265 research outputs found

    Violencia de género en el teatro de autoría masculina : proyecto de repertorio escénico en lengua española (siglos XX y XXI)

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    La comunicación, inserta en el eje temático del Congreso “La construcción y comunicación de las identidades de género a través de la literatura”, ofrece una propuesta de aportación transversal al estudio de la violencia de género en un repertorio de literatura dramática de autoría masculina. Toma como estudio de campo un corpus teatral obra de Antonio Buero Vallejo, Lauro Olmo, José Martín Recuerda, José María Rodríguez Méndez, Fernando Arrabal, Francisco Nieva, Jerónimo López Mozo, Luis Riaza, Jesús Campos, Ernesto Caballero, Sergi Belbel, Juan Mayorga, Rodrigo García y Fernando Aguilera, entre otros dramaturgos contemporáneos. Los títulos seleccionados son una muestra del posicionamiento que parte de nuestras Artes Escénicas vienen adoptando ante una concepción de la identidad masculina asociada a comportamientos posesivos y roles de dominación sobre la persona con la que se mantiene o ha mantenido una relación sentimental

    La mirada del bufón de corte: Tragicomedia del serenísimo príncipe don Carlos, de Carlos Muñiz

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    Carlos Muñiz es un dramaturgo canónico del teatro español de posguerra. De la mano de Tragicomedia del serenísimo príncipe don Carlos, la cuestión que nos ocupa en estas líneas es demostrar cómo su autor ha venido practicando en sus últimas obras un código carnavalesco. Nos gustaría poner de relieve el original uso idiomático que exhibe el bufón, el loco cortesano de esta historia tragicómica.Carlos Muñiz is a well known creator of the Post-Civil War Spanish Drama. The main subject that concern us is to point out that Tragicomedia del serenísimo príncipe don Carlos helps us to see how the writer is used to employ a carnivalesque code. We’ll like to underline the original language that the clown of this tragicomical history display

    Leyenda áurea, un código estético al servicio de lo grotesco

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    José María Rodríguez Méndez is a well known creator of the Post-Civil War Drama, but his work has not been studied as the whole. The main subject that concern us is to point out that Leyenda áurea, written in 1998, helps us to see how the writer is used to employ a carnivalesque code. Far from his neosainetes Bodas que fueron famosas or Historia de unos cuantos, this piece focus on a new dramatic manner; we'll like to underline the original language its characters display.José María Rodríguez Méndez es un dramaturgo canónico encuadrado en el teatro español de posguerra, pero su obra no ha sido estudiada de forma global. De la mano de Leyenda áurea, escrita en 1998, nos gustaría demostrar cómo su autor ha venido desplegando en sus últimas obras un código carnavalesco. Lejos de sus neosainetes Bodas que fueron famosas o Historia de unos cuantos, esta pieza es una muestra de su nuevo estilo dramático; pretendemos poner de relieve el original uso idiomático que exhiben sus personajes

    GBDM+: an improved methodology for a GNSS-based distance meter

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    [EN] The determination of distances consistent with the definition of the base unit of length in the International System of Units (SI), the SI meter, with uncertainties of less than 1 ppm up to 5 km in the open air is a current challenge that is being increasingly required for different applications, including the determination of local ties, calibration baselines, and high precision geodetic metrology in singular scientific and engineering projects. The required knowledge of the index of refraction of the propagating medium at the same level of 1 ppm is a hard limit to the use of precise electronic distance meters (EDMs), which has motivated the recent development of new two-color, refractivity compensated, EDM prototypes. As an alternative, the use of global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) could benefit from their high scale stability although the lack of appropriate estimation of the uncertainties in their sources of error and their unknown propagation into the final result during the data processing has prevented a rigorous uncertainty analysis and, therefore, the use of GNSS for absolute distance determination. Stemming from our initial methodology for a GNSS-based distance meter (GBDM) that was restricted to relatively horizontal baselines and distances up to 1 km only, we have improved the method so that its application range is extended to baselines of up to 5 km with a possibly significant height difference so that it provides the final baseline distance with the corresponding uncertainty derived from the uncertainties in the different error sources rigorously propagated through the equations by which the distance is finally determined. This improved methodology, named as GBDM+, constitutes a significant step forward in the application of GNSS to open air length metrology.The work leading to this paper was performed within the 18SIB01 GeoMetre project of the European Metrology Programme for Innovation and Research (EMPIR). This project has received funding from the EMPIR programme co-financed by the Participating States and from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, funder ID: 10.13039/100014132. Raquel Lujan acknowledges the funding from the Programa de Ayudas de Investigacion y Desarrollo (PAID-01-20) de la Universitat Politecnica de Valencia.Baselga Moreno, S.; García-Asenjo Villamayor, L.; Garrigues Talens, P.; Luján, R. (2022). GBDM+: an improved methodology for a GNSS-based distance meter. Measurement Science and Technology. 33(8):1-16. https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6501/ac6f4511633

    Do Classes in Cooperative Classrooms Have a Positive Influence on Creativity and Teamwork Skills for Engineering Students?

