257 research outputs found

    Changing Landscapes for the Third Sector: Enhancing Knowledge and Informing Practice. Report on the Timescapes Archive.

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    The broad aim of the Changing Landscapes project, as set out in the proposal to ESRC, was “to bring together a body of qualitative longitudinal and life course research on the third sector in order to exchange knowledge and data of relevance to the future development of the sector”. Underpinning this aim is the Timescapes Archive – a specialist archive of Qualitative Longitudinal (QL) data for sharing and re-use. The long term strategy for the archive is to build collections of thematically related QL datasets, including non ESRC funded datasets, in order to facilitate data discovery and secondary analysis across a range of substantive topics. This is in a context where QL methodology is fast advancing and a growing number of projects are being funded. The archive originally contained a collection of 9 datasets (Changing Relationships and Identities through the Life Course - short hand title, Changing Relationships and Identities). Under the new funding, the aim was to develop a new collection of datasets (Changing Landscapes for the Third Sector). The specific objective was to “prepare data from two complementary datasets (NCVO and Birmingham) and ingest the data into the Timescapes Archive” (ESRC proposal). This report describes the work undertaken in order to achieve the objective of adding two datasets to the Timescapes Archive, but also details the important development work undertaken to establish the Timescapes Archive on a new technical platform which will support the long term strategy for the Archive and ensure that the Archive is aligned with the University of Leeds institutional data management provision

    Upregulation of the cell-cycle regulator RGC-32 in Epstein-Barr virus-immortalized cells

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    Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is implicated in the pathogenesis of multiple human tumours of lymphoid and epithelial origin. The virus infects and immortalizes B cells establishing a persistent latent infection characterized by varying patterns of EBV latent gene expression (latency 0, I, II and III). The CDK1 activator, Response Gene to Complement-32 (RGC-32, C13ORF15), is overexpressed in colon, breast and ovarian cancer tissues and we have detected selective high-level RGC-32 protein expression in EBV-immortalized latency III cells. Significantly, we show that overexpression of RGC-32 in B cells is sufficient to disrupt G2 cell-cycle arrest consistent with activation of CDK1, implicating RGC-32 in the EBV transformation process. Surprisingly, RGC-32 mRNA is expressed at high levels in latency I Burkitt's lymphoma (BL) cells and in some EBV-negative BL cell-lines, although RGC-32 protein expression is not detectable. We show that RGC-32 mRNA expression is elevated in latency I cells due to transcriptional activation by high levels of the differentially expressed RUNX1c transcription factor. We found that proteosomal degradation or blocked cytoplasmic export of the RGC-32 message were not responsible for the lack of RGC-32 protein expression in latency I cells. Significantly, analysis of the ribosomal association of the RGC-32 mRNA in latency I and latency III cells revealed that RGC-32 transcripts were associated with multiple ribosomes in both cell-types implicating post-initiation translational repression mechanisms in the block to RGC-32 protein production in latency I cells. In summary, our results are the first to demonstrate RGC-32 protein upregulation in cells transformed by a human tumour virus and to identify post-initiation translational mechanisms as an expression control point for this key cell-cycle regulator

    Intercalibration of the barrel electromagnetic calorimeter of the CMS experiment at start-up

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    Calibration of the relative response of the individual channels of the barrel electromagnetic calorimeter of the CMS detector was accomplished, before installation, with cosmic ray muons and test beams. One fourth of the calorimeter was exposed to a beam of high energy electrons and the relative calibration of the channels, the intercalibration, was found to be reproducible to a precision of about 0.3%. Additionally, data were collected with cosmic rays for the entire ECAL barrel during the commissioning phase. By comparing the intercalibration constants obtained with the electron beam data with those from the cosmic ray data, it is demonstrated that the latter provide an intercalibration precision of 1.5% over most of the barrel ECAL. The best intercalibration precision is expected to come from the analysis of events collected in situ during the LHC operation. Using data collected with both electrons and pion beams, several aspects of the intercalibration procedures based on electrons or neutral pions were investigated

