3,245 research outputs found

    Métodos de excavación en roca en obras subterráneas.

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    Tesis (Ingeniero Constructor)RESUMEN: Esta investigación bibliográfica de excavación en roca en obras subterráneas tiene como objetivo general hacer un análisis técnico y económico de los dos métodos de excavación en roca como son Perforación y Tronadura y Excavación mecánica de la roca. Aquí se expone de un modo general desde los estudios previos a la construcción de una obra subterránea, pasando por conocimientos básicos de geología general hasta los estudios geológicos que se necesitan en toda obra de construcción de túneles. Además se encuentra lo necesario para ejecutar las faenas de excavación en roca como equipos, procedimientos seguros de realizar las excavaciones, sostenimientos que se utilizan en estas faenas, actividades de apoyo como son la ventilación al avance, topografía utilizadas en túneles hasta llegar a los rendimientos y parámetros que se utilizan para su predicción, finalizando con los costos de cada método. Las conclusiones obtenidas en esta investigación bibliográfica pueden ser de interés par, el lector porque logra saber en que condiciones se puede utilizar cada método y c~l es más viable económicamente según las condiciones del proyecto.ABTRACT: This bibliographical investigation of excavation in rock in underground works has as general objective to make a technical and economic analysis of the two excavation methods in rock Iike they are Perforatíon and Explosion and mechanical Excavation of the rock. Here it is exposed in a general way from the previous studies to the construction of an underground work, going by basic knowledge of general geology until the geologic studies that are needed in all work of construction of tunnels. Was also the necessary thing to execute the excavation tasks in rock Iike teams, sure procedures of carrying out the excavations, maintenances that are used in these tasks, support activities like they are the ventilation to the advance, topography used in tunnels until arriving to the yields and parameters that are used for their prediction, concluding with the costs of each method. The conclusfons obtained in this bibliographical investigation can being of interest for the reader because it is able to know in that condition you can use each method and which is viable economically according to the conditions of the project

    Análisis de la Red Social Tuenti, como contexto de relación entre adolescentes, y sus posibilidades didácticas con un grupo en riesgo de exclusión socioeducativa en un Programa de Cualificación Profesional Inicial (PCPI)

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    We have found ourselves in this delicate and complex moment in education. This is due to the development and acceleration of New Technology of Information and Communication (NNTT) of Social Webs. This is why we are carrying out an investigation on some teenagers who are at the risk of being excluded on a social and educational level. These teenagers are in this computer assistance programme which is part of PCPI (Professional Qualification Programme). Students make use of NNTT, the social web and TUENTI.Nos encontramos en otro “nuevo” momento delicado y complejo en educación debido, entre otras razones, al desarrollo acelerado de las Nuevas Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación y, en concreto, de las Redes Sociales. Es por esto que nos planteamos una investigación sobre unos adolescentes en riesgos de exclusión socioeducativa e insertados en un Programa de Cualificación Profesional (PCPI) de auxiliar de informática en Cádiz capital y el uso que hacen de las NNTT y en concreto de la Red Social TUENTI

    Impacto de la Ley de la Dependencia en los Servicios Sociales Generales

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    Todas las personas en situación de dependencia son usuarias de los servicios sociales, pero no todos los usuarios/as de los servicios sociales son personas en situación de dependencia. Para avanzar en la consolidación del cuarto Pilar del Estado de Bienestar Social es preciso la aplicación de la Ley de promoción de la autonomía personal y atención a las personas en situación de dependencia a la vez de elaborar nuevas Leyes de servicios sociales que formulen nuevos derechos subjetivos 'que puedan ser reclamados administrativa y jurídicamente' y ordenen racionalmente el sector, definiendo un sistema integrado. Detrás de todas las cifras hay PERSONAS con derecho a una mayor autonomía y atención. Miles de historias particulares que exigen de los Poderes Públicos una respuesta INTELIGENTE, VALIENTE y con ALMA.Everyone in a dependency situation is a user of social services, but not all users of social services are people in a dependency situation. Moving forward in the consolidation of the fourth Pillar of the Social Welfare Society requires application of the Law on promotion of personal self-sufficiency and care for people in a state of dependency. At the same time new Social Service Laws need to be drawn up formulating new subjective rights, which can be administratively and legally claimed, with rational planning of the sector, defining an integrated system. Behind all the figures involved there are PEOPLE with the right to greater self-sufficiency and care: thousands of specific stories which require an INTELLIGENT, BRAVE, AND CARING response from public authorities


