39 research outputs found

    Mobile phone apps for behavioral interventions for at-risk drinkers in Australia: literature Review

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    Background: The mobile technology era has ushered in the use of mobile phone apps for behavioral intervention for at-risk drinkers. Objective: Our objective was to review recent research relevant to mobile phone apps that can be used for behavioral intervention for at-risk drinkers in Australia. Methods: The inclusion criteria for this review were articles published in peer-reviewed journals from 2001 to 2017 with use of the search terms "smartphone application," "alcohol," "substance," "behavioural intervention," "electronic health," and "mobile health." Results: In total, we identified 103 abstracts, screened 90 articles, and assessed 50 full-text articles that fit the inclusion criteria for eligibility. We included 19 articles in this review. Conclusions: This review highlighted the paucity of evidence-based and empirically validated research into effective mobile phone apps that can be used for behavioral interventions with at-risk drinkers in Australia

    Gβ promotes pheromone receptor polarization and yeast chemotropism by inhibiting receptor phosphorylation

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    Gradient-directed cell migration (chemotaxis) and growth (chemotropism) are processes that are essential to the development and life cycles of all species. Cells use surface receptors to sense the shallow chemical gradients that elicit chemotaxis and chemotropism. Slight asymmetries in receptor activation are amplified by downstream signaling systems, which ultimately induce dynamic reorganization of the cytoskeleton. During the mating response of budding yeast, a model chemotropic system, the pheromone receptors on the plasma membrane polarize to the side of the cell closest to the stimulus. Although receptor polarization occurs before and independently of actin cable-dependent delivery of vesicles to the plasma membrane (directed secretion), it requires receptor internalization. Phosphorylation of pheromone receptors by yeast casein kinase 1 or 2 (Yck1/2) stimulates their internalization. We showed that the pheromone-responsive G?? dimer promotes the polarization of the pheromone receptor by interacting with Yck1/2 and locally inhibiting receptor phosphorylation. We also found that receptor phosphorylation is essential for chemotropism, independently of its role in inducing receptor internalization. A mathematical model supports the idea that the interaction between G?? and Yck1/2 results in differential phosphorylation and internalization of the pheromone receptor and accounts for its polarization before the initiation of directed secretion

    Spatial organization of Clostridium difficile S-layer biogenesis

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    Surface layers (S-layers) are protective protein coats which form around all archaea and most bacterial cells. Clostridium difficile is a Gram-positive bacterium with an S-layer covering its peptidoglycan cell wall. The S-layer in C. difficile is constructed mainly of S-layer protein A (SlpA), which is a key virulence factor and an absolute requirement for disease. S-layer biogenesis is a complex multi-step process, disruption of which has severe consequences for the bacterium. We examined the subcellular localization of SlpA secretion and S-layer growth; observing formation of S-layer at specific sites that coincide with cell wall synthesis, while the secretion of SlpA from the cell is relatively delocalized. We conclude that this delocalized secretion of SlpA leads to a pool of precursor in the cell wall which is available to repair openings in the S-layer formed during cell growth or following damage

    Bisbibenzyls, a New Type of Antifungal Agent, Inhibit Morphogenesis Switch and Biofilm Formation through Upregulation of DPP3 in Candida albicans

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    The yeast-to-hypha transition plays a crucial role in the pathogenesis of C. albicans. Farnesol, a quorum sensing molecule (QSM) secreted by the fungal itself, could prevent the formation of hyphae and subsequently lead to the defect of biofilm formation. The DPP3, encoding phosphatase, is a key gene in regulating farnesol synthesis. In this study, we screened 24 bisbibenzyls and 2 bibenzyls that were isolated from bryophytes or chemically synthesized by using CLSI method for antifungal effect. Seven bisbibenzyls were found to have antifungal effects with IC80 less than 32 µg/ml, and among them, plagiochin F, isoriccardin C and BS-34 were found to inhibit the hyphae and biofilm formation of C. albicans in a dose-dependent manner. To uncover the underlying relationship between morphogenesis switch and QSM formation, we measured the farnesol production by HPLC-MS and quantified Dpp3 expression by detecting the fluorescent intensity of green fluorescent protein tagged strain using Confocal Laser Scanning microscopy and Multifunction Microplate Reader. The DPP3 transcripts were determined by real-time PCR. The data indicated that the bisbibenzyls exerted antifungal effects through stimulating the synthesis of farnesol via upregulation of Dpp3, suggesting a potential antifungal application of bisbibenzyls. In addition, our assay provides a novel, visual and convenient method to measure active compounds against morphogenesis switch

