232 research outputs found

    Upsilon production in pp and pA collisions: from RHIC to the LHC

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    I discuss Upsilon production in pp collisions at RHIC, Tevatron and LHC energies, in particular the behaviour of the differential cross section in rapidity and the impact of QCD corrections on the P_T differential cross section. I also emphasise the very good agreement between the parameter-free predictions of the Colour-Singlet Model (CSM) and the first LHC data, especially in the region of low transverse momenta, which is the most relevant one for heavy-ion studies. I also show that the CSM predicts Upsilon cross-section ratios in agreement with the most recent LHC data. I then briefly discuss the nuclear-matter effects on Upsilon production at RHIC and the LHC in p(d)A collisions and, by extension, in AA collisions. I argue that a) the Upsilon break-up probability can be neglected, at RHIC and the LHC, b) gluon shadowing --although non-negligible-- is not strong enough to describe forward RHIC data, c) backward RHIC data hints at a gluon EMC effect, possibly stronger than the quark one. Outlooks for the LHC pPb run are also presented.Comment: Contribution to the 5th International Conference On Hard And Electromagnetic Probes Of High-Energy Nuclear Collisions (HP2012), 27 May - 1 June 2012, Cagliari, Italy. 4 pages, 5 figures, LaTeX, uses ecrc.sty (included). v2: version to appear in Nucl. Phys. A (A few typos corrected, 2 refs. added and fig. 1(a) updated with the new STAR point

    A path integral for heavy-quarks in a hot plasma

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    We propose a model for the propagation of a heavy-quark in a hot plasma, to be viewed as a first step towards a full description of the dynamics of heavy quark systems in a quark-gluon plasma, including bound state formation. The heavy quark is treated as a non relativistic particle interacting with a fluctuating field, whose correlator is determined by a hard thermal loop approximation. This approximation, which concerns only the medium in which the heavy quark propagates, is the only one that is made, and it can be improved. The dynamics of the heavy quark is given exactly by a quantum mechanical path integral that is calculated in this paper in the Euclidean space-time using numerical Monte Carlo techniques. The spectral function of the heavy quark in the medium is then reconstructed using a Maximum Entropy Method. The path integral is also evaluated exactly in the case where the mass of the heavy quark is infinite; one then recovers known results concerning the complex optical potential that controls the long time behavior of the heavy quark. The heavy quark correlator and its spectral function is also calculated semi-analytically at the one-loop order, which allows for a detailed description of the coupling between the heavy quark and the plasma collective modes

    Cold nuclear matter effects on J/psi production: intrinsic and extrinsic transverse momentum effects

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    Cold nuclear matter effects on J/psi production in proton-nucleus and nucleus-nucleus collisions are evaluated taking into account the specific J/psi production kinematics at the partonic level, the shadowing of the initial parton distributions and the absorption in the nuclear matter. We consider two different parton processes for the c-cbar pair production: one with collinear gluons and a recoiling gluon in the final state and the other with initial gluons carrying intrinsic transverse momentum. Our results are compared to RHIC observables. The smaller values of the nuclear modification factor R_AA in the forward rapidity region (with respect to the mid rapidity region) are partially explained, therefore potentially reducing the need for recombination effects.Comment: 7 pages, 11 figures, LaTeX, uses elsarticle.cls (included).v2: version (with minor text revisions and Fig 2 and 4a modified) to appear in Phys.Lett.

    Quasiparticle Description of the QCD Plasma, Comparison with Lattice Results at Finite T and Mu

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    We compare our 2+1 flavor, staggered QCD lattice results with a quasiparticle picture. We determine the pressure, the energy density, the baryon density, the speed of sound and the thermal masses as a function of T and μB\mu_B. For the available thermodynamic quantities the difference is a few percent between the results of the two approaches. We also give the phase diagram on the μB\mu_B--T plane and estimate the critical chemical potential at vanishing temperature.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figure

