160 research outputs found

    Pemanfaatan Angle Fotografi pada Foto Dokumentasi

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    Since its inception photography has become on indispensable part of human life. There are lpt of beautiful momentshas successfully captured by this photograph activity. Capturing human activities whereher located and freeze in a photpgraphic word made this event veri interesting to dol a photograph is able to express our fellings, human relationships to show the beauty of divine creation. Photography techniques there are rules contained in the art of photography it self. Learning by techniques of photography and often practice, we able understand the aesthetics of a photography to draw a great picture and interesting. In addition, we will be trained to convey a message through media photograph to everyone

    Understanding and Treating Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Using the Six Principles of Naturopathic Medicine

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    Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a health condition that has been increasing in occurrence due to a high number of traumatic events individuals have been experiencing around the world as well as the awareness of the effects of such traumatic events on individuals. There are several effective treatment options available for those who have PTSD. This includes conventional therapies, as well as complementary and alternative medicine approaches. Naturopathic Medicine is one field of medicine that can be utilized by patients with PTSD seeking safe and effective treatments. A complete understanding of PTSD including risk factors, symptoms and neurophysiology is important in determining an appropriate treatment plan for patients. Knowing that each case presentation may be different will play a role in providing the most effective individualized treatment plan. With the increased understanding of PTSD, there are many ways to approach a PTSD case, one of which can involve the use of the six principles of Naturopathic Medicine. This approach uses a variety of modalities as part of an effective treatment plan. It will take into account the individuality of each case as well as constitute a holistic approach to each presenting PTSD patient. This thesis/poster aims to link the six principles of Naturopathic Medicine to aspects of PTSD that allows for us to understand and potentially treat PTSD


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    The Bungus Bay with ​​21,050 meters of coastline length and 1,383.86 ha of surface area confines with a rounded shape surface. This study aimed to determine coastline changes in the Bungus Bay based on overlay analyses of satellite imagery of 2000, 2006, 2010, and 2011. The method used in this research was visual interpretation using four key interpretation such as hue image, texture association, and shape. The results showed that in general there were abrasion processes in the Bungus Bay. The abrasion processes were more dominant  in the Buo Bay, Kaluang Bay, and Kabuang Bay.   The largest coastline changes occurred in the northern Bungus Bay for 26 m/yr, while in the Kaluang Bay and Kabuang Bay exhibited a moderate  change of  9 m/yr. In general, the rate of coastline change in the Bungus Bay was 5.9 m/yr.Keywords: abration, accretion, coastline changes, Bungus Ba

    Pencarian Rute Terdekat Lokasi Evakuasi Tsunami Dengan Metode Pencarian Dijkstra Dan Pendekatan MADM

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    Tsunami is one of the natural disasters that threatens Indonesia, where one of the major factors is caused by an earthquake that occurred on the seabed and has been recorded to have claimed many lives. Behind this incident, there are problems faced by the society when evacuating themselves, one of which is the ignorance of access to evacuation routes, so that people fail to take advantage of their time to evacuate. In this study applying Dijkstra method with SAW and Haversine approaches at Pelabuhan Ratu, Sukabumi Regency, the final weight results are grouped based on 3 main parameters, namely road width, distance traveled and estimated arrival time, also at the end of this study resulted in an Android application that implements the model that has been created.Tsunami merupakan salah satu bencana alam yang mengancam Indonesia, dimana salah satu faktor utamanya disebabkan oleh gempa bumi yang terjadi di dasar laut dan tercatat telah memakan banyak korban jiwa. Di balik kejadian tersebut, terdapat permasalahan yang dihadapi masyarakat saat melakukan evakuasi sendiri, salah satunya adalah ketidaktahuan akses jalur evakuasi, sehingga masyarakat tidak memanfaatkan waktunya untuk mengungsi. Pada penelitian ini menerapkan metode Dijkstra dengan pendekatan SAW dan Haversine di Pelabuhan Ratu Kabupaten Sukabumi, hasil bobot akhir dikelompokkan berdasarkan 3 parameter utama yaitu lebar jalan, jarak tempuh dan perkiraan waktu tiba, juga pada akhir penelitian ini menghasilkan sebuah aplikasi Android yang mengimplementasikan model yang telah dibuat

    Analisis Persepsi Mahasiswa Akuntansi Mengenai Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Pemilihan Karir sebagai Akuntan

