1,180 research outputs found

    Factores relacionados con el inicio en el consumo de tabaco en alumnos de Enseñanza Secundaria Obligatoria

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    Objective: To study the prevalence of smoking in students of Secondary Education at IES "The Valley" and the factors that lead to the first use of snuff.Methods: Cross-sectional study on a sample of 123 students obtained through convenience sampling. The information was collected by a self-administered questionnaire that included variables of age, sex, family socioeconomic status, characteristics of tobacco use among adolescents, knowledge about snuff and parental attitudes.Results: The prevalence of snuff stood at 42%, of which 48% are regular smokers. Are confirmed as risks factors for the initial use of snuff the existence of smoking sibilings and a good friend who does too. Other variables such as the absence of a parent, parental smoking, educational level and parental occupation, physical activity and attendance at festivals could not be defined as risk factors due to insufficient sample size.Conclusions: The prevalence of smokers was similar to that obtained in other studies with similar characteristics. Smoking prevention should focus on the family and the adolescent environment.Objetivo: Estudiar la prevalencia del hábito tabáquico en los estudiantes de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria del IES “El Valle” y los factores relacionados con el inicio del consumo de tabaco.Métodos: Estudio descriptivo transversal sobre una muestra de 123 alumnos obtenida mediante muestreo por conveniencia. La información fue recogida mediante un cuestionario autoadministrable que incluía variables de edad, sexo, nivel socioeconómico de la familia, características del hábito tabáquico en adolescentes, conocimientos acerca del tabaco y actitud de los padres.Resultados: La prevalencia del tabaco se situó en un 42% de los alumnos, de los cuales un 48% son fumadores habituales. Se confirman como factores de riesgo para el inicio en el consumo de tabaco la existencia de hermanos que fumen y de un mejor amigo que también lo haga. Otras variables como la ausencia de alguno de los padres, padres fumadores, nivel académico y laboral de los padres, actividad física y concurrencia a fiestas no han podido ser definidas como factores de riesgo debido, probablemente, a un tamaño de muestra insuficiente.Conclusiones: La prevalencia de fumadores es similar a la obtenida en otros estudios con parecidas características. La prevención del tabaquismo debe centrarse en la familia y el entorno del adolescente

    Conocimientos y actitudes sobre sexualidad en adolescentes de primer curso de Grado en Educación Infantil y Primaria de la Universidad de Jaén

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    Introduction: Both teen pregnancy and the prevalence of sexually transmitted infections in this population is a health problem of great importance. Framing adolescent and sexuality, studies indicate high frequencies in risky behaviours and poor knowledge about contraception and sexually transmitted diseases.Objective: To describe the knowledge and attitudes about adolescent sexuality of First Degree in Education at University of Jaén.Method: The information was collected through an anonymous, voluntary, self-administered questionnaire, which was applied to a non-random convenience sample of 151 subjects First Degree in Early Childhood and Primary at the University of Jaén.Results: 118 reported having had sex with penetration, being these significant differences between girls and boys (p = .034), as well as for masturbation regarding sex (96% men vs. 19% women). They are the women who practice more fellatio (p = .031), but these sexual practices are carried out with partner (p = .01), boys are who have higher alcohol consumption prior to intercourse (p =. 021) and higher number of sexual partners (p = .026). They are still women who identify, greater proportion, the papilloma as STD (p = .02). And 27.7% is who known dual method of contraception.Conclusions: Three quarters of the sample had sex, and most have sex in the currently, using contraception to prevent pregnancy. Rating this together with a deficit of knowledge of the dual method contraceptive (a quarter of the total) and sexually transmitted infections, leads us to think that is necessary sex education for these teens.Objetivo: Conocer los conocimientos y actitudes sobre sexualidad en los adolescentes de primero de Grado en Educación de la Universidad de Jaén.Material y Método: Los datos se recogieron a través de un cuestionario anónimo, voluntario y autocumplimentado, el cual se aplicó a una muestra no probabilística por conveniencia de 151 sujetos estudiantes de primer curso de Grado en Educación Infantil y Primaria de la Universidad de Jaén.Resultados: 118 manifiestan haber mantenido relaciones sexuales con penetración, siendo estas diferencias significativas entre chicas y chicos (p=.034), al igual que para la masturbación en cuanto al sexo (96% de los hombres frente a 19% de las mujeres). También son las mujeres las que practican más el fellatio (p=.031), pero estas prácticas sexuales las realizan con la pareja (p=.01), siendo los chicos los que presentan mayor consumo de alcohol previo al coito (p=.021) y mayor número de parejas sexuales (p=.026). Siguen siendo ellas las que identifican en mayor proporción el papiloma como ITS (p=.02). Y el 27,7% del total conocen el doble método anticonceptivo.Conclusión: Tres cuartas partes de la muestra han mantenido relaciones coitales haciendo uso de anticonceptivos para evitar el embarazo. Valorando esto junto con un escaso conocimiento del doble método (una cuarta parte del total) y de las infecciones de transmisión sexual, nos lleva a pensar como materia necesaria la educación sexual para estos adolescentes

