166 research outputs found


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    This blended learning model is a model that combines teaching models, ways of presenting material, learning styles and media used for support. This model is done by combining face-to-face learning and online learning. Blended learning is considered as a refinement of the e-learning method that specializes learners to conduct a full learning process with an online system. Therefore, blended learning is considered to be more effective and does not make learners feel bored because they still have the opportunity to communicate two-way directly. Blended learning model is a learning model that is implemented by using two methods at once. This learning model usually uses a learning model system that combines technology both online and offline. Blended learning is interpreted as a model that combines learning by using a learning media, but it also combines theories, methods and dimensions of teaching. Based on the results of the research, it can be concluded that the blended learning model is a learning model that in its application combines two methods, which can be done face-to-face in class or online while still paying attention to the learning objectives to be achieved


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    ABSTRACT Poverty is one of the diseases in the economy, so it must be cured or at least reduced. According to BPS (2016), poor people are people who have an average expenditure per capita per month below the poverty line. The poverty line in Central Java in 2016 amounted to Rp 317 348, - per capita per month. In 2016, the average level of poverty in the Java Island, Central Java province placed as the second highest after DIY. Many factors are thought to affect the level of poverty. In this study, the predictor variables used are the rate of economic growth (X1), unemployment rate (X2), and education level above high school to (X3). This study aims to obtain a model of the relationship between the factors that affect poverty on the percentage of poor and calculate the predictions. The method used is B-spline nonparametric regression. Nonparametric approach are used if the function of previous data is unknown. The best B-spline model depends on the determination of the optimal knots point having a minimum Generalized Cross Validation (GCV). In this study, the best B-spline model obtained when the order of X1 is 2, the order of X2 is 2, and the order of X3 is 2. The knots obtained in X1 at the point 4,51273, X2 at the point 3.60626, and X3 at point 11,4129 and 16,2481 with GCV value of 9,79353. Keywords: Poverty, Nonparametric Regression, B-Spline, Generalized Cross Validatio


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    ABSTRAK Masalah yang terdapat bahwa sebagian guru kurang memiliki kompetensi yang memadai terutama kompetensi profesional dalam hal mengembangkan materi pembelajaran, hal ini berdampak pada kurangnya pemahaman peserta didik terhadap materi yang diajarkan dikarenakan guru tersebut kurang menguasai materi pembelajaran. Oleh karena itu tujuan penelitian ini adalah: 1) Menganalisis kemampuan guru dalam mengembangkan materi pembelajaran sebagai realisasi kompetensi profesional dari aspek (validitas, keberartian, relevansi, kemenarikan dan kepuasan), 2) Untuk mengetahui kendala guru dalam mengembangkan materi pembelajaran, 3) Untuk mengetahui solusi guru dalam mengembangkan materi pembelajaran. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah studi kasus dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengembangan materi pembelajaran sudah terlaksana cukup baik dan efisien. Selanjutnya, penelitian ini dapat dijadikan landasan untuk kinerja seorang guru dalam mengembangkan materi pembelajaran dengan baik, terukur, spesifik atau terstandar dan untuk riset pengembangan ilmu pendidikan lainnya. Kata Kunci: Mengembangkan Materi Pembelajaran, Kompetensi Profesional ABSTRACT The problem is that some teachers lack sufficient competence, especially professional competence in terms of developing learning material, this has an impact on students' lack of understanding of the material being taught because the teacher lacks mastery of learning material. Therefore the purpose of this study are: 1) Analyzing the ability of teachers to develop learning material as a realization of professional competence from aspects (validity, meaningfulness, relevance, attractiveness and satisfaction), 2) To find out the teacher's constraints in developing learning materials, 3) To find out teacher solutions in developing learning material. The method used in this research is a case study with a qualitative approach. The results showed that the development of learning materials had been carried out quite well and efficiently. Furthermore, this research can be used as a foundation for the performance of a teacher in developing learning materials well, measurable, specific or standardized and for research in the development of other educational sciences. Keywords: Developing Learning Materials, Professional Competenc


