18 research outputs found


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    This paper described a variety of views on the dynamics of endogamy marriage practiced by sharif community in Pontianak. This paper used the theory of hege­mony to analyze Surah al-Ahzab: 33 as the cause of endogamy among the descendants of 'Isa al-Muhajir (Ba ‘Alawi) that have migrated to the archipelago. One of her off spring grew and spread in Pontianak was called sharif or syarifah of Pontianak. The results of this study explained that there are three different attitudes about endogamous marriage, they are accept, reject and moderate thinking. The three different attitudes came out as the result of modernization, contact with foreign cultures, the influence of education, socio-economic, and the existing settlement pattern. There is a socio-political implications of the verses of hegemony that is keeping the values of the potential political kinship as social capital to raise awareness and political culture in the context of community participation and representation of sharif in local and national politics. But in sociocultural context. Once endogamy was understood as an absolute system that must be run so it may open space of social stratification that threatens women’s freedom and will open the spaces for subordination.***Tulisan ini mendiskripsikan berbagai pandangan mengenai dinamika pernikahan endogami yang dipraktekan oleh komunitas syarif Pontianak. Tulisan ini meng­gunakan teori hegemoni menganalisis surat al-Ahzab ayat 33 sebagai penyebab terjadinya endogami di kalangan keturunan Isa al-Muhajir (Ba ‘Alawi) yang ber­migrasi ke Nusantara. Salah satu keturunannya yang berkembang  di kota Pontianak disebut sebagai syarif/syarifah Pontianak. Hasil penelitian men­jelaskan terdapat tiga sikap yang berbeda mengenai pernikahan endogami yaitu kalangan yang me­nerima, menolak dan yang berpikir moderat. Tiga sikap yang ber­beda ini terjadi akibat adanya modernisasi, kontak dengan budaya luar, pe­ngaruh pendidikan, sosial ekonomi, dan pola pemukiman yang ada. Terdapat impli­kasi sosio politik ayat-ayat hegemoni yaitu menjaga nilai-nilai kekerabatan yang secara politik berpotensi se­bagai modal sosial untuk meningkatkan kesadaran dan budaya politik dalam kontek partisipasi dan keterwakilan komunitas syarif dalam politik lokal dan nasional. Namun secara sosio-budaya jika endogami dipahami se­bagai suatu sistem absolut yang mesti dijalankan dapat membuka ruang terjadinya stra­tifikasi sosial yang mengancam kebebasan perempuan dan membuka ruang ter­jadinya sub­ordinasi

    China's Policy to Close Borders to Prevent the Spread of the Second Wave of Covid-19 Virus

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    At the beginning of 2020, the world was shocked by the outbreak of Covid-19, which was known to have originated from Wuhan. The increase in cases of local transmission in China's border region with Russia has sparked new concerns. In writing this paper, the author uses data collection methods with literature studies from journals and electronic books, including data from trusted websites through internet searches in the form of soft files that can support the paper's explanation. From the results of this paper, the reader can see that it is divided into several essential points explaining how China's policy to close the border in Russia to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 Virus in their country, first, how the procedures carried out by China in tightening checks on Russian borders. And Second, knowing how China monitors its citizens by using cell phones

    DISCRIMINATION OF RELIGIOUS FREEDOM: The Case of Persecution of the Ahmadiyya Minority Group in West Kalimantan

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    Human rights are an aspect of social existence. Human rights also include the right to religious freedom in retaining faith and belief in human beings. By comprehending the right to religious freedom, we may identify the rights of belief in all individuals. This study aims to inform readers about the Ahmadiyya minority group’s religious freedom abuses in West Kalimantan due to discriminatory policies. This study argues that Ahmadiyya in Sintang has encountered forms of discrimination against the rights to religious freedom in Indonesia.Thus, this study formulates research questions such as (1) what is the chronology and form of persecution against Ahmadiyya? (2) what is the role of actors in discriminating against the Ahmadiyya minority group in West Kalimantan? (3) What is the policy on religious freedom toward the Ahmadiyya minority group in West Kalimantan? This study employed qualitative methods to describe the chronology of Ahmadiyya events in West Kalimantan through interviews and documentation. The findings of the study indicate that religious freedom discrimination against Ahmadiyya in West Kalimantan demonstrates: 1) the existence of violations of the right to freedom of religion; 2) the existence of contradictory policies; and 3) the existence of religiously motivated violence in West Kalimantan. This study’s findings demonstrate that the violation of religious freedom against the Ahmadiyya in West Kalimantan is a type of religious-based discrimination


