43 research outputs found
The social roots of political upheavals in Arab countries at the beginning of the 21st century
Арапско пролеће као низ повезаних догађаја, без преседана у новијој политичкој историји, који је крајем прве деценије XXI века на улице и тргове арапских градова извео до тада незабележен број људи, спремних да своје друштвено незадовољство отворено искажу протестујући против вишедеценијских узурпатора власти, довео је до ланчане реације урушавања ауторитарних режима у неколико арапских земаља.
Политички преврати обeлежили су крај једне ере у којој су арапском политиком доминирали Бен Али у Тунису, Мубарак у Египту, Гадафи у Либији, и Салех у Јемену, али и почетак новог циклуса нестабилности и разарања у региону Блиског истока и Северне Африке, започетог девастацијом Либије, превирањима у Бахреину, распламсавањем конфликта у Јемену, и посебно Сирији где Асадов режим годинама након покушаја смене одолева спољним и унуташњим притисцима.
Основни циљ овог рада је да анализом социолошких, социо-културалних, социо-политичких и социо-економских детерминанти Арапског пролећа, с посебним акцентом на заостатак у модернизацијским процесима, открије корене друштвеног незадовољства које је ескалирало таласом устанака 2011. године, као и да кроз анализу супротстављених интереса великих сила и регионалних ривала, размотри последице преврата на даље правце кретања арапских друштава и укупне међународне односе.The Arab Spring as a series of related events in the recent political history that at the end of the first decade of the 21st century brought to the streets and squares of the Arab cities the unprecedented number of people openly protesting their social discontent against the long-lasting power holders led to a chain reaction of authoritarian regimes fall in several Arab countries.
Political upheavals have marked the end of an era in which Ben Ali in Tunisia, Mubarak in Egypt, Gaddafi in Libya, and Saleh in Yemen, all dominated Arab politics, but also the beginning of a new cycle of instability and destruction in the Middle East and North Africa region, initiated by the devastation of Libya, the turmoil in Bahrain, the intensification of the conflict in Yemen, and in particular Syria, where the Assad regime resists external and internal pressures for years after the attempted shift.
By analyzing the sociological, socio-cultural, socio-political and socio-economic determinants of the Arab Spring, with particular emphasis on lagging behind in modernization processes, the main goal of this study is to analyze the roots of social discontent that escalated by the wave of uprisings in 2011 while through analysis of the opposing interests of the great powers and regional rivals, to consider the consequences of the upheaval on further directions of the movement of Arab societies and overall international relations
Ocena oplemenjivačke vrednosti bikova za broj somatskih ćelija u mleku
The incidence of subclinical and clinical mastitis in the mammary gland produces variety of defensive factors were nuclear leukocytes, lymphocytes and macrophages play an important role and they are marked as somatic cells. Somatic cell count depends on the type of pathogen and stage of infection. Increased number of somatic cells in milk occurs as a result of lesions in the mammary gland. Studies have shown that the somatic cells count is genetically predisposed. Although the heritability of this trait is low, using modern methods and the proper selection of work it is possible to achieve some progress. Therefore it is necessary to the selection of bulls for somatic cells, on the basis of somatic cells in milk of daughters. Data on milk yield and somatic cell count in milk of 247 cows Holstein Friesian and Simmental breed from Vojvodina province, were used to analyze the evaluation of breeding values for somatic cells in milk Average values and variability of somatic cells, milk yield, milk fat yield and protein and content of milk fat and protein were determined. The average number of somatic cells was 317 000 per ml of milk, with high variability. Average milk yield of 7 634kg with an average content and yield of milk fat from 3.74% to 285.69 kg and the average protein content and yield of 3.15% and 237.15 kg were determined. Assessment of breeding values was calculated using BLUP model of father, high variability in the assessment of bulls was found. Getting more accurate breeding values is possible using the Animal Model.Kod pojave subkliničkog i kliničkog mastitisa mlečna žlezda produkuje mnoštvo odbrambenih faktora od kojih značajnu ulogu imaju polimorfo nuklearni leukociti, limfociti i makrofage koje označavamo kao somatske ćelije. Broj somatskih ćelija zavisi od vrste uzročnika i stadijuma infekcije. Povećan broj somatskih ćelija u mleku javlja se kao posledica lezija na mlečnoj žlezdi. Istraživanja su pokazala da je broj somatskih ćelija genetski predisponiran. Iako je heritabilnost za ovu osobinu niska, uz pomoć savremenih metoda i pravilnog selekcijskog rada moguće je postići određeni genetski napredak. Zbog toga je potrebno vršiti selekciju bikova za broj somatskih ćelija i to