8 research outputs found

    Effects of Continuous and Intermittent Running Training on Body Composition and Aerobic Capacity

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    Bu çalışma, sürekli ve interval koşu antrenmanlarının vücut kompozisyonu ve aerobik kapasite üzerine etkilerini araştırmak amacıyla yapılmıştır. Çalışmaya düzenli olarak egzersiz yapmayan, gönüllü 38 erkek katılmıştır. Araştırma grubu, sürekli koşular (n=13), interval koşular (n=12) ve kontrol (n=13) olmak üzere 3 gruba ayrılmıştır. Antrenman gruplarına, 8 hafta boyunca, haftada 3 gün antrenman programı uygulanırken, kontrol grubu herhangi bir programa dahil edilmemiştir. Antrenman gruplarının antrenmanlar öncesi ve sonrası ölçüm değerleri karşılaştırıldığında, vücut ağırlığı ve vücut kitle indeksi değerlerinde sadece sürekli koşular grubunda (p<0,05); vücut yağ yüzdesi, toplam skinfold ve maksVO2 değerlerinde ise, sürekli koşu ve interval koşu gruplarında anlamlı fark tespit edilmiştir (p<0,01). Sonuç olarak, vücut ağırlığının azaltılmasında sürekli koşu metodunun, interval koşu metoduna göre daha etkili olduğu, vücut yağ yüzdesinin azaltılması ve aerobik kapasitenin geliştirilmesinde ise her iki metodun da benzer olumlu etkiler gösterdiği söylenebilir.The aim of the study was to investigate the effects of continuous and intermittent running training on body composition and aerobic capacity. Thirty eight male students voluntarily served as subjects for this study. All subjects did not participate in regular exercise. Subjects were divided into three groups as continuous running (n=13), intermittent running (n=12) and control group (n=13). The control group was not taken in any programs, while a training program was carried out on training groups three times a week during 8 weeks. When the measurement results of pre and post training seasion were compared, a significant difference was determined in body weight and body mass index values in continuous running group (p<0,05) and there was also a significant difference in body fat percentage, sum of skinfold and maxVO2 alues in continuous and intermittent running groups (p<0,01). The results indicated that continuous running method was more effective than intermittent running method for reducing body weight; also both methods have the same positive effects for reducing body fat percentage and improving aerobic capacity


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    Araştırmanın amacı, spor yapmayan erkek ve kız çocukların performansla ilişkili fiziksel uygunluk düzeylerinin yaşgruplarına ve cinsiyetlerine göre tespit edilmesi ve değerlendirilmesidir. Araştırmaya erkek-kız sıralamasıyla 9 yaşında 144-137 çocuk, 10 yaşında 149-145 çocuk, 11 yaşında 153-157 çocuk olmak üzere 446 erkek, 439 kız, toplam 885 ilköğretim öğrencisi çocuk katılmıştır. Deneklerin boy uzunluğu, vücut ağırlığıölçülerek VKİhesaplandı. Performansla ilgili fiziksel uygunluğun tespitinde; otur-uzan, 1 dk mekik, 1 kg sağlık topu atışı, durarak uzun atlama, sağve sol el kavrama kuvveti, 30 m hız koşusu ve 1 mil koş-yürü testleri uygulandı. Yaşve cinsiyet gruplarıarasındaki farklılıkların tespitinde One-Way ANOVA/Tukey analizleri kullanıldı. Araştırmada, her iki cinsiyette de yaşgruplarıarasında boy uzunluğu ve vücut ağırlığıortalamalarında anlamlıfarklılıklar tespit edilirken p0,05 . Performansla ilgili fiziksel uygunluk değişkenlerinden özellikle 1kg sağlık topu atma, durarak uzun atlama, 1 dk mekik, 30 m hız koşu, 1 mil koş-yürü test sonuçlarına göre bütün yaşlarda cinsiyetler arasında anlamlıfarklılıklar tespit edilmiştir


