14 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini menganalisis kompetensi digital guru Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) melalui kajian literatur dan metode pendekatan kuantitatif. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tingkat kompetensi digital guru khususnya guru teknik di SMK dan juga untuk mendapatkan gambaran umum pengembangan kompetensi digital guru. Penelitian ini melibatkan guru teknik SMK di Indonesia sebagai responden. Teknik analisis konten digunakan untuk menentukan sekumpulan atribut yang digunakan framework kompetensi digital yang dikembangkan oleh European Commission. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa keterlibatan dalam pemanfaatan berbagai alat komunikasi online seperti (email, chat, instant messaging, blog, group chat) merupakan kompetensi digital yang paling penting. Penulis memaparkan visualisasi menggunakan Overlay Visualization untuk mengetahui penelitian tentang kompetensi digital tingkat advanced di SMK. Dari visualisasi tersebut terlihat bahwa banyak penelitian akhir-akhir ini yang lebih fokus pada pendidikan teknik yang dikaitkan dengan e-learning, kompetensi digital, dan media digital. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat dijadikan bahan informasi bagi pihak-pihak terkait seperti pemerintah selaku pembuat kebijakan dan kurikulum sekolah dalam meningkatkan kualitas kompetensi digital guru. This study analyzed the Vocational High School (VHS) teachersā€™ digital competence through a literature review and quantitative approach method. The purpose of this study is to find out the level of teachersā€™ digital competence especially for engineering teachers in vocational high school and also to get the general overview of the teachersā€™ digital competence development. This study involved VHS engineering teachers in Indonesia as respondents. Content analysis techniques are used to determine a set of attributes that are used digital competence framework developed by the European Commission. The results showed that engaging in the utilization of various online communication tools such as (e-mail, chat, instant messaging, blogs, group chats) is the most essential competence of digital. Finally, the author described the visualization using Overlay Visualization to know the sophisticated research on digital competence in vocational high school. From the visualization, it showed that the lots of recent study are more focusing on engineering education linked with e-learning, digital competence, and digital media. The results of this study are expected to be used as information material for related parties such as the government as policy makers and school curriculum in improving the quality of teachersā€™ digital competence

    The accuracy of Hopkins Symptom Checklist ā€“ 25 (HSCL-25) depression subscales (Indonesian version) on adolescents

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    Hopkins Symptom Checklist - 25 (HSCL-25) depression subscales is an easy-to-use, mainstream screening to detect early stage of depression symptoms, including on adolescents. The accuracy studies of HSCL-25 conducted all over the countries indicated a relatively good accuracy. However, there has been no accuracy testing on HSCL-25 in Indonesia. This study aimed to examine the accuracy of HSCL-25 depression subscales (Indonesian version) by comparing it to semi-structured diagnostic interview as the gold standard. This was a non-experimental study by diagnostic interviewing 40 participants. The results of depression status from the interview then compared to HSCL-25 depression subscales scores from previous study. The results analyzed using crosstabs, pearson chi square, and Receiver Operatic Characteristic (ROC) analysis to obtain the accuracy and the optimum cut-off score. The results show that HSCL-25 depression subscales have a good sensitivity (87.5%) and fairly good specificity (65.4%) with the +LR of 2.5 and ā€“LR of .2. The cut-off score used in this study (1.75) was optimum to be used as a cut-off point in the prevention context. Then it can be conclude that HSCL-25 have a fairly good accuracy and the current cut-off score used was already good for detecting the early depression symptoms among adolescents


