2,969 research outputs found

    Shot Noise in Gravitational-Wave Detectors with Fabry-Perot Arms

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    Shot-noise-limited sensitivity is calculated for gravitational-wave interferometers with Fabry–Perot arms, similar to those being installed at the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) and the Italian–French Laser Interferometer Collaboration (VIRGO) facility. This calculation includes the effect of nonstationary shot noise that is due to phase modulation of the light. The resulting formula is experimentally verified by a test interferometer with suspended mirrors in the 40-m arms

    The influence of stress and muscle fatigue on implicitly and explicitly learned motor skills

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    According to Beek (2000), disturbing causes at the upper level of action (i.e. stress) and at the lower level of control (i.e. muscular fatigue) might result in different effects on performance when comparing implicit and explicit learning. In the present experiment an errorless/errorfull learning paradigm was used to enable the implicit/explicit acquisition of a dart throwing skill. After a pretest, the errorfull group (N=23) throwed from a progressively decreasing distance (from 317 to 257 cm), while the inverse procedure was used for the errorless group (N=21) (from 157 to 217 cm). One week after the four-day learning period (400 trials) both groups performed a transfer test, a fatigue test and a stress test (all from 237 cm). The fatigue test was preceded by a double Wingate protocol on an arm crank ergometer. At the beginning of the stress test participants were told they could win a significant financial reward in case of a good performance. Retrospective self-report of nervousness was administered under stressed and unstressed conditions. Hitting accuracy of the errorfull group improved from M=5.29 (maximum=15) in the first learning block to M=7.81 in the final learning block, while the errorless group evolved from M=9.67 to M=8.74, which is typical for an errorless/errorfull learning paradigm. In comparison to the scores at the pre-test both groups performed equally (performance increase of 22%) at the transfer test. Performance of both groups decreased at the fatigue test, but this decrease was much less in the explicit group (5%, ns) as compared to the implicit group (18%, p<.005). Stress manipulation resulted in an increase of self-reported nervousness; however stress did not have a differential impact on performance in both groups. Our results of the fatigue test confirmed the hypothesis of robustness of explicit motor learning to physiological fatigue, meaning that success depends on the person’s ability to circumvent the (temporary) impairment induced by muscular fatigue, and thus develop alternative strategies based upon explicit knowledge. The contradiction with the findings of Poolton et al. (2006) may be due to task specificity and the sort of fatigue induced (local vs. global), which calls for further research on this topic. Our results of the stress test do not show the superiority of implicit or explicit learning when performing under stress

    Epidemiology of Prostate Cancer

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    Complex patterns of schist tor exposure and surface uplift, Otago (New Zealand)

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    Landscapes are subjected to surface denudation during their complex and non-linear evolution. In order to quantify the in situ surface lowering and, thus, denudation or soil erosion rates, new, multi-millennia archives are needed and must be rigorously tested. Large residual rocks, tors, are the basis for the Tor Exhumation Approach. Here we present novel results on meta-sedimentary (schist) rock tors using this approach, which previously has only been applied in granitic terrains. The exhumation patterns of eight schist tors in three landscape locations (valley, ridge, distal) of Otago, New Zealand, were studied using cosmogenic dating. The in situ 10Be ages have high variability along individual vertical tor profiles. Average surface age is 122 ± 12 ka and ranges from 836 ± 89 ka to 19 ± 2 ka. The majority of investigated tors have surfaced during the MIS 5 which was one of the wettest and warmest climate periods. The resulting surface denudation trend of the three locations differs. The valley commenced denudation no earlier than ~200 ka with rates of ~0.22 [m kyr−1] to ~0.02 [m kyr−1]. In contrast, exposure started at the ridge position around 230 ka at ~0.03 [m kyr−1]. An age inversion found in the valley is considered to be the result of mushroom-like exposure by undercutting and repeated rock breakoffs. The distal site tor has been exhumed continuously for ~120 ka at a rate of ~0.2 to ~0.05 [m kyr−1]. We identified a mix of surface emergence patterns of the tors such as continuous-, mushroom-, tafoni- and structural-like. The comparison to modern erosion rates indicates that surface erosion has increased up to a factor of ten during the last few decades. To determine the actual surface uplift, we linked the tor derived surface denudation rates with rock uplift data. The data indicates that the surface uplift rates started to decrease during the Middle Pleistocene (0.04–0.09 [m kyr−1]), remained relatively low during the Late Pleistocene (~0.01 [m kyr−1]) and started to increase again during the Holocene (c. 0.21–0.64 [m kyr−1]). In summary, the emergence pattern of local tors enabled reconstruction of the evolution of Pleistocene-Holocene surfaces in East Otago

    Can the use of digital algorithms improve quality care? An example from Afghanistan