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis karir apa yang paling diminati oleh mahasiswa akuntansi dan untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat perbedaan pandangan antara mahasiswa yang memilih karir sebagai Akuntan Publik, Akuntan Pemerintah, Akuntan Perusahaan dan Akuntan Pendidik secara keseluruhan dan berdasarkan jenis kelamin ditinjau dari penghargaan finansial, pelatihan profesional, pengakuan profesional, nilai-nilai sosial, lingkungan kerja dan pertimbangan pasar kerja. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif komparatif. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan simple random sampling dan menjadikan mahasiswa yang terdaftar di 5 Universitasdengan program studi akuntansi di Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang dan Bekasi sebagai sampel.Data yang digunakan data primer yang dikumpulkan dari hasil kuesioner. Dalam menganalisis data, penelitian ini menggunakan analisis statistik yang bernama independent sample t test. Hasil pengujian independent sample t test diketahui bahwa terdapat perbedaan pandangan atas faktor penghargaan finansial, pelatihan profesional, pengakuan profesional, nilai-nilai sosial, lingkungan kerja dan pertimbangan pasar kerja antara mahasiswa yang memilih profesi Akuntan Publik dan mahasiswa yang memilih profesi non Akuntan Publik. Berdasarkan jenis kelaminnya, perbedaan persepsi mahasiswa akuntansi meliputi penghargaan finansial, pelatihan profesional, pengakuan profesional, lingkungan kerja dan pertimbangan pasar kerja, sedangkan tidak terdapat perbedaan pada nilai-nilai sosial


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    Sumber daya manusia adalah salah satu aspek yang sangat penting bagi sebuah perusahaan. Salah satu bentuk pengelolaan sumber daya manusia di sebuah perusahaan adalah dengan menyelenggarakan pelatihan kerja. Hal serupa dilakukan oleh PT. Magnolium Mandiri Indonesia dalam meningkatkan kompetensi (skill, knowledge, attitude) terutama pada tenaga penjualan. Tujuan penelitian ini diantaranya untuk mendeskripsikan tentang implementasi pelatihan berbasis “ROTI” yang telah dilakukan oleh PT. Magnolium Mandiri Indonesia. Sumber informasi didapat dari 8 (delapan) orang pihak internal perusahaan dan 4 (empat) orang expert judgement. Jenis data dalam penelitian ini adalah data primer dan data sekunder dengan metode pengumpulan data melalui observasi, review, wawancara. Melalui teknik analisis data yaitu reduksi data, display data, dan penarikan kesimpulan, serta dengan tahapan evaluasi model evaluasi 4 (empat) level (reaksi, pembelajaran, perilaku, dan hasil) yang dikembangkan oleh Kirkpatrick (1996) diperoleh hasil diantaranya bahwa pelatihan yang telah dilakukan oleh PT. Magnolium Mandiri Indonesia selama ini belum efektif dalam meningkatkan kompetensi tenaga penjualan, adanya kendala pelatihan yang belum terstruktur dan setelah mengimplementasikan model pelatihan berbasis return of training investment (ROTI) kompetensi tensi karyawan meningkat yang ditunjukkan dengan meningkatnya penjualan perusahaan

    Health Effect Symptoms Due to Heat Stress Among Gong Factory Workers in Bogor, Indonesia

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    Heat stress is the combination of environmental heat, metabolic heat due to activity and clotting factor that increases body temperature, pulse rate, and sweating. A hot environment can cause heat stress and health problems, such as heat-related diseases. Dehydration is one of the heat-related diseases that can cause an accident in a work environment. Employees of a gong factory in Bogor are at risk of suffering heat stress. This study, performed in June 2016, aimed to describe health complaints caused by heat stress. The method used was a cross-sectional descriptive study of 18 employees. The study found the wet-bulb globe temperature (WBGT) index in the production area at 31.1∘C, which exceeded the threshold value, causing theemployees to suffer from heat stress. Complaints from employees included excessive perspiration, thirst, fatigue, discomfort while working, hot skin, and skin redness. Suggestions were made to help the factory provide a work environment that would minimize health complaints and the risk of heat-related illnesses. Keywords: Health Complaint, Heat Stres

    Pendayagunaan dana Zakat sebelum dan sesudah masa pandemi Covid-19 tinjauan peraturan Badan Amil Zakat Nasional Republik Indonesia nomor 3 tahun 2018 dan perspektif Maqosidus Syariah: Studi Badan Amil Zakat Nasional Kota Blitar

