1,300 research outputs found

    Green IT (TI Verde): Uma Análise Bibliográfica sob o Enfoque Interdisciplinar de Sistemas de Informação e Ciências Contábeis

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    Este estudo apresenta as contribuições nacionais em periódicos, dissertações, teses e anais de congressos sobre Green IT vinculado às Ciências Contábeis/Contabilidade. Fez-se revisão bibliométrica pela consulta ao Google Acadêmico no Portal de Periódicos Capes/MEC. A pesquisa limita-se à análise de publicações revisadas por pares, entre os anos de 2007 e 2016, que apresentam citações em Green IT (TI Verde) e Ciências Contábeis/Contabilidade, trazendo três contribuições importantes: 1) a TI verde apresenta oportunidades de melhoria da competitividade das empresas, por meio da adoção de critérios sustentáveis na seleção das arquiteturas e estratégias de TI; 2) o tema TI Verde ainda não alcançou status de outros temas mais tradicionais nas ciências contábeis e há vasto campo a ser explorado na área de Contabilidade Gerencial Ambiental; e 3) surgiram evidências de que pesquisas em temas interdisciplinares tendem a ser mais produtivas quando realizadas em parceria com pesquisadores de diversas áreas e instituições

    An assessment of the level of knowledge of secondary school students from the State of Pernambuco, Brazil, regarding Human Papillomavirus (HPV) and prophylactic vaccinations/ Uma avaliação do nível de conhecimento de estudantes do ensino médio do estado de Pernambuco, Brasil, sobre o Papilomavírus Humano (HPV) e as vacinas profiláticas

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    The aim of this study was to assess the knowledge of high school students about HPV and their awareness that a vaccine is available as prophylactic treatment. Nine hundred and eighty-six students were surveyed—the gender distribution being 61.5% female and 38.5% male. Of those surveyed, 67.1% said they had heard of HPV, but only 53.3% of those familiar with the virus knew a prophylactic treatment was available. Female students knew more about HPV than did their male counterparts (71.6% v. 60%), consequently fewer males knew of the vaccine (58.3% v. 50.7%). The students’ acceptance of the HPV vaccine as prophylactic treatment was correlated with both prior knowledge of the virus and the vaccine. Therefore, the study concluded that it is necessary to increase public awareness about HPV and with the availability of a the vaccine as preventative treatment. That is important due to a great level of resistance to vaccination in several states of Brazil. This study highlights the need for new public health policies.

    Possibilidades de Inovação em Educação a Distância: Blogs Educativos como Recurso Didático

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    A internet tornou-se a principal ferramenta de interação entre os jovens, principalmente através das redes sociais. O acesso a notícias, lazer e até mesmo à linguagem estão mudando. É necessário, então, buscar novas formas de ensinar. Uma pesquisa foi realizada na disciplina eletiva oferecida ao curso de graduação em Pedagogia presencial da Faculdade de Educação da UERJ, com o objetivo de verificar a aprendizagem e interação de alunos utilizando um blog educativo. Acompanhamos as aulas presenciais e as postagens feitas no blog e elaboramos um instrumento aplicado ao final do curso. Analisamos 27 questionários, onde itens como uso do blog como recurso didático? e o conteúdo do mesmo alcançaram alta pontuação. O sucesso da disciplina mostra que a educação mediada por tecnologias foi bem recebida. Iniciamos ajustes das aulas produzidas, transformando-as em objetos de aprendizagem, para a adaptação da disciplina a ambiente virtual de aprendizagem (AVA), cuja utilização oferecerá uma multiplicidade de instrumentos de investigação pertencentes à própria plataforma?.Palavras-chave: Blog educativo; Aprendizagem com mediação tecnológica; Tecnologia de informação e comunicação. Innovation Possibilities in Distance Education: Educational Blogs as a Teaching Resource Abstract The internet has become the primary tool for interaction among young people, especially through social networks. Access to news, entertainment and even language are changing. Therefore is necessary to seek new ways of teaching. A survey was conducted in a course of teacher training of a Brazilian university to verify the learning and interaction of students using an educational blog. In addition to monitoring the regular classrooms and blog posts we prepared a questionnaire at the end of the course. We analyzed 27 questionnaires, where items such as "use the blog as a teaching resource" averaged 3.95 and all items related to the content of the blog reached over 4.14 average (in the maximum of 5.0 points). We still need to develop approaches of distance education further, but with the success of the discipline and the good feedback from students, EAD is being well received by them. We initiated adjustments of the produced classes, turning them into learning objects, to adapt the course to a virtual learning management system (Moodle), which will offer a variety of research tools belonging to own "platform".Keywords: Educational blog; Learning with technological mediation; Information and communication technology