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    Social media is usually utilized for literacy and education in articulating ideas and criticism. This study focused on the utilization of social media in the community during the COVID-19 outbreak, the implications for critical political awareness, and the wise use of social media. The data used was a compilation of hoax data circulating in Indonesia from independent fact-checking sites, government-run fact-checking sites, and fact-checking channels created by the mainstream media. The results revealed that the strong political polarization among the people was the cause of the massive spread of false news and hate speech during the COVID-19 outbreak. This study also described the mitigation strategy of MAFINDO to improve information security in facing an event that leads to an information crisis during the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, disinfodemic mitigation strategy was constructed as part of an early warning system in increasing public immunity against disinfodemic and controlling the spread of public suggestions and dangerous reactions. This study can be used an early warning system to prevent health misinformation by revitalizing the movement of the anti hoax community in online and offline education


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    Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk memberikan pengetahuan mengenai perubahan gaya hidup yang terjadi akibat kehadiran pertambangan bauksit di Desa Penyalimau, Provinsi Kalimantan Barat. Kehadiran pertambangan bauksit di Desa Penyalimau tentu membawa perubahan bagi desa tersebut, perubahan yang bersifat positif ataupun perubahan yang bersifat negatif. Penelitian ini bertujuan ingin memahami persepsi yang dimiliki oleh masyarakat terhadap kehadiran pertambangan bauksit di desa Penyalimau dan mengeksplorasi pola perubahan dari kehadiran pertambangan bauksit. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah metode kualitatif. Metode tersebut dipilih sehingga dapat menyajikan data secara sistematis, faktual, dan akurat mengenai fakta-fakta yang ada di lapangan. Informan dalam penelitian ini diantaranya kepala desa, perangkat desa, tokoh adat, karyawan pertambangan bauksit dan masyarakat. Objek penelitian ini adalah “Perubahan Gaya Hidup Masyarakat Ditengah Kehadiran Pertambangan Bauksit di Desa Penyalimau, Kecamatan Kapuas, Kabupaten Sanggau.” Hasil penelitian menyebutkan bahwa terdapat perubahan gaya bahasa, perubahan gaya berpakaian dan perubahan status serta pola kepemilikan rumah dan kendaraan masyarakat di Desa Penyalima


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    This research aims to map the level of women’s representation in West Kalimantan Provincial level of parliament after the enactment of the law of women's representation. This research is a descriptive framework that was developed to reconstruct the law of gender-equitable in efforts to make the integrity election. Although the number of women who occupied the seats of West Kalimantan provincial level of parliament increased to 6 seats of the 65 seats in the 2014 election, or about 9.23%. However, the increased representation of women in parliament can not significantly be able to gives influence in the political process and existing legislation, especially to make a change in a more strategic role and gender perspective. Keywords: The representation of women, election integrity, affirmative actio

    Impact of Social Media on Child Prostitution Network in Pontianak City (Case Study of Rumah Aman Kota Pontianak)

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    The misuse of social media for child prostitution in Pontianak City has increased in recent years, this requires mutual attention. This study aims to describe the types of social media used by online prostitutes in interacting and communicating, and then to describe how social media forms child prostitution networks in Pontianak. The data collection methods carried out are observation, interview, documentation, and data analysis, while this study uses a descriptive qualitative research method approach. In this study, the subjects of this study were officers of the Pontianak City Safe House and the agency that revealed the case, namely the KPPAD team. The results of this study show that social media is an alternative for child commercial sex workers in Pontianak. Related to social media, the most widely used social media is MiChat and WhatsApp GB, besides that social media such as Facebook is also used but not the main one.  Furthermore, the results of the study also show that the function of social media is divided into two, namely social media is access to involvement of children in prostitution cases, second social media can form new networks in child prostitution. From the two results of the study, it can be concluded that social media has formed online child prostitution through child online prostitution networks, namely these networks can be formed anytime, anywhere, and by anyone. In addition, as long as social media are labelled as media providers of prostitution services still exist and are easy to download, then social media can form or regenerate new networks