    Azimuthal anisotropy and correlations at large transverse momenta in p+pp+p and Au+Au collisions at sNN\sqrt{s_{_{NN}}}= 200 GeV

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    Results on high transverse momentum charged particle emission with respect to the reaction plane are presented for Au+Au collisions at sNN\sqrt{s_{_{NN}}}= 200 GeV. Two- and four-particle correlations results are presented as well as a comparison of azimuthal correlations in Au+Au collisions to those in p+pp+p at the same energy. Elliptic anisotropy, v2v_2, is found to reach its maximum at pt3p_t \sim 3 GeV/c, then decrease slowly and remain significant up to pt7p_t\approx 7 -- 10 GeV/c. Stronger suppression is found in the back-to-back high-ptp_t particle correlations for particles emitted out-of-plane compared to those emitted in-plane. The centrality dependence of v2v_2 at intermediate ptp_t is compared to simple models based on jet quenching.Comment: 4 figures. Published version as PRL 93, 252301 (2004

    JUNO Conceptual Design Report

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    The Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO) is proposed to determine the neutrino mass hierarchy using an underground liquid scintillator detector. It is located 53 km away from both Yangjiang and Taishan Nuclear Power Plants in Guangdong, China. The experimental hall, spanning more than 50 meters, is under a granite mountain of over 700 m overburden. Within six years of running, the detection of reactor antineutrinos can resolve the neutrino mass hierarchy at a confidence level of 3-4σ\sigma, and determine neutrino oscillation parameters sin2θ12\sin^2\theta_{12}, Δm212\Delta m^2_{21}, and Δmee2|\Delta m^2_{ee}| to an accuracy of better than 1%. The JUNO detector can be also used to study terrestrial and extra-terrestrial neutrinos and new physics beyond the Standard Model. The central detector contains 20,000 tons liquid scintillator with an acrylic sphere of 35 m in diameter. \sim17,000 508-mm diameter PMTs with high quantum efficiency provide \sim75% optical coverage. The current choice of the liquid scintillator is: linear alkyl benzene (LAB) as the solvent, plus PPO as the scintillation fluor and a wavelength-shifter (Bis-MSB). The number of detected photoelectrons per MeV is larger than 1,100 and the energy resolution is expected to be 3% at 1 MeV. The calibration system is designed to deploy multiple sources to cover the entire energy range of reactor antineutrinos, and to achieve a full-volume position coverage inside the detector. The veto system is used for muon detection, muon induced background study and reduction. It consists of a Water Cherenkov detector and a Top Tracker system. The readout system, the detector control system and the offline system insure efficient and stable data acquisition and processing.Comment: 328 pages, 211 figure

    Patient involvement in medical decision-making and pain among elders: physician or patient-driven?

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    BACKGROUND: Pain is highly prevalent among older adults, but little is known about how patient involvement in medical decision-making may play a role in limiting its occurrence or severity. The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether physician-driven and patient-driven participation in decision-making were associated with the odds of frequent and severe pain. METHODS: A cross-sectional population-based survey of 3,135 persons age 65 and older was conducted in the 108-county region comprising West Texas. The survey included self-reports of frequent pain and, among those with frequent pain, the severity of pain. RESULTS: Findings from multivariate logistic regression analyses showed that higher patient-driven participation in decision-making was associated with lower odds (OR, 0.82; 95% CI, 0.75–0.89) of frequent pain, but was not significantly associated with severe pain. Physician-driven participation was not significantly associated with frequent or severe pain. CONCLUSIONS: The findings suggest that patients may need to initiate involvement in medical decision-making to reduce their chances of experiencing frequent pain. Changes to other modifiable health care characteristics, including access to a personal doctor and health insurance coverage, may be more conducive to limiting the risk of severe pain

    Recovery of a temperate reef assemblage in a marine protected area following the exclusion of towed demersal fishing.