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    ABSTRAK Pengukuran kepuasan pengguna software akuntansi bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana respon pengguna terhadap software akuntansi baru yang diterapkan oleh perusahaan. Penerapan software akuntansi baru yang tidak diikuti dengan adanya sosialisasi, pelatihan dan pendidikan kepada pengguna dapat membuat pengguna merasa kesulitan dalam mengoperasikan software akuntansi tersebut. Hal ini dapat berpengaruh pada tingkat kepuasan pengguna karena tidak dapat menggunakan software akuntansi secara maksimal untuk mendukung proses bisnis yang terjadi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti secara empiris mengenai Pengaruh Kualitas Sistem Informasi Terhadap Kualitas Informasi Akuntansi Dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Kepuasan Pengguna Software Akuntansi. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan data primer yang diperoleh dari kuesioner. Sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 24 karyawan pada Divisi Akuntansi Keuangan PT Dirgantara Indonesia (Persero) Bandung. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan simple random sampling. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan menggunakan teknik Analisis Jalur (Path Analysis), dengan alat bantu komputer yang menggunakan program SPSS versi 22. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa (1) kualitas sistem informasi berpengaruh terhadap kualitas informasi akuntansi, (2) kualitas sistem informasi berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan pengguna software akuntansi, (3) kualitas informasi akuntansi berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan pengguna software akuntansi, dan (4) secara tidak langsung melalui kualitas informasi akuntansi, kualitas sistem informasi berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan pengguna software akuntansi. Kata Kunci : Kualitas Sistem Informasi, Kualitas Informasi Akuntansi, dan Kepuasan Pengguna Software Akuntansi

    Overview Of Cakes Served At Traditional Marriage Ceremonies In Nagari Canduang Koto Laweh, Candung District, Agam Regency

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    This research was motivated by the researchers' curiosity about the accurate knowledge of the cakes served at the wedding ceremony at Nagari Canduang Koto Laweh. This type of research is descriptive research. Data observation techniques by means of observation, interviews and documentation. The results of this study indicate that the stages of the Nagari Canduang Koto Laweh wedding ceremony are starting from maresek to maantaan pabukoan. The types of cakes served are katan, ajik, pinyaram, kubang, timandi, bareh jao, batiah, pisang goreang, jaguang abuh, kue sapik and kue tangan. Cake recipe in the form of instructions which contain the name of the cake, ingredients and how to process the cake that will be served at the implementation of the wedding ceremony at Nagari Canduang Koto Laweh. 


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    Abstract.  Increasing the competitiveness of Small and Medium Industries (IKM), especially in the food and beverage sector, is important to do. The food and beverage sector is one of the leading commodities in the country that needs to improve its competitiveness and has an important role in improving the national economy. To increase the competitiveness of food products, improvements can be made to the appearance of packaging and attractive promotions. In addition, it is also necessary to have an organized workplace that can increase work productivity. Peyek Mak'a Abid is one of the food IKMs located in Jakarta which still has some problems in running its industry. These problems include unattractive trademark logos, unattractive product packaging designs, lack of product photos used for marketing, and production sites that are not well organized. This assistance activity aims to improve the management of IKM Peyek Mak'a Abid by solving the problems experienced. The implementation method starts with a baseline assessment, continues with training, consultation and coaching, and ends with an evaluation. Mentoring activities are carried out both offline and online during the August-November 2022 period. The results of the assistance are in the form of making a new brand logo, labels for packaging displays, product photos, and making price lists as marketing tools, as well as implementing 5S in production sites. Abstrak. Peningkatan daya saing pada Industri Kecil dan Menengah (IKM), khususnya pada sektor makanan dan minuman penting untuk dilakukan. Hal ini dikarenakan sektor makanan dan minuman merupakan komoditas unggulan serta memliki peran penting dalam meningkatkan perekonomian nasional. Untuk meningkatkan daya saing pada produk makanan dapat dilakukan perbaikan pada tampilan kemasan serta promosi yang menarik. Selain itu juga diperlukannya tempat kerja yang terorganisasi yang dapat meningkatkan produktivitas kerja. Peyek Mak’a Abid merupakan salah satu IKM makanan yang berlokasi di Jakarta yang masih memiliki beberapa masalah dalam menjalankan industrinya. Permasalahan tersebut diantaranya adalah logo merek dagang yang kurang menarik, desain kemasan produk yang kurang menarik, belum adanya foto produk yang digunakan untuk melakukan pemasaran, serta tempat produksi yang belum teroganisasi dengan baik. Kegiatan pendampingan pada Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengelolaan IKM Peyek Mak’a Abid dengan menyelesaikan permasalahan yang dialami. Metode pelaksanaan dimulai dengan baseline assessment, dilanjutkan dengan pelatihan, konsultasi dan coaching, dan diakhiri dengan evaluasi. Kegiatan pendampingan dilakukan secara luring maupun daring selama periode Agustus- November 2022. Hasil pendampingan berupa pembuatan logo merek baru, label untuk tampilan kemasan, foto produk dan pembuatan price list sebagai sarana pemasaran, serta penerapan 5R di tempat produksi. 

