2,699 research outputs found

    La barbarie en las interpretaciones de la Psicología Social

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    En este ensayo, hay tres puntos acerca de los cuales la discusión está estructurada. El primero, la soberbia interpretativa, analiza un problema central en la psicología social relacionada con la forma en que "persona" (como término, como concepto, como noción, etc.), es usado en la disciplina. Generalmente las personas son concebidas como "idiotas culturales" y no hay razones de peso para hacerlo así. El segundo, la incultura en la psicología aborda otro problema, pero relacionado con el anterior. En este apartado la discusión está orientada a reconocer que en las diferentes formas de 'construir conocimiento' en psicología social, la cultura como referencia, como variable, como un elemento importante de análisis no existe. El tercero, la ausencia de espíritu fenomenológico, tal como los otros dos apartados, es crítico con la psicología social, pero en este apartado la discusión enfatiza en la relevancia de la fenomenología para construir conocimiento de otra forma.This article finds fault with three practices in social psychology. The first, interpretative condescension, is visible in social psychology's use of the "person" as a term, concept, notion, and so on. Generally, "persons" are taken to be "cultural dopes", for no compelling reason or justification. The second questionable practice, the absence of culture in psychology is the failure, in various kinds of social psychology research, to acknowledge the role or indeed the existence of 'culture'. The third, the absence of phenomenological spirit, is another critical absence, but I use it as a point of departure in search of new ways of building social psychological knowledge

    Las imágenes y la sociedad (o las imágenes, la sociedad y su desciframiento)

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    El sentit comú, que és el pensament de les col·lectivitats per excel·lència, afirma que: una imatge diu més que mil paraules. La qual cosa és un greu error. Les imatges no són portadores de significats. Les imatges sempre travessen per tres processos bàsics que són: la seva producció, la seva circulació i la seva recepció. Aquests processos sempre estan determinats en el temps i en l'espai socials. El seu significat sempre és el resultat de múltiples relacions (socials, ideològiques, polítiques, morals, religioses, etc.), que s'estableixen amb les mateixes. És a dir, sempre hi ha elements que estan més enllà de la imatge, que determinen el seu significat. La manera en com es vol dir una imatge, sempre depèn de les relacions que s'estableixen amb ella en un temps històric i en un espai, social i culturalment determinat. Les imatges no estan soles. Per desxifrar seus significats, primer cal conèixer la vida simbòlica de les societats on apareixen. Les imatges no tenen un sol significat ja que aquest depèn de la geografia històrica i cultural on es presenten. Les imatges sempre guarden una estreta relació amb la societat que els va veure néixer. Les caricatures de Mahoma no ofenen a tots per igual.Common sense, the thinking of the people par excellence, asserts that: a picture is worth a thousand words. This is a big mistake. The images are not carriers of meanings. The images always go through three basic processes are: production, circulation and reception. These processes are always determined in the time and social space. They are always the result of multiple relationships (social, ideological, political, moral, religious, etc.), established with them. Always there are so many elements beyond the image, which determines its meaning. The meaning of an image always depends on the relationships established with it in a historical time and space, socially and culturally determined. The images are never alone. To decrypt their meanings, you must first know the symbolic life of the societies in which they appear. Images do not have a single meaning because it depends on the historical and cultural geography which presents. The images always have a close relationship with the society they were born. The Muhammad cartoons not offend everyone equally.El sentido común, que es el pensamiento de las colectividades por excelencia, afirma que: una imagen dice más que mil palabras. Lo cual es un grave error. Las imágenes no son portadoras de significados. Las imágenes siempre atraviesan por tres procesos básicos que son: su producción, su circulación y su recepción. Estos procesos siempre están determinados en el tiempo y en el espacio sociales. Su significado siempre es el resultado de múltiples relaciones (sociales, ideológicas, políticas, morales, religiosas, etc.), que se establecen con las mismas. Es decir, siempre existen elementos que están más allá de la imagen, que determinan su significado. La manera en cómo se significa una imagen, siempre depende de las relaciones que se establecen con ella en un tiempo histórico y en un espacio, social y culturalmente determinado. Las imágenes nunca están solas. Para descifrar o conocer sus significados, primero es preciso conocer la vida simbólica de las sociedades donde aparecen. Las imágenes no tienen un solo significado puesto que éste depende de la geografía histórica y cultural donde se presentan. Las imágenes siempre guardan una estrecha relación con la sociedad que les vio nacer. Las caricaturas de Mahoma no ofenden a todos por igual

