3,024 research outputs found

    "Transforming to Where? The Cases of Egypt and Tunisia": 16th DGAP International Summer School; Berlin, August 26-September 7, 2012

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    Die 16. Sommerschule der DGAP (26. August bis 7. September 2012) konzentrierte sich auf die Umwandlungen in Ägypten und Tunesien und untersuchte neue Demokratiekonzepte, -theorien und -modelle. Knapp 30 vielversprechende Berufsanfänger aus Ägypten, Tunesien, der Türkei und Europa nahmen am Programm teil, welches Vorlesungen, Gesprächsrunden, Debatten und Workshops beinhaltete. Zu den Referenten gehörten Paul Nolte, Tariq Ramadan, Volker Perthes, Mustafa Kamel Al-Sayyid und Hamad Abdel Samad

    Magnetic resonance spectroscopy of the frontal region in patients with metabolic syndrome : correlation with anthropometric measurement

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    Purpose: to demonstrate 1H-MR spectroscopy of the frontal region in patients with metabolic syndrome and to correlate the metabolic ratios with anthropometric measurement. Material and methods: A prospective study was conducted upon 20 patients with metabolic syndrome (10 male, 10 female; mean age 52 years) and 20 age- and sex-matched volunteers. Patients were mild-moderate (n = 14) and marked and morbid obesity (n = 6). Patients and volunteers underwent 1H-MR spectroscopy of the frontal region. The Ch/Cr and NAA/Cr ratio were calculated and correlated with anthropometric measurement. Results: The Cho/Cr and NAA/Cr of patients with Mets (1.03 ± 0.08 and 1.62 ± 0.08) were significantly different (p = 0.001) to those of volunteers (0.78 ± 0 and 1.71 ± 0.61, respectively). The Cho/Cr and NAA/Cr cutoffs used to differentiate patients from volunteers were 0.89 and 1.77 with areas under the curve of 0.992 and 0.867 and accuracy of 97% and 93%, respectively. There was a significant difference in Cho/Cr and NAA/Cr between patients with marked-morbid obesity and moderate-mild obesity (p = 0.001 respectively). Conclusions: We concluded that NAA/Cr and Cho/Cr ratios of the frontal region can differentiate patients with metabolic syndrome from volunteers and are well correlated with the anthropometric measurement

    Pengaruh Puasa Ramadhan Terhadap Tekanan Darah Dan Profil Lipid Pada Pasien Hipertensi Studi Kasus : Denpasar Selatan

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    Hypertension is the most common cardiovascular disease in society. Management of hypertension can be pharmacological and non-pharmacological. One of the nonpharmacological therapies for hypertension is fasting therapy. Ramadan fasting is fasting that is obligatory for Muslims and has been set in the month of Ramadan for one month (29 or 30 days). Fasting changes a person's eating and drinking patterns which affect the body's metabolism which results in increased production of angiotensinogen which impacts blood pressure and increases in High-density Lipoprotein cholesterol. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Ramadan fasting on blood pressure and lipid profiles in hypertensive patients. This study used a pre-experimental research design with the One Group Pretest-Posttest model. The sampling method used non-probability sampling with purposive sampling technique. Measurements were taken before the fasting month of Ramadan and one month of fasting. Data analysis using the Wilcoxon test. The results of the study in the form of systolic and diastolic blood pressure before fasting with one month of Ramadan fasting, the mean ± SD respectively were 145 ± 17.45 p-value (0.001); 87.70 ± 9.82 p-value (0.001). For lipid profiles (cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL, LDL) before fasting with one month of Ramadan fasting, the mean ± SD respectively were 181.60 ± 26.63 p-value (0.001); 113.65 ± 43.91 p-value (0.001); 53 ± 7.71) p-value (0.001); 116.30 ± 18.38 p-value (0.001). This study concluded that there was a decrease in systolic and diastolic blood pressure, and an improvement in fasting lipid profile levels during Ramadan fasting in hypertensive patients

    'On tour' sur la scène musicale cairote 1996-2006

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    Thus paper presents a short panorama of the main changes that occured within the Cairene musical arena from 1996-2006 in terms of Musicians, spaces and musical stylesL'article dresse un bref panorama des transformations qui ont affecté la scène musicale cairote dans la décennie 1996-2006 en termes d'acteurs, de lieux et de style de musiqu

    ramadan fasting and infectious diseases a systematic review

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    Ramadan represents the fourth of the five pillars of the Islamic creed. Although patients are exempted from observing this duty, they may be eager to share this moment of the year with their peers. However, there are no guidelines that can help physicians to address the concerns of patients with infectious diseases fasting during Ramadan. For this purpose, we performed a systematic review. of 51 articles. Our main findings are that: 1) patients suffering from diabetes at risk of developing infectious complications should not fast; 2) Ramadan fasting has little impact on diarrheal patients; 3) HIV represents a challenge, and ad hoc drug combinations should be recommended to patients, and the patients should be advised not to take fatty meals that could interfere with the treatment; 4) Ramadan has no effect on the effectiveness of anti-helminthic therapy; and 5) patients with active ulcers should not fast, as they have a higher probability of developing complications

