81 research outputs found

    Forgotten Places in Political Spaces

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    The way in which many people, perhaps particularly those in secure and affluent circumstances, view their ancestry and heritage, and display it to others, is often a matter of pride. In some contexts, however, the identification of ‘ancestors’ and ‘heritage’ can have critically important - and sometimes dire - political, social and spiritual ramifications. Here we examine examples in which archaeological and/or historical evidence points to a distancing or ‘active forgetting’ of ancestors and places associated with them. The motives for creating these ‘forgotten places’ are diverse and might include a fear of ‘ghosts’ or death, the desire to project a newly constructed or evolved political identity to outsiders or distant relations, as well as social-political and economic need to distance themselves from their ancestors. In this paper we will explore four examples from Indigenous settings in northern and eastern Canada where peripheral, or forgotten, spaces were actively constructed

    Limitations of student-driven formative assessment in a clinical clerkship. A randomised controlled trial

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    Background Teachers strive to motivate their students to be self-directed learners. One of the methods used is to provide online formative assessment material. The concept of formative assessment and use of these processes is heavily promoted, despite limited evidence as to their efficacy.Methods Fourth year medical students, in their first year of clinical work were divided into four groups. In addition to the usual clinical material, three of the groups were provided with some form of supplementary learning material. For two groups, this was provided as online formative assessment. The amount of time students spent on the supplementary material was measured, their opinion on learning methods was surveyed, and their performance in summative exams at the end of their surgical attachments was measured.Results The performance of students was independent of any educational intervention imposed by this study. Despite its ready availability and promotion, student use of the online formative tools was poor.Conclusion Formative learning is an ideal not necessarily embraced by students. If formative assessment is to work students need to be encouraged to participate, probably by implementing some form of summative assessment.Edward J Palmer and Peter G Devit

    Adolescent brain maturation and cortical folding: evidence for reductions in gyrification

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    Evidence from anatomical and functional imaging studies have highlighted major modifications of cortical circuits during adolescence. These include reductions of gray matter (GM), increases in the myelination of cortico-cortical connections and changes in the architecture of large-scale cortical networks. It is currently unclear, however, how the ongoing developmental processes impact upon the folding of the cerebral cortex and how changes in gyrification relate to maturation of GM/WM-volume, thickness and surface area. In the current study, we acquired high-resolution (3 Tesla) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data from 79 healthy subjects (34 males and 45 females) between the ages of 12 and 23 years and performed whole brain analysis of cortical folding patterns with the gyrification index (GI). In addition to GI-values, we obtained estimates of cortical thickness, surface area, GM and white matter (WM) volume which permitted correlations with changes in gyrification. Our data show pronounced and widespread reductions in GI-values during adolescence in several cortical regions which include precentral, temporal and frontal areas. Decreases in gyrification overlap only partially with changes in the thickness, volume and surface of GM and were characterized overall by a linear developmental trajectory. Our data suggest that the observed reductions in GI-values represent an additional, important modification of the cerebral cortex during late brain maturation which may be related to cognitive development