    Hygrothermal Performance of Worship Spaces: Preservation, Comfort and Energy Consumption

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    The energy problem, one the most important on a global scale, greatly affects the environment. Much of the current energy consumption occurs in existing buildings, including heritage buildings with varying protected status. Energy intervention and heritage conservation conflict to some extent, as research focuses more on the search for improved energy efficiency solutions for materials and systems than on their application to heritage buildings. This study describes experimental research on environmental conditioning techniques in spaces of worship in a temperate climate in southern Spain. Buildings were monitored and assessed in the implementation of different environmental techniques—active and combined (passive and active)—with the aim of improving the thermal comfort conditions of the faithful while preserving the cultural heritage of these buildings. The need for a control system of RH and the air system was concluded, as well as radiant floors and radiators, which, in the considered case studies, would barely affect the artworks. 24- and 12-h operation are better suited to heritage preservation than occasional use. All operation schedules are valid for thermal comfort.Universidad de Malaga Universidad de Sevill

    Hygrothermal Performance of Worship Spaces: Preservation, Comfort, and Energy Consumption

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    The energy problem, one the most important on a global scale, greatly affects the environment. Much of the current energy consumption occurs in existing buildings, including heritage buildings with varying protected status. Energy intervention and heritage conservation conflict to some extent, as research focuses more on the search for improved energy efficiency solutions for materials and systems than on their application to heritage buildings. This study describes experimental research on environmental conditioning techniques in spaces of worship in a temperate climate in southern Spain. Buildings were monitored and assessed in the implementation of different environmental techniques—active and combined (passive and active)—with the aim of improving the thermal comfort conditions of the faithful while preserving the cultural heritage of these buildings. The need for a control system of RH and the air system was concluded, as well as radiant floors and radiators, which, in the considered case studies, would barely affect the artworks. 24- and 12-h operation are better suited to heritage preservation than occasional use. All operation schedules are valid for thermal comfort

    Gestión del paisaje y gobierno del territorio. Una mirada crítica desde la región urbana de Madrid

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    El artículo aborda la gestión del paisaje como un asunto de política pública, de gobierno del territorio, de acuerdo con lo que establece el Convenio Europeo del Paisaje, del Consejo de Europa. La cuestión se concreta en la región metropolitana de Madrid, poniendo en relación conocimiento paisajístico y acción pública a dos escalas estrechamente relacionadas: la escala territorial, referida a los paisajes de predominio natural y rural, y escasa urbanización hasta el momento, y la escala de las ciudades y sus periferias en un contexto de región urbana. En el texto se recogen los resultados empíricos y las propuestas metodológicas del estudio de caracterización y valoración del paisaje llevado a cabo para el conjunto de la Comunidad de Madrid, y, con un método específico, para el área urbana de Getafe, en el corredor metropolitano Madrid-Toledo. El artículo concluye la necesidad de más y mejor conocimiento para desarrollar una política explícita a favor de la defensa y mejora de los valores del paisaje, pero también la necesidad de un instrumento estratégico de planificación territorial que, con calidad democrática, aporte cohesión y prudencia al gobierno del territorio. Algunas medidas recientes del Gobierno regional, autorizando la construcción de viviendas en el campo, que el texto critica, no parecen ir en esa línea.This paper discusses, according to the European Landscape Convention (Council of Europe), the landscape management as matter of public policy and governance. It focuses on the metropolitan area of Madrid, putting in relation landscape knowledge and public action in two closely related scales: the territorial scale, landscapes of rural and natural dominance and low urbanization until now, and the scale of cities and their peripheries in a context of urban region. Paper shows both, methodological proposals and empirical results of characterization and evaluation study of landscape carried out for the whole of the Region of Madrid; and, with a specific method, for the urban area of Getafe, in the Toledo metropolitan corridor. It concludes the need for more and better knowledge to develop an explicit policy in favour of the conservation and improvement of the landscape values, but also the adoption of a strategic instrument of territorial planning which democratic quality, that provides cohesion and prudence to the government of the territory. Madrid Autonomous Region Regional Government recent political decisions authorizing housing developments in countryside, text criticizes, are not going in the right direction

    Relación entre la variación horaria de la concentración de polen de Púmtago y la meteorología

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    XV lnternational A.P.L.E. Symposium of Palynolog