    Human Trafficking pada Masa Pandemi COVID-19 di Perbatasan Darat Malaysia-Indonesia, Kalimantan Barat

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    The covid-19 pandemic threatens public health alone, therefore most governments in various countries in the world affected by covid-19 take steps in the form of mobility restriction policies to prevent the spread of the virus in the community this also applies in Indonesia. Restrictions on people's mobility make the problems experienced by the community more complex and difficult to control, the number of mass layoffs becomes a trigger for high unemployment in Indonesia. This research uses descriptive qualitative methods. Data collection is done through an online repository, by filtering keywords in search; criminal acts of trafficking, women migrant workers, protection of migrant workers and handling of trafficking cases in the period of emigrants. Each author is tasked with collecting data based on search keywords. Based on the results of research, the high unemployment rate in the pandemic period became one of the main triggers for the criminal act of trafficking in persons. The situation of female migrant workers working abroad is increasingly complex because some of them are undocumented and some have been over-stayers. There are currently around 6 to 8 million Indonesian migrant workers abroad and the majority of them are women. Cases of human trafficking in the border region during the COVID-19 pandemic increased with economic mode. The closure of cross-border postal access is not effective enough in suppressing cases of trafficking at the country's borders. Various efforts have been made by the Indonesian government ranging from implementing policies to efforts to cooperate with various stakeholders — namely the government as regulators, policy makers, as well as law enforcement, and private parties as business actors / recruiters of labor and banking, as well as civil society institutions that are the driving force – to seek protection for Indonesian migrant workers abroad

    PKM Strategi Penguatan Literasi Digital Kritis untuk Pembinaan Perempuan di Lapas Kota Pontianak

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    Prison women are a group of people who are trained so that they do not repeat crimes when they reintegrate into society. Therefore, we conducted Tular Reason education activities for female Pontianak prison residents. The aim of the Tular Nalar digital literacy training at the Pontianak City women's prison is to (1) increase critical awareness to avoid crimes originating in the media, such as hoax traps and fraud, as well as incitement, hate speech, etc. (2) Provide the ability to check simple facts using several methods and tools. (3) Become a digital literacy agent in their environment. The activity participants are residents of the Pontianak Women's Penitentiary, most elderly. This activity was attended by 50 older women in prisons consisting of 45 prison residents and five prison officers. The participants were divided into five groups, each accompanied by one facilitator. The facilitators used the activity implementation guide module for the facilitator and the implementing team, templates of training props such as Stickers, Flyers, etc., which can be adjusted according to needs. The material presented to the participants included: (1) Understanding the basics of anti-hoax advocacy. (2) Understanding how to identify hoaxes, (3) Discussing digital fraud, (4) Discussing hate speech. The stages of the activity are using presentations, video screenings, and group discussions, practicing checking news hoaxes/facts, and filling out questionnaires to find out the participants' understanding accompanied by facilitators. The activity results were that the participants could identify hoaxes from the teaching materials used. The participants could present the results of group reflections and carry out simple fact checks.

    Kerentanan Buruh Perempuan dalam Menjalankan Fungsi Keluarga

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    This paper examines the social vulnerability that occurs to female workers at PT. Sintang Argo Mandiri in Sintang district. Through descriptive qualitative methods, this paper is able to describe how the forms of social vulnerability that occur in women workers and find out the causes of social vulnerability based on the results of interviews with women workers in oil palm companies. One of the key informants in this paper is the village head of Lengkenat. The results of the study found several forms of vulnerability that occurred in women workers such as marginalization. The form of vulnerability is in the form of lack of health insurance for female workers, double workload, and illegal levies between fellow employees. In addition, it was also found that the factors causing social vulnerability include internal factors such as age, low education level, and individual willingness to work. While external factors are women who experience economic difficulties, large number of family dependents, low husband's income, and wages from the company sector concerned