187 research outputs found

    La región ibero-balear, una de las áreas de mayor diversidad de Hydrobiidae (Gastropoda, Prosobranchia, Rissooidea) en Europa

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    The prosobranch mollusc family Hydrobiidae Troschel, 1857 has a cosmopolitan distribution and is made up of small to minute species that inhabit permanent aquatic ecosystems. It is one of the largest families within the superfamily Rissooidea. The evolutionary relationships between members of this family are still unclear due to: 1) insufficient available information regarding the morphological characters of many of the described taxa, 2) uncertainty concerning which morphological characters are of greatest taxonomic and phylogenetic interest, and 3) the rare use of molecular characters to study evolutionary relationships. In this work, we examine the reasons for the confusing systematics of hydrobiids. We include a diagnosis of the 13 genera and a list of the 43 species described and accepted to date for the Ibero-balearic region, along with data regarding their geographic distribution and a compilation of the most relevant bibliographical references. The Iberian Peninsula is one of the areas of greatest hydrobiid diversity in Europe, and has a large number of endemic genera and species in addition to those that have a typically circummediterranean distribution. Numerous hydrobiid species and populations are threatened, and in some cases, in danger of extinction due to the fragile nature of many of the ecosystems they inhabit.La familia Hydrobiidae Troschel, 1857 de moluscos prosobranquios, tiene distribución cosmopolita y está constituida por especies de tamaño pequeño (o incluso diminuto) que habitan ecosistemas acuáticos permanentes. Se trata de una de las familias con mayor número de especies de la superfamilia Rissooidea. Las relaciones evolutivas entre los miembros de esta familia son aún confusas debido a: (1) la insuficiente información disponible sobre los caracteres morfológicos de muchos de los táxones descritos, (2) la indefinición de los caracteres morfológicos de interés taxonómico y filogenético, y (3) la escasa aplicación de los caracteres moleculares para este fin. En este trabajo se revisa la confusa sistemática de los hidróbidos y sus causas. Además, se incluye una diagnosis de los 13 géneros y un listado de las 43 especies hasta ahora descritas y aceptadas en el ámbito ibero-balear, con datos sobre su distribución geográfica y la bibliografía más relevante. Se constata que la Península Ibérica constituye una de las áreas de mayor diversidad de hidróbidos en Europa, conteniendo un alto número de géneros y especies endémicos a los que se añaden otros de distribución circunmediterránea. La fragilidad de muchos de los ecosistemas en los que viven hace que muchas de sus especies y/o poblaciones se hallen amenazadas e incluso en peligro de extinción

    Tecnologías para el aprovechamiento del metano disuelto en el efluente procedente del tratamiento anaerobio de aguas residuales urbanas

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    El metano se emite a la atmosfera durante el tratamiento de las aguas residuales en forma de biogás, pero también disuelto en el efluente de los reactores anaerobios. Se debe trabajar a bajas Tº porque la descarga de las aguas residuales urbanas se realiza bajo estas condiciones, lo que implica un aumento de la solubilidad del metano en fase líquida, Este trabajo supone una revisión bibliográfica sobre los métodos de aprovechamiento de metano disuelto en los efluentes de reactores anaerobios utilizando membranas, aplicando vacío o gas de arrastre, y mediante oxidación biológica. Se demostró la posibilidad de operar un sistema de membranas a partir de la energía de la recuperación del metano gaseoso y disuelto en el efluente del reactor y se propuso una linea de tratamiento de aguas con sistema de desgasificación por membranas para tratar el agua residual de Valladolid.Departamento de Ingeniería Química y Tecnología del Medio AmbienteMáster en Ingeniería Ambienta

    In vitro and in silico characterization of open-cell structures of trabecular bone

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    This work aimed to perform a detailed in vitro and in silico characterization of open-cell structures, which resemble trabecular bone, to elucidate osteoporosis failure mechanisms. Experimental and image-based computational methods were used to estimate Young's modulus and porosities of different open-cell structures (Sawbones; Malmö, Sweden). Three different open-cell structures with different porosities were characterized. Additionally, some open-cell structures were scanned using a microcomputed tomography system (µCT) to non-destructively predict specimen Young's modulus of the structures by developing voxel-based and tetrahedral finite element (FE) models. A 3D reconstruction and FE analyses were used. The experimental and computational results with different element types (linear and quadratic tetrahedrons and voxel-based meshes) were compared with Sawbones data (Sawbones; Malmö, Sweden) revealing important differences in Young's modulus and porosities. The specimens with high and low volume fractions were best represented by linear and quadratic tetrahedrons, respectively. These results could be used to develop new osteoporosis-prevention strategies

    Lista actualizada de las Bignoniaceae de Tabasco, México.

