986 research outputs found

    W.F. Deacon y su revisión del Romanticismo en Warreniana desde la parodia literaria y las campañas publicitarias para promocionar el betún

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    This study aims to reassess William Frederick Deacon (1799-1845) and his work Warreniana (1824) by demonstrating that although it is a work of textual parody, its apparent triviality conceals a sophisticated exercise in literary criticism, constituting a valuable contemporary commentary on Romanticism. The collection presents a witty and sophisticated exercise in criticism of the literature and style of its period, being composed of texts attributed to a selection of Romantic authors supposedly promoting a very trivial product: Warren’s blacking (shoe polish). Deacon thus acts as another Romantic critic, albeit a more original and unconventional one. Due to space constraints, this paper will focus only on the parody of the poetic style of British romantic authors. The parody of their journal style will be analysed in another article.Este estudio pretende revalorar a William Frederick Deacon (1799-1845) y su obra Warreniana (1824) demostrando que, aun siendo una obra de parodias textuales, su aparente trivialidad esconde un sofisticado ejercicio de crítica literaria, constituyendo un valioso comentario contemporáneo al Romanticismo. La obra presenta un ingenioso y sofisticado ejercicio crítico de la literatura y el estilo de este periodo, pues son textos atribuidos a los autores románticos selectos que supuestamente promocionan un producto muy trivial: el betún de Warren. Deacon actúa pues, como otro crítico romántico, aunque más original y poco convencional. Este artículo se centrará en la parodia al estilo de los autores románticos británicos —‘poet parody’— quedando la parodia al estilo editorial y periodístico como objetivo de otro estudio

    P. G. Patmore's view of Romanticism through the parody of literary reviews in "Rejected Articles" (1826)

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    Este estudio ofrece la visión del ensayista Peter George Patmore sobre el Romanticismo a través de la parodia a reseñas en Rejected Articles (1826), una obra esencial para entender un Romanticismo paralelo al canon más tradicional. Partiendo de una introducción contextual del autor y la obra, se centra metodológicamente en la discusión sobre la naturaleza y estrategias paródicas de la obra. El resultado muestra una mejor comprensión del desarrollo de la crítica literaria romántica del momento, y una visión del Romanticismo poco convencional en torno a los procesos de publicación de la época. Asimismo, se logra un retrato indirecto y original de estereotipos de importantes escritores románticos, a merced del mercado editorial, demostrando así la necesidad de recuperar el valor crítico y literario de la obra de Patmore.This study offers the essayist P. G. Patmore’s view of Romanticism through the parody of literary reviews in Rejected Articles (1826), an essential work for understanding a Romanticism that ran parallel to the more traditional canon. Starting with a contextual introduction of the author and his work, it methodologically focuses on the discussion of the nature and parodic strategies of the work. The result provides a better understanding of the development of Romantic literary criticism of his time, and an unconventional view of Romanticism in terms of the publication processes of the time. It also provides an indirect and original portrayal of stereotypes of relevant Romantic writers at the mercy of the publishing market, demonstrating in that way the need to retrieve the critical and literary value of Patmore’s work

    The Anti-Jacobin and its Parodic Strategies: Parodying Jacobin Ideas and Authors

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    This study highlights the parodic skills employed in the literary section of The Anti-Jacobin (1797-1798), a periodical edited by William Gifford, written mainly by G. Canning, J. H. Frere and G. Ellis and supported even by Prime Minister William Pitt. Parody is its main mechanism, being generated across an extraordinary range of genres beyond poetry and scholarly and popular prose, thereby demonstrating its malleability and creativity in the Romantic era and demonstrating its versatility and originality. Due to its peculiarity, it is necessary to provide a description of the work’s nature and structure, while examples are selected and analysed in order to clarify this original use of the parodic resource in the literature-politics binomial

    Influencia de las propiedades foliares, la hidrodinámica y el cambio global en las interacciones entre angiospermas marinas y sus consumidores

