24,879 research outputs found

    Kinetic Theory of Collisionless Self-Gravitating Gases: II. Relativistic Corrections in Galactic Dynamics

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    In this paper we study the kinetic theory of many-particle astrophysical systems imposing axial symmetry and extending our previous analysis in Phys. Rev. D 83, 123007 (2011). Starting from a Newtonian model describing a collisionless self-gravitating gas, we develop a framework to include systematically the first general relativistic corrections to the matter distribution and gravitational potentials for general stationary systems. Then, we use our method to obtain particular solutions for the case of the Morgan & Morgan disks. The models obtained are fully analytical and correspond to the post-Newtonian generalizations of classical ones. We explore some properties of the models in order to estimate the importance of post-Newtonian corrections and we find that, contrary to the expectations, the main modifications appear far from the galaxy cores. As a by-product of this investigation we derive the corrected version of the tensor virial theorem. For stationary systems we recover the same result as in the Newtonian theory. However, for time dependent backgrounds we find that there is an extra piece that contributes to the variation of the inertia tensor.Comment: 30 pages, 8 figures. v2: Minor corrections and references added. Conclusions unchanged. v3: Version published in PR

    Solos cultivados com cajueiro no Piaui.

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    Os solos cultivados com cajueiro foram identificados pelo estudo pedologico das areas produtoras do Piaui. Dados de producao de castanha, complementados com visitas aos pomares de cajueiro, indicaram as microrregioes produtoras: Baixo Parnaiba, Campo Maior, Floriano, Alto Piaui e Caninde, Baixoes Agricola Piauienses e Alto Parnaiba. Foram definidos os parametros clima, solo, altitude e topografia, que permitem determinar as areas potenciais para a cultura.bitstream/CNPAT-2010/1888/1/Bp-011.pd

    Conductance peaks in open quantum dots

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    We present a simple measure of the conductance fluctuations in open ballistic chaotic quantum dots, extending the number of maxima method originally proposed for the statistical analysis of compound nuclear reactions. The average number of extreme points (maxima and minima) in the dimensionless conductance, TT, as a function of an arbitrary external parameter ZZ, is directly related to the autocorrelation function of T(Z)T(Z). The parameter ZZ can be associated to an applied gate voltage causing shape deformation in quantum dot, an external magnetic field, the Fermi energy, etc.. The average density of maxima is found to be =αZ/Zc = \alpha_{Z}/Z_c, where αZ\alpha_{Z} is a universal constant and ZcZ_c is the conductance autocorrelation length, which is system specific. The analysis of does not require large statistic samples, providing a quite amenable way to access information about parametric correlations, such as ZcZ_c.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, accepted to be published - Physical Review Letter

    The ratio FK/Fpi in QCD

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    We determine the ratio FK/Fpi in QCD with Nf=2+1 flavors of sea quarks, based on a series of lattice calculations with three different lattice spacings, large volumes and a simulated pion mass reaching down to about 190 MeV. We obtain FK/Fpi=1.192 +/- 0.007(stat) +/- 0.006(syst). This result is then used to give an updated value of the CKM matrix element |Vus|. The unitarity relation for the first row of this matrix is found to be well observed.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures, 2 table

    Efeito da aplicação de diferentes regimes de rega deficitária no pessegueiro ‘Sweet Dream’ cultivado num pomar da região da Beira Interior.

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    Efeito da aplicação de diferentes regimes de rega deficitária no pessegueiro ‘Sweet Dream’ cultivado num pomar da região da Beira Interior.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Efeito da aplicação de diferentes regimes de rega deficitária no pessegueiro ‘Sweet Dream’ cultivado num pomar da região da Beira Interior.

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    Efeito da aplicação de diferentes regimes de rega deficitária no pessegueiro ‘Sweet Dream’ cultivado num pomar da região da Beira Interior.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Electromagnetic corrections to light hadron masses

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    At the precision reached in current lattice QCD calculations, electromagnetic effects are becoming numerically relevant. We will present preliminary results for electromagnetic corrections to light hadron masses, based on simulations in which a U(1)\mathrm{U}(1) degree of freedom is superimposed on Nf=2+1N_f=2+1 QCD configurations from the BMW collaboration.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, The XXVIII International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, June 14-19,2010, Villasimius, Sardinia Ital

    How much dark matter is there inside early-type galaxies?