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    The aim of this work is to study the knowledge of first time mothers about breastfeeding, to assess its efficacy and to analyze differences depending on various sociodemographic factors. It was carried out a cross-sectional descriptive study on 97 women through non-probability convenience sampling. A previously validated questionnaire was used, with sociodemographic questions and 14 items on the efficacy of breastfeeding and five possible answers for each item. A descriptive analysis of the sample was performed to subsequently carry out a bivariate analysis. The mean age was 31.9 years, 81.4% were married and 22.7% had no education. 67% of the mothers studied were of Spanish nationality. Significant differences regarding nationality, level of studies and marital status were found. It was concluded that the efficacy of breastfeeding in the study sample is generally lacking. First time mothers do not feel able to carry out the circumstances proposed to them.El objetivo de este trabajo es estudiar los conocimientos de mujeres primerizas acerca de la lactancia materna, así como valorar la autoeficacia de ésta y analizar las diferencias en función de diversos factores sociodemográficos. Para ello se llevó a cabo un estudio descriptivo transversal sobre 97 mujeres, mediante muestreo no probabilístico de conveniencia. Se utilizó un cuestionario previamente validado con preguntas sociodemográficas y 14 ítems sobre la autoeficacia de la lactancia materna, con cinco opciones de respuesta para cada ítem. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo de la muestra para, posteriormente, llevar a cabo un análisis bivariante. La media de edad fue de 31,9 años; un 81,4% estaban casadas y un 22,7% no tenían estudios. Un 67% de las madres estudiadas fueron de nacionalidad española. Se encontraron diferencias significativas referidas a la nacionalidad, al estado civil y al nivel de estudios de la mujer. Se concluyó que la autoeficacia de la lactancia materna en la muestra estudiada es, en general, deficitaria. Las mujeres primerizas no se sienten capacitadas para llevar a cabo las circunstancias que se les propone.O objetivo deste estudo é estudar o conhecimento das mulheres gilts sobre amamentação, e para avaliar a eficácia deste e analisar diferenças dependendo de vários fatores sociodemográficos. Foi realizado um estudo descritivo transversal em 97 mulheres por meio de amostragem por conveniência não probabilística. previamente validado questionário com questões demográficas e 14 itens sobre a eficácia da amamentação, com Foram utilizados cinco opções de resposta para cada item. A análise descritiva da amostra foi realizado para levar posteriormente a uma análise bivariada. A idade média foi de 31,9 anos, 81,4% eram casados e 22,7% não tinham estudos. 67% das mães estudadas eram de nacionalidade espanhola. Foram encontradas diferenças significativas em relação à nacionalidade, nível de estudos e estado civil. Concluiu-se que a eficácia da amamentação na amostra do estudo é geralmente falta. Gilts as mulheres não se sentem capacitados para realizar as circunstâncias que lhes são propostas

    Influencia de tener perros sobre la salud percibida en personas mayores de Jaén (España)

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    Este estudio descriptivo transversal, realizado en 2014, busca determinar la influencia que puede ejercer la convivencia con un perro sobre la salud percibida en personas mayores. La muestra de 120 personas mayores de Jaén (54 con perro y 66 sin perro) se obtuvo mediante muestreo por conveniencia entre los meses de septiembre a noviembre. Los datos se recolectaron con la escala del Perfil de Salud de Nottingham, cuestionario autoadministrado que consta de 38 ítems con dos opciones de respuesta (sí/no). Del total de la muestra, el 45% eran dueños de perros, con una media de edad de 71,7 años frente al 55% que no tenían perros a su cargo y cuya media de edad fue de 69,03 años. Se obtuvieron diferencias estadísticamente significativas tanto en todas las dimensiones del cuestionario, excepto energía y sueño, como en la puntuación global del cuestionario. Se concluye que a pesar de que la media de edad del grupo de personas que tienen perros es mayor, reportan una salud percibida superior a la del grupo de adultos mayores que no tienen ningún can

    Combination of XANES spectroscopy and molecular dynamics to probe the local structure in disordered systems

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    Individual configurations obtained from molecular dynamics have been combined with the computation of x-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) spectra to obtain a theoretical estimation of the spectrum corresponding to a system in a condensed medium lacking long-range order. The influence of the different geometries on the spectrum is studied. The results obtained indicate that the reproduction of the features of the XANES spectrum requires a good sampling of geometrical arrangements. As a test case, an aqueous solution of Cr(H2O)6 3+ was selected, since its simulation reproduces well structural results. The contribution of the second hydration shell on the shape of the spectrum was determined.Dirección General de Investigación Científica y Técnica IFD97-118

    Numerical Modelling of Magnetic Nanoparticle Behavior in an Alternating Magnetic Field Based on Multiphysics Coupling

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    In magnetic nanoparticle hyperthermia, the magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) start oscilla- tions when they are exposed to an alternating magnetic field, which may generate ultra- sound waves. These resulting oscillations of nanoparticles can lead to the movement of drug carrier liposomes. In this study, a multiphysics coupling model of magnetic nanoparticle behavior in an alternating magnetic field was developed, implementing solid mechanics compliance parameters and piezomagnetic coupling matrices. A detailed sensitivity study was conducted to to examine the effects of size and elastic modulus of MNPs, distribution and distance between two MNPs, elasticity and viscosity of the glycerol medium and mesh element sizes on the output displacement signals of MNPs. The results indicated that mag- netic nanoparticles undergo some displacements when they are exposed to an alternating magnetic field. These oscillations may generate ultrasound waves, though the amount of displacement for each nanoparticle is negligibly small. It is expected that aggregated nanoparticles result in much higher oscillations.Ministry of Science and Innovation, Spain grant numbers PID2019-106947RA-C2FEDER EQC2018-004508-