924 research outputs found

    FabR regulates Salmonella biofilm formation via its direct target FabB

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    Background: Biofilm formation is an important survival strategy of Salmonella in all environments. By mutant screening, we showed a knock-out mutant of fabR, encoding a repressor of unsaturated fatty acid biosynthesis (UFA), to have impaired biofilm formation. In order to unravel how this regulator impinges on Salmonella biofilm formation, we aimed at elucidating the S. Typhimurium FabR regulon. Hereto, we applied a combinatorial high-throughput approach, combining ChIP-chip with transcriptomics. Results: All the previously identified E. coli FabR transcriptional target genes (fabA, fabB and yqfA) were shown to be direct S. Typhimurium FabR targets as well. As we found a fabB overexpressing strain to partly mimic the biofilm defect of the fabR mutant, the effect of FabR on biofilms can be attributed at least partly to FabB, which plays a key role in UFA biosynthesis. Additionally, ChIP-chip identified a number of novel direct FabR targets (the intergenic regions between hpaR/hpaG and ddg/ydfZ) and yet putative direct targets (i.a. genes involved in tRNA metabolism, ribosome synthesis and translation). Next to UFA biosynthesis, a number of these direct targets and other indirect targets identified by transcriptomics (e.g. ribosomal genes, ompA, ompC, ompX, osmB, osmC, sseI), could possibly contribute to the effect of FabR on biofilm formation. Conclusion: Overall, our results point at the importance of FabR and UFA biosynthesis in Salmonella biofilm formation and their role as potential targets for biofilm inhibitory strategies

    Determination of digestible energy values and fermentabilities of dietary fibre supplements: a European interlaboratory study in vivo

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    The performance of methods to determine energy conversion factors for dietary fibre (DF) supplements and fermentability (D) values of their non-starch polysaccharides (NSP) was investigated. Heats of combustion, digestible energy (DE) and D values were determined on five DF supplements in five European laboratories on five separate occasions. In each instance the DF supplements were fed to juvenile male VVistar rats at two doses, 50 and 100 g/kg basal diet, for 3 weeks with food and faeces collected in the 3rd week. Among-laboratory variations in heats of combustion (DHC<) were <2%. DE values (kJ/g dry weight) at the upper and lower doses respectively were: 10·4 and 9·9 for a high-methoxyl apple pectin, 9·5 and 9·4 for a sugar-beet DF supplement, 12·2 and 12·7 for soyabean DF supplement, 38 and 4·0 for maize bran, and 0·3 and 0·3 for Solka-floc cellulose. Variations among laboratories, among occasions and among animals were <1, <2 and <2·5 kJ/g respectively. The among-occasion: among-laboratory variance ratio for DE was 0·5, suggesting the method performed equally well in all laboratories. There was no evidence of learning or fatigue in the performance of the method. D values were also independent of dose and at the high and lower doses were: pectin 0·92 and 0·95, sugar-beet NSP 0·68 and 0·68, soyabean NSP 0·86 and 0·88, maize bran 0·17 and 0·18, cellulose 0·07 and 0·06. Among-laboratory variance tended to increase with decreasing fermentability and ranged from 0·03 to 0·18. The DE and D data were not significantly different from a previously proposed relationship DE = 0·7 × DHc × D, where DHc is the heat of combustion of the supplement. We conclude that while the among-laboratory variation in the D of difficult-to-ferment NSP is too large for the reliable prediction of energy value the method for the direct determination of DE is both reproducible and repeatable, that DE is independent of dosage of DF supplement up to 100 g/kg diet, and that it is safe to discriminate between energy values with a precision of 3 kJ/g. The conversion of both DE and D to net metabolizable energy for the purpose of food labelling, tables and databases is describe

    Fatores afetando o consumo e utilização de forrageiras de baixa qualidade por ruminantes - revisão.

