182 research outputs found

    Entanglement generation resonances in XY chains

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    We examine the maximum entanglement reached by an initially fully aligned state evolving in an XY Heisenberg spin chain placed in a uniform transverse magnetic field. Both the global entanglement between one qubit and the rest of the chain and the pairwise entanglement between adjacent qubits is analyzed. It is shown that in both cases the maximum is not a monotonous decreasing function of the aligning field, exhibiting instead a resonant behavior for low anisotropies, with pronounced peaks (a total of [n/2] peaks in the global entanglement for an nn-spin chain), whose width is proportional to the anisotropy and whose height remains finite in the limit of small anisotropy. It is also seen that the maximum pairwise entanglement is not a smooth function of the field even in small finite chains, where it may exhibit narrow peaks above strict plateaus. Explicit analytical results for small chains, as well as general exact results for finite n-spin chains obtained through the Jordan-Wigner mapping, are discussed

    History states of one-dimensional quantum walks

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    We analyze the application of the history state formalism to quantum walks. The formalism allows one to describe the whole walk through a pure quantum history state, which can be derived from a timeless eigenvalue equation. It naturally leads to the notion of system-time entanglement of the walk, which can be considered as a measure of the number of orthogonal states visited in the walk. We then focus on one-dimensional discrete quantum walks, where it is shown that such entanglement is independent of the initial spin orientation for real Hadamard-type quantum coins and real initial states (in the standard basis) with definite site-parity. Moreover, in the case of an initially localized particle it can be identified with the entanglement of the unitary global operator that generates the whole history state, which is related to its entangling power and can be analytically evaluated. Besides, it is shown that the evolution of the spin subsystem can also be described through a spin history state with an extended clock. A connection between its average entanglement (over all initial states) and that of the operator generating this state is also derived. A quantum circuit for generating the quantum walk history state is as well provided.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure

    Stability, complex modes and non-separability in rotating quadratic potentials

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    We examine the dynamics of a particle in a general rotating quadratic potential, not necessarily stable or isotropic, using a general complex mode formalism. The problem is equivalent to that of a charged particle in a quadratic potential in the presence of a uniform magnetic field. It is shown that the unstable system exhibits a rich structure, with complex normal modes as well as non-standard modes of evolution characterized by equations of motion which cannot be decoupled (non-separable cases). It is also shown that in some unstable cases the dynamics can be stabilized by increasing the magnetic field or tuning the rotational frequency, giving rise to dynamical stability or instability windows. The evolution in general non-diagonalizable cases is as well discussed.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure

    In-farm cost of an outbreak of diarrhoea in lambs

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    This article analyses the cost of diarrhoea in lambs on dairy sheep farms located in Grosseto (Italy). Farmers’ profits have recently declined due to a stable product price but increasing production costs. Animal diseases have a cascade of effects on farm productivity. Lamb enteric disease outbreaks, which result in mortality in the herd and reduced weight gain, can drastically compromise the income of farmers. An economic analysis of the impact of an outbreak of diarrhoea in lambs was thus performed, evaluating the cost of disease based on the main visible production losses (such as mortality, reduced weight gain and variation in milk production). A sensitivity analysis was also conducted by applying different observed ranges of prevalence and mortality associated with the disease. Finally, an economic scenario analysis was performed, considering different in-farm management options for delivering lambs to the abattoir, i.e. early, standard and late delivery. The results showed that a dairy sheep farm with around 300 lambs that delivers them to the abattoir at 30 days of age would experience a loss of between 50 and 1200 Euro during an outbreak of diarrhoea with a prevalence of 34.21 (23.54–44.88)% and a mortality of 15.69 (9.98–21.4)%

