2,035 research outputs found

    Origin of a Coarse-Grained Shallow Marine Sandstone Complex: The Coniacian Tocito Sandstone, Northwestern New Mexico. (Volumes 1 and 2).

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    Study of the Coniacian Tocito Sandstone, one of the shale-encased, shallow marine sandstone complexes in the Cretaceous Western Interior Basin, indicates that transport of coarse sediment to distal marine locations was accomplished by an increase in the efficiency of the marine dispersal system (tidal currents). Enhanced tidal currents were a consequence of bathymetric variations formed by uplifts along the pre-existing Four Corners Lineament system. The Tocito Sandstone forms an entirely marine, progradational-transgressive sequence and overlies an unconformity localized along uplifted submarine highs. The lower progradational strata represent the marine portion of a tide-dominated delta that prograded into a tectonically-created embayment , and include prodelta facies at the base and the deposits of subtidal dunes and tidal channels at the top. The upper transgressive facies overlie a tectonically-enhanced transgressive erosion surface and contain the deposits of shelf sand ridges and dune fields. Comparison to a progradational-transgressive sequence driven by regional sea level fluctuations (Gallup Sandstone) reveals differences between progradations resulting from regional sea level fall and those resulting from local tectonic movements. The Gallup Sandstone shows an early aggradational phase (highstand) followed by a strongly progradational phase associated with a seaward shift of the subaerial shoreline and fluvial incision (sequence boundary and falling sea level systems tract) and finally a late aggradational phase (late lowstand). Progradations resulting from regional sea level fall are associated with a seaward shift in the shoreline, similar lithologies above and below the sequence boundary, and an unconformable sequence boundary in updip locations changing to a conformity in prodelta facies. Progradations resulting from intrabasinal tectonism (Tocito Sandstone) need not affect the position of the subaerial shoreline, display unconformities localized on tectonic highs, and may contain a higher proportion of feldspars and lithic fragments. Intrabasinal tectonics can enhance the marine dispersal system and allow for progradation of high-energy, coarse-grained deposits far into the marine environment. This mechanism provides an alternative to that of regional sea level fluctuations as a method for emplacing coarse sediments in distal marine environments

    Childhood Drinking and Depressive Symptom Level Predict Harmful Personality Change

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    Personality traits in children predict numerous life outcomes. Although traits are generally stable, if there is personality change in youth, it could affect subsequent behavior in important ways. We found that the trait of urgency, the tendency to act impulsively when highly emotional, increases for some youth in early adolescence. This increase can be predicted from the behavior of young children: alcohol consumption and depressive symptom level in elementary school children (fifth grade) predicted increases in urgency 18 months later. Urgency, in turn, predicted increases in a wide range of maladaptive behaviors another 30 months later, at the end of the first year of high school. The mechanism by which early drinking behavior and depressive symptoms predict personality is not yet clear and merits future research; notably, the findings are consistent with mechanisms proposed by personality change theory and urgency theory

    Spiritual Health: The Often-Overlooked Dimension of Health

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    Background: Spiritual health, one of the six dimensions of health (physical, social, intellectual, emotional, environmental, and spiritual), is often overlooked and has become less prominent in the literature and in public forums. This once-touted dimension of health is now seldom considered. Methods: A review revealed that literature on spiritual health is sparse and, when found, is dated. Results: The existing literature indicates that spiritual health relates to various aspects of well-being, including medical/physical health, mental/psychological health, and educational/intellectual health. It is likely that the decline of consideration of spiritual health is due to the decrease in public discussion of spiritual matters and to the tendency of our society to focus on “political correctness.” Conclusions: Although the fear of alienating others by political incorrectness is foremost in the minds of many, this does not negate the fact that spiritual health is of benefit and can lead many to experiencing a better standard of health. It is our contention that spiritual health is often overlooked but has benefits that need not be concealed by political correctness. Spiritual health should be returned to the mainstream of public health, where its benefits can be enjoyed by those who choose to use them

    Application of multidisciplinary optimization methods to the design of a supersonic transport

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    An optimization design method is discussed. This method is based on integrating existing disciplinary analysis and sensitivity analysis techniques by means of generalized sensitivity equations. A generic design system implementing this method is described. The system is being used to design the configuration and internal structure of a supersonic transport wing for optimum performance. This problem combines the disciplines of linear aerodynamics, structures, and performance. Initial results which include the disciplines of aerodynamics and structures in a conventional minimum weight design under static aeroelastic constraints are presented