    Complejidad Cultural

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    A inicios del 2007, un llamativo suceso se convirtió en el 'foco de atención' de la opinión pública: 600 internas de La Villa de las niñas de Chalco, presentaron síntomas como: mareo, náuseas, vómitos y problemas musculares. Una vez descartados los factores orgánicos y con el aval de la 'ciencia médica' se procedió a construir una versión oficial respaldada por la 'ciencia' y los 'sistemas de expertos'. En las entrevistas televisivas aparecían 'académicos' de distintas instituciones del país opinando al respecto y lo sorprendente es que su 'punto de vista' sobre el caso, resultaba ser tan inverosímil como el de las instancias de salud. Incluso, como se verá, las 'versiones académicas' terminaron otorgándole, quizá sin quererlo, verosimilitud a la 'versión oficial' de la Secretaría de Salud. Lo interesante del caso es que las explicaciones que se produjeron para justificar la existencia de los 'hechos' se apegaron con estricto fervor romántico a las suposiciones hipnóticoepidemiológicas desarrolladas por la 'psicología de masas' de finales del siglo XIX y principios del XX. Sirva el presente ensayo para hacer una revisión no sólo del curioso caso de la villa de las niñas sino de la forma en que la construcción de versiones, descripciones y explicaciones, circulan de modos particulares y que el entendimiento de la forma en cómo circulan dichas versiones, descripciones y explicaciones, permite entender la complejidad cultural de cualquier entorno social.At the beginning of 2007, something attracted the attention of public opinion: 600 boarders of "La Villa de las niñas de Chalco" (a girls boarding school), presented symptoms like: dizziness, nausea, vomits and muscular problems. Once organic factors where ruled out and with the support of "medical science" an official version of the facts was constructed, backed by "science" and "experts". "Academics" of different Mexican institutions appeared on TV giving their opinions on the subject, and surprisingly their "points of view" on the case were as implausible as those of health authorities. Even, as I will show, the "academics' versions" ended giving, maybe without wanting it, verisimilitude to the "official version" of the Ministry of Health. Interestingly, the explanations that were produced to justify the existence of that "facts" were attached, with romantic fervour, to the hypnoticalepidemiological ones developed within "mass psychology" of late XIXth century and beginnings of XXth century. This essay could be useful to understand the strange case of "La Villa de las niñas" but also to review the manner in which versions, descriptions and explanations are constructed and circulate in particular ways. Also, to understand the way in which these versions, descriptions and explanations circulate will allow us to understand the cultural complexity of any given situation

    Las maestras y el ensayo como escritura cívica femenina en Repertorio Americano / Women Teachers, Essays and Civic Writing in “Repertorio Americano”