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    Bu çalısma, farklı dayanıklılık antrenman metodlarının, oksidatif stres olusumu ve antioksidan düzeyleri üzerine etkilerini arastırmak amacıyla yapıldı. Arastırma, düzenli olarak egzersiz yapmayan, rekreatif olarak aktif, sigara içmeyen ve herhangi bir ek vitamin tableti kullanmayan, 38 erkek beden egitimi ve spor yüksekokulu ögrencisi üzerinde gerçeklestirildi. Denekler, sürekli kosular (n=13), interval kosular (n=12) ve kontrol (n=13) olmak üzere 3 gruba ayrıldı. Antrenman gruplarına, 8 hafta boyunca, haftada 3 gün antrenman programı uygulanırken, kontrol grubu herhangi bir programa dahil edilmedi. Deneklerin her birinden, 8 hafta öncesi ve sonrasında, dinlenik durumda ve tükenme egzersizi sonrası kan örnekleri alındı. Alınan kan örneklerinde plazma malondialdehid (MDA), laktat dehidrogenaz (LDH), glutatyon peroksidaz (GPx) ve katalaz (CAT) tayinleri analiz edildi. Her iki antrenman metodu da dinlenik ve tükenme MDA degerlerini önemli düzeyde etkilememistir. Sürekli kosular 8 hafta sonunda, tükenme egzersizi sonrası MDA degerlerini önemli düzeyde azaltmıstır. Tükenme egzersizi, LDH degerlerini bütün gruplarda sadece antrenmanlardan önce önemli düzeyde artırırken, her iki antrenman metodu da 8 hafta sonunda, dinlenik ve tükenme LDH degerlerini önemli düzeyde azaltmıstır. Tükenme egzersizi, GPx degerlerini hiçbir grupta önemli düzeyde etkilememistir. Sürekli kosular, dinlenik ve tükenme GPx degerlerini önemli düzeyde artırırken, interval kosular sadece dinlenik GPx degerlerini önemli düzeyde artırmıstır. Sürekli kosular, dinlenik CAT degerlerini önemli düzeyde azaltırken, tükenme CAT degerlerini etkilememistir. Interval kosular ise hem dinlenik CAT degerlerini hem de tükenme CAT degerlerini önemli düzeyde azaltmıstır. Ayrıca sürekli kosular 8 hafta sonunda, tükenme egzersizi sonrası CAT degerlerini önemli düzeyde artırmıstır. Sonuç olarak, düzenli olarak yapılan dayanıklılık antrenmanlarının, antioksidan sistemi güçlendirerek, lipid peroksidasyonunu ve LDH aktivitesini azalttıgı ve buna dayanılarak olası doku hasarını azaltabilecegi kanısına varılmıstır. Ayrıca, sürekli kosuların, interval kosulara göre özellikle antioksidan enzimleri daha fazla aktive ederek, tükenme egzersizi sonrası olusan lipid peroksidasyonunu önlemede daha etkili oldugu fakat bunun istatistiksel olarak önemli olmadıgı söylenebilir. izmir gundem komik videolar cizgi film izle cizgi film 3d oyunlar oyunlar The aim of the study was to investigate the effects on oxidative stress and antioxidant levels of different endurance training methods. Thirty eight male students from Physical Education and Sports voluntarily served as subjects for this study. All subjects were nonsmokers, didn t participate in regular exercise, active as recreative and didn t use any vitamin tablets. Subjects were divided into three groups as continuous running (n=13), intermittent running (n=12) and control group (n=13). The control group wasn t taken in any programs, while a training program was carried out on training groups three times a week during 8 weeks. Blood samples collected at rest and after exhaustive exercise before and after 8 weeks, were analysed for the determination of plasma malondialdehyde (MDA), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and catalase (CAT). There was no significant differences between pre and post training of rest and exhaustive MDA values of training groups. Continuous running decreased MDA values after exhaustive exercise at the end of 8 weeks. While exhaustive exercise increases significantly LDH values in all groups only before training, both training methods have decreased significantly LDH values at the end of 8 weeks. Exhaustive exercise didn t effect significantly GPx values for all groups. While continuous running increased significantly rest and exhaustive GPx values, intermittent running increased significantly only rest GPx values. While continuous running decreased significantly rest CAT values, it didn t effect exhaustive CAT values. However, intermittent running decreased significantly both rest CAT values and exhaustive CAT values. In addition, continuous running increased significantly CAT values after exhaustive exercise at the end of 8 weeks. As a result, it could be concluded that regular endurance training made strong antioxidant system, decreased lipid peroxidation and LDH activity and so it could decrease possible tissue damage. In addition, it could be said that continuous running activated antioxidant enzymes more than intermittent running and it was more efficient to prevent lipid peroxidation which occurs after exhaustive exercise but it wasn t significant statistically

    Analysis of Physical Activity Levels of Physical Education Teachers during the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    The coronavirus (COVID -19) pandemic has brought unprecedented restrictions to people's physical activities and routines. The COVID-19 pandemic may have reduced physical activity levels and increased inactivity for various reasons (e.g., closure of gyms, family time constraints, and reduced outdoor mobility). The aim of this study is to examine physical education teachers' physical activity levels during the COVID-19 pandemic period. 417 physical education teachers participated in the research, which was reached by convenience sampling. Personal information form and International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) short form were used for data collection in the study. Mann Whitney U and Kruskal-Wallis and Spearman's correlation tests were used in the analysis of the data. When the distribution of physical education teachers participating in the study according to their physical activity (PA) levels was examined, it was found that 26.1% had low PA levels, 37.6% had medium and 36.2% had high. While 27.5% of men were in the low category, 35.3% were in the medium category and 37.3% were in the high category, it was found to be 24.9%, 39.9% and 35.2% in women, respectively. When the PA levels of the teachers were analysed according to age, years of service and body mass index (BMI) variables, there was a significant difference, but no significant difference was found in terms of gender. While there was a negative and significant correlation between total PA and years of service and age, a positive and significant correlation was found between experience and BMI and age. As a result, it can be concluded that physical education teachers continue their active lives despite the restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic period