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    Contributing to the acquisition of professional creativity and teamwork skills has been a special challenge for some of the subjects taught at the Technical University of Madrid (UPM), and this has been a starting point for the work described in this paper. Some professors have intuited that the use of cooperative classrooms could facilitate the acquisition of these skills. We describe the new methodologies applied within cooperative classrooms by some professors, and present the procedure for measuring students’ perception of their own learning outcomes, skill improvements, and overall satisfaction with the use of this kind of classroom. For this project, 250 students enrolled in several subjects answered a questionnaire. The featuresof thesubjectsinvolved intheproject arewidely disparate. We present the results of the statistical analysis with special emphasis on creativity and teamwork skills, and we conclude that the use of cooperative classroom has a positive influence on the acquisition of these skills. This work has the added value of being the first analysis of student perception of the use of cooperative classroom in the acquisition of creativity and teamwork skills


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    INTRODUCCIÓN: Los biológicos han supuesto una auténtica revolución en el manejo de los pacientes con enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal (EII). Sin embargo, carecemos de factores predictores de efectividad a estos fármacos que permitan una medicina de precisión. En 2019 se publicó un estudio que sugería la asociación entre la mutación de HLA-DQA1*05 y la pérdida de respuesta al tratamiento con anti-TNF por inmunogenicidad. Los resultados del estudio, dada su calidad, se han ido incorporando a la práctica clínica y han supuesto un cambio en el manejo y elección del tratamiento biológico concreto. No obstante, tras dichos estudios iniciales, no se han publicado nuevos trabajos que confirmen dichos hallazgos.MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Estudio de cohortes retrospectivo, llevado a cabo en el Hospital Miguel Servet de Zaragoza. Se incluyen pacientes en seguimiento por su EII que han recibido terapia con anti-TNF como primer biológico a los que se les ha determinado el HLA DQA1*05. Se ha evaluado su relación con la respuesta secundaria, la respuesta primaria y con la seguridad.RESULTADOS: Se incluyeron 199 pacientes con EII [161 (81%) con Enfermedad de Crohn (EC) y 38 (19%) con Colitis ulcerosa (CU)]. Un 42,4% presentan mutación del HLA DQA1*05 y el 60% recibió terapia combinada con inmunomodulador al inicio del tratamiento con anti-TNF. La mediana de seguimiento de los pacientes es de 24 meses (11-66 meses). En cuanto a la respuesta primaria a anti TNF, no se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas (89,3% vs 87,8%, p = 0,825), en función de la presencia o no de la mutación del HLA. En la evaluación de pérdida de respuesta secundaria al tratamiento con anti-TNF para toda la cohorte (EC y CU), por subgrupos de EII y por tipo de anti-TNF, tampoco se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas, en función de la presencia o no de la mutación del HLA. También se evaluó la pérdida de respuesta en función de la toma de anti-TNF combinado con tratamiento inmunomodulador, sin hallar significación estadística. El análisis multivariante, al igual que el análisis univariante, muestra que la mutación HLA DQA1*05 no se asocia a una mayor tasa de pérdida de respuesta secundaria.En relación con la seguridad, no se ha hallado significación estadística entre la variación genética del HLA y las reacciones infusionales ni los efectos adversos graves.CONCLUSION: La presencia de la mutación del HLA-DQA1*05 no se comporta en nuestra cohorte como factor predictor de fallo de respuesta, ni primaria ni secundaria, a terapia con anti-TNF. Tampoco se ha encontrado una relación significativa con la seguridad de los anti-TNF. Se necesitan más estudios para incorporar la determinación del HLA DQA1*05 como factor predictor individual de respuesta al tratamiento con anti-TNF en la práctica clínica.<br /

    EDM-GNSS distance comparison at the EURO5000 calibration baseline: preliminary results