    Toksičnost talija u humanoj populaciji

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    Thallium is a naturally occurring trace element, widely distributed in the earth’s crust, but at very low concentrations. It does not have a known biological use and does not appear to be an essential element for life. It has been considered one of the most toxic heavy metals. Occasionally, there are reports on thallium poisoning as results of suicide or murder attempt or accident. The main threat to humans is through occupational exposure, environmental contamination, and accumulation in food, mainly in vegetables grown on contaminated soil. Increasing use in emerging new technologies and demanding high-tech industry constantly raise concern about exposure risk to all living organisms. Thallium is considered a cumulative poison that can cause adverse health effects and degenerative changes in many organs. The effects are the most severe in the nervous system. The exact mechanism of thallium toxicity still remains unknown, although impaired glutathione metabolism, oxidative stress, and disruption of potassium-regulated homeostasis may play a role. The lack of data about mutagenic, carcinogenic, or teratogenic effects of thallium compounds in humans calls for further research.Talij je u prirodi široko rasprostranjen teški metal, prisutan u vrlo niskim koncentracijama pa ga stoga ubrajamo u elemente u tragovima. Budući da organizmima nije potreban ni u jednoj razvojnoj fazi, ne ubrajamo ga u grupu esencijalnih elemenata. Talij zbog njegovih svojstava ubrajamo među najtoksičnije teške metale. Povremeno se još uvijek pojavljuju slučajevi u kojima je talij upotrijebljen kao sredstvo za pokušaj ubojstva, odnosno samoubojstva, ali i slučajevi nenamjernog, slučajnog trovanja talijem. U današnje vrijeme potencijalna o asnost od trovanja talijem postoji zbog profesionalne izloženosti, izbijanja ekološke katastrofe ili zbog akumulacije u hranidbenim lancima, uglavnom zbog uzgoja hrane na onečišćenom tlu. Sve češća uporaba talija u visokotehnološkoj industriji kao odgovor na zahtjeve moderne tehnologije neprestano povećava rizik od izloženosti svih živih organizama štetnim utjecajima talija u okolišu. Talij ima izuzetno negativan učinak na različite organske sustave, a osobito na živčani sustav. Mehanizmi toksičnosti talija još uvijek nisu u potpunosti razjašnjeni, premda važnu ulogu imaju poremećaji metabolizma glutationa, oksidativni stres i narušavanje homeostaze posredovane ionima kalija. Nedostatak podataka o mutagenim, kancerogenim ili teratogenim učincima talija i njegovih spojeva u ljudi opravdava buduća istraživanja ovog vrlo toksičnog metala

    Toksičnost talija u humanoj populaciji

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    Thallium is a naturally occurring trace element, widely distributed in the earth’s crust, but at very low concentrations. It does not have a known biological use and does not appear to be an essential element for life. It has been considered one of the most toxic heavy metals. Occasionally, there are reports on thallium poisoning as results of suicide or murder attempt or accident. The main threat to humans is through occupational exposure, environmental contamination, and accumulation in food, mainly in vegetables grown on contaminated soil. Increasing use in emerging new technologies and demanding high-tech industry constantly raise concern about exposure risk to all living organisms. Thallium is considered a cumulative poison that can cause adverse health effects and degenerative changes in many organs. The effects are the most severe in the nervous system. The exact mechanism of thallium toxicity still remains unknown, although impaired glutathione metabolism, oxidative stress, and disruption of potassium-regulated homeostasis may play a role. The lack of data about mutagenic, carcinogenic, or teratogenic effects of thallium compounds in humans calls for further research.Talij je u prirodi široko rasprostranjen teški metal, prisutan u vrlo niskim koncentracijama pa ga stoga ubrajamo u elemente u tragovima. Budući da organizmima nije potreban ni u jednoj razvojnoj fazi, ne ubrajamo ga u grupu esencijalnih elemenata. Talij zbog njegovih svojstava ubrajamo među najtoksičnije teške metale. Povremeno se još uvijek pojavljuju slučajevi u kojima je talij upotrijebljen kao sredstvo za pokušaj ubojstva, odnosno samoubojstva, ali i slučajevi nenamjernog, slučajnog trovanja talijem. U današnje vrijeme potencijalna o asnost od trovanja talijem postoji zbog profesionalne izloženosti, izbijanja ekološke katastrofe ili zbog akumulacije u hranidbenim lancima, uglavnom zbog uzgoja hrane na onečišćenom tlu. Sve češća uporaba talija u visokotehnološkoj industriji kao odgovor na zahtjeve moderne tehnologije neprestano povećava rizik od izloženosti svih živih organizama štetnim utjecajima talija u okolišu. Talij ima izuzetno negativan učinak na različite organske sustave, a osobito na živčani sustav. Mehanizmi toksičnosti talija još uvijek nisu u potpunosti razjašnjeni, premda važnu ulogu imaju poremećaji metabolizma glutationa, oksidativni stres i narušavanje homeostaze posredovane ionima kalija. Nedostatak podataka o mutagenim, kancerogenim ili teratogenim učincima talija i njegovih spojeva u ljudi opravdava buduća istraživanja ovog vrlo toksičnog metala

    Chinese students in a UK business school: hearing the student voice in reflective teaching and learning practice.