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    <p>Recibido 17 de mayo de 2011 • Aceptado 26 de agosto de 2011 • Corregido 9 de octubre de 2011</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>Resumen.</strong> La escritura femenina, como todas las formas de producción simbólica desde las mujeres, ha existido y se ha desarrollado a pesar del mandato patriarcal de obedecer y callar que pesa sobre el género femenino. No es objetivo en esta reflexión, ahondar en las acciones y las obras de las mujeres transgresoras quienes, a lo largo de la historia y a pesar de, han ejercido esa forma de hacerse presente y afirmarse ante los otros que es la escritura. Mi propósito es identificar a las mujeres, quienes desde el oficio de maestras ejercitaron su escritura, combinaron su rol docente con el de escritoras y en la elaboración de sus discursos cívicos cuestionaron, precisamente, las concepciones de patriotismo y sentimiento cívico dentro del mismo proceso de construcción de una ciudadanía de la cual ellas no disfrutaban.</p> <p><strong> </strong></p> <p> </p> <p><strong> </strong></p> <p><strong>Abstract. </strong>Women writing, as any symbolic form of production, has existed and developed despite of the patriarchal imperative commanding women to obey and to remain silent. It is not the objective of this essay to deepen on the deeds and doings of those women who, throughout history and despite patriarchal mandates, have exerted their writing as a transgression as a way to show and to affirm themselves before others. Moreover, my purpose is to identify women in Repertorio Americano (1919-1958) who as teachers and writers elaborated civic discourses and questioned the very meaning of patriotism and civic feelings in the constructions of a citizenship they were not fully and formally entitled to. <strong> </strong></p

    Three failures of social psychology, and a phenomenological way forward

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    En este ensayo, hay tres puntos acerca de los cuales la discusión está estructurada. El primero, la soberbia interpretativa, analiza un problema central en la psicología social relacionada con la forma en que “persona” (como término, como concepto, como noción, etc.), es usado en la disciplina. Generalmente las personas son concebidas como “idiotas culturales” y no hay razones de peso para hacerlo así. El segundo, la incultura en la psicología aborda otro problema, pero relacionado con el anterior. En este apartado la discusión está orientada a reconocer que en las diferentes formas de ‘construir conocimiento’ en psicología social, la cultura como referencia, como variable, como un elemento importante de análisis no existe. El tercero, la ausencia de espíritu fenomenológico, tal como los otros dos apartados, es crítico con la psicología social, pero en este apartado la discusión enfatiza en la relevancia de la fenomenología para construir conocimiento de otra forma.This article finds fault with three practices in social psychology. The first, interpretative condescension, is visible in social psychology's use of the “person” as a term, concept, notion, and so on. Generally, “persons” are taken to be “cultural dopes”, for no compelling reason or justification. The second questionable practice, the absence of culture in psychology is the failure, in various kinds of social psychology research, to acknowledge the role or indeed the existence of ‘culture’. The third, the absence of phenomenological spirit, is another critical absence, but I use it as a point of departure in search of new ways of building social psychological knowledge

    Spin-orbit and solvent effects in the luminescent [re6q8(ncs)6]4-, q=s, se, te clusters: molecular sensors and molecular devices

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    Indexación: ScieloRelativistic time-dependent density functional (TDDFT) calculations including spin orbit interactions via the zero order regular approximation (ZORA) and solvent effects using the COSMO model were carried out on the [Re6Q8(NCS)6]4- , (Q = S, Se, Te) clusters. These calculations indicate that the lowest energy allowed electronic transitions are characterized by being of LMCT type. The calculated absorption maximum tends to shift to longer wavelengths as the face-capping chalcogenide ligand becomes heavier. Thus our calculations predict that the [Re6Te8(NCS)6]4- cluster might be also luminescent. Due to the unusual properties exhibited by these and other isoelectronic and isostructural hexarhenium (III) chalcogenide clusters, hexamolybdenum halide clusters and hexatungsten halide clusters, we propose here the design of nanodevices, such as, molecular sensors and molecular nanocells for molecular electronics.http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0717-97072010000100010&nrm=is

    The use of oral contraceptive before pregnancy and breastfeeding duration: A cross-sectional study with retrospective ascertainment

