4,075 research outputs found

    Gaya Kepemimpinan Perempuan dalam Jabatan Publik (Studi Kasus: Lurah Perempuan di Kelurahan Kesiman Kecamatan Depasar Timur)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui secara aktual bagaimana gaya kepemimpinan lurah perempuan di Kelurahan Kesiman. Penelitian ini melihat gaya kepemimpinan dari dua sisi yang berbeda yaitu gaya kepemimpinan secara umum dan gaya kepemimpinan khas perempuan. gaya kepemimpinan secara umum terdiri dari gaya kepemimpinan otoriter, demokratis, dan laissez-faire. Sedangkan gaya kepemimpinan khas perempuan terdiri dari maskulin - feminim dan transformasional - transaksional. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah jenis penelitian kualitatif deskritif. Adapun hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa gaya kepemimpinan yang digunakan oleh lurah perempuan di Kesiman adalah gaya kepemimpinan demokratis jika dilihat dari sisi gaya kepemimpinan secara umum, dan gaya kepemimpinan maskulin-transformasional jika dilihat dari gaya kepemimpinan khas perempuan

    Analytical procedures for determining Pb and Sr isotopic compositions in water samples by ID-TIMS

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    Few articles deal with lead and strontium isotopic analysis of water samples. The aim of this study was to define the chemical procedures for Pb and Sr isotopic analyses of groundwater samples from an urban sedimentary aquifer. Thirty lead and fourteen strontium isotopic analyses were performed to test different analytical procedures. Pb and Sr isotopic ratios as well as Sr concentration did not vary using different chemical procedures. However, the Pb concentrations were very dependent on the different procedures. Therefore, the choice of the best analytical procedure was based on the Pb results, which indicated a higher reproducibility from samples that had been filtered and acidified before the evaporation, had their residues totally dissolved, and were purified by ion chromatography using the Biorad® column. Our results showed no changes in Pb ratios with the storage time.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    ¿Afecta la focalización interna realmente en el rendimiento de carrera?. Aproximación experimental hacia el efecto de la focalización atencional = Does an internal focus really affect running performance?. An experimental approach to the effect of attentional focus

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    Hasta ahora, los estudios sobre los efectos del foco atencional sobre el rendimiento en carreras de fondo han mostrado resultados controvertidos,especialmente derivados de las metodológicas de estudio. Se ha sugerido que un foco atencional interno, centrado en la respiración, aumenta el consumo de oxígeno del corredor, disminuyendo así la economía de carrera. Sin embargo, en los estudios realizados hasta la fecha no se ha controlado en tiempo real a nivel experimental el uso de un foco atencional concreto. Nuestra hipótesis establece que el uso controlado de un foco atencional interno o externo no tiene un efecto sobre la economía de carrera (consumo de oxígeno a una velocidad establecida) si se corre a una intensidad moderada. Un total de 30 corredores de larga distancia (ocho mujeres), con edades de 18 a 50 años (M = 32,87, DT = 8,15) participaron como voluntarios. El protocolo experimental consistió un diseño intrasujeto realizado en tres sesiones: (1) prueba de esfuerzo para detectar el umbral aeróbico, (2)uso de un foco atencional interno, y (3) uso de un foco atencional externo. Durante las sesiones 2 y 3, los participantes realizaron 55 min carrera a intensidad moderada. Mediante el uso de una aplicación móvil y un mando inalámbrico patentados fue posible controlar, a nivel experimental, si los participantes mantenían eficazmente el foco atencional solicitado durante las sesiones. Los resultados muestran que no hubo efecto del uso del foco atencional interno o externo en la economía de carrera. Se concluye que, a una intensidad moderada, los corredores son libres de elegir se estrategia atencional sin que se afecte su rendimiento

