19 research outputs found


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          ABSTRAK: The main problem in this research is to overcome the low ability of students to solve problems., Which almost every day many problems that arise such as: personal, social, career and even learning difficulties. The sample in this study, namely 7th grade SMP 12 Malang.The results of the assessment appear in table 4.3 which states "I feel a loss if I do not go to school" shows the 35% increase in cycle II to 59%. Besides that, based on the analysis of observational data at the time of the action, it can be seen in the average results of students' understanding of behavior during the first cycle of 5.83 and at the meeting of the first 2 cycles there was an average increase of slightly to 6.5 Similarly the average results at the meeting 3 is 7 and at the 4th meeting of the second cycle II the average value of the assignment (post test) was 8.3.        Based on the findings of this study it is suggested to the Guidance and Counseling Teachers to apply group guidance techniques in alleviating student problems. With the use of group guidance on students, it can help enlighten the problem in accordance with the group guidance goals referred to in this study

    Faktor-faktor Yang Mendasari Stres Pada Lansia

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    Manusia berkembang dari ketidakberdayaan hingga menjadi manusia yang sempurna dan mandiri, dan akhirnya menjadi renta tak berdaya lagi. Akan tetapi, ada sebagian orang yang takut dan tidak mau menerima Kenyataannya serta tak tahu harus bagaimana menghadapi masa lanjut usianya. Hampir semua peristiwa dapat menjadi stressor, namun beberapa diantaranya lebih mempercepat timbulnya stres dibandingkan dengan yang lain, seperti tindakantindakan yang dapat menyebabkan seseorang mengalami trauma (perkosaan, kebakaran, pertarungan mati-matian, dan lain-lain) lebih mempercepat timbulnya stres yang berat daripada bencana alam

    Dampak Normalisasi Tindak Kekerasan Pada Pertumbuhan Anak

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    Anak harus memiliki lingkungan tumbung kembang yang tepat untuk mengeluarkan potensi terbaiknya. Namun, tidak semua anak memiliki lingkungan tumbuh kembang yang tepat. Tak jarang orang tua sebagai lingkungan pertama akan melakukan kekerasan sebagai bentuk pendisiplinan anak yang mana perilaku tersebut dapat membawa dampak buruk pada anak dalam jangka panjang karena itu artikel bertujuan untuk memberikan pemaparan akan dampak normalisasi tindak terhadap tumbuh kembang anak. Dalam artikel ini dilakukan studi kepustakaan untuk mencari data pendukung dan dipilih sepuluh artikel jurnal untuk mendukung artikel ini. Hasilnya adalah kekerasan yang diterima anak, yaitu cubitan, pukulan, hinaan, jeweran, pelototan, dan abaian sebagai kekerasan fisik maupun verbal. Perilaku tersebut memiliki dampak berbeda-beda sesuai dengan masa perkembangan anak. Dengan demikian, artikel ini diharapkan dapat mengurangi tindak kekerasan sebagai cara untuk mendisiplinkan anak dan menggantinya dengan beberapa cara, yakni diskusi terbuka dengan anak agar anak memahami secara keseluruhan kesalahan yang diperbuat dan dampaknya

    Pengaruh Pola Asuh Orang Tua terhadap Tingkat Stres Akademik pada Remaja

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    Masa remaja dikenal sebagai masa dimana individu mengalami berbagai perubahan yang signifikan dalam hidupnya. Perkembangan ini tentu sangat dipengaruhi oleh pola asuh orang tua yang menjadi landasan bagaimana seorang individu dapat bertransisi dari fase anak-anak hingga remaja. Terdapat beberapa pola asuh orang tua yang dapat memengaruhi perkembangan serta kepribadian seorang individu. Pola asuh yang cenderung terlalu memberikan tuntutan pada anak seringkali berdampak pada buruknya kemampuan mengelola stres pada anak. Salah satu stres yang dialami oleh remaja ialah stres akademik. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji bagaimana pola asuh orang tua dapat memengaruhi tingkat stres akademik pada remaja. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa pola asuh yang diberikan oleh orang tua sangat menentukan sikap anak dalam menghadapi tingkatan tuntutan akademiknya. Dan ditemukan bahwa pola asuh authoritative memberikan pengaruh positif dalam membentuk hubungan yang sehat dengan anaknya yang ditandai dengan orang tua memiliki sikap yang responsif, bersahabat, serta kontrol emosi yang baik sehingga orang tua dapat membimbing anak dalam pencapaian akademisnya sekaligus dapat menekan tingkat stres akademik yang lebih rendah pada anaknya. Sedangkan untuk pola asuh authoritative serta permissive dinyatakan anak cenderung membentuk tingkat stres akademik yang lebih tinggi