na osnovu broja somatskih ćelija u mleku ćerki. Podaci o mlečnosti i broju somatskih ćelija u mleku kod 247 krava holštajn-frizijske i simentalske rase sa teritorije Vojvodine, korišćeni su za analizu ocene oplemenjivačke vrednosti za broj somatskih ćelija u mleku krava. Izračunate su prosečne vrednosti i varijabilnost broja somatskih ćelija, prinosa mleka, prinosa mlečne masti i proteina i sadržaja mlečne masti i proteina. Prosečan broj somatskih ćelija u ml iznosio je 317 000, sa velikom varijabilnošću. Utvrđen je prosečan prinos mleka od 7634 kg uz prosečan sadržaj i prinos mlečne masti od 3,74% i 285,69kg i prosečan sadržaj i prinos proteina od 3,15% i 237,15 kg. Ocena oplemenjivačke vrednosti je izračunata primenom BLUP modela oca, utvrđena je velika varijabilnost u oceni priplodnjaka. Dobijanje preciznije oplemenjivačke vrednosti moguće je primenom Animal Modela
Uticaj veličine farmi na osobine mlečnosti krava
Objective of this study was to analyze the effect of the dairy farm on milk traits of cows in Vojvodina. The research was carried out on small farms with 10 to 20 cows, medium farms with 20 to 50 cows, and large farms with over 50 dairy cows. The study included registered animals of Simmental (SM) and Holstein-Friesian breed (HF; including Red Holstein) in the first lactation for traits of milk yield and yield and content of milk fat. Total of 1323 first lactations were analyzed. The average milk yield (both breeds) in the first lactation of 305 days was 6295 kg of milk with 234,3 kg of milk fat and average milk fat content of 3,74%. Milk performance of cows varied significantly (CV=22,9% and SD=1447,8), as well as milk fat yield (CV=21,6% and SD=50,8). Large farms produced in average 6534 kg of milk, medium farms 6347kg and small farms 4717kg. Size of the farm exhibited significantly high effect on all observed traits, and the tendency was that farms with higher number of animals realize also higher average of production. Farm management and various breeding-zootechnical conditions present on farms had significant effect on milk performance of cows.Cilj rada je da se ispita uticaj veličine govedarske farme na osobine mlečnosti u Vojvodini. U odnosu na veličinu farme, ispitivanje je sprovedeno na malim farmama sa 10 do 20 krava, srednje velikim od 20 do 50 i velikim sa preko 50 krava. Ispitivanje je obuhvatilo umatičena grla simentalske (SM) i holštajnfrizijske rase (HF; uključujući i crveni holštajn) u prvoj laktaciji za osobine prinosa mleka, mlečne masti i sadržaja mlečne masti. Ukupno je analizirano 1323 prvih laktacija. Prosečna mlečnost krava (obe rase) u prvoj laktaciji za 305 dana je iznosila 6295 kg mleka sa 234,3 kg mlečne masti i prosečnim sadržajem masti od 3,74%. Mlečnosti krava je značajno varirala (CV=22,9% i SD=1447,8) kao i prinos mlečne masti (CV=21,6% i SD=50,8). Velike farme su prosečno proizvele 6534 kg, srednje 6347 kg i male 4717 kg. Veličina farme je ispoljila signifikantno visok uticaj na sve posmatrane osobine a tendencija je da se na farmama sa većim brojem grla ostvaruje prosečno veća proizvodnja. Farmski menadžment i različiti odgajivačko zootehnički uslovi na farmama su ostvarili značajan uticaj na mlečnost krava
Autori predstavljaju rezultate modelskog istraživanja kojim se potvrđuje bioekonometrijski pristup upravljanja fondom srdele Sardina pilchardus (Walb.,1972) na istočnoj obali hrvatskog dijela Jadranskog mora. Nastojali su, metodološki i teoretski odraditi polazne scenarije za rješavanje aktualnih problema upravljanja fondom srdele te ih izvući iz dosadašnjeg, strogo, empirijsko-prakticističkog konteksta. U tom smislu, za hrvatske prilike kreirana je stanovita istraživačka paradigma, sjedinivši kvantitativni i kvalitativni pristup upravljanja fondom srdele. Uzimajući biološke parametre fonda kao polazne veličine interaktivno se izvodio ekonometrijski dio spajajući ga time u cjeloviti bioekonometrijski model. Model je definiran kroz tri pretpostavljena scenarija, i to: (1) demisiju i prenamjenu manje učinkovitog dijela ribarske flote iz profesionalnog ribarstva, (2) uvođenje mreža veće selektivnosti ulova i (3) promjenu razine troškovno-cjenovnog poticanja ulova. Koristeći programski paket Mefisto došlo se do zaključka da svaki od izvedenih scenarija pokazuje polarizirajuću prednost u biološkim i ekonomskim veličinama u odnosu na postojeće stanje. Tražeći među scenarijima optimalnu biološko-ekonomsku kombinaciju prednosti, scenarij demisije i prenamjene postojeće ribarske flote, pokazalo se najprihvatljivijom strategijom u odnosu na polazište problema. Dugoročno sagledavanje optimalne veličine fonda srdele, na istočnom dijelu Jadranskog mora, upućuje da treba voditi računa o broju ribarske flote odnosno demisiji manje učinkovitijih brodova iz profesionalnog ribarstva.The results of a model research to affirm the bioeconometrica approach to sardine stocks management on the eastern coast of the Croatian part of the Adriatic sea are presented. The aim was to define methodologically and theoretically the starting scenarios for solving current problems in sardine stocks management extracting them from strictly empirical context.