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    Seagrass-grazer interactions play a fundamental role in ecological processes by regulating structure and functioning of plant communities. Within biotic connections, herbivory is a crucial process because it involves the matter and energy transference from primary producers to higher trophic levels, affecting the physical structure of the community and ecosystem productivity. Contrary to previous beliefs, new insights suggest that grazing may have an important impact on seagrass communities and that their grazers may be key to understand seagrass food webs. Thus, the contrasting response found in previous research may indicate that the susceptibility of seagrass species to be grazed may have a temporal and spatial component and even within a community, a preferential consumption of some species among others may exist depending on the palatability of their tissues. Therefore, the assessment of the strength of the seagrass-grazers links and those mechanisms that regulate this relationship, it is of crucial importance to increase our understanding on community and ecosystem structure and dynamics. In addition, it is well known that seagrasses are living under local and global threats, and consequently, there is a pressing need to include the global change factors (eutrophication, acidification and warming) into the current experimental approaches, in order to forecast the future responses of this fundamental community in the changing world. This PhD Thesis is structured in 6 chapters to answer particular questions about seagrass-grazer interactions. In the first two chapters, the importance of hydrodynamics in the seagrass-grazer interactions was studied, and it demonstrated how this abiotic factor acts as a top-down regulator in the community. Moreover, seagrass acclimation to hydrodynamics modulates intraspecific seagrass traits, and then seagrass palatability, influencing the selection of leaves by consumers (chapters 2 and 3). On the other hand, eutrophication and the main global change factors (i.e. warming and acidification) influenced positively Cymodocea nodosa palatability through the alteration of leaf traits and by promoting the growth of epiphytes (chapters 4 and 5). In the last chapter, we looked at the seagrass responses to biomass loss promoted by herbivory, noting how the colonization states influences on the compensation responses to herbivory in the fast-growing tropical species such as Halodule wrightii. The research presented in this PhD Thesis contributes to identify changes on seagrass palatability under different environmental conditions and global change factors. Particularly, this research displays how hydrodynamics modulate feeding behaviour of consumers and how indirect effects of eutrophication and global change enhance seagrass consumption by herbivores. In addition, this Thesis shows how seagrass colonization states affect to compensatory responses derived by herbivore damage. The importance of considering biotic processes in conservation and management plans is emphasized in order to enhance seagrass ecosystems resilience and to identify solutions to support the maintenance of key ecosystem services provided by seagrass meadows to our planet

    Theatre as a didactic resource for the improvement of academic performance in the teaching-learning process of English in the EEII Degree and Double Degree at the UHU

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    En las últimas décadas términos como “gamificación” y “juego serio” han inundado las investigaciones sobre educación y mejora del proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje (Borrás 2015; Cortizo 2011; Chaves 2019; Ponz & Vernet 2019). Asimismo, los “juegos de rol” han resultado un recurso periódico en la enseñanza específica de lenguas, recurriendo al teatro “como recurso de aprendizaje para la enseñanza” (López, Córdoba & Conde, 2021:1). Siguiendo a Corral (2013) el teatro en la enseñanza de una lengua extranjera, en su caso el español, supone “uno de los recursos más estudiados y explotados en el aula” (1), distinguiendo dos posturas una activa−teatro como acción− y otra pasiva como espectador−el teatro como modelo”. Partiendo además de Yan (2021), que insiste en el papel promotor del teatro en el desarrollo de este proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de lenguas extranjeras, este estudio propone una mejora del rendimiento académico del alumnado mediante la inserción de la representación teatral en las asignaturas de inglés del grado de EEII y Doble Grado en la UHU. Con ello se pretende conseguir además un aumento de la motivación del alumnado a través del trabajo colaborativo, que redundará igualmente en la reducción del estrés y ansiedad a la hora de expresarse en una lengua extranjera.In recent decades, terms such as "gamification" and "serious play" have been present in the research on education and the improvement of the teaching-learning process (Borrás 2015; Cortizo 2011; Chaves 2019; Ponz & Vernet 2019). Likewise, "role-playing games" have proved to be a regular resource in specific language teaching, using theatre "as a learning resource for teaching" (López, Córdoba & Conde, 2021:1). According to Corral (2013), theatre in the teaching of a foreign language, in this case Spanish, is "one of the most studied and exploited resources in the classroom" (1), distinguishing two sides, one active - theatre as action - and the other passive as a spectator - theatre as a model". Based on Yan (2021), who insists on the promoting role of theatre in the development of the teaching-learning process of foreign languages, this study proposes an improvement in the academic performance of students through the insertion of theatrical performance in the English subjects of the EEII Degree and Double Degree at the UHU. Our aim is also to achieve an increase in student motivation through collaborative work, which will also result in a reduction of stress and anxiety when expressing themselves in a foreign language

    El Museo de Historia de la Farmacia de Sevilla

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    Modelling and optimization of the processing of a healthy snack bar made of grape and tomato pomaces

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    A snack made of 36% by-products of grape and tomato pomaces was developed, also including other ingredients such as oats, chia, quinoa, honey, and peanut butter. The recipe was defined as tasty and healthy by a focus group. The snack was produced by using forced air at three different drying temperatures (50 °C, 60 °C and 70 °C). The Newton, Page, Henderson & Pabis, and Midil-li-Kucuk models fit the drying curves well. The average values for the Newton’s model drying constants were: k50= 2.71x10-1 ± 3x10-3 min-1; k60= 2. 76x10-1 ± 4x10-3 min-1 and k70= 3.91x10-1 ± 8x10-3 min-1; at 50 °C, 60 °C and 70 °C, respectively. The product’s quality was assessed over storage, regarding water activity and texture (hardness, springiness, cohesiveness, chewiness and resilience). The three tested processing temperatures did not influence the final product’s quality differently. Since there are no significant differences between initial and final water activity and texture attributes for any temperature, and they were mainly unaltered over storage, the snack bar was considered stable during this period. This new snack which includes by-products from the food industry reduces food waste and contributes to a circular economy model, simultaneously presenting environmental and economic advantages.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio