1,914 research outputs found

    RISEing Issues, September 2018

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    Covers topics related to the lives of refugees and immigrants of interest to UNI RISE (Refugee & Immigrant Support and Empowerment).https://scholarworks.uni.edu/risenews/1000/thumbnail.jp

    Maine STEM Partnership STEM+C Webpages

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    In the fall of 2018. the RiSE Center was awarded $ 1.25 M to study how computer science c.an be successfully integrated into science instruction at the middle school level. This research study is a 3-year project during which 30 middle school science teachers will partner with researchers and staff at the RiSE Center to develop and implement science modules that include an integrated computer science component. Our hope is to gain an understanding of how computer science can be taught within a science program in a way that supports student learning in both the science discipline and computer science in addition to identifying what supports are needed to help teachers integrate computer science into their instruction successfully

    Fungsionalisasi Hukum Pidana Terhadap Pertanggungjawaban Korporasi Dalam Tindak Pidana Di Bidang Asuransi

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    The business world is increasingly complex in line with the awareness of the importance of legal protection and the security of property that makes the responsibility of individuals or legal entities increasing. Such security may take the form of legal documents, in the form of business agreements up to the document of insurance agreement that will not be separated from the possibility of a crime. Background by the complexity of problems in insurance crime, ranging from the use of smooth modus operandi, investigation, verification, to the problem of the lack of public knowledge about insurance. This research uses normative juridical method. Problems in the research is how the arrangement of criminal acts in the field of insurance in the positive law of Indonesia, how corporate responsibility in insurance crime and what factors are obstacles in the handling of criminal acts in the field of insurance as well as any efforts that can be done as a solution in criminal law


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    Tingkat Kepositifan Sputum BTA dan Konversi Sputum BTA adalah dua pemeriksaan yang wajib dilakukan oleh pasien TB paru. Tingkat kepositifan sputum sebelum pengobatan merupakan metode penilaian secara langsung jumlah BTA dalam sputum dan derajat keparahan yang akan mempengaruhi konversi. Angka konversi ini biasanya dinilai pada akhir pengobatan intensif.Tingginya angka konversi sputum akan memprediksi keberhasilan pengobatan . Konversi sputum yang negative akan menunjukkan faktor resiko MDR-TB .Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan tingkat kepositifan sebelum pengobatan dengan konversi sputum setelah pengobatan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian analitik observasional dengan pendekatan cross sectional dan metode total sampling. Dari 62 responden, didapatkan tingkat kepositifan +1 (37,1%) mengalami konversi sputum (73,9%), +2 (30,6%) mengalami konversi sputum (68,4%), +3 (32,3%) mengalami konversi sputum (70%) dan dari 62 respoden yang mengalami konversi sputum (71%), nonkonversi (29%).Hasil uji chi-square menunjukan Pvalue sebesar 0,920 (Pvalue>0,05) sehingga penelitian menyatakan tidak terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara tingkat kepositifansebelum pengobatan dengan konversi sputumsetelah pengobatan pada pasien TB paru di seluruh Puskesmas Banda Aceh tahun 2015. Kata Kunci: tingkat kepositifan Sputum BTA, konversi sputum BTA, tuberkulosi

    The Agreement on Cooperation on Marine Oil Pollution Preparedness and Response in the Arctic

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    This is a case study of the establishment of an oil spill response regime in the Arctic region. The context is the work of the Arctic Council and the development of the Agreement on Cooperation on Marine Oil Pollution Preparedness and Response in the Arctic. Three research topics are studied; regime, response system and the role of politics and professions. The Arctic oil spill response agreement is outlined first, and the principles, norms, rules and decision making procedures that it establishes for the oil spill response regime are analyzed. It is found that the Agreement mostly consists of principles and rules for procedures since it is a legal document; the Agreement is however creating a framework for the establishment of a regime. The second part is concerned about the response system. The bilateral and multilateral oil spill response agreements in the region are the fundament for the oil spill response in the Arctic (AC, 2013a: 11). For the regime to be successful it is important for these to be compatible (Tuler, Seager & Kay, 2007: 34). The agreements are analyzed with the use of elements from the command and control model and the problem solving model to evaluate to what extent they are compatible (Dynes, 1994). The problem solving model, from the chapter on response system, salutes cooperation between agencies and the personal contact which this type of cooperation encourage. So this might be seen as a positive feature of the Arctic Council’s institutional framework. The agreements are to a relatively large extent compatible. The most important deviations were the sign of centralization in the Canadian-Danish cooperation, and the emphasis on cooperation within research. The third part addresses the noteworthy presence of professionals in the development of the Agreement on Cooperation on Marine Oil Pollution Preparedness and Response in the Arctic. Interview data and meeting reports form the empirical material for the analysis of the role of politics and professions in the regime formation. The regime is studied in three stages of regime formation; agenda formation, negotiation and operationalization (Young, 1998). While the political level found it necessary to develop an oil spill response regime after the Deepwater Horizon accident, the negotiation stage of the regime formation were a close cooperation between representatives from national ministries and of oil spill response experts. Further, it is the professional’s responsibility to prepare, recommend and maintain the development of the oil spill response agreements, operational guidelines, and contingency plans, and they are thereby to a large extent responsible for the operationalization of the regime

    A Safety Program in the Lumber Industry

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    The importance of a safety program has in the past been stressed by many of the country’s leading industrialists. In fact, many of these leading industrialists have risen to high ranks due to their deep understanding and regard for the humans who work for and with them to produce their product or source of income. In order to understand more clearly why prevention of accidents is a mutual and basic problem to both employer and employee, the following discussion of the losses due to accidents will be given

    Analysis of how trust and policy stringency determine behavioral response to COVID-19

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    Restrictions and regulations became the reality for most Europeans during the COVID-19 pandemic. Governments handled the pandemic differently and would need their population to follow the instructions sent out to handle the pandemic. This paper supposes that trust is a key to get the population to follow regulations even if the regulations are strict or to just live as before the pandemic. By running regressions for countries with high and low trust among twenty-two European countries and using stringency level and trust as dependent variables to see if this can explain change in time spent at resident and total number of covid-19 vaccinations. With this trying to identify a negative reaction in countries with low trust. The most interesting case would be the group with high stringency level and low trust. Using behavioral mechanisms, the negative reaction was confirmed for countries with low trust and high stringency

    “Fuelling” cognitive judgments: Worry as a mediator between risk perceptions and intentions to quit smoking

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    The aim of the present study was to assess the importance of cognitive and affective risk perceptions along with measures of self-prediction of future smoking status and confidence in one’s ability to quit on intentions to quit smoking. Additionally, the purpose was to explore the mediating effect of worry on the relation between risk perception and quitting smoking intentions. The data consist of 415 participants defined as daily and “sometimes” smokers who were interviewed by telephone. The results showed significant direct effects of risk perception, worry, confidence, and self-prediction of future smoking status on intentions to quit smoking. Furthermore, the results showed a significant mediating effect of worry on the relation between risk perception and quitting intentions. The results are discussed in relation to the general role of cognitive and affective processes in influencing behavioural decisions. The implications and limitations of the present analysis are also discussed
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