63 research outputs found

    La cultura corporativa en la gestión de las empresas automovilísticas en España

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    El objetivo del artículo es conocer si los OEM y sus proveedores tienen declaración escrita de la cultura corporativa, y en caso afirmativo si contemplan determinados stakeholers y valores, la difunden entre sus empleados, es origen para fijar objetivos y metas, incorporan objetivos económicos y no económicos, se realizan determinadas prácticas de gestión de los recursos humanos, disponen certificaciones ISO, y si se relacionan con su entorno social. Se analiza la intensidad de asociación bivariante entre cier tos ítems y aplicando el anàlisis Homals, la asociación múltiple, sobre cuyos puntos objeto, obtener una tipología de empresas con el análisis cluster

    Societat i lluita antifranquista a l'Àrea metropolitana de Barcelona. El cas de Ripollet - Cerdanyola. 1960/1976

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    En el període final de la dictadura franquista, el que va de 1960 a 1975, s'hi produeix un canvi econòmic d'entitat, sense que les condicions de vida de la població millorin de forma significativa. Al llarg d'aquests anys, continua la lluita obrera de forma més àmplia i visible des de la fi de la Guerra Civil. A l'àrea metropolitana de Barcelona, les reivindicacions obreres, la lluita sindical i per les llibertats democràtiques va creixent fins al final del règim franquista. La tesi analitza els municipis de Ripollet i Cerdanyola, dins de l'àrea metropolitana descrita per la ciutat de Barcelona. Per les seves característiques, tant geogràfiques com de relació històrica, conformen una àrea distintiva a la que se li dóna un tractament homogeni a l'hora d'analitzar les lluites desenvolupades en aquest període que, en moltes ocasions, van ser tot un referent de la lluita dels treballadors en contra de la sagnant dictadura franquista entre 1960-1976. Una de les línies de treball que es presenten en aquesta tesi té com a objectiu principal, conèixer i recuperar per a la Memòria Històrica el conjunt de persones i organitzacions que van conformar la lluita contra la dictadura franquista en aquests dos municipis. Hi ha una aproximació al coneixement del nombre de militants i a les organitzacions a les quals van pertànyer. És també motiu recerca el coneixement i el paper que van jugar les institucions municipals, com elements de col·laboració indiscriminada i de suport d'aquest règim dictatorial, i quines van ser les persones que van ocupar els càrrecs de representació, tant del consistori com de qualsevol organisme polític amb representació oficial en l'àmbit local. Es complementa i contrasta el treball anterior amb una recerca concreta sobre les persones que no van formar part de cap organització clandestina. Els resultats d'una enquesta feta a una mostra representativa de la societat del moment, ens ha permès conèixer la seva opinió envers el franquisme i els seus col·laboradors a nivell local, així com la seva visió respecte de la lluita clandestina i les persones que hi van formar part. A partir de les dades obtingudes, com a resultat de la recerca derivada d'aquestes dues línies de treball, es presenten un seguit de conclusions que donen resposta a les qüestions derivades dels objectius inicials de la tesi. Tota manera, per finalitzar, es planteja que aquestes conclusions poden ser extrapolables a altres zones o municipis de característiques similars de l'Àrea metropolitana de Barcelona i altres regions.During the last period of the Franco dictatorship, from 1960 to 1975, there was an important change in the Spanish economy that did not change the life conditions of the population in a significant way. Over these years the workers' struggle spread, becoming the widest and most visible mobilisation since the end of the Civil War. In the metropolitan area of Barcelona, the vindication of the workers, the union struggle and the mobilization in defense of the democratic freedom grew until the last days of the dictatorship. The thesis examines these dynamics in the municipalities of Ripollet and Cerdanyola, two towns within the metropolitan area of Barcelona. With similar geographical characteristics and close historical relationships, Ripollet and Cerdanyola constituted a common space that became a reference in the struggle of the workers against the bloody dictatorship between 1960 and 1976. The thesis has a twofold objective related to the recovery of Historical Memory: first, it aims to identify the people and organizations that took part in the struggle against the Franco dictatorship both in Ripollet and in Cerdanyola. An estimation of the number of militants and organizations they belonged is provided. The research also addresses the role played by the municipal institutions, considered as elements of indiscriminate collaboration and support of this dictatorship. Additionally, it identifies the individuals who hold political office or served for political organizations at the local level. Second, the previous analysis is complemented with a research about the people who wasn't part of a clandestine organization. A survey with a representative sample of the society at the time is conducted, providing information on the widespread views towards Franco and his collaborators at the local level, the clandestine struggle and the people who took part on it. From the data obtained, as a result of the research of these two lines of work, this thesis present a list of conclusions responding to the derivative questions of the initial aims of the thesis. As a final result, the conclusions can be extrapolated to other zones or municipalities with similar characteristics within metropolitan Area of Barcelona and other regions