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    The use of feed additives (e.g. yeasts products) for reduction of ruminants’ methane (CH4) production has drawn the attention of cattle nutritionists and environmentalists. Although there are many relevant studies on this topic, but the obtained results for dairy and beef cattle are contradictory. Therefore, the objective of the present study is to examine the effect of yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) on reduction of CH4 production in dairy and beef cattle using meta-analytic methods. After compilation of relevant articles published between 1990 and 2016 and applying exclusion and inclusion criteria, meta-analyses of data from dairy and beef cattle were applied for the pooled dataset or for each animal category (dairy or beef). The effect size of yeast on CH4 production (g/day) and CH4 production per dry matter intake (CH4/DMI (g/kg)) was estimated as standardized mean difference at 95% confidence interval. In addition, heterogeneity across studies was tested by using Q test and I2 index. Study bias was verified through Funnel plot and trim-and-fill method. The results of meta-analysis of all 3 groups of animals (all cattle, dairy cattle, and beef cattle) suggested that effect size of yeast on CH4 production (g/day) and CH4/DMI (g/kg) was not significant. In other words, the use of yeast for dairy and beef cattle did not reduce CH4 production and CH4/DMI (g/kg) significantly. The results of Q test and I2 index suggest that there is no heterogeneity between different studies on CH4 production and CH4/DMI (g/kg) so that value of I2 index of CH4/DMI (g/kg) in dairy and beef cattle was about 14% while for dairy cattle, the index is about 40%. There was no study bias of CH4 production as well as CH4/DMI (g/kg). As shown in funnel plot, the studies are more concentrated in the lowest part of the plot. The results of meta-analysis suggest that use of yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) as feed additive does not offer significant results in terms of reduction of CH4 production in dairy and beef cattle. It is recommended to conduct further studies on effect of different doses of yeast, use of yeast products, different strains and experimental designs

    Los equipamientos y recursos materiales en los patios de recreo de los centros de primaria

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    Debido a la gran cantidad y variedad de objetivos y contenidos encomendados en la actualidad a la educación física, resulta imprescindible complementar su horario lectivo con otros tiempos extras en los que poder aplicar los fundamentos básicos y los procedimientos adquiridos. La mayor parte del profesorado parece estar de acuerdo en que el único tiempo con garantías para que verdaderamente sea educativo, es el tiempo de descanso lectivo en los patios de recreo. Esta investigación pretende conocer de manera descriptiva, los recursos materiales y equipamientos que los escolares utilizan en sus patios de recreo de los centros docentes de Primaria, como medio para fomentar y propiciar la realización de actividades que favorezcan y complementen sus procesos educativos, con el fin de poder realizar posteriormente otro tipo de estudios en los que comprobemos cómo influyen en los recreos la introducción de nuevas variables.Due to the large number and variety of objectives and content currently entrusted to physical education it is essential to supplement their teaching time with other extra time where the basic fundamentals and procedures acquired can be applied. The majority of teachers seem to agree on the fact that the rest time in school playgrounds is the only time to ensure education is really implemented. This research aims to descriptively identify the resource materials and equipment that school children use in their primary school playgrounds as a means to develop and encourage activities that support and supplement their educational process in order to carry out subsequent studies to prove how the introduction of new variables can influence school breaks

    Preliminary study of the impact of Guadalhorce river mouth channeling (Málaga, Spain) on groundwater and related wetlands

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    Se trata de resultados preliminares que se están obteniendo en el Bajo Guadalhorce, en el marco de la tesis doctoral del primer firmanteIn riverine areas, many anthropogenic actions (modification of natural water courses, burying or channeling works, etc.) have been commonly applied worldwide to prevent floods in rivers, having negative environmental impacts on their dependent ecosystems. In the Guadalhorce River mouth (Málaga, Southern Spain), channeling works -including the splitting of the main channel into two branches before arriving to the sea- were conducted to reduce the flood risk in the surrounding urbanized areas near to the Mediterranean coast. In the framework of the monitoring program of the Guadalhorce Delta Wetlands, located between the branches of the ending river stretch, measurements of electrical conductivity in wetland water and groundwater table were performed, as well as the sampling of both water types. The results show a progressive increasing in the mineralization of wetland water, reaching values 50 times higher than the original ones. In the underlying aquifers, the mineralization of groundwater is generally less variable and lower than the recorded in the eighties and nineties, when a salt intrusion episode occurred. Before the river channel modification, the water flow from the aquifer to the wetlands and toward the river in its mouth was deduced. Today, the wetlands recharge locally the Quaternary aquifer and, consequently, induce the groundwater flow towards the both branches of the river and Mediterranean Sea. The variation of the morphodynamics in the Guadalhorce River mouth and the associated changes in land use have caused significant impacts on ground and surface water and their dependent wetlands.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Making more flexible ATISMART+ model for traffic simulations using a CAS