With this in mind a research pattern for Croatian conditions was created integrating quantitative and qualitative approach to sardine stocks management. Taking biological stock parameters as the starting value econometric part was carried out thus interactively integrating it into the complete bioeconometric model.
The model was defined in three presumed scenarios: 1) demission and conversion of sell efficient part of fishing fleet from professional fishing, 2) introduction of nets of higher catch selectivity and 3) changing the level of cost-expenses catch subsidizing. Using the Mephisto program package it was established that each of the scenarios applied showed a polarizing advantage in biological and economic values in relation to the existing status. Seeking among the scenarios the optimal biological and economic advantages the demission and conversion of the existing fishing fleet appeared to be the best acceptable strategy with respect to the problem. Long – term consideration of the optimal value of sardine stocks in the eastern part of the Adriatic sea indicates that the number of fishing fleet and demission of less efficient boats from professional fishing should be taken account of
Comparative investigations of immune response of calves at different intervals between primary and secondary immunization using inactivated bovine herpes virus 1 vaccine
Bovine herpesvirus 1 (BHV-1) is one of the most siginificant causes of
infections of the respiratory tract of cattle and immunoprophylaxis has a key
role in curbing this infection. The intensity of the immune response against
BHV-1 following immunization using inactivated commercial vaccines varies
depending on the type of vaccine, but it is generally believed that they
provide good protection from the development of the clinical form of the
infection, and that they are safe. The paper present the development of the
humoral immune response in fattening calves that were immunized against
bovine herpesvirus 1 (BHV-1) at different time intervals between the primary
and the secondary immunization. Calves were administered a commercial
vaccine, and then they were divided into two groups which were revaccinated
on days 14 or 21. Over a course of the 120 days of the duration of the
experiment, blood and nasal mucus were sampled 11 times. The blood serum
samples were examined for antibodies to BHV-1 using the virus neutralization
(VN) test, and the nasal mucus samples were analyzed using the VN test and
the ELISA method. Following revaccination, it was established that there was
an increase in the antibody titer in blood of all experimental animals, and
it was maintained at a high level up until the very end of the experiment
(day 120). In the blood serums, maximum mean values for the antibody titer
were determined on day 30 in the group that was revaccinated on day 14, and
on day 45 in the group of calves revaccinated on day 21. In nasal mucus,
antibodies were established at the earliest, using the virus neutralization
test, on day 14 following vaccination, and using the ELISA method only after
revaccination. The highest antibody titer in nasal mucus was established on
day 45 in the group revaccinated on day 21, and on day 120 in the group
revaccinated on day 14. Based on the established antibody titer values,
calves can be revaccinated using the inactivated BHV-1 vaccine already on day
14. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 31084
Breaking degeneracies with the Sunyaev-Zeldovich full bispectrum
Large scale structure and cosmolog
Malignancy-related hyponatremia: Case report
Hiponatrijemija je čest elektrolitski poremećaj kod hospitalizovanih bolesnika. Nakon potvrđivanja laboratorijskog nalaza, potrebno je pojavu hiponatrijemiju etiološki razjasniti. Prikaz bolesnika: Bolesnica stara 56 godina, hospitalizovana je zbog evaluacije grčeva nogu i malaksalosti. U biohemijskim nalazima se registruje hipotona hiponatrijemija, te je posumnjano na SIADH (engl. Syndrome of Inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone Secretion). Evaluacijom SIADH-a, nije nađen uzrok hiponatrijemije. Primenom simptomatske terapije i korekcijom hiponatrijemije, pacijentkinja je otpuštena lako poboljšana. Četiri meseca nakon hospitalizacije, javlja se konfuzna, sa gušenjem, sindromom hiperglikemije i teškim opštem stanjem. Pored toga, kod pacijentkinjw su laboratorijski potvrđene hipotone hiponatrijemije, ultrasonografijom