58 research outputs found


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    Udvikling og behandling af mennesker med sindslidelser i det danske velfærdssamfund Mennesker med alvorlige sindslidelser hører til blandt nogle af de mest udsattemennesker i vores velfærdssamfund, og der findes i dag omfattende indsatser rettetmod denne gruppe. Forandringer i velfærdssamfundet har derfor direkte betydningfor disse mennesker – det gælder også skiftet fra en stat, der fokuserer på at skabestabilitet, til en stat, der har fokus på at fremme konkurrence og dynamik. Baseretpå empirisk materiale fra to forskellige psykiatriske institutioner argumenterer vifor, at skiftet fra velfærdsstat til konkurrencestat har betydet en ændring i spændingsfeltetstabilitet-dynamik for disse mennesker. Vi argumenterer i artiklen146for, at et centralt forhold ved de udviklings- og dokumentationsredskaber, somman arbejder med i psykiatrien og socialpsykiatrien i dag, er, at de observerer ogbeskriver patienternes/beboernes liv og væren stadig mere detaljeret for på dennemåde at kunne dokumentere den ønskede forandring. Det har de konsekvenser, atmedarbejdernes arbejde bliver meget styret, og at rum til refleksion formindskes.Samtidig risikerer sindslidendes ønsker om stabilitet at blive tilsidesat til fordel foren præference for en særlig slags dynamisk udvikling, som er vanskeligt for demat efterleve. Derfor foreslår vi afslutningsvis, at begrebsparret dynamik-stabilitetinddrages som analytisk opmærksomhedspunkt i fremtidige undersøgelser afvelfærdssamfundet.Søgeord: psykiatri, socialt arbejde

    GRÆNSELØS STRAF: Om grønlandsk indsathed i et dansk fængsel

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    The fi eldwork upon which this article is based took place among Greenlandic inmates in 2005 in two different prisons, Anstalten ved Herstedvester, Denmark and Anstalten for Domfældte in Nuuk, Greenland. We set out to investigate the affects of being sent from Greenland to Anstalten ved Herstedvester to serve a sentence of indefi nite time. Analytically we combine the two places into one social space, as our informants in Anstalten ved Herstedvester experience the one place through the other. They have all served a sentence in prisons in Greenland and they combine these experiences in understanding their present context. Even though the structure of Anstalten ved Herstedvester is characterized by transparent boundaries and the opposite applies to Anstalten for Domfældte in Nuuk, the prisoners all have diffi culties navigating in the social space. In Herstedvester the rare visits and leaves become a mediator of life inside and outside society. Even though these are desired, they are also experienced as expressions of a life, which is diffi cult to imagine since they feel locked in time and space. Their experience of time is characterised by permanance, which creates ignorance and insecurity, and they feel locked in time and without agency because of the encircled social space. “Home” is another important element of life in prison, but one that almost impossible to obtain. The convicts fi nd a feeling of at-homeness by smoking marijuana. However, some of our informants chose to stop smoking and were thereby able to receive a reduction of their time in prison. &nbsp


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    Dette dobbelte temanummer af Tidsskriftet Antropologi nr. 72 og 73 er baseret på et forskningsseminar afholdt i maj 2014 af det såkaldte Norden-netværk med titlen „Ethnographies of Welfare State Transformations“. Norden-netvæket bestå af danske antropologer fra forskellige akademiske institutioner, som har det til fæles, at de laver feltarbejde i Norden/Skandinavien og møes for at fremme antropologisk teoridannelse og debat om denne etnografiske region. Oplæget til forskningsseminaret var at diskutere politolog og professor ved CBS Ove Kaj Pedersens meget omtalte samtidsdiagnostik om velfædsstatens transformation i retning af „onkurrencestaten“ (Pedersen 2011, Hans Reitzels Forlag) i relation til aktuelle etnografiske studier af møet mellem staten og dens borgere. Vi efterlyste endvidere diskussioner af, hvorvidt og hvordan ædringer af velfædsstaten har og få konsekvenser for centrale begreber som lighed, enshed, fælesskab og egalitæ individualisme, som har domineret den regionale etnografiske litteratur om Norden/Skandinavien. Flere oplæ fra seminaret har fundet vej til temanumrene, ligesom andre er kommet til. &nbsp


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    Dette dobbelte temanummer af Tidsskriftet Antropologi nr. 72 og 73 er baseretpå et forskningsseminar afholdt i maj 2014 af det såkaldte Norden-netværk medtitlen „Ethnographies of Welfare State Transformations“

    A Tropical Marine Microbial Natural Products Geobibliography as an Example of Desktop Exploration of Current Research Using Web Visualisation Tools

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    Microbial marine biodiscovery is a recent scientific endeavour developing at a time when information and other technologies are also undergoing great technical strides. Global visualisation of datasets is now becoming available to the world through powerful and readily available software such as Worldwind™, ArcGIS Explorer™ and Google Earth™. Overlaying custom information upon these tools is within the hands of every scientist and more and more scientific organisations are making data available that can also be integrated into these global visualisation tools. The integrated global view that these tools enable provides a powerful desktop exploration tool. Here we demonstrate the value of this approach to marine microbial biodiscovery by developing a geobibliography that incorporates citations on tropical and near-tropical marine microbial natural products research with Google Earth™ and additional ancillary global data sets. The tools and software used are all readily available and the reader is able to use and install the material described in this article