    A new role for circulating T follicular helper cells in humoral response to anti-PD-1 therapy

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    Background Lung cancer is one of the most frequent malignancies in humans and is a major cause of death. A number of therapies aimed at reinforcing antitumor immune response, including antiprogrammed cell death protein 1 (anti-PD-1) antibodies, are successfully used to treat several neoplasias as non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). However, host immune mechanisms that participate in response to anti-PD-1 therapy are not completely understood. Methods We used a syngeneic immunocompetent mouse model of NSCLC to analyze host immune response to anti-PD-1 treatment in secondary lymphoid organs, peripheral blood and tumors, by flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry and quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR). In addition, we also studied specific characteristics of selected immune subpopulations in ex vivo functional assays. Results We show that anti-PD-1 therapy induces a population of circulating T follicular helper cells (cTfh) with enhanced B activation capacity, which participates in tumor response to treatment. Anti-PD-1 increases the number of tertiary lymphoid structures (TLS), which correlates with impaired tumor growth. Of note, TLS support cTfh-associated local antibody production, which participates in host immune response against tumor. Conclusion These findings unveil a novel mechanism of action for anti-PD-1 therapy and provide new targets for optimization of current therapies against lung cancer.This work was supported by grants to AA: FIS PI15/01491 and CIBER CARDIOVASCULAR from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria del Instituto de Salud Carlos III with co-funding from the Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional; FEDER

    Antibiofilm surfaces based on the immobilization of a novel recombinant antimicrobial multidomain protein using self-assembled monolayers

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    The constant increase of microorganisms resistant to antibiotics has been classified as a global health emergency, which is especially challenging when biofilms are formed. Herein, novel biofunctionalized gold surfaces with the antimicrobial multidomain recombinant protein JAMF1, both in the soluble form and nanostructured as nanoparticles, were developed. The interaction between His-tag termination of the protein and a nitriloacetic acid–Ni complex formed on mixed self-assembled monolayers (mixed SAMs) was exploited. The obtained antibiofilm surfaces based on the immobilization of the novel JAMF1 protein using self-assembled monolayers were characterized using a multi-technique approach including: cyclic voltammetry, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy and fluorescence, proving that the modification and immobilization of JAMF1 were successfully done. The antibiofilm activity against Escherichia coli and carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae showed that the immobilized antimicrobial proteins were able to reduce biofilm formation of both microorganisms. This strategy opens up new possibilities for controlled biomolecule immobilization for fundamental biological studies and biotechnological applications, at the interface of materials science and molecular biology.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Double-blind placebo-controlled randomized clinical trial to assess the efficacy of montelukast in mild to moderate respiratory symptoms of patients with long COVID: E-SPERANZA COVID Project study protocol

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    Background: The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic continues to affect the globe. After 18 months of the SARS-CoV-2 emergence, clinicians have clearly defined a subgroup of patients with lasting, disabling symptoms. While big strides have been made in understanding the acute phase of SARS-CoV-2 infection, the pathophysiology of long COVID is still largely unknown, and evidence-based, effective treatments for this condition remain unavailable. Objectives: To evaluate the efficacy of 10 mg oral montelukast every 24 h versus placebo in improving quality of life associated with mild to moderate respiratory symptoms in patients with long COVID as measured with the COPD Assessment Test (CAT) questionnaire. The secondary objectives will evaluate the effect of montelukast versus placebo on improving exercise capacity, COVID-19 symptoms (asthenia, headache, mental confusion or brain fog, ageusia, and anosmia), oxygen desaturation during exertion, functional status, and mortality. Methods and analysis: Phase III, randomized, double-blind clinical trial. We will include 18- to 80-year-old patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection and mild to moderate respiratory symptoms lasting more than 4 weeks. Participants will be randomly allocated in a 1:1 ratio to the intervention (experimental treatment with 10 mg/day montelukast) or the control group (placebo group), during a 28-day treatment. Follow-up will finish 56 days after the start of treatment. The primary outcome will be health-related quality of life associated with respiratory symptoms according to the COPD Assessment Test 4 weeks after starting the treatment. The following are the secondary outcomes: (a) exercise capacity and oxygen saturation (1-min sit-to-stand test); (b) Post-COVID-19 Functional Status Scale; (c) other symptoms: asthenia, headache, mental confusion (brain fog), ageusia, and anosmia (Likert scale); (d) use of healthcare resources; (e) mortality; (f) sick leave duration in days; and (g) side effects of montelukast. Ethics and dissemination: This study has been approved by the Clinical Research Ethics Committee of the IDIAPJGol (reference number 21/091-C). The trial results will be published in open access, peer-reviewed journals and explained in webinars to increase awareness and understanding about long COVID among primary health professionals