    Entanglement of two harmonic modes coupled by angular momentum

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    We examine the entanglement induced by an angular momentum coupling between two harmonic systems. The Hamiltonian corresponds to that of a charged particle in a uniform magnetic field in an anisotropic quadratic potential, or equivalently, to that of a particle in a rotating quadratic potential. We analyze both the vacuum and thermal entanglement, obtaining analytic expressions for the entanglement entropy and negativity through the gaussian state formalism. It is shown that vacuum entanglement diverges at the edges of the dynamically stable sectors, increasing with the angular momentum and saturating for strong fields, whereas at finite temperature, entanglement is non-zero just within a finite field or frequency window and no longer diverges. Moreover, the limit temperature for entanglement is finite in the whole stable domain. The thermal behavior of the gaussian quantum discord and its difference with the negativity is also discussed.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    Pair Fluctuations in Ultra-small Fermi Systems within Self-Consistent RPA at Finite Temperature

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    A self-consistent version of the Thermal Random Phase Approximation (TSCRPA) is developed within the Matsubara Green's Function (GF) formalism. The TSCRPA is applied to the many level pairing model. The normal phase of the system is considered. The TSCRPA results are compared with the exact ones calculated for the Grand Canonical Ensemble. Advantages of the TSCRPA over the Thermal Mean Field Approximation (TMFA) and the standard Thermal Random Phase Approximation (TRPA) are demonstrated. Results for correlation functions, excitation energies, single particle level densities, etc., as a function of temperature are presented.Comment: 22 pages, 13 figers and 3 table

    Latitudinal Variation in the Toxicity and Sexual Compatibility of Alexandrium catenella Strains from Southern Chile

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    The bloom-forming toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium catenella was first detected in southern Chile (39.5–55° S) 50 years ago and is responsible for most of the area’s cases of paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP). Given the complex life history of A. catenella, which includes benthic sexual cysts, in this study, we examined the potential link between latitude, toxicity, and sexual compatibility. Nine clones isolated from Chilean Patagonia were used in self- and out-crosses in all possible combinations (n = 45). The effect of latitude on toxicity, reproductive success indexes, and cyst production was also determined. Using the toxin profiles for all strains, consisting of C1, C2, GTX4, GTX1, GTX3, and NeoSTX, a latitudinal gradient was determined for their proportions (%) and content per cell (pg cell−1), with the more toxic strains occurring in the north (−40.6° S). Reproductive success also showed a latitudinal tendency and was lower in the north. None of the self-crosses yielded resting cysts. Rather, the production of resting cysts was highest in pairings of clones separated by distances of 1000–1650 km. Our results contribute to a better understanding of PSP outbreaks in the region and demonstrate the importance of resting cysts in fueling new toxic events. They also provide additional evidence that the introduction of strains from neighboring regions is a cause for concern.En prens

    Characterizing entanglement with global and marginal entropic measures

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    We qualify the entanglement of arbitrary mixed states of bipartite quantum systems by comparing global and marginal mixednesses quantified by different entropic measures. For systems of two qubits we discriminate the class of maximally entangled states with fixed marginal mixednesses, and determine an analytical upper bound relating the entanglement of formation to the marginal linear entropies. This result partially generalizes to mixed states the quantification of entaglement with marginal mixednesses holding for pure states. We identify a class of entangled states that, for fixed marginals, are globally more mixed than product states when measured by the linear entropy. Such states cannot be discriminated by the majorization criterion.Comment: 6 pages, 5 color figures in low resolution due to oversizing problems; to get the original high-resolution figures please contact the authors. Minor changes, final versio

    Thermal shape fluctuation effects in the description of hot nuclei

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    The behavior of several nuclear properties with temperature is analyzed within the framework of the Finite Temperature Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov (FTHFB) theory with the Gogny force and large configuration spaces. Thermal shape fluctuations in the quadrupole degree of freedom, around the mean field solution, are taken into account with the Landau prescription. As representative examples the nuclei 164^{164}Er, 152^{152}Dy and 192^{192}Hg are studied. Numerical results for the superfluid to normal and deformed to spherical shape transitions are presented. We found a substantial effect of the fluctuations on the average value of several observables. In particular, we get a decrease in the critical temperature (TcT_c) for the shape transition as compared with the plain FTHFB prediction as well as a washing out of the shape transition signatures. The new values of TcT_c are closer to the ones found in Strutinsky calculations and with the Pairing Plus Quadrupole model Hamiltonian.Comment: 17 pages, 8 Figure
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