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    Quality of care is a difficult parameter to measure. With the introduction of digital algorithms based on the Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI), we are interested to understand if the adherence to the guidelines improved for a better quality of care for children under 5 years old.; More than one year after the introduction of digital algorithms, we carried out two cross sectional studies to assess the improvements in comparison with the situation prior to the implementation of the project, in two Basic Health Centres in Kabul province. One survey was carried out inside the consultation room and was based on the direct observation of 181 consultations of children aged 2 months to 5 years old, using a checklist completed by a senior physicians. The second survey queried 181 caretakers of children outside the health facility for their opinion about the consultation carried out through the tablet and prescriptions and medications given.; We measured the quality of care as adherence to the IMCI's guidelines. The study evaluated the quality of the physical examination and the therapies prescribed with a special attention to antibiotic prescription. We noticed a dramatic improvement (p&lt;0.05) of several indicators following the introduction of digital algorithms. The baseline physical examination was appropriate only for 23.8% [IC% 19.9-28.1] of the patients, 34.5% [IC% 30.0-39.2] received a correct treatment and 86.1% [IC% 82.4-89.2] received at least one antibiotic. With the introduction of digital algorithms, these indicators statistically improved respectively to 84.0% [IC% 77.9-88.6], &gt;85% and less than 30%.; Our findings suggest that digital algorithms improve quality of care by applying the guidelines more effectively. Our experience should encourage to test this tool in different settings and to scale up its use at province/state level

    Chronic nonbacterial osteomyelitis in childhood: prospective follow-up during the first year of anti-inflammatory treatment

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    Introduction: Chronic nonbacterial osteomyelitis (CNO) is an inflammatory disorder of unknown etiology. In children and adolescents CNO predominantly affects the metaphyses of the long bones, but lesions can occur at any site of the skeleton. Prospectively followed cohorts using a standardized protocol in diagnosis and treatment have rarely been reported. Methods: Thirty-seven children diagnosed with CNO were treated with naproxen continuously for the first 6 months. If assessment at that time revealed progressive disease or no further improvement, sulfasalazine and short-term corticosteroids were added. The aims of our short-term follow-up study were to describe treatment response in detail and to identify potential risk factors for an unfavorable outcome. Results: Naproxen treatment was highly effective in general, inducing a symptom-free status in 43% of our patients after 6 months. However, four nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) partial-responders were additionally treated with sulfasalazine and short-term corticosteroids. The total number of clinical detectable lesions was significantly reduced. Mean disease activity estimated by the patient/physician and the physical aspect of health-related quality of life including functional ability (global assessment/childhood health assessment questionnaire and childhood health assessment questionnaire) and pain improved significantly. Forty-one percent of our patients showed radiological relapses, but 67% of them were clinically silent. Conclusions: Most children show a favorable clinical course in the first year of anti-inflammatory treatment with NSAIDs. Relapses and new radiological lesions can occur at any time and at any site in the skeleton but may not be clinically symptomatic. Whole-body magnetic resonance imaging proved to be very sensitive for initial and follow-up diagnostics

    Soil weathering dynamics and erosion in a dry oceanic area of the southern hemisphere (Otago, New Zealand)

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    Landscape evolution is driven by tectonics, climate and surface denudation. In New Zealand, tectonics and steep climatic gradients cause a dynamic landscape with intense chemical weathering, rapid soil formation, and high soil losses. In this study, soil, and elemental redistribution along two adjacent hillslopes in East Otago, New Zealand, having different landscape settings (ridge versus valley) are compared to identify soil weathering and erosion dynamics. Fallout radionuclides (239+240^{239+240}Pu) show that over the last ~ 60 years, average soil erosion rates in the valley (~ 260 [t km−2^{−2} year−1^{−1}]) are low compared to the ridge (~ 990 [t km−2^{−2} year−1^{−1}]). The ridge yields up to 26% lower soil weathering intensity than the topographical-protected valley. The lowest soil weathering intensity is found at both hilltop positions, where tors (residual rocks) are present and partially disintegrate. The soil weathering intensity increases with distance from tors, suggesting that tors rejuvenate the chemical weathering signature at the hilltop positions with fresh material. The inversed and decreasing weathering degree with all soil depth indicates that the fresh mineral contribution must be higher at the soil surface than at the bedrock weathering front. Higher erosion rates at the exposed ridge may be partially attributed to wind, consistent with rock abrasion of tors, and low local river sediment yields (56 [t km−2^{−2} year−1^{−1}]). Thus, the East Otago spatial patterns of soil chemistry and erosion are governed by tor degradation and topographic exposure

    Influence of Surfactants on Lipase Fat Digestion in a Model Gastro-intestinal System

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    In the present study, we use a model gastro-intestinal system to study the influence of different food-grade surface-active molecules (Sn-2 monopalmitin, ÎČ-lactoglobulin, or lysophosphatodylcholine) on lipase activity. The interfacial activity of lipase and surfactants are assessed with the pendant drop technique, a commonly used tensiometry instrument. A mathematical model is adopted which enables quantitative determination of the composition of the water–oil interface as a function of bulk surfactant concentration in the water–oil mixtures. Our results show a decrease in gastric lipolysis when interfacially active molecules are incorporated into a food matrix. However, only the Sn-2 monopalmitin caused a systematic decrease in triglyceride hydrolysis throughout the gastro-intestinal tract. This effect is most likely due to exclusion of both lipase and triglyceride from the water–oil interface together with a probable saturation of the solubilization capacity of bile with monoglycerides. Addition of ÎČ-lactoglobulin or lysophopholipids increased the hydrolysis of fat after the gastric phase. These results can be attributed to an increasing interfacial area with lipase and substrate present at the interface. Otherwise, ÎČ-lactoglobulin, or lysophopholipids reduced fat hydrolysis in the stomach. From the mathematical modeling of the interface composition, we can conclude that Sn-2 monopalmitin can desorb lipase from the interface, which, together with exclusion of substrate from the interface, explains the gradually decreased triglyceride hydrolysis that occurs during the digestion. Our results provide a biophysics approach on lipolysis that can bring new insights into the problem of fat uptake