    Inventory Of Types And Traditional Cakes In A Series Of Wedding Ceremonies In Nagari Canduang Koto Laweh

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    The background of this research was motivated by the curiosity of researcher about the accurate science of marriage custom at Nagari Canduang Koto Laweh. The purpose of this research was to identify the types and recipes of traditional cake through the series of wedding ceremony at  Nagari Canduang Koto Laweh. The design of this research was qualitative research. The data were collected through observation, interview and documentation. The result of the research showed that the type of ceremony series were maresek, sauah tando, manjapuik marapulai, marapulai pulang, mamanggia minantu, manantuan kandang, baralek, maanta kain, maanta katidiang, mandoa bulan malin, pasinggah buko and maanta pabukoan. The type of tradisional cake served were katan, ajik, pinyaram, kubang, timandi, bareh jao, batiah, goreang pisang, jaguang abuh, kue sapik and kue  tangan. The processing tool was divided into preparation tools, molds and countering tools. How to counter the traditional cake depends on the type of series that was being carried out. The way to do this was to dish out  with the plate, bereang-bereang and  rantang. The meaning of traditional cake was related to the role of leadership in Minangkabau custom and people's life as social being. Tradisional cake recipes in the form of notes about the name, ingredients and how to make traditional cake at the series of wedding ceremony at Nagari Canduang Koto Laweh Candung District.

    Analysis of Students Mathematical Reasoning Abilities in Terms of Self-Regulated Learning

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    The implementation of research activities in this paper is intended to provide an analysis related to the ability of students to reason mathematically in terms of self-regulated learning using qualitative methods and descriptive approaches. Data collection techniques will be obtained through filling out 6 test questions, 28 questionnaire  statements, and interview activities. The subjects to be observed were carried out through a technique called purposive sampling so that 6 students were obtained which were divided into two students in each category. The datta will be arranged sequentially using data analysis technique consisting of data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of the data found identify that students in the high self-regulated learning category have mathematical reasoning abilities as well. Furthermore, students in the  medium categori have the ability to do moderate mathematical reasoning. Finally, students who are in the low category have low mathematical reasoning abilities. So based on the data above, it can be concluded that the higher the level of self-regulated learning. The less likely it is to make mistakes in solving problem related to the ability to do mathematical reasoning. The gives an indication that the better the level of intelligence and critical thinking that a person has, the mathematical reasoning ability will follow in the same

    Adaptasi akademik, sosial, personal, dan institusional : studi college adjustment terhadap mahasiswa tingkat pertama

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    Joining university for the first time is a challenging phase for first-year students. They are required to adapt not only to the academic context but to their personal, social, and emotional condition. The dynamics of college present a variety of challenges that arise as a result of the transition from high school to college. This study aims to analyze college adjustment of first-year students and the obstacles that arise from the academic, social, personal, and institutional dimensions. This study used mixed-method research. The sample was consisted of 235 first-year students of Al Azhar University (73.9% women) and filled out the Student Adaptation to College questionnaire. Qualitative data used purposive sampling to deepen the constraints felt by students in their first year. Semi structure interviews were conducted with 12 respondents to examine their experiences toward the first year of college. The results showed that 44.7% of first-year students had a low college adjustment level. Content analysis reveals that first-year students experienced varied academic, social, personal, and institutional problems. Therefore, the first-year student adapting process still needs attention from stakeholders

    Environmental Performance, Social Responsibility Disclosure, Managerial Ownership, Financial Performance: The Role of Feminism on Board of Directors

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    This study aims to prove the effect of environmental performance, corporate social responsibility disclosure, and managerial ownership on financial performance with the board of directors' feminism as a moderating variable. The sample in this study used manufacturing companies for the 2016-2020 period, with total research data of 74 annual reports listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange and included in PROPER participants. The sampling technique in this study used purposive sampling with specific criteria. The results of this study prove that environmental performance and managerial ownership have a positive effect on company financial performance, and disclosure of corporate social responsibility (CSR) has a negative impact on financial performance, with the variable feminism of the board of directors being able to moderate the environment. Performance and disclosure of corporate social responsibility (CSR) on financial performance. However, managerial ownership cannot be moderated by the board of directors' variable feminism
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