    Terpenes from Marine-Derived Fungi

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    Terpenes from marine-derived fungi show a pronounced degree of structural diversity, and due to their interesting biological and pharmacological properties many of them have aroused interest from synthetic chemists and the pharmaceutical industry alike. The aim of this paper is to give an overview of the structural diversity of terpenes from marine-derived fungi, highlighting individual examples of chemical structures and placing them in a context of other terpenes of fungal origin. Wherever possible, information regarding the biological activity is presented

    Sustainable Process Optimization in Organizations Inspired by 'Future Workshop', Participatory Action Research, and Storytelling

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    In this article, we aim to elucidate how to work with workflow process mapping and process optimization in organizations through the application of methods inspired by Participatory Action Research (PAR) and storytelling. Inspired by The Future Workshop (Sparre & Boje, 2020), we have adapted the method for working with organizational workflow optimization. The method comprises three primary phases (Critique, Utopia & Realization) that organizational members navigate, supported by relevant interventions facilitated by the organizers. Beyond the focus on workflow process optimization, the overarching purpose of the workshop is to undergo a process conducive to organizational learning and strengthen relationships among organizational members. It is noteworthy that even in cases perceived as a "failed" process by participants, subsequent reflection, and dialogue on the reasons for failure can yield insights or actions tantamount to organizational learning (Nielsen, 1984).The methodological foundation of the workshop derives from critical-utopian action research, aiming to enhance the everyday lives of organizational members through a democratically inclusive process. The distinctive characteristic of this approach lies in its democratic element and the rejection of assuming an expert role in the process (Greenwood & Levin, 2007; Nielsen & Nielsen, 2016). The purpose of support interventions is to inspire participants with data that may engender new insights and assist in the upcoming workshop processes they will undergo, rather than researchers acting as experts with answers to the participant’s questions. Support interventions are particularly influenced by process literature such as Sharp & McDermott (2009) and Imar (1992).Fundamentally differentiating this method from previous approaches to process mapping and optimization is the emphasis on participants, in the three phases, narratively sharing their everyday lives through storytelling. This fosters meaning-creation about their processes through interpersonal influence on their subjective horizons of understanding (Gadamer, 2007). This departure contrasts with an earlier, more functionalist approach where the facilitator acts as an expert, guiding participants to depict an "objective" reality of the process.In this article, we aim to elucidate how to work with workflow process mapping and process optimization in organizations through the application of methods inspired by Participatory Action Research (PAR) and storytelling. Inspired by The Future Workshop (Sparre & Boje, 2020), we have adapted the method for working with organizational workflow optimization. The method comprises three primary phases (Critique, Utopia & Realization) that organizational members navigate, supported by relevant interventions facilitated by the organizers. Beyond the focus on workflow process optimization, the overarching purpose of the workshop is to undergo a process conducive to organizational learning and strengthen relationships among organizational members. It is noteworthy that even in cases perceived as a "failed" process by participants, subsequent reflection, and dialogue on the reasons for failure can yield insights or actions tantamount to organizational learning (Nielsen, 1984).The methodological foundation of the workshop derives from critical-utopian action research, aiming to enhance the everyday lives of organizational members through a democratically inclusive process. The distinctive characteristic of this approach lies in its democratic element and the rejection of assuming an expert role in the process (Greenwood & Levin, 2007; Nielsen & Nielsen, 2016). The purpose of support interventions is to inspire participants with data that may engender new insights and assist in the upcoming workshop processes they will undergo, rather than researchers acting as experts with answers to the participant’s questions. Support interventions are particularly influenced by process literature such as Sharp & McDermott (2009) and Imar (1992).Fundamentally differentiating this method from previous approaches to process mapping and optimization is the emphasis on participants, in the three phases, narratively sharing their everyday lives through storytelling. This fosters meaning-creation about their processes through interpersonal influence on their subjective horizons of understanding (Gadamer, 2007). This departure contrasts with an earlier, more functionalist approach where the facilitator acts as an expert, guiding participants to depict an "objective" reality of the process

    Probabilistic 3D Reconstruction

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    Deep learning has emerged as a powerful paradigm to create accurate 3D maps for autonomous agents. This 3D awareness enable robots to navigate and interact with the world. However, the deep learning methods to create such maps often come without any notion of uncertainties, which can have catastrophic consequences if wrong predictions are propagated through the system.This thesis explores the de-facto pipeline for 3D reconstruction and how uncertainties can be incorporated into each step to ensure the safe deployment of autonomous agents.More specifically, we present a new mental model for understanding uncertainties in deep learning, namely learned versus deduced uncertainties, that originates in pragmatic considerations and offers practical guidelines on how to model uncertainties. The thesis chronologically makes improvements to the four steps of the reconstruction pipeline: 1. Retrieval. We present a Bayesian training procedure to deduce uncertainties for stochastic representations that reduces the risk of silent errors in image retrieval. 2. Structure from Motion. We propose a detector-agnostic method to estimate the uncertainties of deep keypoint detectors and show that the deduced uncertainties improve camera localization accuracy. 3. Multiview Stereo. We present a factorization of dynamic 3D maps that is memory efficient and enable fast training and rendering. Further, we present a probabilistic model to distill a learned 3D prior of local shapes into the reconstruction process. 4. 3D reasoning. Last, we present a novel framework to interact with and manipulate 3D maps in a semantically consistent manner.<br/
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