167 research outputs found

    An Analysis of Gerund and To Infinitive in The Articles of The Jakarta Post

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    ABSTRACT\ud \ud Rahmawati. 2016.An Analysis of Gerund and To Infinitive in The Articles of The Jakarta Post.Thesis. English Education Department, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers Training. Advisors: (I) Dra.Hj. WardahHayati, MA, (II)RahmilaMurtiana, MA.\ud \ud Keywords:Gerund, infinitive, kinds, sports articles.\ud \ud This research analyzes the kinds of gerund and to-infinitive in the sports articles of the Jakarta Post. The problems that should be answered in this research are: what kinds of gerund and to infinitive are found in the articles of the Jakarta Post? Andwhat kinds of gerund and to infinitive the most frequently found in the articles of the Jakarta Post?\ud Based on the statement of theproblem above, this research is supposed to know the kinds of gerund and to infinitive are found in the articles of the Jakarta Post and to know kinds of gerund and infinitive the most frequently found in the articles of the Jakarta Post. \ud The subject of this research are the articles of the Jakarta Post,while the object of the research is the kinds gerund and to infinitive that are used in the articles of the Jakarta Post.\ud The data which have been collected are analyzed as follows: the writer read the sports articles anddescribed the use of gerund and infinitive, classifiesthe kinds of gerund and infinitive are found in this sports articles. \ud The result of the research denoted that there are 42kinds of gerund and 22 kinds ofinfinitivewhichare found in the sports articles. The kinds of gerund and infinitive that are found in the sports articles are 4 gerund and 3 infinitive. They are 7 gerund as subject, 10 gerund as anobject, 24 gerund after apreposition, 8 gerund after possessive adjective, 1infinitive as subject, 13 infinitive as anobject and 8 infinitive after theadjective. And the most frequently found of kinds of gerund and infinitive found are gerund after preposition 24and infinitive as object 13 in the sports articles of the Jakarta post


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    The purpose of this study is to develop Macromedia Flash teaching materials to increase student learning outcomes and to determine the feasibility of Macromedia Flash-based teaching materials. This research is research and development (R & D) using the 4D development model. This study involved subjects namely students of Grade X of Muhammadiyah Mungkid Vocational School and Salaman Muhammadiyah Vocational School. Data analysis uses quantitative data analysis. The analysis used was an independent sample t-test using SPSS version 17. The results of the development produced a product in the form of Macromedia Flash-based learning media on the subject of negotiation text for learning Bahasa Indonesia. The results of the research suggest that there are differences in the average score of student learning outcomes before and after using Macromedia Flash media. The percentage of students reaching the passing grade of 75 before using Macromedia Flash or conventional media is 9% and after using Macromedia Flash media to 68.3%. The result of calculated-t value is 10.3 while the t-table is 1.657. The t-test analysis proves that Macromedia Flash learning media is suitable for Bahasa Indonesia learning, especially on the subject of negotiation text. Moreover, the learning is more effective than using conventional learning media

    Pengembangan Kuis Berbantuan Aplikasi Quizizz sebagai Alternatif Penilaian Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia Dimasa Pandemi untuk Mendukung Motivasi Belajar Siswa Kelas IV Sekolah Dasar

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    The learning process during the pandemic at SDN 05 Jombang tended to underestimate the work given by teachers, so that students got bad grades. This research aims to produce alternative assesments assisted by the Quizizz application in learning Indonesia language subjects in class IV elementary school. Based on the research, the results of the development of quiz assisted by the Quizizz application in elementary school Indonesia language subjects using the O’Malley research model were obtained and the results of the validation assessment of quizzes assisted by the Quizizz application in elementary school Indonesia language subjects from material experts, namely the first revision was 65% and after that it was carried out the second revision was 77%, while validation from evaluation experts was the first revision 66% and the second revision 88% namely the research model used in this research was O’Malley. The subject of this research were fourth grade students at SDN 05 Jombang, material expert validators and evaluation experts.Meanwhile, the object of this research is a quiz assisted by the Quizizz aplications in elementary school Indonesia language learning. Data collection for this research used observation sheets, interview guides, and questionnaires. Based on research, the results of quiz development assisted by the Quizizz application were obtained. In elementary school Indonesia language learning using the O’Malley research model and the results of quiz validation assessments assisted by the Quizizz application in elementary school Indonesia language learning from material experts, namely the first revion was 65% and after that the second revision was 77%, while validation from evaluation experts namely the first revision 66% and the second revision 88%