    The acaricidal effect of peracetic acid against Boophilus annulatus and Argas persicus

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    The acaricidal activity of peracetic acid, PAA, against the cattle tick, Boophilus annulatus, and the fowl tick, Argas persicus was tested using filter paper contact bioassay. PAA had a great potential as acaricide and its effectiveness increased with increasing concentration and exposure time. Two minutes after treatment with 0.5%, PAA induced 100% mortality of both tick species and LC50 values for cattle and fowl ticks, after treatment for 30 min, were 0.06 and 0.05%, respectively. Following treatment with 0.25%, the LT50 values were 0.02 and 3.12 min, respectively. Furthermore, the detrimental effect of PAA against cattle tick extended beyond the adult stage, it significantly prolonged the preoviposition period, shortened the oviposition period, and decreased the mean number of the layed eggs, such parameters were 14.75 and 6.57 days, as well as 457.50, respectively, after treatment with 0.25% of PAA. Therefore, PAA is highly effective when used at lower doses and short exposure time. The high speed of killing ticks is very important for avoidance of the hazard ensued by pathogen transmission in the course of delayed mortality caused by the currently used acaricides

    Randa Abdel-Fattah in conversation

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    An interview with the Muslim Australian writer Randa Abdel-Fattah in which she discusses different aspects of her life and career, and explains why it is important for her to write and how her writing helps Muslim minorities in Australia, especially in the post-9/11 era

    Reviewer Acknowledgement

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    Respuesta química y eficacia agronómica de cultivos de girasol (Helianthus agnnuus L.) a fuentes de nitrógeno orgánico y fertilizantes convencionales nitrogenados en suelos áridos

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    Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) is an option for oilseed production, particularly in dry land areas due to good root system development. In this study, two field experiments were performed in the El-Khattara region (Sharkia Governorate, Egypt) during the 2005 season. The objective of this research was to determine the effect of organicnitrogen (ON) sources and their combinations as well as to compare the effect of ON and ammonium sulfate (AS) as a conventional fertilizer added individually or in combination on growth, yield components, oil percentage and the uptake of some macronutrients by sunflowers grown on sandy soil. The treatments of chicken manure (CM) and a mixture of farmyard manure (FYM) with CM were superior to the other treatments and gave the highest yield, dry matter yield, NPK uptake by plants at all growth stages along with seed yield at the mature stage. The effect of the different ON on crop yield and its components may follow the order; CM> palma residues (PR)> FYM. This was more emphasized when the materials were mixed with AS at a ratio of 3:1 and 1:1. The uptake of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) by plants was affected by the addition of different N sources and treatments. The highest nutrient content and uptake by straw were obtained when treated with CM followed by PR at all growth stages, while it was PR followed by CM for seeds. Oil recovery was shown to respond to the N supply and the changes in individual fatty acids were not statistically different. However, it seems that the application of organic fertilizers resulted in an increase in total unsaturated fatty acids compared to the control.El girasol (Helianthus annuus) es una opción para la producción de semillas oleaginosas, en particular en terrenos arenosos debido al buen desarrollo de sus raíces. En este trabajo, dos estudios de campo fueron realizados en la región de El-Ishattara (Sharkia Governorate, Egypt) durante la estación 2005. El efecto de diversas fuentes de nitrógeno orgánico (ON) y el de su combinación, así como el efecto de ON y sulfato amónico (AS) como fertilizante convencional añadido individualmente o en combinación ha sido estudiado en base a su crecimiento, rendimiento de los componentes, porcentaje de aceite y consumo de micronutrientes en girasoles crecidos en suelos arenosos. El tratamiento con estiércol de pollo (CM) y una mezcla de estiércol de corral (FYM) con CM fue superior a otros tratamientos y dio el más alto rendimiento, la mayor cantidad de materia seca, y el mayor consumo de NPK por la planta en todos los estadios de crecimiento, así como en el rendimiento de la semilla en el estado de madurez El efecto promotor de los diferentes ON en el rendimiento del cultivo y sus componentes puede seguir el orden siguiente: CM> residuos de palma (PR)> FYM. Este efecto fue mayor cuando los materiales fueron mezclados con AS en una proporción 3:1 y 1:1. El consumo de nitrógeno (N), fósforo (P) y potasio (K) por la plantas dependió de la adición de diferentes fuentes de nitrógeno y tratamientos. El consumo y contenido de nutrientes más alto del tallo fue obtenido cuando se trató con CM seguido por PR en todos los estadios de crecimiento, mientras que PR fue seguido por CM para semillas. Se ha encontrado que la recuperación del aceite responde a la adición de nitrógeno, pero los cambios en los ácidos grasos no fueron significativamente diferentes. Sin embargo la aplicación de fertilizantes orgánicos resultó en un incremento de los ácidos grasos insaturados