    Arte rupestre paleolítico en el yacimiento solutrense de La Cueva de Ambrosio (Vélez-Blanco, Almeria)

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    In the solutrean site o[ La Cueva de Ambrosio several engraved and painted figures dated on the Upper palaeolithic, have been found during the field works of[ 1992 and 1994. In the panel I we have identified an excellent representation of a horse, a bird, one bovidae and another protome of a horse. Below this surface there are many red ochre wallpaintings covered by a calcitic path and for the time being we are unable to give any interpretation for it. In the second panel we have discovered one splendid red painted horse, two more engraved horses and a little head of one other black painted horse. There are many engraved lines and pictural rests that must be studied in the future. The exceptionality of this discovery is that we can interrelate perfectly these rock art paintings with the archaeological levels clearly defined chronologically and culturally (ca. 16000 B.P., Upper Solutrean and Final Solutrean) from the same site.En el yacimiento solutrense de La Cueva de Ambrosio se han encontrado durante las campañas de 1992 y 1994 un conjunto de representaciones artísticas parietales pintadas y grabadas del Paleolítico Superior. Entre los grabados del panel I, se ha descifrado una excelente silueta de caballo, una representación de ave, unos protomos de bóvido y de caballo, así como otros trazos todavía no interpretados. En la parte inferior del panel existen pinturas, poco visibles a causa de una colada calcítica y de momento no es posible interpretar ninguna representación figurativa. En el panel II se han identificado un espléndido caballo pintado en ocre rojo, otros dos caballos grabados, un protomos de caballo pintado en negro y gran cantidad de líneas incisas en trazo múltiple, así como otros restos pictóricos todavía por identificar. La excepcionalidad del hallazgo reside en el hecho de poder interrelacionar perfectamente estas muestras de arte con los niveles arqueológicos claramente definidos desde el punto de vista cultural y cronoestratigráfico (ca. 16000 B.P. Solutrense Superior y Solutrense Superior Evolucionado) del mismo yacimiento

    An Architecture for Performance Optimization in a Collaborative Knowledge-Based Approach for Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Over the past few years, Intelligent Spaces (ISs) have received the attention of many Wireless Sensor Network researchers. Recently, several studies have been devoted to identify their common capacities and to set up ISs over these networks. However, little attention has been paid to integrating Fuzzy Rule-Based Systems into collaborative Wireless Sensor Networks for the purpose of implementing ISs. This work presents a distributed architecture proposal for collaborative Fuzzy Rule-Based Systems embedded in Wireless Sensor Networks, which has been designed to optimize the implementation of ISs. This architecture includes the following: (a) an optimized design for the inference engine; (b) a visual interface; (c) a module to reduce the redundancy and complexity of the knowledge bases; (d) a module to evaluate the accuracy of the new knowledge base; (e) a module to adapt the format of the rules to the structure used by the inference engine; and (f) a communications protocol. As a real-world application of this architecture and the proposed methodologies, we show an application to the problem of modeling two plagues of the olive tree: prays (olive moth, Prays oleae Bern.) and repilo (caused by the fungus Spilocaea oleagina). The results show that the architecture presented in this paper significantly decreases the consumption of resources (memory, CPU and battery) without a substantial decrease in the accuracy of the inferred values

    Antibiofilm surfaces based on the immobilization of a novel recombinant antimicrobial multidomain protein using self-assembled monolayers