    Problematic alcohol use and sexting as risk factors for sexual assault among college women

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    Sexual assault is a major public health concern and college women are four times more likely to experience sexual assault than any other group. We investigated whether sexting is a mechanism by which alcohol use increases risk for college women to be targeted for sexual assault. We hypothesized that sexting would mediate the relationship between problem drinking and sexual assault, such that drinking (T1 = beginning fall semester) would contribute to increased sexting (T2 = end fall semester), and in turn increase the risk of being targeted for sexual assault (T3 = end spring semester). Results: Among 332 undergraduate women (M(SD)age = 19.15(1.69), 76.9% Caucasian), sexting (T2) predicted sexual assault (T3; b = 3.98, p = .05), controlling for baseline sexual assault (b = 0.82, p < .01). Further, sexting (T2) mediated the relationship between problem drinking (T1) and sexual assault (T3) (b = 0.04, CI[.004,.12]). Conclusion: Findings suggest that sexting is one mechanism through which drinking increases the risk of college women being targeted for sexual assault

    Analytic and numerical models of the 3D multipolar magnetospheres of pre-main sequence stars

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    Traditionally models of accretion of gas on to T Tauri stars have assumed a dipole stellar magnetosphere, partly for simplicity, but also due to the lack of information about their true magnetic field topologies. Before and since the first magnetic maps of an accreting T Tauri star were published in 2007 a new generation of magnetospheric accretion models have been developed that incorporate multipole magnetic fields. Three-dimensional models of the large-scale stellar magnetosphere with an observed degree of complexity have been produced via numerical field extrapolation from observationally derived T Tauri magnetic maps. Likewise, analytic and magnetohydrodynamic models with multipolar stellar magnetic fields have been produced. In this conference review article we compare and contrast the numerical field extrapolation and analytic approaches, and argue that the large-scale magnetospheres of some (but not all) accreting T Tauri stars can be well described by tilted dipole plus tilted octupole field components. We further argue that the longitudinal field curve, whether derived from accretion related emission lines, or from photospheric absorption lines, provides poor constrains on the large-scale magnetic field topology and that detailed modeling of the rotationally modulated Stokes V signal is required to recover the true field complexity. We conclude by examining the advantages, disadvantages and limitations of both the field extrapolation and analytic approaches, and also those of magnetohydrodynamic models.Comment: 19 pages, accepted refereed invited conference review for the proceedings of the 7th Potsdam thinkshop: magnetic fields in stars and exoplanets. Some figures reduced resolutio

    A Longitudinal Study of the Reciprocal Relationship Between Ever Smoking and Urgency in Early Adolescence

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    Background—Among early adolescents in the United States (U.S.), the prevalence of cigarette smoking is at its lowest level in recent decades. Nonetheless, given the risks of smoking in early development, it remains critically important to study both risk factors for smoking and risks from smoking. This longitudinal study with U.S. early adolescents examines smoking initiation and tests a model of reciprocal prediction between ever smoking and the personality trait of urgency (i.e., mood-based impulsivity), a trait that increases risk for multiple forms of dysfunction. Methods—Participants (n=1906; 90% 10–11 years old, 50% female, 39% racial minorities at baseline) completed questionnaires 1–2 times per year starting in 5th grade and ending in 9th grade. Structural equation modeling allowed tests of bidirectional relationships between ever smoking and urgency controlling for pubertal status and negative affect at each wave. Results—Incidence of ever smoking increased from 5% to 27% over time, with current smoking around 5% at the last wave. Urgency at each wave predicted ever smoking at the next wave above and beyond covariates and prior smoking (all p \u3c .01). Likewise, with one exception, ever smoking predicted an increase in urgency at the subsequent wave above and beyond covariates and prior urgency (all p \u3c .05). Conclusion—Results show that risk for smoking increases with higher levels of urgency and urgency increases secondary to engagement in smoking. Future work should therefore explore urgency as a point of prevention for smoking and smoking cessation as a means to mitigate mood-based impulsivity

    Machine learning to predict sports-related concussion recovery using clinical data