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Various studies have identified risk factors associated with decreased breastfeeding duration. The aim of this study was to investigate whether there is an association between oral contraceptive (OC) use before pregnancy and breastfeeding duration.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In 1994/95, as part of a 3-year epidemiologic follow-up study of school children, reproductive interviews were conducted with their mothers. The study population consists of 663 women residing in Hesse, Central Germany; 575 provided information on their reproductive history. The interview included retrospective ascertainment of OC use, its timing before pregnancy, and duration of breastfeeding. To estimate its effect on duration of breastfeeding, survival analysis was applied controlling for maternal age, socio-demographic characteristics, smoking during pregnancy, age at menarche, planning of the pregnancy and birth order. Hazard ratios and median breastfeeding duration were estimated.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The mean age of the women at delivery was 27.3 years. Among participants, 34.9% had high school education or less, 10.4% had more than 2 children, and 30.1% smoked during pregnancy. In total, oral contraceptive use in the 12 months before conception was reported by 40.4% of the women, within 3 months of conception by 18.4%. 81.4% (468/575) of women initiated breastfeeding. Compared to those who did not use OC in the 12 months preceding pregnancy, mothers who used OC during the 3 months before conception had a shorter duration of breastfeeding (HR = 1.29; 95% CI: 1.03, 1.61), as did mothers who stopped OC use 4–12 months before conception (HR = 1.27, 95% CI: 1.02, 1.58). Smoking during pregnancy and lower education were also significantly associated with shorter duration of breastfeeding.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The results suggest that OC use during the 12 months prior to conception may affect breastfeeding duration. These findings may be due to the endocrine disrupting effect of OC. Alternatively, both OC use and shorter duration of breastfeeding may represent lifestyle-related conditions.</p

    Ocular fungal infections

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    [extracted from abstract] Fungal infections of the eye continue to be an important cause of ocular morbidity and loss of vision, particularly in the developing world [1]. These infections have increased in recent decades due to broad-spectrum antibiotic use, the growing number of patients undergoing procedures that lead to immunosuppression, postoperative infection, trauma, and prolonged corticosteroid use [2]. Ocular fungal infections are categorized by the anatomical location of the infection. These infections can occur around the eye (ocular adnexa), or in the eye, including the anterior and posterior segments of the eye [3]. Major pathogenic fungi of the eye include Aspergillus, Candida spp., Cryptococcus species, and Coccidioides spp., Fusarium, Penicillium, Pseudallescheria, dimorphic fungi as Histoplasma capsulatum, Blastomyces dermatitidis, Sporothrix spp., and Coccidioides spp. (C.immitis and C. posadasii) [3,4]. The diagnosis of ocular fungal infections can be difficult because of non-specific clinical manifestations. However, in recent years it has been improved by laboratory and diagnostic techniques, and the recognition of the clinical signs of ocular fungal infections [4]. This has increased the frequency of correct diagnosis and prevalence of these diseases. Because of this, it is important to maintain to knowledge of new developments in the diagnosis and management of infectious diseases of the eye. In this setting, in this Special Issue, articles have been published describing novel findings and reviews on the epidemiology, diagnosis, and treatment of ocular fungal infections, with a special focus on infections in ocular adnexa, endophthalmitis, keratitis, and ocular sporotrichosis.Campus Lima Centr

    Condiciones de salud y factores relacionados con discapacidad en adultos mayores -Una reflexión para la atención-

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    Introduction: The situation in the world of the growth of the older adult population is clear. Ageing also brings with it a burden of important chronic diseases, where cardiovascular, mental health and cancer diseases are among the prevalent. In addition, the need for assistance from these people in the long term is increased because mobility is lost, fragility increases and physical or mental illnesses sequelae enhance the rates of disability. Objective: To reflect on the aspects of health and disability of older adults as reported in the literature. Materials and methods: Literature review of articles of specialized scientific databases and academic repositories, using logical descriptors and boolean operators related to the subject. Results: The information was structured taking into account the aspects related to the health status of older adults, the condition of disability, risk and protective factors. Conclusions: Early diagnosis of prevalent diseases in older adults is supported by defining the risk factors of disability but emphasizing the intervention based on healthy aging