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    [EN] At the Pieniny Klippen Belt in Poland, the novel primary reference baseline EURO5000 is required as part of the European Research project GeoMetre to both validate refractivity-compensated EDM prototypes and investigate the metrological traceability of GNSS-based distances. Since the aimed uncertainty is 1 mm at 5 km (k = 2), the design, construction, and validation must be carefully prepared to fulfil the high standards of the GeoMetre field campaigns which are planned to be carried out in May 2022. This contribution describes the main features of the EURO5000 and presents the results of the preliminary validation which includes a first comparison between the results obtained by using precise currently available EDMs as well as GNSS techniques following the standard GNSS geodetic processing algorithms, on the one hand, and the improved GNSS-Based Distance Meter (GBDM+) approach developed at UPV, on the other hand. The preliminary validation presented in this contribution also permits (1) to detect potential problems in the use of the baseline such as potential geodynamic problems, atmospheric refraction or multipath limitations, (2) to produce a set of reliable results, and (3) to pave the way for the final field comparisons between the novel EDMs and the GBDM+ approach. The result of this metrological experiment may significantly contribute to overcome the limitations of current high-precision deformation monitoring applications that require their scale to be consistent with the SI-metre within 0.1 ppm in several km.The project 18SIB01 GeoMetre hasreceived funding from the EMPIR programme co-financedby the Participating States and from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, funderID: 10.13039/100014132. Raquel Lujan acknowledges the funding from the Programa de Ayudas de Investigaciony Desarrollo (PAID-01-20) de la Universitat Politecnica deValencia.Wezka, K.; García-Asenjo Villamayor, L.; Próchniewicz, D.; Baselga Moreno, S.; Szpunar, R.; Garrigues Talens, P.; Walo, J.... (2023). EDM-GNSS distance comparison at the EURO5000 calibration baseline: preliminary results. Journal of Applied Geodesy. 17(2):101-108. https://doi.org/10.1515/jag-2022-004910110817

    p38MAPK and Chemotherapy: We always need to hear both Sides of the Story

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    The p38MAPK signaling pathway was initially described as a stress response mechanism. In fact, during previous decades, it was considered a pathway with little interest in oncology especially in comparison with other MAPKs such as ERK1/2, known to be target of oncogenes like Ras. However, its involvement in apoptotic cell death phenomena makes this signaling pathway more attractive for many cancer research laboratories. This apoptotic role allows to establish a link between p38MAPK and regular chemotherapeutic agents such as Cisplatin or base analogs (Cytarabine, Gemcitabine or 5-Fluorouracil) which are currently used in hospitals across the world. In fact, and more recently, p38MAPK has also been connected with targeted therapies like tyrosine kinase inhibitors (vg. Imatinib, Sorafenib) and, to a lesser extent, with monoclonal antibodies. In addition, the oncogenic or tumor suppressor potential of this signaling pathway has aroused the interest of the scientific community in evaluating p38MAPK as a novel target for cancer therapy. In this review, we will summarize the role of p38MAPK in chemotherapy as well as the potential that p38MAPK inhibition can bring to cancer therapy. All the evidences suggest that p38MAPK could be a double-edged sword and that the search for the most appropriate candidate patients, depending on their pathology and treatment, will lead to a more rational use of this new therapeutic tool

    Differentiation of bee pollen samples according to the apiary of origin and harvesting period based on their amino acid content

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    Producción CientíficaBee pollen is currently one of the most widely consumed dietary supplements due to its high nutritional value and its potentially beneficial effects on health. Unfortunately, in recent years an increase in the fraudulent marketing of this product has been detected, mainly in terms of adulteration with pollen from other sources. This has made it necessary to seek new tools to ensure its authentication. Therefore, this study investigates the use of free amino acids as markers of the geographical origin and harvesting period of bee pollen. To demonstrate their potential as biomarkers, 72 samples from four apiaries (Pistacho, Tío Natalio, Monte and Fuentelahiguera), located in the same geographical area (Marchamalo, Guadalajara, Spain), were analyzed by liquid chromatography-fluorescence detection, with the data obtained undergoing canonical discriminant analysis. Variable amounts and numbers of free amino acids were found in the samples analyzed; proline predominated in all of them, in a concentration range of 298–569989 mg/kg. The differences observed in amino acid composition could be attributed to the flowering plants from which the bee pollen samples originated. In addition, it was possible to statistically assign over 75% of the samples to the corresponding apiary of origin, the best results being obtained for the Fuentelahiguera and Tío Natalio apiaries (100%); this classification was even superior in the case of the harvesting periods, as more than 90% of the samples were correctly assigned, and in one period (June) a 100% rate was obtained.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (projects RTA 2015-00013-C03-01 and RTA 2015-00013-C03-03