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    ABSTRAK Badan Amil Zakat Kota Blitar memiliki 5 program utama dalam mendayagunakan dana zakat yakni Program Blitar Taqwa, Blitar Cerdas, Blitar Makmur Blitar Peduli, dan Blitar Sehat. Namun di Masa Pandemi Covid 19 bagaimana upaya penerapannya dalam menanggulangi dampak Pandemi Covid 19, tetap berjalan atau adakah perbedaan di Masa ketika Pandemi Covid, dan tetap sesuaikah dengan amanat dari Pasal 14 Peraturan Badan Amil Zakat Nasional No 3 Tahun 2018 tentang Pendistribusian dan Pendayagunaan Zakat dan bila dilihat dari perspektif Maqosidus Syariah. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian empiris yuridis sosiologis yang mana dengan mengkaji ketentuan hukum yang berlaku serta apa yang terjadi di masyarakat khususnya di Badan Amil Zakat Kota Blitar dengan maksud untuk mengetahui kendala-kendala yang terjadi dalam praktik pendayagunaan dana zakat di masa pandemi COVID-19 yang ditinjau berdasarkan Pasal 14 Peraturan Badan Amil Zakat Nasional No 3 Tahun 2018 dan Perspektif Maqosidus Syariah. Hasil dari penelitian ini yakni dari 5 Program Badan Amil Zakat Nasional Kota Blitar terdapat perbedaan dalam prakteknya ketika sebelum dan pada saat Masa Pandemi Covid 19. Juga program-program tersebut telah sesuai dengan amanat Peraturan Badan Amil Zakat Nasional No 3 Tahun 2018 yakni Pendayagunaan dilakukan di bidang yakni ekonomi, pendidikan dan kesehatan. Dan telah sesuai dengan ke 4 Pokok Maqosidus Syariah kecuali Pemeliharaan Nasab. ABSTRACT Blitar City Amil Zakat Agency has 5 main programs in utilizing zakat funds, namely the Blitar Taqwa Program, Smart Blitar, Prosperous Blitar Peduli Blitar, and Healthy Blitar. However, during the Covid 19 Pandemic, how are the implementation efforts in tackling the impact of the Covid 19 Pandemic, are they still running or are there differences during the Covid Pandemic Period, and are they still in accordance with the mandate of Article 14 of the Regulation of the National Amil Zakat Agency No. 3 of 2018 concerning the Distribution and Utilization of Zakat and when viewed from the perspective of Maqosidus Syariah. This research is a sociological juridical empirical research which examines the applicable legal provisions and what is happening in the community, especially in the Blitar City Amil Zakat Agency with the aim of knowing the obstacles that occur in the practice of utilizing zakat funds during the COVID-19 pandemic which is reviewed. based on Article 14 of the Regulation of the National Amil Zakat Agency No. 3 of 2018 and the Maqosidus Syariah Perspective. The results of this study are that from the 5 National Amil Zakat Agency Programs in Blitar City there are differences in practice before and during the Covid 19 Pandemic Period. Also these programs are in accordance with the mandate of Article 14 of the Regulation of the National Amil Zakat Agency No. 3 of 2018 namely Empowerment in the fields of economy, education and health. And it is in accordance with the 4 Principles of Maqosidus Sharia except Hifz an-Nass. مستخلص البحث لدى وكالة بليتار سيتي أميل للزكاة 5 برامج رئيسية في استخدام أموال الزكاة ، وهي برنامج بليتار التقوى ، سمارت بليتار ، بروسبيروس بليتار بيدولي بليتار ، هيلثي بليتار. ومع ذلك ، خلال جائحة Covid 19 ، كيف هي جهود التنفيذ في معالجة تأثير جائحة Covid 19 ، وهل لا تزال مستمرة أم أن هناك اختلافات خلال فترة Covid Pandemic ، وهل لا تزال متوافقة مع ولاية المادة 14 من نظام الجهاز الوطني للزكاة العامل رقم 3 لسنة 2018 بشأن توزيع الزكاة والاستفادة منها عند النظر إليها من منظور مقوسيدوس الشريعة. هذا البحث هو بحث علمي اجتماعي قانوني تجريبي يدرس الأحكام القانونية المعمول بها وما يحدث في المجتمع ، وخاصة في مدينة بليتار ، وكالة أميل الزكاة بهدف معرفة المعوقات التي تحدث في ممارسة استخدام أموال الزكاة أثناء COVID- 19 جائحة الذي تمت مراجعته. بناءً على المادة 14 من نظام الجهاز الوطني للزكاة العامل رقم 3 لسنة 2018 ومن منظور مقوسيد الشريعة. تشير نتائج هذه الدراسة إلى أنه من بين برامج وكالة الزكاة الوطنية الخمسة العاملة في مدينة بليتار ، هناك اختلافات في الممارسة قبل وأثناء فترة جائحة كوفيد 19. كما أن هذه البرامج تتماشى مع المادة 14 من نظام الجهاز الوطني للزكاة العامل رقم 3 لسنة 2018 وهو التمكين في مجالات الاقتصاد والتعليم والصحة. وهو وفق أصول المقوسيد الأربعة إلا حفظ الناس

    Ethical climate as foundation for internal corporate social responsibility and employee performance in Indonesian context during COVID-19 pandemic

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    The research objective was to analyze the role of ethical climate as a foundation for internal Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and employee performance. The methodology used is a causal study to test the effect by using a survey of 400 employees Holding of state-owned defense, industry randomly selected nonmanagers. The results showed that ethical climate directs internal CSR activities as a realization of ethical awareness in the environment. Employees have an ethical responsibility to restore the goodness of the company to employees in real terms according to the company's demands in the form of optimal performance. The values, beliefs, and ethical atmosphere felt by employees are the reasons for implementing CSR. Internal CSR raises employees' awareness of the company's care and attention, which in turn increases the moral obligation to work optimally for the common good. Ethical climate is guidance for companies and individuals to be involved in collective efforts that can ensure sustainability. In conclusion, ethical climate has an influence on employee performance through CSR. The practical implication is to develop an ethical climate in the company to strengthen the company's internal CSR orientation. Its value contribution can explain the ethical climate function as a foundation for internal CSR concerning employee’s performance