    LAPORAN INDIVIDU PRAKTEK PENGALAMAN LAPANGAN Lokasi : SLB - B WIYATA DHARMA 1 Jln. Magelang No. 17, Margorejo, Tempel, Sleman, Yogyakarta. 15 Juli 2016-15 September 2016

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    Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan Kedua (PPL II) adalah suatu program yang dirancang untuk melatih mahasiswa sebagai calon guru atau calon pendidik dalam menguasai kemampuan keguruan secara utuh dan terintegrasi, sehingga setelah menyelesaikan pendidikan mempunyai keterampilan sebagai tenaga professional kependidikan dan siap untuk secara mandiri mengemban tugas sebagai guru. Sebagai pengemban setiap tugas professional, seorang calon guru dituntut tidak hanya tahu dan memahami tugasnya, namun jauh lebih penting daripada itu adalah mampu melaksanakan tugasnya sebagai guru. Kemampuan untuk melaksanakan tugas sebagai guru inilah yang dibentuk melalui PPL. Dalam PPL II ini dilakukan praktek mengajar kepada siswa sesuai dengan kelas dan mata pelajaran yang dibagikan oleh koordinator PPL di SLB Wiyata Dharma 1. Kegiatan PPL II ini diawali dengan kegiatan observasi dan assesmen kebutuhan dan potensi siswa yang kemudian disusun sebuah Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP). RPP yang telah dibuat oleh mahasiswa diaplikasikan dalam praktek mengajar pada PPL II. Kegiatan PPL II dilaksanakan di SLB Wiyata Dharma 1 pada tanggal 15 Juli s/d 15 September 2016. Program PPL yang dilaksanakan adalah Praktek terbimbing sesuai dengan kelas dan mata pelajaran yang telah ditentukan oleh koordinator yaitu, mengajar kelas VII, VIII, dan IX dengan mata pelajaran Tata Boga. Kelas VIII dan IX dengan mata pelajaran Batik, Pengembangan Diri dan SMPLB-B dengan mata pelajaran Olahraga. PPL II ini sangat memberikan manfaat bagi mahasiswa pada khususnya, dikarenakan mahasiswa mendapat pengalaman baru memberikan materi langsung kepada anak berkebutuhan khusus yang mungkin tidak akan didapat ketika mempelajari teori di Universitas Negeri Yogyakara

    Marketing Strategy Management for Early Childhood Education RA Al Wardah North Sumatra

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    Marketing management can be used as a mechanism for explaining and rationalizing a program's offerings with various advantages, both in terms of inputs (inputs), processes, products (outcomes), outputs (outputs), and graduates (effects). In addition, promotion can also be used to convey public accountability regarding the educational process and results that have been implemented and developed by the educational institution concerned. The formulation of this research is how the education marketing management process in RA Al Wardah North Sumatra, what are the targets to be achieved by RA Al Wardah North Sumatra with the implementation of marketing management, what is faced by RA Al Wardah North Sumatra in the performance of marketing management. The research was conducted in RA Al Wardah, North Sumatra, and the data source for this study was the principal. This study uses qualitative research methods. Observation, interviews, and documentation do data collection. Data analysis is done through data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. Based on the study results, it can be concluded that marketing management at RA Al Wardah, North Sumatra is running very well and following the times. The marketing strategy by RA Al Wardah North Sumatra is to continuously improve the quality of educational services, has the characteristic of educating children to be pious and independent, holding various extracurricular activities outside school hours, and holding multiple competitions.