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    Sistem instalasi air bersih dan air pembuangan adalah satu hal terpenting pada pembangunan Gedung hotel ini. Pada tahap merencanakan jaringan di Hotel AstonĀ  Mojokerto direncanakan untuk memenuhi keperluan air bersih agar dapat mencegah Ā terjadinya suatu hal yang tidak di inginkan pada pengunjung hotel dan daerah sekitar. Pada tahap perencanaaan ini harus sesuai standar SNI yang ditentukan sehingga dalam merencanakan distribusi air bersih dan air pembuangan hotel berjalan sangat baik, untuk meninjau dari sisi lingkungann agar terhindar dari pencemaran yang ada pada daerah sekitar maka harus diperhatikan dari segi sisi manapun. Ā Untuk menghitung head loss pipa dengan persamaan Darcy-Weisbach. Hasil dari perhitungan kebutuhan air Hotel AstonĀ  Mojokerto yaitu 24,842 m3/jam Ā dengan debit air buangan sebesar 198,74 m3/hari. Untuk ukuran pipa tegak dari Ground water tank menuju Roof tank adalah 4 inch, lalu untuk ukuran pipa lainnya sekitar Ā½ inch ā€“ 6 inch. Didapat kapasitas tangki air bawah yaitu 100 m3 pada perhitungan daya pompa angkat diperoleh 6 kW, pada kapasitas tangki air atas memakai dua tangki dengan kapasitas 30 m3 maka daya pompa dorong yang dihasilkan 26 watt. Dan di dapat kapasitas bak penampung limbah 60 m3 pada pompa berkapasitas 10 l/det.Ā Kata KunciĀ Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  : Air bersih , Air pembuangan , Instalasi ai

    Teachersā€™ digital literacy overview in secondary school

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    This study explored the teachersā€™ digital literacy in secondary school and deciphered the most suggested way of enhancing secondary teachersā€™ digital literacy, overview levels, and the trends factors in the last five years of research. The methodologies in this study employed the traditional systematic literature review (SLR), which compiled some previous studies to be examined. The initial studies were only selected from an article published in a reputable journal indexed by Scopus. Of the 118 articles reviewed, 46 were selected to be included in the analysis. Significant findings summarize the fact that most of the last five-year research about teachers in secondary schools was impacted by the rapid development of technology and the demand for 21st-century skills. To summarize, as it is at the intermediate level, most secondary school teachers are digitally literate. However, future research may evaluate digital literacy training programs for teachers to assess what improvements should be made to delivery as well as existing frameworks used to test teachersā€™ digital literacy


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    Badan kesehatan dunia WHO (World Health Organization) pada tahun 2018 memperkirakan terdapat 51 juta balita mengalami masalah gizi. Kematian balita akibat masalah gizi sebesar 2,8 juta jiwa. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mentetahui hubungan frekuensi kunjungan ke posyandu dengan status gizi balita di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Hulu Palik Tahun 2022. Metode dalam penelitian ini bersifat kuantitatif, menggunakan analisis deskriptif dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Sampel dalam penelitian berjumlah 91 responden yang dipilih sesuai dengan kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi. Penelitian ini menggunakan uji statistik chi-square. Hasil penelitian ini adalah sebagian besar dari responden 67 (73,6%) yang aktif mengikuti posyandu serta responden 64 (73,3%) dengan status gizi normal. Hasil uji statistik di dapatkan nilai p value 0,001 artinya ada hubungan frekuensi kunjungan ke posyandu dengan status gizi balita di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Hulu Palik Tahun 2022. Peneliti menyarankan kepada orang tua balita untuk lebih aktif dalam kunjungan posyandu sehingga dapat meningkatkan status gizi balita

    The Distributions of Vocational High School Teachersā€™ Advanced Digital Competence (ADC)

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    Digital competence is one of the significant skills to be possessed by the teachers as the impact of rapid technology development in many aspects such as economy, education, health, and environment. Various digital competence measurements and frameworks had been developed to ensure that someone has an advance digital skill and one of those is DigComp 2.1 by European Commission. Many previous studies had been studied about teachersā€™ digital competence levels influenced by some factors such as age, gender, working period, and educational background. However, it is infrequently analysed that the advance digital competence (ADC) of Vocational High School (VHS) teachers is differentiated by engineering field and non-engineering field, area or region and its school quality. Moreover, this study aimed: (a) to show the ADC level analysis between VHS teachers in engineering and non-engineering school, (b) to delineate the ADC level of VHS teachers based on the islands where the school is located, and (c) to represent the impact of school quality towards the VHS teachersā€™ ADC level. The data was analysed using a quantitative approach with a descriptive statistics method. Additionally, the instruments of the survey to collect the data were adapted from the DigCompEdu framework in part of advanced level and measured using Likert scale. The participants of this study were 392 respondents but, it was classified and divided into some fields based on VHS fields, islands and school accreditation. The result of this study expounded that VHS teachers in the engineering field have higher scores at the ADC level even though there are some ADC components that should be upgraded by the VHS teachers in both fields. Meanwhile, islands and school accreditation had no significant impact yet showed the opposite result