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    Traffic simulations usually require the search of a path to join two different points. Dijkstra’s algorithm [1] is one of the most commonly used for this task due to its easiness and quickness. In [2, 3] we developed an accelerated time simulation of car traffic in a smart city using Dijkstra’s algorithm to compute the paths. Dijkstra’s algorithm provides a shortest path between two different points but this is not a realistic situation for simulations. For example, in a car traffic situa- tion, the driver may not know the shortest path to follow. This ignorance can be produced, among others, because one of the following two facts: the driver may not know the exact length of the lanes, or, even knowing the exact length, the driver may not know how to find the shortest path. Even more, in many cases, a mixture of both facts occurs. A more realistic simulation should therefore consider these kind of facts. The algorithm used to compute the path from one point to another in a traffic simulation might consider the possibility of not using the shortest path. In this talk, we use a new probabilistic extension of Dijkstra’s algorithm which covers the above two situations. For this matter, two different modifications in Di- jkstra’s algorithm have been introduced: using non-exact length in lanes, and the choice of a non-shortest path between two different points. Both modifications are used in a non-deterministic way by means of using probability distributions (classi- cal distributions such as Normal or Poisson distributions or even "ad hoc" ones). A precise, fast, natural and elegant way of working with such probability distributions is the use of a CAS in order to deal with exact and explicit computations. As an example of use of this extension of Dijkstra’s algorithm, we will show the ATISMART+ model. This model provides more realistic accelerated time sim- ulations of car traffics in a smart city and was first introduced in [4] and extended in [5]. This model was developed combining J AVA for the GUI and M AXIMA for the mathematical core of the algorithm. The studies developed in the above mentioned works, dealt with Poisson, Ex- ponential, Uniform and Normal distributions. In this talk we will introduce, as a novelty, the possibility of using other continuous probability distributions such as: Lognormal, Weibul, Gamma, Beta, Chi-Square, Student’s t, Z, Pareto, Lo- gistic, Cauchy or Irwin-Hall, and other discrete distributions such as: Bernouille, Rademacher, Binomial, Geometric, Negative Binomial or Hypergeometric. Even 1 more, this new version allows to deal with any “ad-hoc” continuous, discrete or mixed user’s distributions. This fact improves the flexibility of ATISMART+ model.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    A Classification of Spanish Tourist Zones Based on Structural Characteristics of Supply and Demand. An Application Using a Latent Class Model

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    La identificación de los segmentos turísticos por parte de los agentes y de los organismos implicados en el turismo permite una asignación más eficiente de los recursos. El objetivo de este trabajo es hacer una tipificación de las zonas turísticas españolas mediante el uso de un modelo de clases latentes en función de las características estructurales de la oferta y demanda asociadas a ellas. Los resultados muestran la existencia de tres grupos muy diferenciados de zonas turísticas. Se ofrece una clasificación de dichas zonas turísticas.Tourist agents and organisms can make an efficient assignation of resources by identifying tourist segments. The goal of this work is to classifying the Spanish tourism zones by means of supply and demand, using a latent class model. Results show the existing of three different groups. A classification of these tourism zones is listed in the pape

    Jóvenes, alcohol y riesgo: una mirada crítica desde las teorías socio-culturales

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    Este trabajo centra su interés en las difíciles relaciones entre las disciplinas sanitarias y sociales ante un problema complejo como el consumo de alcohol. La cuestión es si la práctica científica tiene capacidad para disminuir los riesgos, o por el contrario es necesario protegerse de los peligros que ella misma produce. Los científicos sociales se quejan del poco uso que la medicina hace del gran acervo existente sobre el fenómeno del alcoholismo con base en la cultura, a la vez que critica la ineficacia de los abordajes biomédicos. Se resalta la importancia de un análisis contextualizado del consumo de alcohol que tenga en cuenta la función y las consecuencias a partir de la estructura social que le da significación colectiva y subjetiva. Se manifiestan las paradojas actuales en el gobierno de las dependencias. Y de cara al fenómeno del consumo colectivo de alcohol entre los jóvenes, se sugieren abordajes alternativos que incorporen los significados y la capacidad de intervención de los propios sujetosEnfermerí