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    The objective of this study is the determination and comparison of the body composition and somatotypes of the elite level Turkish and foreign taekwondo athletes. Totally 93 taekwondo athletes, being 45 Turkish (27 male, 18 female) and 48 foreign (35 male, 13 female) in the age range of 17-27, taking part in the national teams of their countries participated in the study. Sportive ages, heights, body weights, body mass index, body fat percentages, and somatotype of taekwondo players were determined. The difference between the groups was analyzed by t test in independent groups. The analyses were conducted in the SPSS 16.0 package program and 0,05 was accepted as a significance level. No significant difference was determined between Turkish and foreign athletes in all the measured variables in the male and female athletes (p>0.05). It was determined in the study that Turkish male athletes were mesomorph-ectomorph and that of foreign male athletes were mesomorphic ectomorph, and that of Turkish and foreign female athletes were central. As a result, we can say that the Turkish and foreign national team taekwondo players have similar body composition and somatotype

    The evaluation of some physical and physiological characteristics of Turkish and foreign national badminton team players

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    Bu araştırma, Türk ve yabancı ülke milli takım badmintoncularının bazı fiziksel ve fizyolojik özelliklerinin değerlendirilmesi amacıyla yapıldı. Araştırmaya, 16–18 yaş aralığında 12 Türk, 13 yabancı erkek ile 11 Türk, 14 yabancı bayan olmak üzere toplam 50 elit badmintoncu gönüllü olarak katıldı. Araştırma grubunun beden kitle indeksi, görsel ve işitsel reaksiyon zamanı, anaerobik güç, vücut yağ yüzdesi ve somatotip özellikleri tespit edildi. Türk erkek badmintoncuların görsel sağ el reaksiyon zamanlarının yabancı badmintonculardan daha düşük (iyi derece) olduğu tespit edilirken, diğer fiziksel parametrelerde gruplar arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark bulunamadı. Türk bayan badmintoncuların, yabancı bayan badmintonculara göre görsel sol el reaksiyon zamanlarının daha iyi ve daha düşük mezomorfiye sahip olduğu tespit edilirken, diğer fiziksel parametrelerde gruplar arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark bulunamadı. Sonuç olarak, Türk milli takımında yer alan badmintoncularla, farklı ülke milli takımlarında yer alan badmintoncuların benzer fiziksel ve fizyolojik özelliklere sahip olduğu söylenebilir.The aim of this study was to evaluate of some physical and physiological characteristics of Turkish and Foreign National Badminton Team Players. 50 players from Turkish team (12 males and 11 females), from foreign team (13 females and 14 males) participated in this study. Body mass index, audio and visual reaction times, anaerobic power, body fat percentage and somatotype components of the participants were determined. While visual right hand reaction times of Turkish Male Badminton Players were better than foreign players, other physical parameters were not found as statistically significant between male player groups. While visual left hand reaction times of Turkish Female Badminton Players were better and mesomorphy values were less than foreign players, in other physical parameters a statistically significant difference could not found between female player groups. As a result, physical and physiological characteristics of Turkish and foreign badminton players were similar

    Evaluation of the oxytocin effect in a rat model with experimental periodontitis

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    The aim of the present study was to evaluate the inhibitory effects of oxytocin on the development of periodontitis based on its properties against bone loss and resorption. Thirty-two Wistar albino rats were divided into four equal groups: control, periodontitis + saline, periodontitis + 0.5 mg/kg/day oxytocin, and periodontitis + 1 mg/kg/day oxytocin. Periodontitis groups received 4.0 silk ligatures around their cervixes of the right and left mandibular incisors in an 8 shape, kept for 14 days. Animals in oxytocin groups were injected once every day during 14 days with oxytocin. The mandibles were fixed and scanned using microcomputed tomography to quantify bone resorption and volumetric measurements. Blood samples were collected to analyze the concentrations of macrophage colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF), receptor activator of nuclear factor-kappa Beta ligand (RANKL), osteoprotegerin (OPG), matrix metalloproteinase-8 (MMP-8), tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha), interleukin (IL)-6, glutathione peroxidase (GPx), superoxide dismutase (SOD), and malondialdehyde (MDA). Histopathological evaluations were conducted to examine the gingiva and alveolar bone. Oxytocin prevented the development of periodontitis by decreasing ligament deteriorations and leukocytes in the gingival connective tissue and promoting reintegration with the alveolar bone. Bone resorption in all regions was less in the periodontitis + 1 mg/kg/day oxytocin group than in the periodontitis + saline group. Although TNF-alpha, IL-6, and RANKL values were lower in the periodontitis + 1 mg/kg/day oxytocin group, OPG was higher than that in the periodontitis + saline group. M-CSF, MMP-8, and MDA were lower in the oxytocin groups than in the periodontitis + saline group. Oxytocin may be an effective agent for periodontal diseases because it decreased bone resorption, oxidative stress, and inflammation in an experimental periodontitis