    Dilepton Production at SPS-energy Heavy Ion Collisions

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    The production of dileptons is studied within a hadronic transport model. We investigate the sensitivity of the dilepton spectra to the initial configuration of the hadronic phase in a ultrarelativistic heavy ion collision. Possible in medium correction due to the modifications of pions and the pion form factor in a hadronic gas are discussed.Comment: Dedicated to Gerry Brown in honor of the 32nd celebration of his 39th birthday. 31 pages Latex including 13 eps-figures, uses psfig.sty and epsf.st

    Event-by-event fluctuations of the mean transverse momentum in 40, 80, and 158 A GeV/c Pb-Au collisions

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    Measurements of event-by-event fluctuations of the mean transverse momentum in Pb-Au collisions at 40, 80, and 158 A GeV/c are presented. A significant excess of mean p_T fluctuations at mid-rapidity is observed over the expectation from statistically independent particle emission. The results are somewhat smaller than recent measurements at RHIC. A possible non-monotonic behaviour of the mean p_T fluctuations as function of collision energy, which may have indicated that the system has passed the critical point of the QCD phase diagram in the range of mu_B under investigation, has not been observed. The centrality dependence of mean p_T fluctuations in Pb-Au is consistent with an extrapolation from pp collisions assuming that the non-statistical fluctuations scale with multiplicity. The results are compared to calculations by the RQMD and UrQMD event generators.Comment: 28 pages, 10 figure

    Do Instantons Like a Colorful Background?

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    We investigate chiral symmetry breaking and color symmetry breaking in QCD. The effective potential of the corresponding scalar condensates is discussed in the presence of non-perturbative contributions from the semiclassical one-instanton sector. We concentrate on a color singlet scalar background which can describe chiral condensation, as well as a color octet scalar background which can generate mass for the gluons. Whereas a non-vanishing singlet chiral field is favored by the instantons, we have found no indication for a preference of color octet backgrounds.Comment: 25 pages, 7 figure

    Lattice QCD Constraints on the Nuclear Equation of State

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    Based on the quasi-particle description of the QCD medium at finite temperature and density we formulate the phenomenological model for the equation of state that exhibits crossover or the first order deconfinement phase transition. The models are constructed in such a way to be thermodynamically consistent and to satisfy the properties of the ground state nuclear matter comply with constraints from intermediate heavy--ion collision data. Our equations of states show quite reasonable agreement with the recent lattice findings on temperature and baryon chemical potential dependence of relevant thermodynamical quantities in the parameter range covering both the hadronic and quark--gluon sectors. The model predictions on the isentropic trajectories in the phase diagram are shown to be consistent with the recent lattice results. Our nuclear equations of states are to be considered as an input to the dynamical models describing the production and the time evolution of a thermalized medium created in heavy ion collisions in a broad energy range from SIS up to LHC.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figure

    Quantum dynamics and thermalization for out-of-equilibrium phi^4-theory

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    The quantum time evolution of \phi^4-field theory for a spatially homogeneous system in 2+1 space-time dimensions is investigated numerically for out-of-equilibrium initial conditions on the basis of the Kadanoff-Baym equations including the tadpole and sunset self-energies. Whereas the tadpole self-energy yields a dynamical mass, the sunset self-energy is responsible for dissipation and an equilibration of the system. In particular we address the dynamics of the spectral (`off-shell') distributions of the excited quantum modes and the different phases in the approach to equilibrium described by Kubo-Martin-Schwinger relations for thermal equilibrium states. The investigation explicitly demonstrates that the only translation invariant solutions representing the stationary fixed points of the coupled equation of motions are those of full thermal equilibrium. They agree with those extracted from the time integration of the Kadanoff-Baym equations in the long time limit. Furthermore, a detailed comparison of the full quantum dynamics to more approximate and simple schemes like that of a standard kinetic (on-shell) Boltzmann equation is performed. Our analysis shows that the consistent inclusion of the dynamical spectral function has a significant impact on relaxation phenomena. The different time scales, that are involved in the dynamical quantum evolution towards a complete thermalized state, are discussed in detail. We find that far off-shell 1 3 processes are responsible for chemical equilibration, which is missed in the Boltzmann limit. Finally, we address briefly the case of (bare) massless fields. For sufficiently large couplings λ\lambda we observe the onset of Bose condensation, where our scheme within symmetric \phi^4-theory breaks down.Comment: 77 pages, 26 figure