    Tecnologia assistiva para deficientes visuais / Assistive technology for the visually impaired

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    Este projeto apresenta o desenvolvimento de um dispositivo que auxilia, junto ao bastão de hoover (Bengala Longa), a locomoção do deficiente visual em ambientes desconhecidos, na detecção de obstáculos suspensos. O dispositivo projetado visa colaborar com a sociedade, proporcionando um auxílio adicional para os deficientes visuais. O protótipo inicial projetado utiliza um Arduino Mini Pro, um sensor de ultrassom, uma bateria de celular e um motor vibra-call. O diferencial deste projeto é a utilização de componentes de baixo custo e a segurança a mais que o protótipo final vai proporcionar para locomoção (sem a necessidade de utilizar outros periféricos como fones, óculos e chapéus). Por fim, os resultados obtidos foram satisfatórios para os testes com não deficientes. Posteriormente, serão realizados testes com deficientes utilizando metodologias desenvolvidas por psicólogos, para realizar melhorias físicas e lógicas, para melhor adaptação às necessidades e anseios dos usuários deficientes e para redução de custos

    Kinetics of digestion of low-quality forage grazed by beef cattle fed supplements containing increasing levels of rumen undegradable protein

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    This experiment was conducted to evaluate the degradation kinetics and microbial efficiency of beef cattle grazing on low-quality forage and receiving supplements with different levels of rumen undegradable protein (RUP). The animals grazed on palisade grass pasture solely or this pasture and supplement containing 40 or 60 g of RUP per 100 g of crude protein (CP). The degradation profiles of neutral detergent fiber, fiber carbohydrates, and neutral detergent insoluble protein were interpreted kinetically by using a decreasing logistic model. Treatments (no supplement, or RUP at 40 or 60 g−1 100 g CP) did not affect rumen fill; however, the increase in the indigestible fiber carbohydrate fraction that occurred at the expense of the digestible fiber carbohydrate fraction resulted in a greater rumen fill effect. The palisade grass showed a significant proportion of its nitrogen in the form of slowly degradable protein as neutral detergent insoluble protein, which amounted to 26 g per 100 g CP. Supplementation with 40 g of RUP per 100 g CP decresead the indigestible fraction of the low-quality forage. However, the absence of a rumen-fill effect demonstrates that the additional supply of nutrients contributes greatly to increasing growth efficiency and use of the available energy from the forage by the ruminal microorganisms

    Incapacidade funcional e fatores associados em idosos comunitários: Functional disability and associated factors in the elderly Community

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    Population-based household survey that estimated the prevalence of functional disability (FD) for performing Instrumental Activities of Daily Living and associated factors in 400 elderly people. For the analysis of the factors, a theoretical model of determination was constructed (3 hierarchical blocks) using Poisson regression. The prevalence of FD disability according to the Lawton and Brody Scale was 15% and was associated with increased age, low level of education, race/white color and need for help with walking.Encuesta de hogares basada en la población que estimó la prevalencia de discapacidad funcional (DF) para realizar actividades instrumentales de la vida diaria y factores asociados en 400 personas mayores. Para el análisis de los factores, se construyó un modelo teórico de determinación (3 bloques jerárquicos) utilizando la regresión de Poisson. La prevalencia de DF según la Escala de Lawton y Brody fue del 15% y se asoció con una mayor edad, bajo nivel de educación, raza / color blanco y necesidad de ayuda para caminar.Inquérito domiciliar de base populacional que estimou a prevalência de incapacidade funcional (IF) para realização de Atividades Instrumentais da Vida Diária e fatores associados em 400 idosos. Para a análise dos fatores, foi construído um modelo teórico de determinação (3 blocos hierarquizados) com uso da regressão de Poisson. A prevalência de IF pela Escala de Lawton e Brody foi 15% e associou-se com aumento da idade, baixo grau de escolaridade, raça/cor branca e necessidade de auxílio para andar


