26 research outputs found

    Urban Egyptian Women Aged 19-30 Years Display Nutrition Transition-Like Dietary Patterns, with High Energy and Sodium Intakes, and Insufficient Iron, Vitamin D, and Folate Intakes.

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    BACKGROUND: Recent changes in Egyptian dietary habits can be attributed to more urban and sedentary lifestyles and to alterations in the dietary and economic context. The mean BMI of Egyptian women is one of the highest worldwide, and 50% have iron deficiency. OBJECTIVE: The aim was to quantify food and nutrient intakes of urban Egyptian women and conduct a detailed analysis of micronutrients commonly consumed in inadequate amounts, such as iron, vitamin D, and folate. METHODS: Urban Egyptian women aged 19-30 y (n = 130) were recruited during 2016-2017. Energy needs were estimated using the Henry equation, assuming a low physical activity level (1.4). Dietary intakes and iron bioavailability were estimated from a 4-d food diary. Macronutrient intakes were compared with WHO/FAO population goals and micronutrient intakes with Egyptian recommendations. Iron needs were determined for each subject. RESULTS: The mean BMI (kg/m2) was 27.9 ± 4.9. The mean total energy intake (TEI; 2389 ± 715 kcal/d) was significantly higher than needs (2135 ± 237 kcal/d; P = 0.00018). Total fat (33%TEI) and SFA (11%TEI) intakes were slightly higher than population goals (15-30%TEI and <10%TEI, respectively). Diets provided 18 ± 8 g/d of fiber, 98 ± 54 g/d of total sugars, and nearly twice the recommended sodium intake (intake: 2787 ± 1065 mg/d; recommendation: <1500 mg/d). Estimated dietary iron bioavailability was low (9.2% ± 1.6%), and 79% of women consumed less iron than the average requirement (17.5 ± 7 mg/d). Overall, 82% and 80% of women consumed less vitamin D and folate, respectively, than recommended. CONCLUSIONS: Egyptian women aged 19-30 y have high intakes of energy and sodium, whereas iron, vitamin D, and folate intakes are insufficient, with only low concentrations of bioavailable iron. These results call for further investigation into measures that would improve this population's diet quality.Publication from previous employment rol

    Monitoring immune modulation by nutrition in the general population: identifying and substantiating effects on human health

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    Optimal functioning of the immune system is crucial to human health, and nutrition is one of the major exogenous factors modulating different aspects of immune function. Currently, no single marker is available to predict the effect of a dietary intervention on different aspects of immune function. To provide further guidance on the assessment and interpretation of the modulation of immune functions due to nutrition in the general population, International Life Sciences Institute Europe commissioned a group of experts from academia, government and the food industry to prepare a guidance document. A draft of this paper was refined at a workshop involving additional experts. First, the expert group defined criteria to evaluate the usefulness of immune function markers. Over seventy-five markers were scored within the context of three distinct immune system functions: defence against pathogens; avoidance or mitigation of allergy; control of low-grade (metabolic) inflammation. The most useful markers were subsequently classified depending on whether they by themselves signify clinical relevance and/or involvement of immune function. Next, five theoretical scenarios were drafted describing potential changes in the values of markers compared with a relevant reference range. Finally, all elements were combined, providing a framework to aid the design and interpretation of studies assessing the effects of nutrition on immune function. This stepwise approach offers a clear rationale for selecting markers for future trials and provides a framework for the interpretation of outcomes. A similar stepwise approach may also be useful to rationalise the selection and interpretation of markers for other physiological processes critical to the maintenance of health and well-bein

    Gut microbiome function and composition in infants from rural Kenya and association with human milk oligosaccharides

