlement probabilities for different types of representation within the Swedish LabourCourt. Empirical estimates on a set of unjust dismissal cases show that private representatives are generallyless likely to reach a settlement than their union counterparts. The settlement probabilities converge following court-mandated information disclosure, which suggests that information asymmetry is an importantfactor in explaining differences in settlement behaviour. Privately instigated negotiations are therefore ingeneral insufficient for making cases with non-union representation reach the same settlement rate as caseswith union representation
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