3,555 research outputs found

    In vivo strategies for the study of ubiquitination and ubiquitin-related diseases: application to Angelman syndrome

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    287 p.Ubikuitilazioa neuronen garapenerako eta funtzionamendurako ezinbesteko da. Neuronetan ubikuitina itsatsita daukaten proteinen identifikazioak asko lagunduko luke prozesu honek garunean dituen zereginak hobeto ulertzeko. Baina ubikuitinatuak dauden proteinak kopuru oso txikian aurkitu ohi direnez, haien identifikazioa lan zaila da.Ugo Mayor Doktorearen laborategiak ubikuitinak kontrolatzen dituen proteinak ikertzeko estrategia eraginkor bat garatu du. Hain zuzen ere, estrategia ubikuitina biotinarekin in vivo markatzean datza. Tesi honetan zehar, estrategia hori Drosophilaren foto-errezeptoreetara hedatu dugu, ubikuitinazio bidezidorrak neurona heldu baten markoan ikertzeko in vivo eredu bat hedatuz. Bestalde, metodologia horren bidez Drosophila Ube3aren lehendabiziko in vivo substratua aurkitu dugu. E3 ligasa hori gizakietan Angelman sindromearen arduraduna da. Gainera, GFP-erauzketa metodo bat garatu dugu proteina bakarra isolatu eta bere ubikuitinatutako frakzioaren ikerkuntza errazten duena. Protokolo horretaz baliatuz, Ube3aren beste lau substratu biokimikoki balioztatu ditugu neurona-antzeko zelula sistema batean. Tesi honetan garatutako bi metodologiak ubikuitinazioa ikertzeko dauden beste estrategiak osatzeko abantaila apartak eskaintzen dituzte. Protokolo bi hauek ubikuitinazioan arazoak dituzten gaixotasunak hobeto ulertzen lagunduko dute etorkizunean

    Aproximació a la realitat econòmica llatinoamericana

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    La declaración testimonial, desde la norma procesal, y la percepción

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    The purpose of this study is to analyze the qualification, practice and evaluation by the judge of one of the oldest evidence of the law, such as the testimony of the witness, taking into account the recent transformation of the non-criminal judicial system with the validity General Organic Code of COGEP Processes in Ecuador, and its assessment from the perception. To do so, I will make a brief analysis regarding the evolution of this evidence in our legislation, and the judge's assessment criteria in some practical cases, taking as a reference the right to defense, legal security, and effective judicial protection.El presente trabajo tiene como finalidad analizar cómo el juez califica, evacua y valora, uno de los medios probatorios más antiguos del derecho como es la declaración del testigo, a partir de la vigencia del Código Orgánico General de Procesos COGEP en Ecuador. Para ello, por una parte, haré un breve análisis respecto a la evolución de este medio probatorio en nuestra legislación, la reciente transformación procesal no penal, y los criterios de valoración del juez a través de la percepción; y por otra parte, analizaré algunos casos prácticos, tomando como referente el derecho a la defensa, a la seguridad jurídica, y a la tutela judicial efectiva, al valorar este medio probatorio

    Convergence properties of the likelihood of computed dynamic models

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    This paper studies the econometrics of computed dynamic models. Since these models generally lack a closed-form solution, economists approximate the policy functions of the agents in the model with numerical methods. But this implies that, instead of the exact likelihood function, the researcher can evaluate only an approximated likelihood associated with the approximated policy function. What are the consequences for inference of the use of approximated likelihoods? First, we show that as the approximated policy function converges to the exact policy, the approximated likelihood also converges to the exact likelihood. Second, we prove that the approximated likelihood converges at the same rate as the approximated policy function. Third, we find that the error in the approximated likelihood gets compounded with the size of the sample. Fourth, we discuss convergence of Bayesian and classical estimates. We complete the paper with three applications to document the quantitative importance of our results.

    Factores asociados a la falta de donación de órganos y tejidos en estudiantes de medicina humana UPAO-Piura 2018

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    Objetivo: Estudiar cuáles son Factores Asociados a la falta de donación de órganos y tejidos para estudiantes en Medicina Humana UPAO-PIURA 2018. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio observacional, prospectivo, Analítica-Transversal de tipo no probabilístico por cuotas y conveniencia a los alumnos del primer al doceavo ciclo pertenecientes la Facultad de Medicina Humana en UPAO Piura durante el año 2018. Resultados: 313 participantes distribuidos de forma equitativa según sus años de estudio; de esta cerca del 54% fueron del sexo femenino; un 100% de los encuestados donarían algún órgano o parte de uno para algún familiar en caso lo requiriera, un 32% de los casos los estudiantes recibieron información mediante la radio. Dentro de los 295 encuestados que manifestaron que sí donarían sus órganos tenemos que un 53% lo donarían por índole religioso seguido a ello un 24% de manera solidaria. Conclusiones: Factores asociados a la donación de órganos y tejidos en estudiantes de Medicina Humana UPAO Piura durante el 2018 fueron ser del Sexo Femenino (p:0.0021), una edad entre los 16 a 20 años (p:0.001), encontrarse 1er año de estudios de Medicina Humana (p:0.002) y finalmente ser católico (p:0.031), así también hacerlo por una acción solidaria (p: 0.045). Palabras Clave: Donación, Estudiante de Medicina, Factores asociados.Objective: To study which are Factors Associated with the lack of organ and tissue donation in UPAO-PIURA 2018 Human Medicine students. Methodology: An observational, prospective, Analytical-Transversal study of a non-probabilistic type was carried out for fees and convenience to the students of the first to the twelfth cycle belonging to the Faculty of Human Medicine in UPAO Piura during 2018. Results: 313 participants distributed equally according to their years of study; of this, about 54% were female; 100% of the respondents would donate an organ or part and one for a family member if required, 32% of the cases the students received information via radio. Among the 295 respondents who stated that they would donate their organs we have that 53% would donate it for religious reasons, followed by 24% in solidarity. Conclusions: The Factors associated with organ and tissue donation in Human Medicine students at UPAO Piura during 2018 were being of the Female Sex (p: 0.0021), an age between 16 to 20 years (p: 0.001), being in the first year of Human Medicine(p: 0.002) and finally being Catholic (p: 0.031), as well as doing it by solidarity action (p: 0.045). Key Words: Donation, Medical Student, Associated factors.Tesi