    Organización: Diseño y factores de contingencia en las organizaciones

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    El presente documento bibliográfico se enfoca en el tema de la organización como parte de los ejes de investigación del departamento de administración de empresa de la facultad de ciencias económicas de la Unan Managua y su sub tema reside principalmente en el diseño organización y sus factores de contingencias. Tiene como objetivo general, sintetizar el diseño y los factores de contingencias en las organizaciones. La base teórica de la investigación está centrada en el abordaje de las teorías organizacionales (diseño organizacional). El informe contiene tres capítulos esenciales tales como las generalidades del diseño organizacional, las dimensiones del diseño organizacional que están clasificadas como: dimensiones estructurales y dimensiones contextuales, y por último los factores de contingencia del diseño en las organizaciones es decir los factores que más afectan a las organizaciones para que conlleve a nuevo diseño o cambios. Las técnicas utilizadas para el desarrollo de este informe fueron la lectura y recolección de documentación bibliográfica basada en la organización, diseño y estructura organizacional, así mismo el desarrollo del informe se realizó aplicando las normas APAS 6. Los resultados o presentación del informe están basado en la normativa de presentación de seminario de graduación plan 2013 de la UNAN Managua. Los principales términos descriptores del informe son dedicatorias, agradecimientos, introducción, justificación, objetivos del informe, desarrollo, conclusiones y bibliografía

    Avicultura de traspatio en las familias participantes del programa pesa (FAO) en Cuetzalan del Progreso, Puebla.

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    The aim here was to determine characteristics of backyard poultry farming and its relationship to food security and poverty among families in rural communities. 86 surveys were applied to families from 15 communities. Data were analyzed with descriptive statistics and multiple correlations. All families own some animal species, chickens (66%), turkeys (22%), ducks (10%) and pigs (2%). Housewives are responsible for the production unit (77.6%); families raise poultry for own-consumption (66.3%) and for egg and meat production (88.2%). The main food given to the birds is maize grain (53%) and grazing is undertaken by 100% of families. The most common diseases are avian flu and measles, which are treated with antibiotics (33.3%) and local products such as lemon and tomato (21.2%). We concluded that backyard poultry farming represents an alternative for obtaining high-quality, low-cost food that can generate economic income will help improve food security and alleviate poverty.El objetivo fue determinar características de la avicultura de traspatio y la relación con la seguridad alimen­taria y pobreza de familias en comunidades rurales. Se aplicaron 86 encuestas a familias de 15 comunidades. Los datos se analizaron con estadísticos descriptivos y correlación múltiple. Todas las familias cuentan con alguna especie animal, gallinas (66%), guajolotes (22%), patos (10%) y cerdos (2%). Las amas de casa son las que atienden la unidad de producción (77.6%); las familias crían aves para autoconsumo (66.3%) y para producción de huevo y carne (88.2%). El principal alimento proporcionado a las aves es maíz entero (53%) y el pastoreo lo realizan las familias. Las enfermedades más comunes son gripe aviar y viruela, que son tratadas con antibióticos (33.3%) y productos locales como limón y jitomate (21.2%). Se concluyó que la cría de aves en traspatio representa una alternativa para la obtención de alimentos de alta calidad y costo bajo que puede generar ingresos económicos que ayudarían a mejorar la seguridad alimentaria y mitigar la pobreza

    The transcriptional and mutational landscapes of lipid metabolism-related genes in colon cancer

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    Metabolic alterations encountered in tumors are well recognized and considered as a hallmark of cancer. In addition to Warburg Effect, epidemiological and experimental studies support the crucial role of lipid metabolism in colorectal cancer (CRC). The overexpression of four lipid metabolism-related genes (ABCA1, ACSL1, AGPAT1 and SCD genes) has been proposed as prognostic marker of stage II CRC (ColoLipidGene signature). In order to explore in depth the transcriptomic and genomic scenarios of ABCA1, ACSL1, AGPAT1 and SCD genes, we performed a transcriptomic meta-analysis in more than one thousand CRC individuals. Additionally we analyzed their genomic coding sequence in 95 patients, to find variants that could orchestrate CRC prognosis. We found that genetic variant rs3071, located on SCD gene, defines a 9.77% of stage II CRC patients with high risk of death. Moreover, individuals with upregulation of ABCA1 and AGPAT1 expression have an increased risk of CRC recurrence, independently of tumor stage. ABCA1 emerges as one of the main contributors to signature's prognostic effect. Indeed, both high ABCA1 expression and presence of tumoral genetic variants located in ABCA1 coding region, seem to be associated with CRC risk of death. In addition the non-synonymous polymorphism rs2230808, located on ABCA1, is associated with gene expression. Patients carrying at least one copy of minor allele showed higher levels of ABCA1 expression than patients carrying homozygous major allele. This study broaden the prognostic value of ABCA1, ACSL1, AGPAT1 and SCD genes, independently of CRC tumor stage, leading to future precision medicine approaches and "omics"-guided therapiesMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad del Gobierno de España (MINECO, Plan Nacional I+D+i AGL2016-76736-C3), Gobierno regional de la Comunidad de Madrid (P2013/ABI-2728, ALIBIRD-CM) and EU Structural Fund

    Client applications and Server Side docker for management of RNASeq and/or VariantSeq workflows and pipelines of the GPRO Suite

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    The GPRO suite is an in-progress bioinformatic project for -omic data analyses. As part of the continued growth of this project, we introduce a client side & server side solution for comparative transcriptomics and analysis of variants. The client side consists of two Java applications called "RNASeq" and "VariantSeq" to manage workflows for RNA-seq and Variant-seq analysis, respectively, based on the most common command line interface tools for each topic. Both applications are coupled with a Linux server infrastructure (named GPRO Server Side) that hosts all dependencies of each application (scripts, databases, and command line interface tools). Implementation of the server side requires a Linux operating system, PHP, SQL, Python, bash scripting, and third-party software. The GPRO Server Side can be deployed via a Docker container that can be installed in the user's PC using any operating system or on remote servers as a cloud solution. The two applications are available as desktop and cloud applications and provide two execution modes: a Step-by-Step mode enables each step of a workflow to be executed independently and a Pipeline mode allows all steps to be run sequentially. The two applications also feature an experimental support system called GENIE that consists of a virtual chatbot/assistant and a pipeline jobs panel coupled with an expert system. The chatbot can troubleshoot issues with the usage of each tool, the pipeline job panel provides information about the status of each task executed in the GPRO Server Side, and the expert provides the user with a potential recommendation to identify or fix failed analyses. The two applications and the GPRO Server Side combine the user-friendliness and security of client software with the efficiency of front-end & back-end solutions to manage command line interface software for RNA-seq and variant-seq analysis via interface environments

    Client Applications and Server-Side Docker for Management of RNASeq and/or VariantSeq Workflows and Pipelines of the GPRO Suite

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    The GPRO suite is an in-progress bioinformatic project for -omics data analysis. As part of the continued growth of this project, we introduce a client- and server-side solution for comparative transcriptomics and analysis of variants. The client-side consists of two Java applications called 'RNASeq' and 'VariantSeq' to manage pipelines and workflows based on the most common command line interface tools for RNA-seq and Variant-seq analysis, respectively. As such, 'RNASeq' and 'VariantSeq' are coupled with a Linux server infrastructure (named GPRO Server-Side) that hosts all dependencies of each application (scripts, databases, and command line interface software). Implementation of the Server-Side requires a Linux operating system, PHP, SQL, Python, bash scripting, and third-party software. The GPRO Server-Side can be installed, via a Docker container, in the user's PC under any operating system or on remote servers, as a cloud solution. 'RNASeq' and 'VariantSeq' are both available as desktop (RCP compilation) and web (RAP compilation) applications. Each application has two execution modes: a step-by-step mode enables each step of the workflow to be executed independently, and a pipeline mode allows all steps to be run sequentially. 'RNASeq' and 'VariantSeq' also feature an experimental, online support system called GENIE that consists of a virtual (chatbot) assistant and a pipeline jobs panel coupled with an expert system. The chatbot can troubleshoot issues with the usage of each tool, the pipeline jobs panel provides information about the status of each computational job executed in the GPRO Server-Side, while the expert system provides the user with a potential recommendation to identify or fix failed analyses. Our solution is a ready-to-use topic specific platform that combines the user-friendliness, robustness, and security of desktop software, with the efficiency of cloud/web applications to manage pipelines and workflows based on command line interface software