26 research outputs found

    Inhibitory neuron migration and IPL formation in the developing zebrafish retina.

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    The mature vertebrate retina is a highly ordered neuronal network of cell bodies and synaptic neuropils arranged in distinct layers. Little, however, is known about the emergence of this spatial arrangement. Here, we investigate how the three main types of retinal inhibitory neuron (RIN)--horizontal cells (HCs), inner nuclear layer amacrine cells (iACs) and displaced amacrine cells (dACs)--reach their specific laminar positions during development. Using in vivo time-lapse imaging of zebrafish retinas, we show that RINs undergo distinct phases of migration. The first phase, common to all RINs, is bipolar migration directed towards the apicobasal centre of the retina. All RINs then transition to a less directionally persistent multipolar phase of migration. Finally, HCs, iACs and dACs each undergo cell type-specific migration. In contrast to current hypotheses, we find that most dACs send processes into the forming inner plexiform layer (IPL) before migrating through it and inverting their polarity. By imaging and quantifying the dynamics of HCs, iACs and dACs from birth to final position, this study thus provides evidence for distinct and new migration patterns during retinal lamination and insights into the initiation of IPL formation.This work was supported by Wellcome Trust Senior Investigator Award 100329/Z/12/Z to WH and a UK Commonwealth Scholarship to RC.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from the Company of Biologists via http://dx.doi.org/10.1242/dev.12247

    Müller glia provide essential tensile strength to the developing retina.

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    This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from the Rockefeller University Press via http://dx.doi.org/10.1083/jcb.201503115To investigate the cellular basis of tissue integrity in a vertebrate central nervous system (CNS) tissue, we eliminated Müller glial cells (MG) from the zebrafish retina. For well over a century, glial cells have been ascribed a mechanical role in the support of neural tissues, yet this idea has not been specifically tested in vivo. We report here that retinas devoid of MG rip apart, a defect known as retinoschisis. Using atomic force microscopy, we show that retinas without MG have decreased resistance to tensile stress and are softer than controls. Laser ablation of MG processes showed that these cells are under tension in the tissue. Thus, we propose that MG act like springs that hold the neural retina together, finally confirming an active mechanical role of glial cells in the CNS.This work was funded by a Herchel Smith Postdoctoral Fellowship to R.B.M., the Wellcome Trust programme in Developmental Biology to O.R. and J.O., NIH grants EY14358 (R.O.W.) and EY01730 (Vision Core), MRC Career Development Award and HFSP Young Investigator Grant to K.F., and a Wellcome Trust Investigator Award to W.A.H

    Expansion microscopy of zebrafish for neuroscience and developmental biology studies

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    Expansion microscopy (ExM) allows scalable imaging of preserved 3D biological specimens with nanoscale resolution on fast diffraction-limited microscopes. Here, we explore the utility of ExM in the larval and embryonic zebrafish, an important model organism for the study of neuroscience and development. Regarding neuroscience, we found that ExM enabled the tracing of fine processes of radial glia, which are not resolvable with diffraction-limited microscopy. ExM further resolved putative synaptic connections, as well as molecular differences between densely packed synapses. Finally, ExM could resolve subsynaptic protein organization, such as ring-like structures composed of glycine receptors. Regarding development, we used ExM to characterize the shapes of nuclear invaginations and channels, and to visualize cytoskeletal proteins nearby. We detected nuclear invagination channels at late prophase and telophase, potentially suggesting roles for such channels in cell division. Thus, ExM of the larval and embryonic zebrafish may enable systematic studies of how molecular components are configured in multiple contexts of interest to neuroscience and developmental biology.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant 1R01EB024261)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant 1R01MH110932)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant 2R01DA029639)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant 1R01NS087950)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant 1U01MH106011

    Climate change goes underground: effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 on microbial community structure and activities in the rhizosphere.

