87 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the Rules Related to Monuments' Frontage and its Role in Protecting Cultural Monuments

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    Privacy is one of the fundamental issues introduced in Iranian Civil Laws which has been formally codified since 1928. In 1930, the issue of cultural and historical monuments was specifically addressed in the law relating to preserving national monuments and the first sparks for the protection of cultural heritage were ignited. The question raised in this study was: “what factors are important in determining and preserving the frontage of valuable cultural spaces?” The purpose of this study was to determine the appropriate rules and how to develop frontage rules for national monuments. The results showed that some issues should be considered in the field of rules. It is better to consider this issue in the constitution like some countries and in the programs of long-term perspective, the cultural heritage organization change to the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Tourism to handle the Cultural Affairs better. However, the administrative and subjective aspects and effective forces have an important role in enforcing the rules in this regard

    El impacto del factor ambiental en el desarrollo económico de Kerman durante el Ilkanato

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    Natural phenomena are one of the influencing factors in the economic and social situation of human societies. However, it is clear that the mode and extent of this effect depends on the natural state of this or that area. On the other hand, Iran's historical events and circumstances appear to have been less studied geographically. The present study examines the probable impact of the natural phenomena of the Kerman province, their prominent and diverse natural and human characteristics on the sources of the Iakhanan period. For this purpose, it uses the historical and geographical reports of the 7th and 8th centuries. The above findings are important in this regard, demonstrating the history of economic developments in Kerman and other parts of Iran should not affect only in light of human events.Los fenómenos naturales son uno de los factores influyentes en la situación económica y social de las sociedades humanas. Sin embargo, está claro que el modo y el alcance de este efecto depende del estado natural de esta o aquella área. Por otro lado, los eventos y circunstancias históricas de Irán parecen haber sido menos estudiados desde una perspectiva geográfica. El presente estudio examina el probable impacto de los fenómenos naturales de la provincia de Kerman, sus características naturales y humanas prominentes y diversas en las fuentes del período Iakhanan. Para este propósito, se sirve de los informes históricos y geográficos de los siglos VII y VIII. Los hallazgos anteriores son importantes a este respecto, lo que demuestra que la historia de los desarrollos económicos de Kerman y otras partes de Irán no deben considerarse solo a la luz de los acontecimientos humanos

    Factors Associated with Self-Management in Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes

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    AbstractIntroduction: Diabetes is one of the most common chronic diseases that is also highlyprevalent among adolescents. The present study was conducted to determine therelationship between demographic characteristics and self-management in adolescentswith type 1 diabetes.Methods: This descriptive-analytical study was conducted on 426 adolescents withtype 1 diabetes aged 13 to 18, and diagnosed for at least one year. The research toolsincluded a demographic information form covering the patients’ personal, family,and health details, and the Self-Management of type 1 Diabetes in Adolescence(SMOD-A) with five subscales of collaboration with parents, diabetes care activities,diabetes problem-solving, diabetes communication, and diabetes goals. The contentvalidity of the measure was then evaluated by a group of experts and found to beacceptable (SCVI = 98%). In the assessment of the measure›s reliability, the intraclasscorrelation showed an overall Cronbach’s alpha of 0.88. The test-retest showed aconsistency of 0.73 for the measure.Results: The results obtained showed that the presence of another diabetic memberin the family leads to higher levels of self-management in some dimensions, includingproblem-solving, communication, and goals, yet to lower levels in some others,including collaboration with parents and diabetes care activities. A direct relationshipwas observed between the duration of time since the diagnosis and the scores obtainedby the adolescents. An inverse relationship was observed between the type of physicianin charge and the scores obtained in the subscales of collaboration with parents,problem-solving, communication, and goals. The scores obtained were directly relatedto having a school health record and having access to diabetic care tools at school.Family income was found to be directly related to diabetes care activities and inverselyto problem-solving, communication and goals. P of ≤ 0.05 was considered significantfor all relationships.Conclusions: Self-management was found to be moderate to good among Iranianadolescents with type 1 diabetes; however, it could be further improved with thesupport of both families and medical teams involved

    Evaluation of the Rules Related to Monuments' Frontage and its Role in Protecting Cultural Monuments

