4,894 research outputs found

    Learning rates and mathematics achievement in Chile

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    Using data from the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS), this paper analyzes the mathematics knowledge and skills of a nationally representative sample of Chilean students in the 7th and 8th grades. The results show a significant increase in mean achievement between the two grades. If this learning rate were projected beyond the 8th grade, it is clear that the Chilean students are lagging three years behind compared to countries like Italy or New Zealand. A substantial gap between the Chilean curricular objectives and the students' accomplishments is also noted. The emphasis the teachers place on the mastery of basic mathematics skills seems to be jeopardizing the opportunities the students have to learn more advanced mathematics topics. The findings show that schools with their own written statement of the curriculum attained significantly higher mathematics achievement. The provision of differentiated instruction did not have a significant association with achievement.

    La expresión variable de la futuridad en el español castellonense

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    Sisenes Jornades de Foment de la Investigació de la FCHS (Any 2000-2001

    Instancias para la coordinación intergubernamental de políticas públicas: el caso de las Comisiones Regionales de Competitividad en Colombia

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    Las Comisiones Regionales de Competitividad – CRC, se crearon como instancias de coordinación intergubernamental de la agenda de competitividad de Colombia -- Hoy, casi 10 años después de su creación, éstas no han cumplido con el objeto para el cual fueron creadas -- Sin embargo, el artículo 179 del Plan Nacional de Desarrollo 2014-2018 “Todos por un Nuevo País”, insiste en las CRC como única instancia de interlocución con el Gobierno Nacional -- Es necesario entonces documentar sus fallas a la luz de la teoría de la coordinación intergubernamental con el objetivo de plantear lecciones y recomendaciones para que las CRC sean mecanismos efectivos de interlocución como lo pretende el actual gobiern

    El Poder Judicial en Cataluña, según el Estatut y el Tribunal Constitucional. Limitaciones y posibilidades de desarrollo de un modelo

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    La STC 31/2010, de 28 de juny, ha certificat les limitacions i les possibilitats de desenvolupament d’un model constitucional de justícia, que ha d’ajustarse inevitablement a la realitat de l’Estat autonòmic. Així, aquesta Sentència ha efectuat una lectura que consolida la vigència dels principis més regressius del model esmentat i desaprofita l’ocasió que se li donava per requerir el legislador per tal que esgoti les seves possibilitats i aconsegueixi una més perfecta articulació dels principis d’unitat jurisdiccional i d’autonomia política, com a condició preparatòria d’una desitjable reforma constitucional. No obstant això, malgrat la Sentència, les esmentades possibilitats subsisteixen, en veure’s encoratjades per la mateixa dinàmica federal de l’Estat, que exigeix la seva exploració permanent. L’Estatut s’erigeix així en programa normatiu de compliment diferit en el temps, que assenyala el camí que cal recórrer, el qual haurà de discórrer a través de vies necessàriament federals.The Constitutional Court Ruling 31/2010, of 28 June has authenticated the limitations and possibilities for the development of a constitutional model of justice that inevitably has to adapt to the reality of a politically decentralized State. The Ruling has therefore taken a reading that consolidates the validity of the most regressive principles of that model, failing to take the opportunity that was offered to require the legislator to exhaust the possibilities for achieving a perfect articulation of the principles of jurisdictional unity and political autonomy, as a preparatory condition for desirable constitutional reform. However, despite the Ruling, those possibilities still exist, encouraged by the federal dynamic of the State itself, which demands their continual exploration. The Statute is therefore built on the regulatory programme of deferred compliance over time, which signals the path it needs to take, and that path has to follow channels that are necessarily federal.La STC 31/2010, de 28 de junio, ha certificado las limitaciones y las posibilidades de desarrollo de un modelo constitucional de Justicia, que ha de ajustarse inevitablemente a la realidad del Estado autonómico. Así, dicha Sentencia ha efectuado una lectura que consolida la vigencia de los principios más regresivos de dicho modelo, desaprovechando la ocasión que se le brindaba para requerir al legislador a que agote las posibilidades del mismo, logrando una más perfecta articulación de los principios de unidad jurisdiccional y de autonomía política, como condición preparatoria de una deseable reforma constitucional. No obstante, a pesar de la Sentencia, dichas posibilidades subsisten, al verse alentadas por la propia dinámica federal del Estado, que exige su permanente exploración. El Estatut se erige así en programa normativo de cumplimiento diferido en el tiempo, que señala el camino a recorrer, el cual habrá de discurrir a través de cauces necesariamente federales

    Physical properties of voltage gated pores

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    Experiments on single ionic channels have contributed to a large extent to our current view on the function of cell membrane. In these experiments the main observables are the physical quantities: ionic concentration, membrane electrostatic potential and ionic fluxes, all of them presenting large fluctuations. The classical theory of Goldman–Hodking–Katz assumes that an open channel can be well described by a physical pore where ions follow statistical physics. Nevertheless real molecular channels are active pores with open and close dynamical states. By skipping the molecular complexity of real channels, here we present the internal structure and calibration of two active pore models. These models present a minimum set of degrees of freedom, specifically ion positions and gate states, which follow Langevin equations constructed from a unique potential energy functional and by using standard rules of statistical physics. Numerical simulations of both models are implemented and the results show that they have dynamical properties very close to those observed in experiments of Na and K molecular channels. In particular a significant effect of the external ion concentration on gating dynamics is predicted, which is consistent with previous experimental observations. This approach can be extended to other channel types with more specific phenomenology.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Examining the Impact of Innovation Forms on Sustainable Economic Performance: The Influence of Family Management

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    The aim of this research is to explore the effect that innovation, as a potential source of sustained competitive advantage and firm growth, has on the achievement of sustainable economic performance. In particular, this paper empirically examines the influence of four innovation forms (intramural R&D, extramural R&D, product innovation, and process innovation) on firms’ sustainable economic performance, considering the moderating effect of family involvement in management. To test the hypotheses, random-effects regression analyses are applied to a longitudinal sample of 598 Spanish private manufacturing firms throughout the 2006–2015 period. The results show a negative effect of intramural and extramural R&D on sustainable economic performance and a positive effect of process innovation on sustainable economic performance. Moreover, a reinforced relationship between process innovation and sustainable economic performance is also revealed when family involvement in management acts as a moderator. The findings make several contributions to research and practice

    El cultivo in vitro de embriones y óvulos en la mejora de variedades tempranas de melocotonero

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    En las últimas décadas, la inmensa mayoría de los programas de mejora genética de melocotonero se han enfocado en la obtención de variedades de maduración temprana o extratemprana...Colaboración en la web: Interempresas.ne