    Mutation of Ser172 in Yeast β Tubulin Induces Defects in Microtubule Dynamics and Cell Division

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    Ser172 of β tubulin is an important residue that is mutated in a human brain disease and phosphorylated by the cyclin-dependent kinase Cdk1 in mammalian cells. To examine the role of this residue, we used the yeast S. cerevisiae as a model and produced two different mutations (S172A and S172E) of the conserved Ser172 in the yeast β tubulin Tub2p. The two mutants showed impaired cell growth on benomyl-containing medium and at cold temperatures, altered microtubule (MT) dynamics, and altered nucleus positioning and segregation. When cytoplasmic MT effectors Dyn1p or Kar9p were deleted in S172A and S172E mutants, cells were viable but presented increased ploidy. Furthermore, the two β tubulin mutations exhibited synthetic lethal interactions with Bik1p, Bim1p or Kar3p, which are effectors of cytoplasmic and spindle MTs. In the absence of Mad2p-dependent spindle checkpoint, both mutations are deleterious. These findings show the importance of Ser172 for the correct function of both cytoplasmic and spindle MTs and for normal cell division

    Effects of Ionomycin on Egg Activation and Early Development in Starfish

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    Ionomycin is a Ca2+-selective ionophore that is widely used to increase intracellular Ca2+ levels in cell biology laboratories. It is also occasionally used to activate eggs in the clinics practicing in vitro fertilization. However, neither the precise molecular action of ionomycin nor its secondary effects on the eggs' structure and function is well known. In this communication we have studied the effects of ionomycin on starfish oocytes and zygotes. By use of confocal microscopy, calcium imaging, as well as light and transmission electron microscopy, we have demonstrated that immature oocytes exposed to ionomycin instantly increase intracellular Ca2+ levels and undergo structural changes in the cortex. Surprisingly, when microinjected into the cells, ionomycin produced no Ca2+ increase. The ionomycin-induced Ca2+ rise was followed by fast alteration of the actin cytoskeleton displaying conspicuous depolymerization at the oocyte surface and in microvilli with concomitant polymerization in the cytoplasm. In addition, cortical granules were disrupted or fused with white vesicles few minutes after the addition of ionomycin. These structural changes prevented cortical maturation of the eggs despite the normal progression of nuclear envelope breakdown. At fertilization, the ionomycin-pretreated eggs displayed reduced Ca2+ response, no elevation of the fertilization envelope, and the lack of orderly centripetal translocation of actin fibers. These alterations led to difficulties in cell cleavage in the monospermic zygotes and eventually to a higher rate of abnormal development. In conclusion, ionomycin has various deleterious impacts on egg activation and the subsequent embryonic development in starfish. Although direct comparison is difficult to make between our findings and the use of the ionophore in the in vitro fertilization clinics, our results call for more defining investigations on the issue of a potential risk in artificial egg activation

    Characterizing the Role of Cell-Wall β-1,3-Exoglucanase Xog1p in Candida albicans Adhesion by the Human Antimicrobial Peptide LL-37

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    Candida albicans is the major fungal pathogen of humans. Its adhesion to host-cell surfaces is the first critical step during mucosal infection. Antimicrobial peptides play important roles in the first line of mucosal immunity against C. albicans infection. LL-37 is the only member of the human cathelicidin antimicrobial peptide family and is commonly expressed in various tissues, including epithelium. We previously showed that LL-37 significantly reduced C. albicans adhesion to plastic, oral epidermoid OECM-1 cells, and urinary bladders of female BALB/c mice. The inhibitory effect of LL-37 on cell adhesion occurred via the binding of LL-37 to cell-wall carbohydrates. Here we showed that formation of LL-37–cell-wall protein complexes potentially inhibits C. albicans adhesion to polystyrene. Using phage display and ELISA, we identified 10 peptide sequences that could bind LL-37. A BLAST search revealed that four sequences in the major C. albicans cell-wall β-1,3-exoglucanase, Xog1p, were highly similar to the consensus sequence derived from the 10 biopanned peptides. One Xog1p-derived peptide, Xog1p90–115, and recombinant Xog1p associated with LL-37, thereby reversing the inhibitory effect of LL-37 on C. albicans adhesion. LL-37 reduced Xog1p activity and thus interrupted cell-wall remodeling. Moreover, deletion of XOG1 or another β-1,3-exoglucanase-encoding gene EXG2 showed that only when XOG1 was deleted did cellular exoglucanase activity, cell adhesion and LL-37 binding decrease. Antibodies against Xog1p also decreased cell adhesion. These data reveal that Xog1p, originally identified from LL-37 binding, has a role in C. albicans adhesion to polystyrene and, by inference, attach to host cells via direct or indirect manners. Compounds that target Xog1p might find use as drugs that prevent C. albicans infection. Additionally, LL-37 could potentially be used to screen for other cell-wall components involved in fungal cell adhesion