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    ObjectivesSport-related concussions (SRCs) are a concern for high school athletes. Understanding factors contributing to SRC recovery time may improve clinical management. However, the complexity of the many clinical measures of concussion data precludes many traditional methods. This study aimed to answer the question, what is the utility of modeling clinical concussion data using machine-learning algorithms for predicting SRC recovery time and protracted recovery? MethodsThis was a retrospective case series of participants aged 8 to 18 years with a diagnosis of SRC. A 6-part measure was administered to assess pre-injury risk factors, initial injury severity, and post-concussion symptoms, including the Vestibular Ocular Motor Screening (VOMS) measure, King-Devick Test and C3 Logix Trails Test data. These measures were used to predict recovery time (days from injury to full medical clearance) and binary protracted recovery (recovery time \u3e 21 days) according to several sex-stratified machine-learning models. The ability of the models to discriminate protracted recovery was compared to a human-driven model according to the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC). ResultsFor 293 males (mean age 14.0 years) and 362 females (mean age 13.7 years), the median (interquartile range) time to recover from an SRC was 26 (18–39) and 21 (14–31) days, respectively. Among 9 machine-learning models trained, the gradient boosting on decision-tree algorithms achieved the best performance to predict recovery time and protracted recovery in males and females. The models’ performance improved when VOMS data were used in conjunction with the King-Devick Test and C3 Logix Trails Test data. For males and females, the AUC was 0.84 and 0.78 versus 0.74 and 0.73, respectively, for statistical models for predicting protracted recovery. ConclusionsMachine-learning models were able to manage the complexity of the vestibular-ocular motor system data. These results demonstrate the clinical utility of machine-learning models to inform prognostic evaluation for SRC recovery time and protracted recovery

    The non-dipolar magnetic fields of accreting T Tauri stars

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    Models of magnetospheric accretion on to classical T Tauri stars often assume that stellar magnetic fields are simple dipoles. Recently published surface magnetograms of BP Tau and V2129 Oph have shown, however, that their fields are more complex. The magnetic field of V2129 Oph was found to be predominantly octupolar. For BP Tau the magnetic energy was shared mainly between the dipole and octupole field components, with the dipole component being almost four times as strong as that of V2129 Oph. From the published surface maps of the photospheric magnetic fields we extrapolate the coronal fields of both stars, and compare the resulting field structures with that of a dipole. We consider different models where the disc is truncated at, or well-within, the Keplerian corotation radius. We find that although the structure of the surface magnetic field is particularly complex for both stars, the geometry of the larger scale field, along which accretion is occurring, is somewhat simpler. However, the larger scale field is distorted close to the star by the stronger field regions, with the net effect being that the fractional open flux through the stellar surface is less than would be expected with a dipole magnetic field model. Finally, we estimate the disc truncation radius, assuming that this occurs where the magnetic torque from the stellar magnetosphere is comparable to the viscous torque in the disc.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures. Figures are reduced resolutio

    Mitigating Detrimental Effect of Self‐Doping Near the Anode in Highly Efficient Organic Solar Cells

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    Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene):polystyrene sulfonate (PEDOT:PSS) has been one of the most established hole transport layers (HTL) in organic solar cells (OSCs) for several decades. However, the presence of PSS− ions is known to deteriorate device performance via a number of mechanisms including diffusion to the HTL-active layer interface and unwanted local chemical reactions. In this study, it is shown that PSS− ions can also result in local p-doping in the high efficiency donor:non-fullerene acceptor blends – resulting in photocurrent loss. To address these issues, a facile and effective approach is reported to improve the OSC performance through a two-component hole transport layer (HTL) consisting of a self-assembled monolayer of 2PACz ([2-(9H-Carbazol-9-yl)ethyl]phosphonic acid) and PEDOT:PSS. The power conversion efficiency (PCE) of 17.1% using devices with PEDOT:PSS HTL improved to 17.7% when the PEDOT:PSS/2PACz two-component HTL is used. The improved performance is attributed to the overlaid 2PACz layer preventing the formation of an intermixed p-doped PSS− ion rich region (≈5–10 nm) at the bulk heterojunction-HTL contact interface, resulting in decreased recombination losses and improved stability. Moreover, the 2PACz monolayer is also found to reduce electrical shunts that ultimately yield improved performance in large area devices with PCE enhanced from 12.3% to 13.3% in 1 cm2 cells