    Export Performance: An Analytical Focus on the Study of the Empirical Contributions of this Variable

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    There is not a unique way of measuring the performance variable as several criteria can be followed to do so. Hence, we can find objective measures (fundamentally economic-financial) and subjective measures (for example, satisfaction measures). There are many investigations which analyse this variable globally. However, this work is centred on a specific part: how an exporting activity or export performance is measured. To do so, we have carried out an analytical review of the main empirical contributions over the period 1998-2013. In this way, we have found out which is the measure, or which are the measures, of this variable that are most accepted. Furthermore, knowing the determinants of export performance will help firms' managers to direct their efforts towards those factors which foster the obtaining of good results

    Los equipamientos y recursos materiales en los patios de recreo de los centros de primaria

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    Debido a la gran cantidad y variedad de objetivos y contenidos encomendados en la actualidad a la educación física, resulta imprescindible complementar su horario lectivo con otros tiempos extras en los que poder aplicar los fundamentos básicos y los procedimientos adquiridos. La mayor parte del profesorado parece estar de acuerdo en que el único tiempo con garantías para que verdaderamente sea educativo, es el tiempo de descanso lectivo en los patios de recreo. Esta investigación pretende conocer de manera descriptiva, los recursos materiales y equipamientos que los escolares utilizan en sus patios de recreo de los centros docentes de Primaria, como medio para fomentar y propiciar la realización de actividades que favorezcan y complementen sus procesos educativos, con el fin de poder realizar posteriormente otro tipo de estudios en los que comprobemos cómo influyen en los recreos la introducción de nuevas variables.Due to the large number and variety of objectives and content currently entrusted to physical education it is essential to supplement their teaching time with other extra time where the basic fundamentals and procedures acquired can be applied. The majority of teachers seem to agree on the fact that the rest time in school playgrounds is the only time to ensure education is really implemented. This research aims to descriptively identify the resource materials and equipment that school children use in their primary school playgrounds as a means to develop and encourage activities that support and supplement their educational process in order to carry out subsequent studies to prove how the introduction of new variables can influence school breaks

    Preliminary study of the impact of Guadalhorce river mouth channeling (Málaga, Spain) on groundwater and related wetlands

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    Se trata de resultados preliminares que se están obteniendo en el Bajo Guadalhorce, en el marco de la tesis doctoral del primer firmanteIn riverine areas, many anthropogenic actions (modification of natural water courses, burying or channeling works, etc.) have been commonly applied worldwide to prevent floods in rivers, having negative environmental impacts on their dependent ecosystems. In the Guadalhorce River mouth (Málaga, Southern Spain), channeling works -including the splitting of the main channel into two branches before arriving to the sea- were conducted to reduce the flood risk in the surrounding urbanized areas near to the Mediterranean coast. In the framework of the monitoring program of the Guadalhorce Delta Wetlands, located between the branches of the ending river stretch, measurements of electrical conductivity in wetland water and groundwater table were performed, as well as the sampling of both water types. The results show a progressive increasing in the mineralization of wetland water, reaching values 50 times higher than the original ones. In the underlying aquifers, the mineralization of groundwater is generally less variable and lower than the recorded in the eighties and nineties, when a salt intrusion episode occurred. Before the river channel modification, the water flow from the aquifer to the wetlands and toward the river in its mouth was deduced. Today, the wetlands recharge locally the Quaternary aquifer and, consequently, induce the groundwater flow towards the both branches of the river and Mediterranean Sea. The variation of the morphodynamics in the Guadalhorce River mouth and the associated changes in land use have caused significant impacts on ground and surface water and their dependent wetlands.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Automatic Text Summarization Approaches to Speed up Topic Model Learning Process

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    The number of documents available into Internet moves each day up. For this reason, processing this amount of information effectively and expressibly becomes a major concern for companies and scientists. Methods that represent a textual document by a topic representation are widely used in Information Retrieval (IR) to process big data such as Wikipedia articles. One of the main difficulty in using topic model on huge data collection is related to the material resources (CPU time and memory) required for model estimate. To deal with this issue, we propose to build topic spaces from summarized documents. In this paper, we present a study of topic space representation in the context of big data. The topic space representation behavior is analyzed on different languages. Experiments show that topic spaces estimated from text summaries are as relevant as those estimated from the complete documents. The real advantage of such an approach is the processing time gain: we showed that the processing time can be drastically reduced using summarized documents (more than 60\% in general). This study finally points out the differences between thematic representations of documents depending on the targeted languages such as English or latin languages.Comment: 16 pages, 4 tables, 8 figure

    El impacto de la política urbana del régimen actual en los sectores populares

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    Hasta el momento la administración de Miguel de la Madrid ha aprobado distintos planes y programas de desarrollo urbano-regional, entre losque sobresalen el Programa de Desarrollo de la Zona Metropolitana de laCiudad de México y la Región Centro (octubre de 1983), el Programa Nacional de Desarrollo Urbao y Vivienda (agosto de 1984), y el Programa de Reordenación Urbana y Protección Ecológica (finales de 1984). Estos planes y programas han sido elaborados en el contexto de la crisis e intentan responder al impacto territorial de la crisis