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    The gut microbiota evolves rapidly after birth, responding dynamically to environmental factors and playing a key role in short- and long-term health. Lifestyle and rurality have been shown to contribute to differences in the gut microbiome, including Bifidobacterium levels, between infants. We studied the composition, function and variability of the gut microbiomes of 6- to 11-month-old Kenyan infants ( n = 105). Shotgun metagenomics showed Bifidobacterium longum to be the dominant species. A pangenomic analysis of B. longum in gut metagenomes revealed a high prevalence of B. longum subsp. infantis ( B. infantis) in Kenyan infants (80%), and possible co-existence of this subspecies with B. longum subsp. longum. Stratification of the gut microbiome into community (GMC) types revealed differences in composition and functional features. GMC types with a higher prevalence of B. infantis and abundance of B. breve also had a lower pH and a lower abundance of genes encoding pathogenic features. An analysis of human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs) classified the human milk (HM) samples into four groups defined on the basis of secretor and Lewis polymorphisms revealed a higher prevalence of HM group III ( Se+, Le-) (22%) than in most previously studied populations, with an enrichment in 2'-fucosyllactose. Our results show that the gut microbiome of partially breastfed Kenyan infants over the age of six months is enriched in bacteria from the Bifidobacterium community, including B. infantis, and that the high prevalence of a specific HM group may indicate a specific HMO-gut microbiome association. This study sheds light on gut microbiome variation in an understudied population with limited exposure to modern microbiome-altering factors

    Human milk nutritional composition across lactational stages in Central Africa

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    The African region encompasses the highest undernutrition burden with the highest neonatal and infant mortality rates globally. Under these circumstances, breastfeeding is one of the most effective ways to ensure child health and development. However, evidence on human milk (HM) composition from African women is scarce. This is of special concern, as we have no reference data from HM composition in the context of food insecurity in Africa. Furthermore, data on the evolution of HM across lactational stages in this setting lack as well. In the MITICA study, we conducted a cohort study among 48 Central-African women and their 50 infants to analyze the emergence of gut dysbiosis in infants and describe the mother-infant transmission of microbiota between birth and 6 months of age. In this context, we assessed nutritional components in HM of 48 lactating women in Central Africa through five sampling times from week 1 after birth until week 25. Unexpectedly, HM-type III (Secretor + and Lewis genes -) was predominant in HM from Central African women, and some nutrients differed significantly among HM-types. While lactose concentration increased across lactation periods, fatty acid concentration did not vary significantly. The overall median level of 16 detected individual human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs; core structures as well as fucosylated and sialylated ones) decreased from 7.3 g/l at week 1 to 3.5 g/l at week 25. The median levels of total amino acids in HM dropped from 12.8 mg/ml at week 1 to 7.4 mg/ml at week 25. In contrast, specific free amino acids increased between months 1 and 3 of lactation, e.g., free glutamic acid, glutamine, aspartic acid, and serine. In conclusion, HM-type distribution and certain nutrients differed from Western mother HM

    Food Insecurity and Maternal Diet Influence Human Milk Composition between the Infant's Birth and 6 Months after Birth in Central-Africa

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    Although the World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF recommend that infants should be exclusively breastfed for the first 6 months of life, evidence is scarce on how the mother’s undernourishment status at delivery and maternal dietary factors influence human milk (HM) composition during the first 6 months of life in regions with high food insecurity. The maternal undernourishment status at delivery, maternal diet, and HM nutrients were assessed among 46 women and their 48 vaginally born infants in Bangui at 1, 4, 11, 18, and 25 weeks after birth through 24-h recalls and food consumption questionnaires from December 2017 to June 2019 in the context of the "Mother-to-Infant TransmIssion of microbiota in Central-Africa" (MITICA) study. High food insecurity indexes during the follow-up were significantly associated with them having lower levels of many of the human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs) that were measured and with lower levels of retinol (aß-coef = −0.2, p value = 0.04), fatty acids (aß-coef = −7.2, p value = 0.03), and amino acids (aß-coef = −2121.0, p value < 0.001). On the contrary, women from food-insecure households displayed significantly higher levels of lactose in their HM (aß-coef = 3.3, p value = 0.02). In parallel, the consumption of meat, poultry, and fish was associated with higher HM levels of many of the HMOs that were measured, total amino acids (aß-coef = 5484.4, p value < 0.001), and with lower HM levels of lactose (aß-coef = −15.6, p value = 0.01). Food insecurity and maternal diet had a meaningful effect on HM composition with a possible impact being an infant undernourishment risk. Our results plead for consistent actions on food security as an effective manner to influence the nutritional content of HM and thereby, potentially improve infant survival and healthy growth

    Health relevance of the modification of low grade inflammation in ageing (inflammageing) and the role of nutrition

