130 research outputs found

    On Functions Preserving Convergence of Series in Fuzzy n-Normed Spaces

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    The purpose of this paper is to introduce finite convergence sequences and functions preserving convergence of series in fuzzy n-normed spaces


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    Andrographolide is a major bioctive compound found in king of bitter (Andrographis paniculata). In this study, the extraction method and its condition were investigated in order to get an extract with maximum amount of andrographolide by comparing three other extraction methods, i.e. maceration, soxhletation and ultrasonication and also determination for the optimum condition of the selected extraction method. The highest andrographolide amount was found by maceration, so this method was choosen for further optimization of extraction condition. The optimum condition based on the prediction amount from 27 factor combinations was obtained in 360 times of extraction time, 2g/100mL of sample to solvent ratio, and 3fold of extraction frequency with prediction of andrographolide amount was 3.50%. While by using prediction profile, the optimum condition was obtained in 360min of extraction time, 2 g/100mL of sample and solvent ratio, and 4 times of extraction frequency with the amount was 3.47-3.74%

    Some Fixed Point Theorems in Fuzzy n-Normed Spaces

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    The main purpose of this paper is to study the existence of a fixed points in fuzzy n-normed spaces. we proved our main results, a fixed point theorem for a self mapping and a common fixed point theorem for a pair of weakly compatible mappings on fuzzy n-normed spaces. Also we gave some remarks on fuzzy n-normed spaces

    Integral transform methods for solving fractional dynamic equations on time scales

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    We introduce nabla type Laplace transform and Sumudu transform on general time scales. We investigate the properties and the applicability of these integral transforms and their efficiency in solving fractional dynamic equations on time scales


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    Rapid technological advances have made blockchain technology applicable not only to digital money, but in various fields. One of the areas that can be implemented by blockchain is digital tourism, specifically in the online review system of tourism products. The current online review system has several problems due to its centralized nature. The problem faced is the manipulation of review data which can be in the form of review deletion by a centralized party. This research proposes a decentralized online review system using the Ethereum blockchain technology, Smart Contracts, and IPFS to provide a secure, transparent, and trustworthy online review system platform. The purpose of this research is to implement a permission-less blockchain as a storage for reviews (review forms and log notes) and develop a web application as a user interface. The data used is data from travel sites which contain details about hotels and restaurants in Bukhara. The results displayed are the development of a web application that implements a permission-less blockchain using Ethereum and the system performance is displayed based on system testing, which comprised of unit testing and Black-Box testing

    On some (q,h)-analogues of integral inequalities on discrete time scales

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    AbstractHere we provide some Feng Qi type (q,h)-integral inequalities on discrete time scales, by using analytic and elementary methods in (q,h)-calculus. We show that these inequalities are reduced for h=0 to the Feng Qi type q-integral inequalities on quantum calculus, reduced for q=1 to the Feng Qi type h-integral inequalities on h-calculus and reduced for q=h=1 to the Feng Qi type integral inequalities on difference calculus

    The Waiving of Jurisdictional Concerns in Arbitration: A Case Study of the IMFA v. Indonesia Arbitration

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    As a field of law that is constantly developing, International Investment Law relies quite heavily on past arbitration awards or jurisprudence to derive the applicable laws in each respective case. This means that every new arbitration award should ideally be studied in order to identify what possible ramifications it may have for a future arbitration case. It is therefore of utmost importance that arbitral tribunals formulate and state their reasoning when they come to a conclusion regarding a disputed issue in a case. Doing this would provide insight as to the tribunal’s legal reasoning and would clear up any possible issues of legal certainty for the case in question as well as be of benefit for future tribunals. This is the reason for scrutinizing the IMFA v. Indonesia award. The tribunal in IMFA v. Indonesia had decided to forego coming to a conclusion on some of the jurisdictional arguments on the grounds that the merits of the case were found to be in favor of the Respondent (as the party who challenged the tribunal’s jurisdiction). This sort of waiving of Jurisdictional concerns is not advisable considering the precedent it would set, and also considering the fact that it would run counter to the Kompetenz-Kompetenz doctrine and right to present one’s case. This article aims to use the IMFA v. Indonesia case as a study to elaborate on why such a waiving is inadvisable and would set a bad precedent. Keywords: Arbitration, Jurisdiction, Kompetenz-Kompetenz DOI: 10.7176/JLPG/123-07 Publication date:August 31st 202

    Probabilistic norms and statistical convergence of random variables

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    The paper extends certain stochastic convergence of sequences of <B>R<SUP>k</SUP></B> -valued random variables (namely, the convergence in probability, in L<SUP>p</SUP> and almost surely) to the context of E-valued random variables

    Organisasi Keselamatan Dalam Firma Kontraktor Penubuhan Dan Perlaksanaannya

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    Akta Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan 1994 menyediakan rangka perundangan untuk memupuk, meransang dan menggalakkan mutu keselamatan yang tinggi semasa bekerja. The Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 provides the legislative frame-work to promote, stimulate and encourage high standards of safety at work


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini tujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan tingkat social physique anxiety pada atlet penyandang disabilitas laki-laki dan perempuan yang ada di Kota Bandung. Orang yang mengalami cacat fisik khawatir dirinya akan mendapat penilaian negatif dari orang lain, khawatir tidak mampu mendapat persetujuan dari orang lain serta takut melakukan perilaku yang memalukan di muka umum. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode komparatif dengan melibatkan 64 orang yang terdiri dari 42 laki-laki dan 22 perempuan atlet NPCI Kota Bandung sebagai sampel. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan terhadap tingkat social physique anxiety pada atlet penyandang disabilitas laki-laki dan perempuan dengan nilai sig. (p = 0,561 > 0,05) karena keduanya berada pada tingkat social physique anxiety yang sama yaitu kategori sedang. The aim of this research is to find out the differences in the level of social physique anxiety in athletes with disabilities in men and women in the city of Bandung. People with physical disabilities worry that they will get negative evaluation from other people, worry about not being able to get approval from other people and are afraid to do embarrassing behavior in public. This study used a comparative method involving 64 people consisting of 42 male and 22 female NPCI Bandung City athletes as samples. The results of the study showed that there was no significant difference in the level of social physique anxiety in male and female athletes with disabilities with a sig. (p = 0.561 > 0.05) because both are at the same level of social physical anxiety, namely the moderate category