155 research outputs found

    Behavioral observations on the White-breasted Thrasher (Ramphocinclus brachyurus brachyurus): conservation implications

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    International audienceThe White-breasted Thrasher (Ramphocinclus brachyurus brachyurus) is surviving at the tip of the Caravelle peninsula in Martinique, on a 5 km 2 territory. Once widespread throughout the island, this passerine was on the verge of extinction in the 1950s but managed to recover. The creation of the Caravelle Nature Reserve in 1976 contributed to the protection of its habitat, but little is known about the factors behind the slow population growth registered in the past decades. A year-long ethological study was launched by the Regional Natural Park of Martinique (PNRM) in order to understand the status of this endangered species. In spite of some limitations, original observations shed new light on the behavior of this endemic species. New calls and a song were identified for the White-breasted Thrasher. The study highlights seasonal variations in the bird's feeding behaviors and some behavioral plasticity in its reproductive strategies. Individuals appear to be exposed to strong predation pressure, especially during the breeding season. The confirmation of the modus operandi of rats against White-breasted Thrashers' nests should help improve the conservation policy of this bird

    Variable selection in near infrared spectra for the biological characterization of soil and earthworm casts

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    International audienceNear infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) was used to predict six biological properties of soil and earthworm casts including extracellular soil enzymes, microbial carbon, potential nitrification and denitrification. Partial least squares regression (PLSR) models were developed with a selection of the most important near infrared wavelengths. They reached coefficients of determination ranging from 0.81 to 0.91 and ratios of performance-to-deviation above 2.3. Variable selection with the variable importance in the projection (VIP) method increased dramatically the prediction performance of all models with an important contribution from the 1750–2500 nm region. We discuss whether selected wavelengths can be attributed to macronutrient availability or to microbial biomass. Wavelength selection in NIR spectra is recommended for improving PLSR models in soil research

    Le Droit à l’Environnement Dans Une Perspective Neomoderne

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    En même temps qu’il s’inscrit dans une logique de développement, l’environnement est quotidiennement la cible de nombreux actes susceptibles de le fragiliser, spécialement dans un contexte de capitalisme néolibéral. La crise écologique marque de nouveaux rapports entre les sociétés et la nature, avec la reconnaissance de l’environnement en tant qu’élément essentiel à l’existence de l’espèce humaine, et, ignorant les frontières et la souveraineté des États dans le contexte de mondialisation, devient un droit de l’homme, s’incluant progressivement dans les divers ordres normatifs dans une tendance homogénéisatrice. Dans cette perspective, l’objet de cette étude se penche sur l’analyse de ce mouvement juridique de diffusion normative du droit à l’environnement, essayant de comprendre comment ce phénomène s’est déroulé. Utilisant une méthodologie d’analyse de divers ordres juridiques basée sur la théorie de la circularité normative, on essaie de produire l’observation des effets et des influences réciproques trans et supranationaux sur la progression du degré de protection de l’environnement par le Droit. On conclut que ce mouvement juridique de diffusion normative du droit à l’environnement se manifeste de façon complexe et comprend un échange entre les divers ordres juridiques nationaux et internationaux, par le biais d’une dynamique non linéaire d´évolution qui va de l’internationalisation à la constitutionnalisation et réciproquement. Cependant, impliquant des réponses dans le cadre des politiques publiques néomodernes influencées par le scénario néolibéral, le droit à l’environnement rencontre des difficultés à se rendre effectif, au moment où le monde entier doit relever le challenge des objectifs du développement durable

    Le Droit à l’Environnement Dans Une Perspective Neomoderne

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    En même temps qu’il s’inscrit dans une logique de développement, l’environnement est quotidiennement la cible de nombreux actes susceptibles de le fragiliser, spécialement dans un contexte de capitalisme néolibéral. La crise écologique marque de nouveaux rapports entre les sociétés et la nature, avec la reconnaissance de l’environnement en tant qu’élément essentiel à l’existence de l’espèce humaine, et, ignorant les frontières et la souveraineté des États dans le contexte de mondialisation, devient un droit de l’homme, s’incluant progressivement dans les divers ordres normatifs dans une tendance homogénéisatrice. Dans cette perspective, l’objet de cette étude se penche sur l’analyse de ce mouvement juridique de diffusion normative du droit à l’environnement, essayant de comprendre comment ce phénomène s’est déroulé. Utilisant une méthodologie d’analyse de divers ordres juridiques basée sur la théorie de la circularité normative, on essaie de produire l’observation des effets et des influences réciproques trans et supranationaux sur la progression du degré de protection de l’environnement par le Droit. On conclut que ce mouvement juridique de diffusion normative du droit à l’environnement se manifeste de façon complexe et comprend un échange entre les divers ordres juridiques nationaux et internationaux, par le biais d’une dynamique non linéaire d´évolution qui va de l’internationalisation à la constitutionnalisation et réciproquement. Cependant, impliquant des réponses dans le cadre des politiques publiques néomodernes influencées par le scénario néolibéral, le droit à l’environnement rencontre des difficultés à se rendre effectif, au moment où le monde entier doit relever le challenge des objectifs du développement durable

    Reparto de los ingresos fiscales para fomentar el desarrollo socioambiental amazónico: el caso del ICMS ecológico en el estado de Pará