    Candida albicans AGE3, the Ortholog of the S. cerevisiae ARF-GAP-Encoding Gene GCS1, Is Required for Hyphal Growth and Drug Resistance

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    BACKGROUND: Hyphal growth and multidrug resistance of C. albicans are important features for virulence and antifungal therapy of this pathogenic fungus. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Here we show by phenotypic complementation analysis that the C. albicans gene AGE3 is the functional ortholog of the yeast ARF-GAP-encoding gene GCS1. The finding that the gene is required for efficient endocytosis points to an important functional role of Age3p in endosomal compartments. Most C. albicans age3Delta mutant cells which grew as cell clusters under yeast growth conditions showed defects in filamentation under different hyphal growth conditions and were almost completely disabled for invasive filamentous growth. Under hyphal growth conditions only a fraction of age3Delta cells shows a wild-type-like polarization pattern of the actin cytoskeleton and lipid rafts. Moreover, age3Delta cells were highly susceptible to several unrelated toxic compounds including antifungal azole drugs. Irrespective of the AGE3 genotype, C-terminal fusions of GFP to the drug efflux pumps Cdr1p and Mdr1p were predominantly localized in the plasma membrane. Moreover, the plasma membranes of wild-type and age3Delta mutant cells contained similar amounts of Cdr1p, Cdr2p and Mdr1p. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The results indicate that the defect in sustaining filament elongation is probably caused by the failure of age3Delta cells to polarize the actin cytoskeleton and possibly of inefficient endocytosis. The high susceptibility of age3Delta cells to azoles is not caused by inefficient transport of efflux pumps to the cell membrane. A possible role of a vacuolar defect of age3Delta cells in drug susceptibility is proposed and discussed. In conclusion, our study shows that the ARF-GAP Age3p is required for hyphal growth which is an important virulence factor of C. albicans and essential for detoxification of azole drugs which are routinely used for antifungal therapy. Thus, it represents a promising antifungal drug target

    The genetic interaction network of CCW12, a Saccharomyces cerevisiae gene required for cell wall integrity during budding and formation of mating projections

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Mannoproteins construct the outer cover of the fungal cell wall. The covalently linked cell wall protein Ccw12p is an abundant mannoprotein. It is considered as crucial structural cell wall component since in baker's yeast the lack of <it>CCW12 </it>results in severe cell wall damage and reduced mating efficiency.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In order to explore the function of <it>CCW12</it>, we performed a Synthetic Genetic Analysis (SGA) and identified genes that are essential in the absence of <it>CCW12</it>. The resulting interaction network identified 21 genes involved in cell wall integrity, chitin synthesis, cell polarity, vesicular transport and endocytosis. Among those are <it>PFD1</it>, <it>WHI3</it>, <it>SRN2</it>, <it>PAC10</it>, <it>FEN1 </it>and <it>YDR417C</it>, which have not been related to cell wall integrity before. We correlated our results with genetic interaction networks of genes involved in glucan and chitin synthesis. A core of genes essential to maintain cell integrity in response to cell wall stress was identified. In addition, we performed a large-scale transcriptional analysis and compared the transcriptional changes observed in mutant <it>ccw12</it>Δ with transcriptomes from studies investigating responses to constitutive or acute cell wall damage. We identified a set of genes that are highly induced in the majority of the mutants/conditions and are directly related to the cell wall integrity pathway and cell wall compensatory responses. Among those are <it>BCK1</it>, <it>CHS3</it>, <it>EDE1</it>, <it>PFD1</it>, <it>SLT2 </it>and <it>SLA1 </it>that were also identified in the SGA. In contrast, a specific feature of mutant <it>ccw12</it>Δ is the transcriptional repression of genes involved in mating. Physiological experiments substantiate this finding. Further, we demonstrate that Ccw12p is present at the cell periphery and highly concentrated at the presumptive budding site, around the bud, at the septum and at the tip of the mating projection.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The combination of high throughput screenings, phenotypic analyses and localization studies provides new insight into the function of Ccw12p. A compensatory response, culminating in cell wall remodelling and transport/recycling pathways is required to buffer the loss of <it>CCW12</it>. Moreover, the enrichment of Ccw12p in bud, septum and mating projection is consistent with a role of Ccw12p in preserving cell wall integrity at sites of active growth.</p> <p>The microarray data produced in this analysis have been submitted to NCBI GEO database and GSE22649 record was assigned.</p