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    General concern about climate change has led to growing interest in the responses of terrestrial ecosystems to elevated concentrations of CO2 in the atmosphere. Experimentation during the last two to three decades using a large variety of approaches has provided sufficient information to conclude that enrichment of atmospheric CO2 may have severe impact on terrestrial ecosystems. This impact is mainly due to the changes in the organic C dynamics as a result of the effects of elevated CO2 on the primary source of organic C in soil, i.e., plant photosynthesis. As the majority of life in soil is heterotrophic and dependent on the input of plant-derived organic C, the activity and functioning of soil organisms will greatly be influenced by changes in the atmospheric CO2 concentration. In this review, we examine the current state of the art with respect to effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 on soil microbial communities, with a focus on microbial community structure. On the basis of the existing information, we conclude that the main effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 on soil microbiota occur via plant metabolism and root secretion, especially in C3 plants, thereby directly affecting the mycorrhizal, bacterial, and fungal communities in the close vicinity of the root. There is little or no direct effect on the microbial community of the bulk soil. In particular, we have explored the impact of these changes on rhizosphere interactions and ecosystem processes, including food web interactions

    Dendritic growth gated by a steroid hormone receptor underlies increases in activity in the developing Drosophila locomotor system

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    As animals grow, their nervous systems also increase in size. How growth in the central nervous system is regulated and its functional consequences are incompletely understood. We explored these questions, using the larval Drosophila locomotor system as a model. In the periphery, at neuromuscular junctions, motoneurons are known to enlarge their presynaptic axon terminals in size and strength, thereby compensating for reductions in muscle excitability that are associated with increases in muscle size. Here, we studied how motoneurons change in the central nervous system during periods of animal growth. We find that within the central nervous system motoneurons also enlarge their postsynaptic dendritic arbors, by the net addition of branches, and that these scale with overall animal size. This dendritic growth is gated on a cell-by-cell basis by a specific isoform of the steroid hormone receptor ecdysone receptor-B2, for which functions have thus far remained elusive. The dendritic growth is accompanied by synaptic strengthening and results in increased neuronal activity. Electrical properties of these neurons, however, are independent of ecdysone receptor-B2 regulation. We propose that these structural dendritic changes in the central nervous system, which regulate neuronal activity, constitute an additional part of the adaptive response of the locomotor system to increases in body and muscle size as the animal grows

    Functional and pharmacological analyses of visual habituation learning in larval zebrafish

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    Habituation allows animals to learn to ignore persistent but inconsequential stimuli. Despite being the most basic form of learning, a consensus model on the underlying mechanisms has yet to emerge. To probe relevant mechanisms, we took advantage of a visual habituation paradigm in larval zebrafish, where larvae reduce their reactions to abrupt global dimming (a dark flash). We used Ca2+ imaging during repeated dark flashes and identified 12 functional classes of neurons that differ based on their rate of adaptation, stimulus response shape, and anatomical location. While most classes of neurons depressed their responses to repeated stimuli, we identified populations that did not adapt or that potentiated their response. These neurons were distributed across brain areas, consistent with a distributed learning process. Using a small-molecule screening approach, we confirmed that habituation manifests from multiple distinct molecular mechanisms, and we have implicated molecular pathways in habituation, including melatonin, oestrogen, and GABA signalling. However, by combining anatomical analyses and pharmacological manipulations with Ca2+ imaging, we failed to identify a simple relationship between pharmacology, altered activity patterns, and habituation behaviour. Collectively, our work indicates that habituation occurs via a complex and distributed plasticity processes that cannot be captured by a simple model. Therefore, untangling the mechanisms of habituation will likely require dedicated approaches aimed at sub-component mechanisms underlying this multidimensional learning process

    Distributed Plasticity Drives Visual Habituation Learning in Larval Zebrafish

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    Habituation is a simple form of learning where animals learn to reduce their responses to repeated innocuous stimuli [1]. Habituation is thought to occur via at least two temporally and molecularly distinct mechanisms, which lead to short-term memories that last for seconds to minutes and long-term memories that last for hours or longer [1, 2]. Here, we focus on long-term habituation, which, due to the extended time course, necessitates stable alterations to circuit properties [2-4]. In its simplest form, long-term habituation could result from a plasticity event at a single point in a circuit, and many studies have focused on identifying the site and underlying mechanism of plasticity [5-10]. However, it is possible that these individual sites are only one of many points in the circuit where plasticity is occurring. Indeed, studies of short-term habituation in C. elegans indicate that in this paradigm, multiple genetically separable mechanisms operate to adapt specific aspects of behavior [11-13]. Here, we use a visual assay in which larval zebrafish habituate their response to sudden reductions in illumination (dark flashes) [14, 15]. Through behavioral analyses, we find that multiple components of the dark-flash response habituate independently of one another using different molecular mechanisms. This is consistent with a modular model in which habituation originates from multiple independent processes, each adapting specific components of behavior. This may allow animals to more specifically or flexibly habituate based on stimulus context or internal states