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    The constant increase of microorganisms resistant to antibiotics has been classified as a global health emergency, which is especially challenging when biofilms are formed. Herein, novel biofunctionalized gold surfaces with the antimicrobial multidomain recombinant protein JAMF1, both in the soluble form and nanostructured as nanoparticles, were developed. The interaction between His-tag termination of the protein and a nitriloacetic acid-Ni complex formed on mixed self-assembled monolayers (mixed SAMs) was exploited. The obtained antibiofilm surfaces based on the immobilization of the novel JAMF1 protein using self-assembled monolayers were characterized using a multi-technique approach including: cyclic voltammetry, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy and fluorescence, proving that the modification and immobilization of JAMF1 were successfully done. The antibiofilm activity against Escherichia coli and carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae showed that the immobilized antimicrobial proteins were able to reduce biofilm formation of both microorganisms. This strategy opens up new possibilities for controlled biomolecule immobilization for fundamental biological studies and biotechnological applications, at the interface of materials science and molecular biology.This work has been developed under the Biochemistry and Biomedicine and Materials Science Program of Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). The characterization has been performed by the ICTS ‘‘NANBIOSIS’’, more specifically by the Biomaterial Processing and Nanostructuring Unit (U6), Unit of CIBER-BBN located at ICMAB-CSIC. Authors are grateful for the financial support received from MICINN (PID2020-115296RA-I00 and PID2019–105622RB-I00), the Networking Research Center on Bioengineering, Biomaterials, and Nanomedicine (CIBER-BBN), GenCat (grant 2017-SGR-918, SGR Cat 2021-00438 and CERCA programme), the European Social Fund, and Fundació La Marató de TV3 (Nr. 201812). This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the HORIZON-RIA project NABIHEAL (GA number 101092269), the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 801342 (Tecniospring INDUSTRY) and the Government of Catalonia's Agency for Business Competitiveness (ACCIÓ; TECSPR19-1-0065). J.G. is grateful to MICINN for a ‘‘Ramón y Cajal’’ fellowship (RYC-2017-22614) as well as to the Max Planck Society through the Max Planck Partner Group “Dynamic Biomimetics for Cancer Immunotherapy” in collaboration with the Max Planck Institute for Medical Research (Heidelberg, Germany). R.R-P received a PhD fellowship from Secretaria d’Universitats i Recerca del Departament d’Economia i Coneixement de la Generalitat de Catalunya (AGAUR) and E.G-F a post-doctoral fellowship from INIA (DOC-INIA). ICMAB-CSIC acknowledges the support from the Severo Ochoa Programme for Centres of Excellence in R&D (FUNFUTURE, CEX2019-000917-S). Table of contents entry and Fig. 2 were designed with BioRender.com.With funding from the Spanish government through the ‘Severo Ochoa Centre of Excellence’ accreditation (CEX2019-000917-S).Peer reviewe

    Long-term follow-up of certolizumab pegol in uveitis due to immune-mediated inflammatory diseases : multicentre study of 80 patients

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    Objectives To evaluate effectiveness and safety of certolizumab pegol (CZP) in uveitis due to immune-mediated inflammatory diseases (IMID). Methods Multicentre study of CZP-treated patients with IMID uveitis refractory to conventional immunosuppressant. Effectiveness was assessed through the following ocular parameters: best-corrected visual acuity, anterior chamber cells, vitritis, macular thickness and retinal vasculitis. These variables were compared between the baseline, and first week, first, third, sixth months, first and second year. Results We studied 80 (33 men/47 women) patients (111 affected eyes) with a mean age of 41.6±11.7 years. The IMID included were: spondyloarthritis (n=43), Behçet's disease (n=10), psoriatic arthritis (n=8), Crohn's disease (n=4), sarcoidosis (n=2), juvenile idiopathic arthritis (n=1), reactive arthritis (n=1), rheumatoid arthritis (n=1), relapsing polychondritis (n=1), Conclusions CZP seems to be effective and safe in uveitis related to different IMID, even in patients refractory to previous biological drugs

    Manual per a la prevenció i l’abordatge del consum d’alcohol i els problemes relacionats en l’àmbit hospitalari

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    Consum d’alcohol; Hospitals; PrevencióConsumo de alcohol; Hospitales; PrevenciónAlcohol consumption; Hospitals; PreventionAquest manual és el fruit de la col·laboració d’un ampli grup de professionals experts que treballen en l’àmbit clínic i de recerca en els problemes derivats del consum d’alcohol, i pretén ser una eina útil per que els hospitals i els i les professionals puguin actuar de forma preventiva