abdomena su viđene metastatske promene na jetri. Ubrzo nakon prijema, dolazi do smrtnog ishoda. Rodbina je odbila obdukciju, te primarno ishodište malignoma nije utrvđeno. Hipotona hiponatrijemija zahteva ozbiljnu kliničku evaluaciju. SIADH je najčešći uzrok hipotone hiponatrijemije, a najvažniji uzrok SIADH-a je maligna bolest. Pažljiva korekcija hiponatrijemije i lečenje osnovne bolesti je osnova lečenja SIADH-a.Hyponatremia is a common electrolyte disorder in hospitalized patients. In the case of repetitive biochemically confirmed hyponatremia, it is necessary to find its cause. Case report: a 56-year-old woman was admitted to hospital due to leg cramps and malaise. Routine biochemical analysis revealed hypotonic hyponatremia and Syndrome of Inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone Secretion (SIADH) was suspected. The cause of hyponatremia was not discovered by means of evaluating SIADH. The patient was simptomatically treated, and discharged in better general condition, with partially corrected hyponatremia. She was advised to restrict water intake and to repeat serum electrolytes and BUN regularly. Four months later, she presented with dyspnea and hyperglycemic syndrome, she was confused and her life was threatened. Beside severe hyponatremia and hyperglycemia, an urgent abdominal ultrasonography showed liver secondaries. Shortly after admission, the patient passed away. Unfortunately, the patient's family refused an autopsy, so the origin of neoplasia has remained unknown. It is necessary to do a thorough clinical evaluation of hypotonic hyponatremia. SIADH, as the most frequent cause of hypotonic hyponatremia, is often a paraneoplastic syndrome. Careful correction of hypotonic hyponatremia and management of the underlying disease is the mainstay of SIADH treatment
Prevalencija gena za rezistenciju na meticilin i Panton-Valentine leukocidin u izolatima bakterije Staphylococcus aureus podrijetlom od goveda i ljudi.
Using the California Mastitis Test (CMT), on 46 highly productive dairy farms in Serbia, cows with milk secretion disorder were identified. Milk samples were taken from cows with positive CMT and from cows with clinical mastitis. Standard microbiological analysis of milk samples and API Staph confirmed the presence of 75 isolates of Staphylococcus aureus. Those 75 isolates, as well as 11 isolates of Staphylococcus aureus originating from humans were analyzed for the presence of genes encoding Panton-Valentine leukocidin (PVL) and PBP2A protein, responsible for methicillin resistance. The presence of gene encoding PVL was determined by PCR in 5 out of 75 (6.67%) and in 7 out of 11 (63.63%) bovine and human isolates of Staphylococcus aureus, respectively. The presence of the mecA gene was determined by PCR in 1 of 75 (1.33%) and in 2 of 11 (18.18%) bovine and human isolates of Staphylococcus aureus, respectively. The presence of the mecC gene was not determined in analyzed isolates. Further research is needed to investigate the genetic relationship between bovine and human Staphylococcus aureus isolates, to determine the exact impact of bovine Staphylococcus aureus strains from the cow udders on animal and public health.Uporabom kalifornijskog testa za upalu vimena na 46 visoko produktivnih mliječnih farmi u Srbiji identificirane su krave s poremećajem sekrecije mlijeka. Uzeti su uzorci mlijeka krava pozitivnih kalifornijskim testom i krava s kliničkim mastitisom. Standardnom mikrobiološkom pretragom uzoraka mlijeka i identifikacijom kompletom API Staph potvrđena je prisutnost 75 izolata bakterije Staphylococcus aureus. Tih 75 izolata, kao i 11 izolata te bakterije podrijetlom iz ljudi bili su analizirani lančanom reakcijom polimerazom na prisutnost gena koji kodiraju za Panton-Valentine leukocidin (PVL) i PBP2A protein odgovoran za meticilinsku rezistenciju. Prisutnost gena koji kodira za PVL dokazana je u pet od 75 (6,67%) izolata podrijetlom iz goveda i u sedam od 11 (63,63%) izolata podrijetlom iz ljudi. Prisutnost mecA gena dokazana je u jednog od 75 (1,33%) izolata podrijetlom iz goveda i u dva od 11 (18,18%) podrijetlom iz ljudi. Prisutnost mecC gena nije utvrđena u analiziranim izolatima. Potrebna su daljnja istraživanja kako bi se istražio odnos između izolata Staphylococcus aureus-a podrijetlom iz ljudi i iz goveda i odredio točan utjecaj sojeva vrste Staphylococcus aureus iz vimena krava na zdravlje životinja i zdravlje ljudi