47 research outputs found

    CISG and UPICC As the Basis for an International Convention on International Commercial Contracts

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    CISG and UPICC As the Basis for an International Convention on International Commercial Contracts

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    INCOTERMS 2000 - Potrebna veza između ugovora o kupoprodaji i ugovora o prijevozu

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    The first version of INCOTERMS was published in 1936. As commercial practice changes from time to time, some revisions of INCOTERMS are necessary. The latest revision took place in 2000. INCOTERMS have so far been satisfactorily used worldwide in the intersection between contracts of sale, carriage and insurance as well with documentary credits. The combination of the 1980 UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) and INCOTERMS 2000 now constitutes a solid basis for the correct understanding and implementation of international contracts of sale.Prva verzija Međunarodnih trgovačkih termina INCOTERMS objavljena je 1936. Kako se trgovačka praksa mijenja s vremena na vrijeme, potrebno je bilo izvršiti i povremene revizije INCOTERMS. Poljednja takva revizija bila je 2000. godine. INCOTERMS se na zadovoljavajući način koristi širom svijeta kao veza između ugovora o kupoprodaji, ugovora o prijevozu i ugovora o osiguranju te dokumentarnih akreditiva. Kombinacija Konvencije UN o ugovorima o međunarodnoj kupoprodaji iz 1980. i INCOTERMS 2000 čini čvrstu osnovu za valjano razumijevanje i primjenu međunarodnih ugovora o kupoprodaji

    Particular concerns with regard to the Rotterdam Rules

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    Resumen: A medida que el proceso de fi rma de las Reglas de Rotterdam va tomando cuerpo, también cobran fuerza las voces discordantes. Este artículo o manifi esto recoge la opinión crítica colectiva de un grupo de nueve destacados especialistas en Derecho marítimo de distintas partes del mundo, pertenecientes a los sectores académico y profesional. El artículo analiza con brevedad y precisión los rasgos más destacados de las Reglas de Rotterdam, particularmente aquéllos que, a juicio de los firmantes, meritan mayor debate y crítica. La conclusión a la que llegan los miembros de este grupo de juristas es que las Reglas de Rotterdam no vienen sino a añadir más complejidad a la actual regulación internacional del transporte marítimo y multimodal. El artículo finaliza con una propuesta de alternativas que permitan aprovechar lo mejor de la regulación vigente y abrir las puertas a una actualización y complementación de dicha regulación. Palabras clave: Reglas, Rotterdam, Crítica, Alternativas. Abstract: As the Rotterdam Rules signature process gains momentum, strong dissenting opinions are also starting to be heard. This article or manifesto sums up the collective critical voice of nine worldwide leading shipping lawyers and professors. It provides a short and precise analysis of the Rotterdam Rules main features from the point of view of those issues which the authors fi nd unworthy of praise. And their conclusion is that the Rotterdam Rules simply just add up more complexity to the present shipping and multimodal international regulation. The article closes with a quest for alternatives aimed to get the best of what we already have and opens the gate to proposals based on the updating and complementation of the regulation in force today. Key words: Rules, Rotterdam, Critical, Alternatives

    A Blue Print for a Worldwide Multimodal Regime

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    Resumen: En el nº 2 de 2010 de CDT se publicó un manifiesto del llamado “Grupo de los 9” titulado “Particular concerns with regard to the Rotterdam Rules” en el que estos destacados profesores y juristas expresaban sus dudas acerca de este nuevo instrumento internacional. Este Grupo ofrece ahora un nuevo manifiesto que supone un paso adelante en el que se indica que a pesar de la innegable necesidad de poner al día las Reglas de La Haya-Visby, y de las aportaciones efectuadas en tal sentido por las Reglas de Rótterdam, las perspectivas de éxito de estas últimas se ven ensombrecidas por su pretensión de extenderse más allá de lo que en puridad debía ser su objeto, el transporte marítimo, para convertirse en el texto de referencia para el transporte multimodal que cuente con una fase marítima. Lejos de contribuir a un verdadero y efectivo régimen unificado de la multimodalidad, plantea nuevas dudas a la hora de determinar qué régimen, de entro los existentes para cada tipo de transporte, debe ser de aplicación en cada caso. Mientras tanto, parece que para conseguir los objetivos referidos al transporte marítimo de las Reglas de Rótterdam habría bastado con la introducción de Protocolos a las Reglas de La Haya-Visby, dejando que lo concerniente al transporte multimodal continuara por la senda establecida a tal efecto por el CMR, cuyo sistema quizás debiera traspasar las fronteras europeas con el impulso de las diferentes instituciones internacionales. Palabras clave: Reglas de Rotterdam, transporte multimodal, transporte marítimo, Reglas de La Haya-Visby, CMR.  Abstract: In the issue n. 2 of 2010 of CDT it was published a manifesto of the so-called “Group of the 9” under the title of “Particular concerns with regard to the Rotterdam Rules” where these renowned scholars and attorneys expressed their doubts about this new international legal instrument. The Group offers now a new manifesto providing a step further whereby they indicate that notwithstanding the undeniable necessity to update the Hague-Visby Rules and the contributions carried out in this direction by the Rotterdam Rules, success expectations of the latter rules are hindered because of the aim to expand the scope of application beyond their object in strict sense, namely maritime transport, so as to become the text of reference as for every multimodal transport that includes a sea leg. Far from contributing to a real and effective multimodal unified regime, new doubts arise when determining which regime, of all those for each type of transport, shall apply in each case. In any event, it seems that in order to reach the objectives appointed to by the Rotterdam Rules, introducing Protocols to the Hague-Visby Rules would have been good enough, whereas all that related to multimodal transport continues by the CMR established paths, a system which should trespass European borders with the help of different international institutions. Key words: Rotterdam Rules, multimodal transport, maritime transport, Hague-Visby Rules, CMR

    Dispersive analysis of K_{L mu3} and K_{L e3} scalar and vector form factors using KTeV data

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    Using the published KTeV samples of K_L --> pi^{\pm} e^{\mp} nu and K_L --> pi^{\pm} mu^{\mp} nu decays [1], we perform a reanalysis of the scalar and vector form factors based on the dispersive parameterization [2,3]. We obtain phase space integrals I^e_K = 0.15446 \pm 0.00025 and I^{mu}_K = 0.10219 \pm 0.00025. For the scalar form factor parameterization, the only free parameter is the normalized form factor value at the Callan-Treiman point (C); our best fit results in ln C = 0.1915 \pm 0.0122. We also study the sensitivity of C to different parametrizations of the vector form factor. The results for the phase space integrals and C are then used to make tests of the Standard Model. Finally, we compare our results with lattice QCD calculations of F_K/F_pi and f_+(0).Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, to be published in PR

    CISG Advisory Council Opinion No. 17 Limitation and Exclusion Clauses in CISG Contracts

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    The CISG-AC started as a private initiative supported by the Institute of International Commercial Law at Pace University School of Law and the Centre for Commercial Law Studies, Queen Mary, University of London. The International Sales Convention Advisory Council (CISGAC) is in place to support understanding of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) and the promotion and assistance in the uniform interpretation of the CISG.This is the CISG Advisory Council's Opinion No. 17 on Limitation and Exclusion Clauses in CISG Contracts

    Checklist of mammals from Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil

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