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    El presente trabajo enlista las especies de Bignoniaceae distribuidas en el estado de Tabasco, utilizando la nomenclatura propuesta bajo los nuevos esquemas clasificatorios generados por las filogenias reconstruidas recientemente. La recolecta en todo el estado de Tabasco, la revisión de los Herbarios estatales y nacionales, la revisión de ejemplares de herbarios en línea procedentes de Tabasco fue la base para este listado, las especies fueron corroboradas y determinadas utilizando trabajos de Bignoniaceae disponibles (Veracruz y Guatemala) y la consulta de la revisión de la “Allianza Tabebuia” y la sinopsis de la tribu Bignonieae, además de consultar “World Checklist of Bignoniaceae”.Bignoniaceae está representada por 47 especies y 24 géneros, de las cuales cuatro especies son nuevos registros para el Estado. Los géneros mas diversos son Bignonia L, Amphitecna Miers y Fridericia Mart. con cinco especies cada una. Las lianas son las más abundantes con 30 especies, seguida de los árboles con 14 especies y los arbustos con tres. No existen especies de distribución restringida a Tabasco. Handroanthus chrysanthus S.O. Grose se enlista en la Norma oficial mexicana bajo la categoría de Amenazada. En Tabasco se resguarda el 80% de los géneros y el 61% de las especies de Bignoniaceae de México

    Is a favorable entrepreneurial climate enough to become an entrepreneurial university? An international study with GUESSS data

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    Universities play a key role not only in the generation and diffusion of knowledge but also in the creation of companies. Despite the growing importance of entrepreneurship in universities in modern societies, the research literature examining this phenomenon is still at an incipient stage. Although the relationship between entrepreneurshiporiented training and its transformation into intentions has been well studied, there is an important gap in the study of its impact on final entrepreneurial behavior. Therefore, the aim of this work is to evaluate the potential moderating effect of a climate favorable to entrepreneurship in the university environment on the relationship between entrepreneurship-oriented training and entrepreneurial behavior. For this purpose, a simple theoretical model is proposed that describes these relationships and it is contrasted using PLS techniques at meso level, taking the university institution as the main unit of analysis, addressing in this way the claims of Fayolle and Li˜n´an (2014) and Lortie and Castogiovanni (2015), to understand the phenomenon at this level.This research has been partially funded by the University Institute for Sustainable Social Development (INDESS) of the University of Cadiz (Programme of support for publications, editions and scientific events, Ref.: EDI/21/01)

    Influence of Titanium Oxide Pillar Array Nanometric Structures and Ultraviolet Irradiation on the Properties of the Surface of Dental Implants: A Pilot Study

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    Aim: Titanium implants are commonly used as replacement therapy for lost teeth and much current research is focusing on the improvement of the chemical and physical properties of their surfaces in order to improve the osseointegration process. TiO2, when it is deposited in the form of pillar array nanometric structures, has photocatalytic properties and wet surface control, which, together with UV irradiation, provide it with superhydrophilic surfaces, which may be of interest for improving cell adhesion on the peri-implant surface. In this article, we address the influence of this type of surface treatment on type IV and type V titanium discs on their surface energy and cell growth on them. Materials and methods: Samples from titanium rods used for making dental implants were used. There were two types of samples: grade IV and grade V. In turn, within each grade, two types of samples were differentiated: untreated and treated with sand blasting and subjected to double acid etching. Synthesis of the film consisting of titanium oxide pillar array structures was carried out using plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition equipment. The plasma was generated in a quartz vessel by an external SLAN-1 microwave source with a frequency of 2.45 GHz. Five specimens from each group were used (40 discs in total). On the surfaces to be studied, the following determinations were carried out: (a) X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, (b) scanning electron microscopy, (c) energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, (d) profilometry, (e) contact angle measurement or surface wettability, (f) progression of contact angle on applying ultraviolet irradiation, and (g) a biocompatibility test and cytotoxicity with cell cultures. Results: The application of ultraviolet light decreased the hydrophobicity of all the surfaces studied, although it did so to a greater extent on the surfaces with the studied modification applied, this being more evident in samples manufactured in grade V titanium. In samples made in grade IV titanium, this difference was less evident, and even in the sample manufactured with grade IV and SLA treatment, the application of the nanometric modification of the surface made the surface optically less active. Regarding cell growth, all the surfaces studied, grouped in relation to the presence or not of the nanometric treatment, showed similar growth. Conclusions. Treatment of titanium oxide surfaces with ultraviolet irradiation made them change temporarily into superhydrophilic ones, which confirms that their biocompatibility could be improved in this way, or at least be maintained