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    We study the luminous mass as a function of the dynamical mass inside the effective radius (r_e) of early-type galaxies (ETGs) to search for differences between these masses. We assume Newtonian dynamics and that any difference between these masses is due to the presence of dark matter. We use several samples of ETGs -ranging from 19 000 to 98 000 objects- from the ninth data release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. We perform Monte Carlo (MC) simulations of galaxy samples and compare them with real samples. The main results are: i) MC simulations show that the distribution of the dynamical vs. luminous mass depends on the mass range where the ETGs are distributed (geometric effect). This dependence is caused by selection effects and intrinsic properties of the ETGs. ii) The amount of dark matter inside r_e is approximately 7% +- 22%. iii) This amount of dark matter is lower than the minimum estimate (10%) found in the literature and four times lower than the average (30%) of literature estimates. However, if we consider the associated error, our estimate is of the order of the literature average.Comment: 24 pages, 12 figures. MNRAS accepte

    Qualidade da manga e polpa da manga Ubá.

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    A manga Ubá (Mangifera indica L. variedade Ubá) possui excelentes qualidades de sabor e aroma, além de sua polpa ser amarelada, saborosa e suculenta. Contém teor de sólidos solúveis, em torno de 14 °Brix, acidez de 0,2% em ácido cítrico e ratio 70, além de ser rica em potássio e vitaminas A e C. A fruta possui fibras curtas e macias, podendo ser consumida ao natural e ser utilizada na industrialização, especialmente para elaboração de polpa e suco. Esta variedade possui excelente rendimento industrial por reduzir sensivelmente os custos de processamento durante o preparo, com conseqüente redução nos custos de produção. Para isso, determinou-se a qualidade da manga Ubá fornecida a uma agroindústria produtora de polpas e sucos na Região da Zona da Mata Mineira, com análises laboratoriais da fruta e da polpa. Durante a safra 2003/2004 as Mangas Sujas (MS), assim denominadas as frutas que chegavam à indústria, apresentaram contagem inicial média de 7,34 log UFC de mesófilos aeróbios/manga e após a higienização, denominadas de Mangas Higienizadas (MH), cuja média era de 5,62 log UFC/manga, apresentando redução média de 1,72 ciclos log. na safra 2004/2005, as MS apresentaram contagem inicial média de 7,02 log UFC de mesófilos aeróbios/manga e as MH, média de 5,76 log UFC/manga, apresentando redução média de 1,52 ciclos log. A polpa de manga apresentou valores para pH, sólidos solúveis totais, acidez total titulável, relação sólidos solúveis totais/acidez total titulável (ratio), sólidos totais e açúcares totais solúveis dentro dos exigidos pela legislação. As coordenadas de cor apresentaram valores indicando que a polpa possui cor característica amarelo-alaranjado. Quality of the fruits and pulp of Uba mango. Abstract: Uba mango (Mangifera indicates L. var. Uba) has excellent flavor qualities and a tasty, yellow and succulent pulp. It contains a high content of soluble solids, around 14 degrees Brix, acidity of 0.2% as citric acid and ratio 70, besides being rich in potassium and vitamins A and C. The fruit has soft and short fibers, and can be consumed fresh or be industrialized, especially for the production of pulp and juice. This variety possesses an excellent industrialization yield, by greatly reducing processing, with a consequent reduction in the final production costs. Uba mango supplied to a pulp and juice agroindustry in the Zona da Mata Mineira area had its quality determined through fruit and pulp analyses. During the 2003/2004 harvest period, the Dirty Mangos (DM), as were denominated the fruits that arrived at the industry, presented an average initial count of 7.34 log CFU mesophyllic aerobics/mango. After cleaning, the fruits were called Clean Mangos (CM), and had an average of 5.62 log CFU/mango, presenting an average reduction of 1.72 log cycles. In the 2004/2005 harvest period, the DM presented an average initial count of 7.02 log CFU mesophyllic aerobics/mango and the CM, an average of 5.76 log CFU/mango, with an average reduction of 1.52 log cycles. The mango pulp presented values for pH, total soluble solids, total acidity, total soluble solids/total acidity ratio, total solids and total soluble sugars, in accordance with the legislation requirements. The color coordinates presented values indicating that the pulp has a yellow-orange characteristic color