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    Ageing of the global population has become a public health concern with an important socio-economic dimension. Ageing is characterized by an increase in the concentration of inflammatory markers in the bloodstream, a phenomenon that has been termed "inflammageing". The inflammatory response is beneficial as an acute, transient reaction to harmful conditions, facilitating the defense, repair, turnover and adaptation of many tissues. However, chronic and low grade inflammation is likely to be detrimental for many tissues and for normal functions. We provide an overview of low grade inflammation (LGI) and determine the potential drivers and the effects of the "inflamed" phenotype observed in the elderly. We discuss the role of gut microbiota and immune system crosstalk and the gut-brain axis. Then, we focus on major health complications associated with LGI in the elderly, including mental health and wellbeing, metabolic abnormalities and infections. Finally, we discuss the possibility of manipulating LGI in the elderly by nutritional interventions. We provide an overview of the evidence that exists in the elderly for omega-3 fatty acid, probiotic, prebiotic, antioxidant and polyphenol interventions as a means to influence LGI. We conclude that slowing, controlling or reversing LGI is likely to be an important way to prevent, or reduce the severity of, age-related functional decline and the onset of conditions affecting health and well-being; that there is evidence to support specific dietary interventions as a strategy to control LGI; and that a continued research focus on this field is warranted

    Lactobacillus paracasei feeding improves the control of secondary experimental meningococcal infection in flu-infected mice

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    International audienceThe use of probiotics to improve anti-microbial defence, such as for influenza infections, is increasingly recommended. However, no data are available on the effect of probiotics on flu-associated secondary bacterial infections. There is strong evidence of a spatiotemporal association between influenza virus infection and invasive Neisseria meningitidis. We thus investigated the effect of feeding mice Lactobacillus paracasei CNCM I-1518 in a mouse model of sequential influenza-meningococcal infection.METHODS:We intranasally infected BALB/c mice with a strain of influenza A virus (IAV) H3N2 that was first adapted to mice. Seven days later, a secondary bacterial infection was induced by intranasal administration of bioluminescent N. meningitidis. During the experiment, mice orally received either L. paracasei CNCM I-1518 or PBS as a control. The effect of L. paracasei administration on secondary bacterial infection by N. meningitidis was evaluated.RESULTS:Oral consumption of L. paracasei CNCM I-1518 reduced the weight loss of infected mice and lowered the bioluminescent signal of infecting meningococci. This improvement was associated with higher recruitment of inflammatory myeloid cells, such as interstitial monocytes and dendritic cells, to the lungs.CONCLUSIONS:Our data highlight the role of the gut-lung axis. L. paracasei CNCM I-1518 may boost the defence against IAV infection and secondary bacterial infection, which should be further studied and validated in clinical trials

    A probiotic fermented dairy drink improves antibody response to influenza vaccination in the elderly in two randomised controlled trials.

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    International audienceBACKGROUND: Influenza vaccination is recommended for the elderly in many countries, but immune responses are weaker compared to younger adults. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the impact of daily consumption of a probiotic dairy drink on the immune response to influenza vaccination in an elderly population of healthy volunteers over 70 years of age. DESIGN: Two randomised, multicentre, double-blind, controlled studies were conducted during two vaccination seasons in 2005-2006 (pilot) and 2006-2007 (confirmatory). Eighty-six and 222 elderly volunteers consumed either a fermented dairy drink, containing the probiotic strain Lactobacillus casei DN-114 001 and yoghurt ferments (Actimel, or a non-fermented control dairy product twice daily for a period of 7 weeks (pilot) or 13 weeks (confirmatory). Vaccination occurred after 4 weeks of product consumption. Geometric mean antibody titres (GMT) against the 3 viral strains composing the vaccine (H1N1, H3N2, and B) were measured at several time intervals post-vaccination by haemagglutination inhibition test. RESULTS: In the pilot study, the influenza-specific antibody titres increased after vaccination, being consistently higher in the probiotic product group compared to the control group under product consumption. Similarly, in the confirmatory study, titres against the B strain increased significantly more in the probiotic group than in the control group at 3, 6 and 9 weeks post-vaccination under product consumption (p=0.020). Significant differences in seroconversion between the groups by intended to treat analysis were still found 5 months after vaccination. Similar GMT results were observed for the H3N2 strain and H1N1 strain, confirming the results of the pilot study. CONCLUSION: These studies demonstrate that daily consumption of this particular probiotic product increased relevant specific antibody responses to influenza vaccination in individuals of over 70 years of age and may therefore provide a health benefit in this population