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    El ICMS Ecológico es una política pública financiera-ambiental, que incorpora criterios ambientales para la distribución de los ingresos procedentes de la recaudación del Impuesto sobre la Circulación de Bienes y Servicios (ICMS) de los estados miembros a los municipios. La política se implementó en el Estado de Pará en 2012, y los criterios de transferencia se ajustaron en 2017. Teniendo en cuenta los mandatos legales que rigen el ICMS Ecológico de Pará y el contexto en el que se creó, este artículo analiza el potencial de la política en relación al Desarrollo socioambiental amazónico, con especial énfasis en mejorar las condiciones de vida de las comunidades tradicionales. Utilizando un método exploratorio y el procedimiento de investigación bibliográfica, el estudio expone la estructura normativa de la política, enfatizando los criterios de transferencia utilizados y su relación con la protección de las comunidades tradicionales. A través del análisis realizado, el trabajo concluye que no hay un fomento destinado a mejorar la calidad de vida de las poblaciones mediante la aplicación de las transferencias de ingresos obtenidas. Sin embargo, si se aplica correctamente el mandato legal, con ajustes en los criterios de transferencia previstos, se observa que la política es capaz de aportar efectos positivos a las comunidades tradicionales, valorando la relación positiva de estas comunidades con la protección del medio ambiente.Ecological ICMS is a financial and environmental public policy that defines environmental criteria for the distribution of Brazilian sales taxes (ICMS) revenues from Member States to municipalities. The policy was implemented in the state of Pará in 2012, the transmission criteria having been adjusted in 2017. Considering the laws governing the Ecological ICMS and the context in which it was created, this article analyzes the potentialities of the policy regarding the Amazonian socio-environmental development, with emphasis on improving the living conditions of traditional communities. Using exploratory methods and a bibliographic research procedure, the study exposes the normative structure of the policy by emphasizing the fiscal sharing criterion and its relations with the protection of the traditional communities. The study concluded that the financial resources resulting from the policy are not applied to improve the quality of life of local populations, but, if the law is correctly applied, correcting the sharing criterion, the policy is able to bring positive effects to traditional communities, valuing their positive relationship with the protection of the environment.ICMS Ecológico é uma política pública financeiro-ambiental, que traz critérios ambientais para a repartição do produto da arrecadação do Imposto sobre Circulação de Mercadorias e Serviços (ICMS) dos estados-membros aos municípios. A política foi implementada no estado do Pará em 2012, teve os critérios de repasse ajustados em 2017. Considerando os mandamentos legais que regem o ICMS Ecológico paraense e o contexto no qual foi criado, este artigo analisa as potencialidades da política em relação ao desenvolvimento socioambiental amazônico, dando especial relevo à melhoria das condições de vida das comunidades tradicionais. Utilizando método exploratório e procedimento de pesquisa bibliográfica, o estudo expõe a estruturação normativa da política, dando ênfase aos critérios de repasse utilizados e sua relação com a proteção das comunidades tradicionais. Através da análise realizada, verifica-se a ausência de fomento à melhoria da qualidade de vida das populações por meio da aplicação dos repasses obtidos. Porém, se corretamente aplicado o mandamento legal, com ajustes nos critérios de repasse previstos, observa-se ser a política capaz de aportar efeitos positivos às comunidades tradicionais, valorizando a relação positiva destas com a proteção ambiental

    Conservation Learning Initiative: Learn from evidence. Improve Conservation

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    The conservation community needs smarter and more successful actions to improve the impact of its work. For example, it is not always clear how to create training programmes that improve performance in a lasting way, or what the ingredients of a successful conservation partnership are, or how donors can set up funding so that grantees can work in a strategic and sustainable way.One way of designing successful, effective actions is through using insights from evidence-based learning. Recent years have seen significant steps forward in developing concepts for defining and using evidence in conservation. In late 2021, the MAVA Foundation, Foundations of Success (FOS), and Conservation Evidence joined forces in an initiative to build further on this work.Combining the strengths of their approaches with MAVA's treasure of nearly 30 years of conservation data, they set out to formulate assumptions and collect evidence to answer key learning questions. The results of this joint work are now available on the Conservation Learning Initiative website (https://conservation-learning.org/) and in a consolidated report.The website and report present:A practical 5-step approach for evidence-based learning in conservation, designed for combining different sources of evidence, dealing with differences in reliability and relevance, and drawing conclusions.Valuable insights based on data regarding four widely used conservation strategies: capacity-building, forming partnerships and alliances, providing flexible funding, and research and monitoring.The lessons learned will help conservationists fine-tune their work or investment to increase their conservation impact. By applying the approach on their own data, they can learn from evidence to make better decisions and improve strategies over time

    Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation for Severe Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome associated with COVID-19: An Emulated Target Trial Analysis.

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    RATIONALE: Whether COVID patients may benefit from extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) compared with conventional invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV) remains unknown. OBJECTIVES: To estimate the effect of ECMO on 90-Day mortality vs IMV only Methods: Among 4,244 critically ill adult patients with COVID-19 included in a multicenter cohort study, we emulated a target trial comparing the treatment strategies of initiating ECMO vs. no ECMO within 7 days of IMV in patients with severe acute respiratory distress syndrome (PaO2/FiO2 <80 or PaCO2 ≥60 mmHg). We controlled for confounding using a multivariable Cox model based on predefined variables. MAIN RESULTS: 1,235 patients met the full eligibility criteria for the emulated trial, among whom 164 patients initiated ECMO. The ECMO strategy had a higher survival probability at Day-7 from the onset of eligibility criteria (87% vs 83%, risk difference: 4%, 95% CI 0;9%) which decreased during follow-up (survival at Day-90: 63% vs 65%, risk difference: -2%, 95% CI -10;5%). However, ECMO was associated with higher survival when performed in high-volume ECMO centers or in regions where a specific ECMO network organization was set up to handle high demand, and when initiated within the first 4 days of MV and in profoundly hypoxemic patients. CONCLUSIONS: In an emulated trial based on a nationwide COVID-19 cohort, we found differential survival over time of an ECMO compared with a no-ECMO strategy. However, ECMO was consistently associated with better outcomes when performed in high-volume centers and in regions with ECMO capacities specifically organized to handle high demand. This article is open access and distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives License 4.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)