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    Marine Protected Areas MPA have been widely used over the last 2 decades to address human impacts on marine habitats within an ecosystem management context. Few studies have quantified recovery of temperate rocky reef communities following the cessation of scallop dredging or demersal trawling. This is critical information for the future management of these habitats to contribute towards conservation and fisheries targets. The Lyme Bay MPA, in south west UK, has excluded towed demersal fishing gear from 206 km(2) of sensitive reef habitat using a Statutory Instrument since July 2008. To assess benthic recovery in this MPA we used a flying video array to survey macro epi-benthos annually from 2008 to 2011. 4 treatments (the New Closure, previously voluntarily Closed Controls and Near or Far Open to fishing Controls) were sampled to test a recovery hypothesis that was defined as 'the New Closure becoming more similar to the Closed Controls and less similar to the Open Controls'. Following the cessation of towed demersal fishing, within three years positive responses were observed for species richness, total abundance, assemblage composition and seven of 13 indicator taxa. Definitive evidence of recovery was noted for species richness and three of the indicator taxa (Pentapora fascialis, Phallusia mammillata and Pecten maximus). While it is hoped that MPAs, which exclude anthropogenic disturbance, will allow functional restoration of goods and services provided by benthic communities, it is an unknown for temperate reef systems. Establishing the likely timescales for restoration is key to future marine management. We demonstrate the early stages of successful recruitment and link these to the potential wider ecosystem benefits including those to commercial fisheries

    Surrogacy tourism: the ethical and legal challenges

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    Although surrogacy seemed to have been practised since ancient times, its resurgence in the contemporary era has been nothing short of phenomenal. With advances made in reproductive technology, it is now possible to fertilise eggs and sperms in laboratories and have the embryo transferred into the womb of a surrogate mother for gestation. Through a combination of push and pull factors, this possibility of gestational surrogacy has led to the meteoric rise of cross-border surrogacy. This paper seeks to highlight the ethical and legal challenges associated with the practice, and calls for better legal oversight at international level

    Effect of electroacupuncture on opioid consumption in patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain: protocol of a randomised controlled trial

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    This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. The electronic version of this article is the complete one and can be found online at: http://www.trialsjournal.com/content/13/1/169BACKGROUND Chronic musculoskeletal pain is common and has been increasingly managed by opioid medications, of which the long-term efficacy is unknown. Furthermore, there is evidence that long-term use of opioids is associated with reduced pain control, declining physical function and quality of life, and could hinder the goals of integrated pain management. Electroacupuncture (EA) has been shown to be effective in reducing postoperative opioid consumption. Limited evidence suggests that acupuncture could assist patients with chronic pain to reduce their requirements for opioids. The proposed research aims to assess if EA is an effective adjunct therapy to standard pain and medication management in reducing opioids use by patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain. METHODS In this multicentre, randomised, sham-acupuncture controlled, three-arm clinical trial, 316 patients regularly taking opioids for pain control and meeting the defined selection criteria will be recruited from pain management centres and clinics of primary care providers in Victoria, Australia. After a four-week run-in period, the participants are randomly assigned to one of three treatment groups to receive EA, sham EA or no-EA with a ratio of 2:1:1. All participants receive routine pain medication management delivered and supervised by the trial medical doctors. Twelve sessions of semi-structured EA or sham EA treatment are delivered over 10 weeks. Upon completion of the acupuncture treatment period, there is a 12-week follow-up. In total, participants are involved in the trial for 26 weeks. Outcome measures of opioid and non-opioid medication consumption, pain scores and opioid-related adverse events are documented throughout the study. Quality of life, depression, function, and attitude to pain medications are also assessed. DISCUSSION This randomised controlled trial will determine whether EA is of significant clinical value in assisting the management of debilitating chronic pain by reducing opioids consumption and their associated adverse events, as well as improving the quality of life for those with chronic pain. Such an outcome will provide the rationale for including EA into multidisciplinary programmes for effective management of chronic musculoskeletal pain. TRIAL REGISTRATION Australian New Zealand Clinical Trial Registry (ACTRN12609000676213) http://www.anzctr.org.au/trial_view.aspx?ID=308008Charlie CL Xue, Robert D Helme, Stephen Gibson, Malcolm Hogg, Carolyn Arnold, Andrew A Somogyi, Cliff Da Costa, Yanyi Wang, Shao-chen Lu and Zhen Zhen