461 research outputs found

    The structure of the KtrAB potassium transporter

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    In bacteria, archaea, fungi and plants the Trk, Ktr and HKT ion transporters are key components of osmotic regulation, pH homeostasis and resistance to drought and high salinity. These ion transporters are functionally diverse: they can function as Na+ or K+ channels and possibly as cation/K+ symporters. They are closely related to potassium channels both at the level of the membrane protein and at the level of the cytosolic regulatory domains. Here we describe the crystal structure of a Ktr K+ transporter, the KtrAB complex from Bacillus subtilis. The structure shows the dimeric membrane protein KtrB assembled with a cytosolic octameric KtrA ring bound to ATP, an activating ligand. A comparison between the structure of KtrAB-ATP and the structures of the isolated full-length KtrA protein with ATP or ADP reveals a ligand-dependent conformational change in the octameric ring, raising new ideas about the mechanism of activation in these transporters.We are grateful for access to ID14-1/ID14-4/ID-29 at ESRF (through the Portuguese BAG), PXII at SLS, XRD1 at ELETTRA and PROXIMA1 at SOLEIL and thank the respective support staff. A.S. was supported by FEBS (Long term fellowship). This work was funded by EMBO (Installation grant), by FEDER funds through the Operational Competitiveness Program-COMPETE and by National Funds through FCT-Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia under the projects FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-022718 (PEst-C/SAU/LA0002/2011), FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-009028 (PTDC/BIA-PRO/099861/2008) and FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-010781 (PTDC/QUI-BIQ/105342/2008). We also thank G. Gabant and M. Cadene at the 'Plateforme de Spectrometrie de Masse' at CBM, CNRS, Orleans for mass spectrometry analysis, and C. Harley for critical reading of the manuscript

    Interactions among the A and T Units of an ECF-Type Biotin Transporter Analyzed by Site-Specific Crosslinking

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    Energy-coupling factor (ECF) transporters are a huge group of micronutrient importers in prokaryotes. They are composed of a substrate-specific transmembrane protein (S component) and a module consisting of a moderately conserved transmembrane protein (T component) and two ABC ATPase domains (A components). Modules of A and T units may be dedicated to a specific S component or shared by many different S units in an organism. The mode of subunit interactions in ECF transporters is largely unknown. BioMNY, the focus of the present study, is a biotin transporter with a dedicated AT module. It consists of the S unit BioY, the A unit BioM and the T unit BioN. Like all T units, BioN contains two three-amino-acid signatures with a central Arg residue in a cytoplasmic helical region. Our previous work had demonstrated a central role of the two motifs in T units for stability and function of BioMNY and other ECF transporters. Here we show by site-specific crosslinking of pairs of mono-cysteine variants that the Ala-Arg-Ser and Ala-Arg-Gly signatures in BioN are coupling sites to the BioM ATPases. Analysis of 64 BioN-BioM pairs uncovered interactions of both signatures predominantly with a segment of ∼13 amino acid residues C-terminal of the Q loop of BioM. Our results further demonstrate that portions of all BioN variants with single Cys residues in the two signatures are crosslinked to homodimers. This finding may point to a dimeric architecture of the T unit in BioMNY complexes

    Mortality following Stroke, the Weekend Effect and Related Factors: Record Linkage Study

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    Increased mortality following hospitalisation for stroke has been reported from many but not all studies that have investigated a 'weekend effect' for stroke. However, it is not known whether the weekend effect is affected by factors including hospital size, season and patient distance from hospital.To assess changes over time in mortality following hospitalisation for stroke and how any increased mortality for admissions on weekends is related to factors including the size of the hospital, seasonal factors and distance from hospital.A population study using person linked inpatient, mortality and primary care data for stroke from 2004 to 2012. The outcome measures were, firstly, mortality at seven days and secondly, mortality at 30 days and one year.Overall mortality for 37 888 people hospitalised following stroke was 11.6% at seven days, 21.4% at 30 days and 37.7% at one year. Mortality at seven and 30 days fell significantly by 1.7% and 3.1% per annum respectively from 2004 to 2012. When compared with week days, mortality at seven days was increased significantly by 19% for admissions on weekends, although the admission rate was 21% lower on weekends. Although not significant, there were indications of increased mortality at seven days for weekend admissions during winter months (31%), in community (81%) rather than large hospitals (8%) and for patients resident furthest from hospital (32% for distances of >20 kilometres). The weekend effect was significantly increased (by 39%) for strokes of 'unspecified' subtype.Mortality following stroke has fallen over time. Mortality was increased for admissions at weekends, when compared with normal week days, but may be influenced by a higher stroke severity threshold for admission on weekends. Other than for unspecified strokes, we found no significant variation in the weekend effect for hospital size, season and distance from hospital