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    Privacy is one of the fundamental issues introduced in Iranian Civil Laws which has been formally codified since 1928. In 1930, the issue of cultural and historical monuments was specifically addressed in the law relating to preserving national monuments and the first sparks for the protection of cultural heritage were ignited. The question raised in this study was: “what factors are important in determining and preserving the frontage of valuable cultural spaces?” The purpose of this study was to determine the appropriate rules and how to develop frontage rules for national monuments. The results showed that some issues should be considered in the field of rules. It is better to consider this issue in the constitution like some countries and in the programs of long-term perspective, the cultural heritage organization change to the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Tourism to handle the Cultural Affairs better. However, the administrative and subjective aspects and effective forces have an important role in enforcing the rules in this regard

    Evaluation of the Rules Related to Monuments' Frontage and its Role in Protecting Cultural Monuments

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    Privacy is one of the fundamental issues introduced in Iranian Civil Laws which has been formally codified since 1928. In 1930, the issue of cultural and historical monuments was specifically addressed in the law relating to preserving national monuments and the first sparks for the protection of cultural heritage were ignited. The question raised in this study was: “what factors are important in determining and preserving the frontage of valuable cultural spaces?” The purpose of this study was to determine the appropriate rules and how to develop frontage rules for national monuments. The results showed that some issues should be considered in the field of rules. It is better to consider this issue in the constitution like some countries and in the programs of long-term perspective, the cultural heritage organization change to the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Tourism to handle the Cultural Affairs better. However, the administrative and subjective aspects and effective forces have an important role in enforcing the rules in this regard

    Nurses’ Turnover Process: A Qualitative Research

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    Introduction: The shortage of nurses and nursing turnover are major problems in the most countries of the world and Iran accordingly. Nurses' turnover is taken place during a process. The present study aimed to describe how nurses’ turnover process is carried out. Method: The nurse's turnover was studied from the perspective of 16 nurses with basic grounded theory. The participants were selected through conventional and theoretical sampling method. The data were collected by semi-structured interviews. The data were analyzed simultaneously by continuously comparisons based on Strauss and Corbin 2008 method. Results: Thinking about nursing “turnover” was appeared as the main variable which affects nurses' turnover process. The main variable in this study included six axial codes: professional/managerial challenges, finding a solution, thinking about turnover, job seeking, turnover intention, and conducting turnover. Conclusion: In order to prevent nursing turnover, identifying facilitating factors, removing barriers and promoting the necessary facilities are necessary. Keywords: Process, Turnover, Nurse, Grounded theor

    Spinal tuberculosis: diagnosis and management.

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    The spinal column is involved in less than 1% of all cases of tuberculosis (TB). Spinal TB is a very dangerous type of skeletal TB as it can be associated with neurologic deficit due to compression of adjacent neural structures and significant spinal deformity. Therefore, early diagnosis and management of spinal TB has special importance in preventing these serious complications. In order to extract current trends in diagnosis and medical or surgical treatment of spinal TB we performed a narrative review with analysis of all the articles available for us which were published between 1990 and 2011. Althoug h the development of more accurate imaging modalities such as magnetic resonance imaging and advanced surgical techniques have made the early diagnosis and management of spinal TB much easier, these are still very challenging topics. In this review we aim to discuss the diagnosis and management of spinal TB based on studies with acceptable design, clearly explained results and justifiable conclusions

    The Effect of Spiritual Care on Adjustment of Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes

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    Background: Diabetes is a stressful condition, which affects identity and psychosocial dimensions in adolescent then they need to be adapted. This study was conducted to investigate the effect of spiritual care on adolescents' adjustment with Type 1 diabetes. Materials and Methods: This randomized controlled clinical trial study was performed on 52 adolescents with Type 1 diabetes mellitus members of Sanandaj Diabetes Association (Sannadaj city, Kurdistan province, Iran), who were selected through convenience sampling and randomly divided into two groups (26 in each group). Spiritual care in the intervention group was performed in group form and daily for 6 sessions. Data were collected using "Baseline Characteristics Questionnaire", and "Lazarus and Folkman Coping Strategies Questionnaire" before and after the intervention and three weeks later. Data were analyzed using SPSS software version 19.0. Results: Chi-square test indicated the difference between the groups according to the level of education (p=0.048). Therefore, the effect of this variable was moderated. The mean of overall adjustment score in control group before and after providing intervention in the intervention group and during the follow-up period was 94.92±13.04, 90.12±10.96, and 92.08±13.34, respectively. The mean of overall adjustment scores in the intervention group before and after intervention and during the follow-up period were 104.08±23.35, 112.46±17.09, and 117.35±16.05, respectively; also t-test result showed a significant effect of intervention type (