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    This paper presents the outcomes of a study carried out in 2001-2002 with nine postgraduate students from China, enrolled on taught master's programmes in a UK university business school. The aims of the research were to explore the development of the students' orientations to learning during their year of study in the UK, and to explore how the researcher's interactions with the study group contributed to her professional reflections and influenced her academic practice. The main conclusions of the project were that participants' underlying approaches to learning did not change substantially over the year, owing to the culturally implicit nature of UK academic conventions and that they experienced high levels of emotional isolation and loneliness, which affected their academic confidence

    Replication of CNTNAP2 association with nonword repetition and support for FOXP2 association with timed reading and motor activities in a dyslexia family sample

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    Two functionally related genes, FOXP2 and CNTNAP2, influence language abilities in families with rare syndromic and common nonsyndromic forms of impaired language, respectively. We investigated whether these genes are associated with component phenotypes of dyslexia and measures of sequential motor ability. Quantitative transmission disequilibrium testing (QTDT) and linear association modeling were used to evaluate associations with measures of phonological memory (nonword repetition, NWR), expressive language (sentence repetition), reading (real word reading efficiency, RWRE; word attack, WATT), and timed sequential motor activities (rapid alternating place of articulation, RAPA; finger succession in the dominant hand, FS-D) in 188 family trios with a child with dyslexia. Consistent with a prior study of language impairment, QTDT in dyslexia showed evidence of CNTNAP2 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) association with NWR. For FOXP2, we provide the first evidence for SNP association with component phenotypes of dyslexia, specifically NWR and RWRE but not WATT. In addition, FOXP2 SNP associations with both RAPA and FS-D were observed. Our results confirm the role of CNTNAP2 in NWR in a dyslexia sample and motivate new questions about the effects of FOXP2 in neurodevelopmental disorders

    Correction: Exome Sequencing in an Admixed Isolated Population IndicatesNFXL1 Variants Confer a Risk for Specific Language Impairment

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    Children affected by Specific Language Impairment (SLI) fail to acquire age appropriate language skills despite adequate intelligence and opportunity. SLI is highly heritable, but the understanding of underlying genetic mechanisms has proved challenging. In this study, we use molecular genetic techniques to investigate an admixed isolated founder population from the Robinson Crusoe Island (Chile), who are affected by a high incidence of SLI, increasing the power to discover contributory genetic factors. We utilize exome sequencing in selected individuals from this population to identify eight coding variants that are of putative significance. We then apply association analyses across the wider population to highlight a single rare coding variant (rs144169475, Minor Allele Frequency of 4.1% in admixed South American populations) in the NFXL1 gene that confers a nonsynonymous change (N150K) and is significantly associated with language impairment in the Robinson Crusoe population (p = 2.04 × 10–4, 8 variants tested). Subsequent sequencing of NFXL1 in 117 UK SLI cases identified four individuals with heterozygous variants predicted to be of functional consequence. We conclude that coding variants within NFXL1 confer an increased risk of SLI within a complex genetic model

    Phase 1 clinical study of an embryonic stem cell-derived retinal pigment epithelium patch in age-related macular degeneration

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    Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) remains a major cause of blindness, with dysfunction and loss of retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) central to disease progression. We engineered an RPE patch comprising a fully differentiated, human embryonic stem cell (hESC)-derived RPE monolayer on a coated, synthetic basement membrane. We delivered the patch, using a purpose-designed microsurgical tool, into the subretinal space of one eye in each of two patients with severe exudative AMD. Primary endpoints were incidence and severity of adverse events and proportion of subjects with improved best-corrected visual acuity of 15 letters or more. We report successful delivery and survival of the RPE patch by biomicroscopy and optical coherence tomography, and a visual acuity gain of 29 and 21 letters in the two patients, respectively, over 12 months. Only local immunosuppression was used long-term. We also present the preclinical surgical, cell safety and tumorigenicity studies leading to trial approval. This work supports the feasibility and safety of hESC-RPE patch transplantation as a regenerative strategy for AMD