    Acuerdo comercial del Perú con la Unión Europea y su efecto en las exportaciones del sector agrícola 2015-2020

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    El sector agrícola ha tenido un crecimiento progresivo respecto a su participación en las exportaciones hacia el mercado europeo, sin embargo, su valor total no ha sido el óptimo, por ello el presente trabajo tiene como interrogante de investigación ¿Cómo los acuerdos comerciales del Perú con la unión europea influyen en las exportaciones del sector agrícola en el periodo 2015-2020? El estudio tiene como objetivo principal determinar en qué medida los acuerdos comerciales del Perú influyen en las exportaciones del sector agrícola hacia la Unión Europa, y como objetivos específicos determinar de qué manera los acuerdos comerciales del Perú influyen en las empresas exportadoras y/o agricultores peruanos y el nivel de influencia del acuerdo comercial de mercancías no tradicionales exportados hacia la Unión Europea en los años 2015-2020 Para el progreso de averiguación se aplica la metodología cualitativa, empleando como técnica de estudio el análisis documentario aplicando el nivel explicativo con un diseño no experimental puesto que, no se manipularán las variables y se analizarán los datos existentes relacionados al tema de investigación. El instrumento por utilizar serán las entrevistas realizadas a las empresas agroexportadoras, con una población de 20 empresas del sector, de las cuales la unidad de análisis será la empresa Noval Company SAC. Por último, se efectúa un breve análisis acerca de la circunstancia actual del sector y se plantean diversos métodos para mejorar el desarrollo de las exportaciones de los productos agrícolas.Campus Lima Centr

    Spatio-temporal variability of mid-size pelagic fishes in the Gulf of Cadiz shelf waters in relation to climatic and environmental drivers

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    Understanding spatio-temporal distribution patterns of mid-size pelagic fish species (MSPF) is of great interest from the standpoint of both their management and conservation. MSPF inhabiting in the Gulf of Cadiz (SW Iberian Peninsula, Atlantic Ocean) are relevant because they contribute to a large number of individuals captured by the different fishing métiers operating in the area. So far, information on their spatial distribution and temporal changes remain scarce in the study area despite their implications in their stock discrimination and management. Herein, temporal changes of the distribution patterns of abundance and their response to environmental drivers of five MSPF (Scomber colias, Scomber scombrus, Trachurus trachurus, Trachurus mediterraneus and Trachurus picturatus) off the Gulf of Cadiz (GoC) are analyzed from acoustic surveys data for the period 2007-2017. In particular, we evaluated intra- and inter-specific overlapping over time and space using four spatial indices. The species’ abundance and distribution were estimated and mapped by applying geostatistical techniques taking into account autocorrelation between observations. Furthermore, analyses including environmental variables were tested to explain such spatial fluctuations. The main findings showed a progressive reduction of their distribution area in all species over time except for T. trachurus. The only species overlapping in space and time wasbetween T. picturatus and S. colias. The distribution areas of S. colias and T. mediterraneus were notably reduced and showed northern/southern preferences over the years. The main environmental variables shaping the abundance and distribution of each species were found to be chlorophyll and temperature. Climatic indices such as NAO and AMO affected MSPF by reducing or increasing their spatial distribution. Finally, we discuss implications of our findings to contribute to the implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive in the frame of implementing an effective ecosystem approach to fisheries management in the region

    Spatio-temporal variability of mid-size pelagic fishes in the Gulf of Cadiz shelf waters in relation to climatic and environmental drivers

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    Modeling spatio-temporal patterns of mid-size pelagic fish species (MSPFS) distribution and density is of great interest from the standpoint of both their management and conservation. Herein, temporal changes in the spatial patterns of five MSPFS off the Gulf of Cadiz are analyzed from acoustic surveys data (2007-2017). In particular, we evaluated intra-specific variability over time and space and relate such fluctuations to environmental and climatic drivers aimed to provide support to the implementation of a future ecosystem approach to fisheries management in this region

    Dificultades, cambios y renovación en el Colegio de Farmacéuticos de Sevilla durante la Guerra Civil y la posguerra (1936-1949)

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    24 páginas.Capítulo incluido en el libro: Ciencia y profesión: el farmacéutico en la historia. Esteban Moreno Toral, Antonio Ramos Carrillo, Antonio González Bueno (eds.). Sevilla, Universidad Internacional de Andalucía, 2018. Págs.: 227-279. Enlace: http://hdl.handle.net/10334/391