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    A quantidade máxima de alimento capaz de ser consumida por um ruminante e de grande importância para o produtor. De um modo geral, quanto maior for o consumo, menor será a quantidade de alimento necessário por unidade de produção. Este fato e que caracteriza a eficiência produtiva de um animal. A conseqüência econômica seria que maiores lucros estariam dependentes da capacidade dos ruminantes em digerir alimentos fibrosos mais baratos e disponíveis em maiores quantidades. O Maximo consumo de uma forragem pelo ruminante depende, primariamente, das taxas de escoamento do rúmen da celulose e hemicelulose. Estas taxas, por sua vez, depende de vários fatores que interferem na atividade da flora microbiana do rúmen, quais sejam: evolução do processo de lignificação com o estágio de maturação das forrageiras, parcial ausência de nutrientes para a microflora como nitrogênio ou minerais e a presença em excesso de agentes bacteriostáticos. Dada a sua importância econômica e cientifica, este assunto vem sendo estudado extensivamente por nutricionistas e fisiologistas em varias partes do mundo, gerando uma enorme gama de conceitos relacionados ao binômio animal-planta, parte dos quais foram reunidos no presente trabalho de revisão.bitstream/item/131377/1/fatores-afetando-o-consumo.pd

    Functional food science and behaviour and psychological functions

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    The impact of ingesting various foods on psychological and behavioural functions is a topic of both interest and concern to the general public. In this article, the scientific literature concerning demonstrated cause-and-effect relationships is reviewed, beginning with methodological considerations specific to the quantification of particular behaviours and psychological events. The essential function of food is to satisfy hunger and the need for essential nutrients. The contributions of macronutrients to appetite and satiety are described, as well as their impact on metabolism and energy balance. Functional properties of macronutrient substitutes (high intensity sweeteners, fat replacers) and flavour enhancers are examined in relation to their contribution to hunger, satiety, and energy balance. The effects of foods and individual nutrients on the performance of diverse psychomotor tasks are studied with consideration given to the various validated quantitative tools used to assess behaviour. The effects of food components on activation, sedation, and affective states such as dysphoria are also reviewed, with special attention given to brain function and neuroactive substances such as serotonin and the endorphins. The case of hyperactivity in children is given special emphasis with reference to the potential influence of sugar and food additives. Safety issues related to food constituents and additives are discussed. Finally, a set of criteria is proposed for the evaluation and elaboration of studies in the behavioural and psychological fields, along with suggestions for future researc

    Functional food science and defence against reactive oxidative species

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    This paper assesses critically the science base that underpins the argument that oxidative damage is a significant causative factor in the development of human diseases and that antioxidants are capable of preventing or ameliorating these disease processes. The assessment has been carried out under a number of headings, and some recommendations for future research are made based on the present day knowledge bas

    Biotechnological production and application of fructooligosaccharides

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    Currently, prebiotics are all carbohydrates of relatively short chain length. An important group is the fructooligosaccharides, which are a special kind of prebiotics associated to their selective stimulation of the activity of certain groups of colonic bacteria that have a positive and beneficial effect on intestinal microbiota, reducing incidence of gastrointestinal infections, respiratory and also possessing a recognized bifidogenic effect. Traditionally, these prebiotic compounds have been obtained through extraction processes from some plants, as well as through enzymatic hydrolysis of sucrose. However, different fermentative methods have also been proposed for the production of fructooligosaccharides, such as solid-state fermentation utilizing various agroindustrial by-products. By optimizing the culture parameters, fructooligosaccharides yields and productivity can be improved. The use of immobilized enzymes and cells has also been proposed as being an effective and economic method for large-scale production of fructooligosaccharides. This paper is an overview on the results of recent studies on fructooligosacharides biosynthesis, physicochemical properties, sources, biotechnological production and applications.The authors thank the National Council of Science and Technology of Mexico (CONACYT) for funding this study. D. A. Flores-Maltos thank the CONACYT for the financial support provided for her postgraduate studies in the Food Science and Technology Program, Universidad Autonoma de Coahuila, Mexico