    Pengaruh Pelatihan Kerja, Pemberdayaan Karyawan dan Lingkungan Kerja terhadap Kinerja Karyawan

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    This study aims to see the effect of job training, employee empowerment and work environment on employee performance at the Federal International Finance (FIF) Kotabumi.This research was conducted on FIF Kotabumi employees in 2020. By distributing questionnaires in the form of questions about job training, employee empowerment, work environment and employee performance. Then processed with SPSS version 16 with the classical assumption test approach with the methods of normality, linearity, homogeneity.This research uses quantitative methods with multiple linear regression analysis tools, partial test, F test, determination to determine the effect of job training, employee empowerment and work environment on FIF employee performance.The results showed that simultaneously job training, employee empowerment and work environment on employee performance. Research partially shows that job training has no positive and significant effect, while employee empowerment and work environment have a positive and significant effect on employee performance. Keywords: Job Training, Employee Empowerment, Work Environment,EmployeePerformanc

    Pengaruh kesadaran Wajib Pajak dan kualitas pelayanan pajak terhadap kepatuhan Wajib Pajak dalam membayar Pajak bumi dan Bangunan di kota Bandung

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    This study aims to determine the effect of taxpayer awareness and tax service quality on taxpayer compliance in paying Land and Building Tax in Bandung City. The sampling technique used is simple random sampling with 75 respondents of Central Bandung City Taxpayers. The data of this study used primary data directly through questionnaires and analyzed using SPSS 25. The method of analysis of this study used multiple linear regression. The results showed that taxpayer awareness and tax service quality simultaneously had a significant effect on taxpayer compliance in paying Land and Building Tax, while the tax service quality partially had no effect on taxpayer compliance in paying Land and Building Tax.     &nbsp

    Analisis Butir Soal Matematika pada UKA PLPG LPTK Fakultas Tarbiyah IAIN Antasari Banjarmasin

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kualitas butir soal matematika padaUKA PLPG LPTK Fakultas Tarbiyah IAIN Antasari Banjarmasin pada tahun 2012. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasilanalisis menunjukkan bahwa kualitas butir soal dari tingkat validitas soal, yangvalid sebesar 66,7 % dan tidak valid sebesar 33,3 %. Dari tingkat reliabilitas soaldengan taraf signifikansi 5% soal dinyatakan tidak reliabel. Berdasarkan tingkatkesukaran soal 83,33% berada pada kategori mudah dan 16,67% berada padakategori sedang. Daya beda soal menunjukkan 66,6% soal dikategorikan baik,16,7% dengan kategori cukup, dan 16,7% dengan kategori tidak baik. Efektivitasdistraktor dari 5 soal yang diujikan, distraktor yang berfungsi hanya 1 butir soal,sedangkan yang tidak berfungsi sebanyak 4 butir soal. Kata kunci: Butir soal matematika, dan UK


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    Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh persoalan masyarakat Kelurahan Lipat Kain yang masih melakukan pembayaran zakat individual atau secara langsung kepada mustahiq, kepada ninik mamak, tidak melalui UPZ yang sudah ada di Kelurahan Lipat Kain. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persepsi masyarakat Kelurahan Lipat Kain terhadap pengelolaan zakat fitrah di Kelurahan Lipat Kain. Informan penelitian ini berjumlah Sembilan orang. Data yang dikumpulkan peneliti yaitu, melalui observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi serta dianalisis menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa pengelolaan zakat fitrah di Kelurahan Lipat Kain, Pertama tentang aspek kognitif, meliputi tentang nisab, haul, asnaf dan motivasi masyarakat dalam memahami zzkat fitrah. Kedua tentang aspek afektif, pengumpulan, pelaksanaan sampai kepada pendistribusian dilakukan oleh panitia pengurus zakat, pendistribusian yang di lakukan juga mengacu kepada Q.S atTaubah ayat 60. Ketiga dari aspek konatif, bahwasanya Masyarakat ikut berpartisipasi dalam melaksanakan kewajiban membayar zakat, dan juga ikut dalam kepanitian zakat fitrah. Sehingga mereka berharap agar pengelolaan zakat fitrah semakin baik dan dipercayai oleh masyarakat dimasa yang akan datang. Kata kunci: Persepsi Masyarakat, Pengelolaan zakat fitra
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