12,083 research outputs found

    Getting ahead, falling behind and standing still. Income mobility in Chile

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    This paper analyses household income mobility in Chile between 1996 and 2001. Compared to industrialized and most developing countries, mobility has been quite high. The purpose of this paper is to apply a binomial probit model and split analysis into assessment of individuals and households on the relative income distribution. Main results are that moving from unemployment to employment significantly increases probability of moving up and decreases probability of moving down. Technical-professional education is promoting move up on the relative income scale and it is protecting movement down. An important result is that high-school education decreases probability of degradation.Mobility, Poverty, Household structure, Chile

    Mayors’ Reelection Choice and the Economy: Evidence from Portugal

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    Using a data set that covers all Portuguese mainland municipalities for the period 1979-2005, this study performs an empirical analysis of the economic determinants of Mayors' choice to run for another term. The literature on the subject is mainly centered on the United States and, as far as we know, no papers are found addressing the economic factors of this choice. Probit panel estimations show that local economic conditions matter more than the national or regional economic environment. The results also confirm that political variables are important and that they influence the likelihood of seeking reelection in the same way as they affect vote and popularity functions.Local elections, Reelection, Mayor, Economic conditions, Probit model.

    Enumeration of kk-Fibonacci Paths using Infinite Weighted Automata

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    In this paper, we introduce a new family of generalized colored Motzkin paths, where horizontal steps are colored by means of Fk,lF_{k,l} colors, where Fk,lF_{k,l} is the llth kk-Fibonacci number. We study the enumeration of this family according to the length. For this, we use infinite weighted automata.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1310.244

    Ética y Libertad: La pars construens de la filosofía foucaultiana

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    We deal with the meaning of the ethical question in Foucault's thought. We find first that he makes two criticisms: (1) of the subject as a category, and (2) of the subject as the outcome of relations of power and knowledge. Such criticisms relate to the ethical question as its conditions of possibility. Then, we study the genealogy of this new dimension of ethics, analyzing its different historical configurations. This work shows that it is necessary to bring about an aesthetics of existence. This is tackled starting from a reworking of the pars construens of Foucault's philosophy, whose central aspect turns about ethics conceived as care for freedom.    El artĂ­culo aborda el sentido de la cuestiĂłn Ă©tica dentro del pensamiento de Foucault. En primer lugar, identificamos dos crĂ­ticas dentro de su obra: al sujeto como categorĂ­a y al sujeto como producto de relaciones de poder y saber. Tales crĂ­ticas operarĂ­an como condiciĂłn de posibilidad de la pregunta por la Ă©tica. Posteriormente, estudiamos la genealogĂ­a de esta nueva dimensiĂłn de lo Ă©tico, analizando sus diversas configuraciones histĂłricas. De dicho trabajo surge la necesidad de actualizar una estĂ©tica de la existencia. Esto Ășltimo se enfrenta a partir de una reelaboraciĂłn de lo que serĂ­a la pars construens de la filosofĂ­a foucaultiana, cuyo aspecto central reside en la propuesta de una Ă©tica como cuidado de la libertad.  

    FilĂłsofos y viajeros. El pensamiento como extravĂ­o

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    La filosofĂ­a se ha servido muchas veces del viaje como metĂĄfora de una idea y en ese juego simbĂłlico la cuestiĂłn del retorno ha sido algo insoslayable. QuizĂĄs la primera metĂĄfora de estas caracterĂ­sticas sea la alegorĂ­a platĂłnica de la caverna. En ella, el viaje representa el movimiento ascendente de la filosofĂ­a desde el fantasmagĂłrico mundo sensible hasta la contemplaciĂłn de las ideas puras en el mundo inteligible. Pero, como a menudo se olvida, dicha travesĂ­a no culmina en este punto. SĂłcrates debe regresar perentoriamente a las entrañas de la caverna y ello supone una excursiĂłn aĂșn mĂĄs peligrosa que la anterior. De este modo, PlatĂłn formula un problema decisivo para el saber filosĂłfico: el dilema Ă©tico-polĂ­tico del retorno a la caverna, asunto que interpela de un modo o de otro a toda la tradiciĂłn del pensamiento occidental. En este contexto, resulta posible identificar la existencia de una matriz platĂłnica, que entiende el viaje como un ascenso teĂłrico al reino de lo universal que culmina en el descenso y la imposiciĂłn de la idea como forma de dar orden a un territorio hostil y caĂłtico; y una matriz nietzscheana que concibe el viaje como una travesĂ­a aciaga y, a la vez, como una odisea jovial por una superficie lĂșdica y abismal que supone la disoluciĂłn de todo aquello que pueda llamarse ascenso o descenso. En este Ășltimo sentido, se explora la posibilidad de una filosofĂ­a sin retorno, es decir, de un pensamiento que en el viaje se entrega a una otredad irremediablemente inabarcable

    The AMLO voter: affective polarization and the rise of the Left in Mexico

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    What prompted so many voters in Mexico to abandon the traditional parties and support MORENA and its candidate, Andrés Manuel López Obrador? This research relies on data from Mexico's National Electoral Study (2018). The results show that support for López Obrador is strongly associated with affective polarization and the perception that the PRI and PAN represented the same political alternative. In turn, retrospective evaluations and ideology were not associated with López Obrador's victory. This research note contributes to our understanding of Mexico's historical elections as well as to the broader literature on the Latin American left. The success of the political left in Mexico is not rooted on voters' programmatic preferences. Similar to the decay of mainstream political parties in other Latin American countries, in 2018, Mexican voters rejected the mainstream political establishment by supporting Lopez Obrador's third bid for the Presidency

    Chemical and physical pretreatments of microalgal biomass

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    Non-axenic microalga Chlorella sorokiniana was cultivated in batch cultures, and its total sugar composition was determined. The microalga under study showed a total sugar concentration of 21.44 ± 0.46% (w/w). The effects of freeze-drying, oven-drying, freezing and thawing, chemical and the combination of hydrothermal and chemical pretreatments were evaluated. In the combined pretreatment different concentrations of H2SO4 and reaction times were also optimized. It was possible to determine that the sugar extraction yields more significant were 59.5% for the lyophilization, 6.2% with 6 cycles of freeze and thawing and around 100% for 2 and 4% (v/v) of H2SO4 at 121 °C for 30 min. Some of the methods that were described in this study are interesting to facilitate cost-efficient conversion of microalgal biomass into biofuels.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