    Teaching Speaking Experience Perceived By Sea Teacher Students Project of 11th Grade Students At Pangasinan State University (PSU) Integrated School-High School, Philippines: A Phenomenological Study

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    This research aims to investigate and describe the perceptions and problems faced by the student teachers who teach public speaking in grade 11, Pangasinan State University Integrated School-High School (PSU IS-HS), Philippines through SEA Teacher (Southeast Asean Teacher) program handled by Southeast Asean Minister of Education Organization (SEAMEO). The researcher employs descriptive qualitative method by using phenomenological approach. The technique of collecting data in this research uses semi-structured interview technique. The subjects of this research are four student teachers who teach public speaking in grade 11 of PSU IS-HS, Philippines. The objects of this research are the perceptions and challenges faced by the student teachers based on their experience while teaching in PSU IS-HS. The technique of analysis the data used in this research is hermeneutic phenomenology. The result of this research suggests that: 1) The student teachersā€™ perceptionin teaching through SEA Teacher project; 2) The student teachersā€™ challenges which had a limited time and minimum support of IT media in SEA Teacher program in PSU. Keywords: Teaching speaking, experience, student teacherā€™s perception, SEA Teache


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    The capital market sector is one of the financial services sectors that play an important role in national development. At present, there are many criticisms of capital market dispute resolution caused by many factors related to law enforcement, so that efforts to create an orderly and efficient capital market have not been optimally achieved. Dispute resolution through a district court is still rarely found, even though one of the judicial institutions that play a role in law enforcement is a district court. This writing based on normative juridical research, namely legal research on legal principles, legal regulations and the comparison of positive law inventory law, with a descriptive analysis approach. Withdrawal of conclusions from the results of research that has been collected is done by the method of qualitative normative analysis. Writing in this article will outline the role of the district court in the settlement of capital market disputes in practice and how the role of dispute resolution through the district court over the enforcement of capital market law in Indonesia


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    Sistem Informasi Monitoring Penggunaan Bahan Baku Pada PT. Industri Jamu Borobudur Semarang

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    ABSTRAK Tugas Akhir dengan judul ā€ Sistem Informasi Penggunaan Bahan Baku pada PT. Industri Jamu Borobudur Semarangā€ dibuat dengan tujuan utama yaitu membuat sistem informasi yang diharapkan mampu membantu dalam memonitoring penggunaan bahan baku dan dapat memperoleh informasi stok barang dari proses produksi dengan cepat dan tepat dan memperoleh hasil yang valid. Perangkat lunak ini merupakan salah satu bentuk dari Sistem Informasi. Langkah-langkah dalam merancang sistem yang meliputi analisa sistem secara umum terperinci dengan menggunakan alat bantu Data Flow Diagram (DFD) dan Entity Relational Diagram (ERD), serta membuat rancangan tampilan dan rancangan Basis Data menggunakan MySQL Server. Pengembangan Perangkat Lunak Sistem informasi monitoring penggunaann bahan baku ini menggunakan bahasa pemrograman Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0. Setelah rancangan global selesai dibuat maka dapat diketahui bahwa dengan adanya sistem informasi monitoring penggunaan bahan baku, data lama yang masih menggunakan kertas manual akan dapat digantikan dengan pengolahan berbasis sistem dengan kemampuan memvalidasi data sehingga tidak akan terjadi kerangkapan data. Kata Kunci : Sistem Informasi, Penggunaan, bahan baku