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    The objective of this work was to prospect sources of resistance to root-knot nematode in eggplant, scarlet eggplant (gilo), and interspecific hybrids between these species and with wild Solanum species. In the first experiment 10 eggplant accessions were evaluated, a hybrid between eggplant and gilo, and a Solanum stramonifolium x eggplant hybrid, for their reaction to Meloidogyne enterolobii. In the second, one access and two experimental eggplant hybrids were evaluated, and one Solanum scuticum x eggplant hybrid, for their reaction to M. incognita, and M. enterolobii. And in the third experiment, 20 accessions of gilo were evaluated for their reaction to M. incognita, M. javanica, and M. enterolobii. All the trials were stablished in a completely randomized design with six replications of one plant per pot, using a 1.5 L pots filled with a mixed substrate inoculated with each nematode species. It was found that all eggplant accessions were susceptible to M. incognita and M. enterolobii, however, BER 3150 presented lower susceptibility to M. incognita. The gilo genotypes CNPH 056, CNPH 070, CNPH 220, and CNPH 363 shown better response to M. incognita and M. javanica than the susceptibility pattern, the tomato 'Rutgers'. Other gilo accessions CNPH 070, CNPH 219, and CNPH 387 showed better or equivalent response than the resistant tomato 'Nemadoro' for M. enterolobii. 4- the BER EG203 x S. scuticum interspecific hybrid could be recommended as a rootstock for eggplant susceptible to M. incognita, as well the wild S. stramonifolium var. inerme species for M. enterolobii.In Brazil, eggplant and gilo are important for the economy of small-scale farms located mainly in the southeast states and other regions, with a significant production volume year-round in the wholesale local markets. However, these species are very susceptible to root-knot nematodes, and there are few or almost none known sources of resistance. The objective of this study was to prospect sources of resistance to root-knot nematodes in eggplant, scarlet eggplant (gilo), as well in interspecific hybrids between these species and with wild Solanum species, to be used as rootstocks. In the first experiment, in 2013, 10 eggplant accessions, a hybrid between eggplant and gilo, and a Solanum stramonifolium x eggplant hybrid, were evaluated for their reaction to Meloidogyne enterolobii. In the second, in 2016, 20 accessions of gilo were evaluated for their reaction to M. incognita, M. javanica, and M. enterolobii.. And in the third experiment, in 2017, one access and two experimental eggplant hybrids, and one Solanum scuticum x eggplant hybrid, were evaluated for their reaction to M. incognita, and M. enterolobii. All the trials were stablished in a greenhouse, and characters related to root infection were evaluated in a completely randomized design with six replications of one plant per pot, using a 1.5 L pots filled with a mixed substrate inoculated with each nematode species. It was found that all eggplant accessions were susceptible to M. incognita and M. enterolobii, however, BER 3150 presented lower susceptibility to M. incognita. The gilo genotypes CNPH 056, CNPH 070, CNPH 220, and CNPH 363 shown better response to M. incognita and M. javanica than the susceptibility pattern, the tomato 'Rutgers'. Other gilo accessions CNPH 070, CNPH 219, and CNPH 387 showed better or equivalent response than the resistant tomato 'Nemadoro' for M. enterolobii. 4- the BER EG203 x S. scuticum interspecific hybrid can be recommended as a rootstock for eggplant susceptible to M. incognita, as well the wild S. stramonifolium var. inerme species for M. enterolobii


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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the performance of laminate wood paricá (Schizolobium amazonicum Huber ex. Ducke) in commercial plantations in the region of Paragominas, Pará state. Using 180 sample trees aged five, six and seven years,originating from plantations and grown in 4 x 4 m spacing, the average income was evaluated, taking into account income by age and diameter class. Losses were also evaluated throughout the lamination process. The results show an average yield of 50.31% in the activity, which is consistent with species of Pinus and Eucalyptus. Trees that were older and larger in diameter showed higher yield and therefore lower losses due to defects and the remainder roller.O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o rendimento em laminação de madeira de paricá (Schizolobium amazonicum Huber ex. Ducke) em plantios comerciais na região de Paragominas, Pará. A partir de 180 árvores-amostra oriundas de plantios com idades de cinco, seis e sete anos em espaçamento 4 x 4 m, foram avaliados o rendimento médio na atividade levando em consideração os rendimentos por idade e por classe de diâmetro. Foram avaliadas também as perdas em todo o processo de laminação. Os resultados apontaram um rendimento médio de 50,31% na atividade, o que é compatível com espécies dos gêneros Pinus e Eucalyptus. Verificou-se que as árvores com maior idade e diâmetro apresentaram os maiores rendimento e, consequentemente, as menores perdas devido a defeitos e ao rolo-resto