    Conservation of Forest Birds: Evidence of a Shifting Baseline in Community Structure

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    Quantifying changes in forest bird diversity is an essential task for developing effective conservation actions. When subtle changes in diversity accumulate over time, annual comparisons may offer an incomplete perspective of changes in diversity. In this case, progressive change, the comparison of changes in diversity from a baseline condition, may offer greater insight because changes in diversity are assessed over longer periods of times. Our objectives were to determine how forest bird diversity has changed over time and whether those changes were associated with forest disturbance.We used North American Breeding Bird Survey data, a time series of Landsat images classified with respect to land cover change, and mixed-effects models to associate changes in forest bird community structure with forest disturbance, latitude, and longitude in the conterminous United States for the years 1985 to 2006. We document a significant divergence from the baseline structure for all birds of similar migratory habit and nest location, and all forest birds as a group from 1985 to 2006. Unexpectedly, decreases in progressive similarity resulted from small changes in richness (<1 species per route for the 22-year study period) and modest losses in abundance (-28.7 - -10.2 individuals per route) that varied by migratory habit and nest location. Forest disturbance increased progressive similarity for Neotropical migrants, permanent residents, ground nesting, and cavity nesting species. We also documented highest progressive similarity in the eastern United States.Contemporary forest bird community structure is changing rapidly over a relatively short period of time (e.g., approximately 22 years). Forest disturbance and forest regeneration are primary factors associated with contemporary forest bird community structure, longitude and latitude are secondary factors, and forest loss is a tertiary factor. Importantly, these findings suggest some regions of the United States may already fall below the habitat amount threshold where fragmentation effects become important predictors of forest bird community structure

    Coral-Bacterial Communities before and after a Coral Mass Spawning Event on Ningaloo Reef

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    Bacteria associated with three coral species, Acropora tenuis, Pocillopora damicornis and Tubastrea faulkneri, were assessed before and after coral mass spawning on Ningaloo Reef in Western Australia. Two colonies of each species were sampled before and after the mass spawning event and two additional samples were collected for P. damicornis after planulation. A variable 470 bp region of the 16 S rRNA gene was selected for pyrosequencing to provide an understanding of potential variations in coral-associated bacterial diversity and community structure. Bacterial diversity increased for all coral species after spawning as assessed by Chao1 diversity indicators. Minimal changes in community structure were observed at the class level and data at the taxonomical level of genus incorporated into a PCA analysis indicated that despite bacterial diversity increasing after spawning, coral-associated community structure did not shift greatly with samples grouped according to species. However, interesting changes could be detected from the dataset; for example, α-Proteobacteria increased in relative abundance after coral spawning and particularly the Roseobacter clade was found to be prominent in all coral species, indicating that this group may be important in coral reproduction

    Intracellular directed evolution of proteins from combinatorial libraries based on conditional phage replication

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    Directed evolution is a powerful tool to improve the characteristics of biomolecules. Here we present a protocol for the intracellular evolution of proteins with distinct differences and advantages in comparison with established techniques. These include the ability to select for a particular function from a library of protein variants inside cells, minimizing undesired coevolution and propagation of nonfunctional library members, as well as allowing positive and negative selection logics using basally active promoters. A typical evolution experiment comprises the following stages: (i) preparation of a combinatorial M13 phagemid (PM) library expressing variants of the gene of interest (GOI) and preparation of the Escherichia coli host cells; (ii) multiple rounds of an intracellular selection process toward a desired activity; and (iii) the characterization of the evolved target proteins. The system has been developed for the selection of new orthogonal transcription factors (TFs) but is capable of evolving any gene—or gene circuit function—that can be linked to conditional M13 phage replication. Here we demonstrate our approach using as an example the directed evolution of the bacteriophage λ cI TF against two synthetic bidirectional promoters. The evolved TF variants enable simultaneous activation and repression against their engineered promoters and do not cross-react with the wild-type promoter, thus ensuring orthogonality. This protocol requires no special equipment, allowing synthetic biologists and general users to evolve improved biomolecules within ~7 weeks