    Development of Synbiotic Milk Chocolate Enriched with Lactobacillus paracasei, D-tagatose and Galactooligosaccharide

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    Background and Objective: Prebiotics are food ingredients that induce the growth or activity of beneficial bacteria (Bifidobacteria and Lactobacilli). Galactooligosaccharide and tagatose are two main prebiotic compounds which are used in the food industry. Chocolate is widely consumed all over the world and could be used as an excellent vehicle for delivery of prebiotics. Furthermore, the incorporation of probiotics into chocolate, allows broadening the health claims of chocolate. The aim of the current study was to investigate the effect of tagatose and galactooligosaccharide on the physicochemical and sensory properties of milk chocolate and the survivability of Lactobacillus paracasei in the optimized formulation. Material and Methods: Probiotic milk chocolate containing Lactobacillus paracasei were formulated by replacing a portion of the sucrose with the galactooligosaccharide powder and tagatose. For this purpose various concentrations of galactooligosaccharide and tagatose (2.5, 5 and 7.5% w w-1) along with stevia were used in chocolate formulation. Nine formulations were examined to determine some physicochemical, mechanical and sensory properties in order to find the optimum concentrations of these components. The lyophilized Lactobacillus paracasei were incorporated in the optimal formulation of prebiotic milk chocolate. The viability of probiotic bacteria in milk chocolate was carried out during storage at 22°C for up to 6 months.Results and Conclusion: In general, chocolate formulations with high levels of galactooligosaccharide, achieved the highest plastic viscosity and yield stress. The lowest viscosity and yield stress were observed for the samples containing high concentrations of tagatose and in control. In addition, galactooligosaccharide at higher ratios induced the least desirable sensorial effects, whereas tagatose improved the overall acceptability. It can be concluded that the overall acceptability of milk chocolate samples were with (7.5), tagatose: galactooligosaccharide ratios of 2.5%-2.5%, presenting the optimal applicable range as prebiotic compounds. Numbers of live Lactobacillus paracasei cells remained above 8.0 log CFU g-1 until 6 months under ambient conditions. Milk chocolate was shown to be an excellent vehicle for the delivery of Lactobacillus paracasei, and the prebiotic ingredients galactooligosaccharide and tagatose did not interfere in its viability. Conflict of interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest

    Hepcidin and HFE Polymorphisms and Ferritin Level in β-Thalassemia Major

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    Background: Thalassemia patients need repeated transfusion that lead to increased blood ferritin level and iron overload in the heart and liver. Because the roles of hepcidin antimicrobial peptide (HAMP) and hemocromatosis protein (HFE) in iron metabolism have been confirmed, this study investigated the effects of these gene's polymorphisms on blood ferritin levels and iron overload in the heart and liver in patients with beta thalassemia major Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted on 91 patients referring to the Hajar Hospital in Shahrekord, Iran in 2015. After the blood samples were collected, the ferritin levels were measured, DNA was extracted from the blood cells, and the types of polymorphisms were determined using PCR-RFLP. Data of MRI T2* in the heart and liver were drawn from the patients' medical files. Data analysis was conducted by t-test, chi-square test, Fisher's exact test, and Pearson correlation coefficient. Results: There was no significant correlation between blood ferritin level and c.-582 A>G polymorphisms of hepcidin gene (p=0.58), and H63D of HFE gene (p=0.818). In addition, there was no significant association between the polymorphisms and heart and liver MRI, but there was a significant association between blood ferritin level and qualitative heart and liver MRI (r=-0.34, p=0.035 and r=-0.001, p=0.609, respectively). Conclusion: In patients with β-thalassemia major, the presence of c.-582A>G HAMP and H63D HFE polymorphisms is not effective on blood ferritin level and iron overload in the heart and liver in the studied region. KEYWORDS: Ferritin; HFE* Iron overload; Hepcidin; Thalassemi