2,243 research outputs found

    El CF Mollet UE , l'equip del poble amb cent anys

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    Hume: crítica de la religión natura

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    Anquilosis de la articulación coxofemoral y alteraciones biomecánicas en un individuo medieval de la necrópolis de la catedral de Sigüenza (Guadalajara)

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    X Congreso Nacional de Paleopatología. Univesidad Autónoma de Madrid, septiembre de 200

    Museum visitors’ heterogeneity and experience processing

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    This research examines the relationships between affective and cognitive antecedents and consequences of satisfaction under a market heterogeneity approach. It includes co-creation of preparatory activities. The sample consisted of 276 museum visitors in London. Two analysis have been conducted: structural equation model and latent class path analysis. The paper contributes to the development of a theoretical framework for further understanding of service experience in which co-creation plays an important role. Two segments were identified: 1) emotional (with lower degree of co-creation, equally distributed by age and nationality); 2) rational (higher degree of co-creation, younger and domestic visitors). Our research shows significant differences between the two segments regarding variables such as satisfaction, loyalty, service experience, emotion, positive disconfirmation and willingness to pay more

    Post-graduate education requirements for access to jobs in physical therapy

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    [Abstract] Objective. To identify if physiotherapist employers require them to have some postgraduate training and, if there are such requirements, to identify them. Material and methods. For this study, a specific survey was designed, in which the clinic director had to answer questions about the training of the professionals hired. Results. The demands of 114 job bidders were analysed. Clinical directors (21.6%), require some postgraduate training so that the professional is able to adapt to the needs of the users of the centre. The most in-demand specialties were sports physiotherapy, gynaecology and obstetrics, osteopathy, neurology, and Pilates. Conclusions. The acquisition of skills and competencies, such as information management skills, problem solving and decision making, are not being adequately integrated into the degree course. Interventions are needed by educational institutions and professionals in the sector to achieve training that meets the needs of the physiotherapy employment market.[Resumen] Objetivo. Identificar si los contratantes de fisioterapeutas exigen como requisito tener alguna formación de posgrado y, de existir dichas exigencias, identificarlas. Material y método. Se diseñó una encuesta específica para este trabajo. En ella, el director de clínica debía responder a preguntas sobre la formación de los profesionales contratados. Resultados. Se analizaron las demandas de 114 ofertantes de empleo. Los directores de clínica, en un 21,6%, exigen alguna formación de posgrado para que el profesional se adecúe a las necesidades de los usuarios del centro. Las especialidades más demandadas fueron la fisioterapia deportiva, ginecología y obstetricia, osteopatía y terapia manual, neurología y Pilates. Conclusiones. La adopción de habilidades y competencias como la capacidad de gestión de la información, resolución de problemas y toma de decisiones no están siendo integradas durante la formación de la carrera de manera adecuada. Son necesarias intervenciones por parte de las instituciones educativas y profesionales del sector para alcanzar una formación que satisfaga las necesidades del mercado laboral en fisioterapia

    Genonets server-a web server for the construction, analysis and visualization of genotype networks.

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    A genotype network is a graph in which vertices represent genotypes that have the same phenotype. Edges connect vertices if their corresponding genotypes differ in a single small mutation. Genotype networks are used to study the organization of genotype spaces. They have shed light on the relationship between robustness and evolvability in biological systems as different as RNA macromolecules and transcriptional regulatory circuits. Despite the importance of genotype networks, no tool exists for their automatic construction, analysis and visualization. Here we fill this gap by presenting the Genonets Server, a tool that provides the following features: (i) the construction of genotype networks for categorical and univariate phenotypes from DNA, RNA, amino acid or binary sequences; (ii) analyses of genotype network topology and how it relates to robustness and evolvability, as well as analyses of genotype network topography and how it relates to the navigability of a genotype network via mutation and natural selection; (iii) multiple interactive visualizations that facilitate exploratory research and education. The Genonets Server is freely available at http://ieu-genonets.uzh.ch

    Caracterización de los parámetros hidráulicos de la cobertera pérmica en el Horst del yacimiento carbonífero de Mina «La Camocha».

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    En la cobertera pérmica existente sobre el yacimiento carbonífero actualmente en explotación por Mina La Camocha, S. A., se localiza un acuífero multicapa con varios niveles claramente diferenciados. Por medio de diversas técnicas de estudio, se ha tratado de determinar los parámetros hidráulicos de estos materiales en varias localidades próximas a Gijón, con el fin de elaborar un esquema de funcionamiento hidráulico y estimar la posible influencia de este acuífero en las labores de explotación