    Mindfulness, Health and Wellbeing

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    Well-being isn’t simply a lack of illness. It includes various factors affecting an individual’s bodily, mental, and social fitness. Pollard and Davidson outline health as “a country of a hit overall performance throughout the existence path integrating bodily, cognitive and social-emotional function”. Practicing mindfulness helps with managing strain and depression. This study considers mindfulness as be a powerful device for dealing with intellectual and bodily fitness issues, in addition to commonly enhancing our overall performance, relationships, and well-being. Keywords: Mindfulness, Health, Wellbein

    Eudaimonia Happiness in Honorary Teachers in Elementary Schools of Disadvantaged Areas

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    This study aims to explore the factors that contribute to eudaimonia happiness in honorary teachers in primary schools of disadvantaged areas. This study uses a literature review approach from various journals related to eudaimonia happiness in honorary teachers in elementary schools in disadvantaged areas and can be applied to institutions that contribute to the research. The recommendation in the literature of this review is how happy eudaimonia primary school teachers who teach in disadvantaged areas

    Mindfulness, Health and Wellbeing

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    Well-being isn’t simply a lack of illness. It includes various factors affecting an individual’s bodily, mental, and social fitness. Pollard and Davidson outline health as “a country of a hit overall performance throughout the existence path integrating bodily, cognitive and social-emotional function”. Practicing mindfulness helps with managing strain and depression. This study considers mindfulness as be a powerful device for dealing with intellectual and bodily fitness issues, in addition to commonly enhancing our overall performance, relationships, and well-being

    The Effect of Education Costs Through Accreditation of Students' Decisions to Choose Private Universities in Makassar City

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    This research was conducted with the aim to: 1). To analyze the effect of the cost of education on the accreditation of Private Universities in Makassar City. 2). To analyze the effect of the cost of education on the decision of students choosing Private Universities in Makassar City. 3). To analyze the effect of accreditation on the decision of students to choose a private university in Makassar. 4). To analyze the effect of education costs on the decision of students to choose Private Universities in Makassar through accreditation of Private Universities. This research uses data taken from the results of the questionnaire distributed during the study. Where a sample of 190 respondents, this study was conducted from February to April in 2019. Data were analyzed using the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) program with Amos software. The results of this study indicate that (1) There is a positive and significant effect of the cost of education on accreditation in Private Universities in the City of Makassar. (2). There is a positive and significant effect of the cost of education on the decision of students to choose at Private Universities in the City of Makassar. (3). There is a positive and significant effect of accreditation on the decision of students to choose at Private Universities in the City of Makassar. (4). There is a positive and significant effect of the cost of education on the decision of students to choose along with the increasing accreditation in Private Higher Education in the City of Makassar.  The implication of this research is that the cost of education is a consideration for students in making decisions to choose private universities. When in the consideration of students to choose in relation to the cost of education which is then included in the element of private higher education accreditation, the student's decision becomes significant. In supporting students' decisions to choose private tertiary institutions, it is necessary to apply a model of payment terms that can be made by students to complete tuition fees at the university concerned

    A Literature Review of Gratitude and Subjective Well Being in School

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    Construction social relationships and accomplishing a perception of personality are the two major tasks in teenagers that appear as opposed to a related to many changes. Gratitude has been displayed to main towards many positive results that are very significant for children and teenagers - psychological well-being, gratification through school and other fields, prosocial relationships, and the opportunity of cumulative emphasis on significances and assembly meaningful objectives. Consequently, expanding gratitude functions for students and schools might assist in catalyze achievement and enhance school links. Educators can promote enthusiastic reactions to students through viewing and strengthening generous activities in class, and educators and team can be an example of mutuality and gratitude in organized events or performing with students, all things parents can accomplish at home too


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    Manusia berkembang dari ketidakberdayaan hingga menjadi manusia yang sempurna dan mandiri, dan akhirnya menjadi renta tak berdaya lagi. Akan tetapi, ada sebagian orang yang takut dan tidak mau menerima kenyataannya serta tak tahu harus bagaimana menghadapi masa lanjut usianya. Hampir semua peristiwa dapat menjadi stressor, namun beberapa diantaranya lebih mempercepat timbulnya stres dibandingkan dengan yang lain, seperti tindakantindakan yang dapat menyebabkan seseorang mengalami trauma (perkosaan, kebakaran, pertarungan mati-matian, dan lain-lain) lebih mempercepat timbulnya stres yang berat daripada bencana alam