    How does the general public view posthumous organ donation? A meta-synthesis of the qualitative literature

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Many individuals are unwilling to become posthumous organ donors, resulting in a disparity between the supply and demand for organ transplants. A meta-synthesis of the qualitative literature was therefore conducted to determine how the general public views posthumous organ donation.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Three online databases (PubMed, PsycINFO, Scopus) were searched for articles published between January 1990 and May 2008 using the following search terms: organ donation, qualitative, interview. Eligibility criteria were: examination of beliefs about posthumous organ donation; utilization of a qualitative research design; and publication in an English peer-reviewed journal. Exclusion criteria were examining how health professionals or family members of organ donors viewed posthumous organ donation. Grounded theory was used to identify the beliefs emerging from this literature. Thematically-related beliefs were then grouped to form themes.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>27 articles from 24 studies met the inclusion criteria and were reviewed. The major themes identified were: religion, death, altruism, personal relevance, the body, the family, medical professionals, and transplant recipients. An altruistic motivation to help others emerged as the most commonly identified motivator for becoming an organ donor, although feeling a sense of solidarity with the broader community and believing that donated organs are put to good use may be important preconditions for the emergence of this motivation. The two most commonly identified barriers were the need to maintain bodily integrity to safeguard progression into the afterlife and the unethical recovery of organs by medical professionals. The influence of stakeholder groups on willingness to become an organ donor was also found to vary by the level of control that each stakeholder group exerted over the donation recovery process and their perceived conflict of interest in wanting organ donation to proceed.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>These findings afford insights into how individuals perceive posthumous organ donation.</p

    Mapping the Organization of Axis of Motion Selective Features in Human Area MT Using High-Field fMRI

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    Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) at high magnetic fields has made it possible to investigate the columnar organization of the human brain in vivo with high degrees of accuracy and sensitivity. Until now, these results have been limited to the organization principles of early visual cortex (V1). While the middle temporal area (MT) has been the first identified extra-striate visual area shown to exhibit a columnar organization in monkeys, evidence of MT's columnar response properties and topographic layout in humans has remained elusive. Research using various approaches suggests similar response properties as in monkeys but failed to provide direct evidence for direction or axis of motion selectivity in human area MT. By combining state of the art pulse sequence design, high spatial resolution in all three dimensions (0.8 mm isotropic), optimized coil design, ultrahigh field magnets (7 Tesla) and novel high resolution cortical grid sampling analysis tools, we provide the first direct evidence for large-scale axis of motion selective feature organization in human area MT closely matching predictions from topographic columnar-level simulations

    Syndromes with congenital brittle bones

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    BACKGROUND: There is no clear definition of osteogenesis imperfecta (OI). The most widely used classification of OI divides the disease in four types, although it has been suggested that there may be at least 12 forms of OI. These forms have been named with numbers, eponyms or descriptive names. Some of these syndromes can actually be considered congenital forms of brittle bones resembling OI (SROI). DISCUSSION: A review of different syndromes with congenital brittle bones published in the literature is presented. Syndromes are classified in "OI" (those secondary to mutations in the type I pro-collagen genes), and "syndromes resembling OI" (those secondary to mutations other that the type I pro-collagen genes, identified or not). A definition for OI is proposed as a syndrome of congenital brittle bones secondary to mutations in the genes codifying for pro-collagen genes (COL1A1 and COL1A2). SUMMARY: A debate about the definition of OI and a possible clinical and prognostic classification are warranted

    Design considerations in a sib-pair study of linkage for susceptibility loci in cancer

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Modern approaches to identifying new genes associated with disease allow very fine analysis of associaton and can be performed in population based case-control studies. However, the sibpair design is still valuable because it requires few assumptions other than acceptably high penetrance to identify genetic loci.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We conducted simulation studies to assess the impact of design factors on relative efficiency for a linkage study of colorectal cancer. We considered two test statistics, one comparing the mean IBD probability in affected pairs to its null value of 0.5, and one comparing the mean IBD probabilities between affected and discordant pairs. We varied numbers of parents available, numbers of affected and unaffected siblings, reconstructing the genotype of an unavailable affected sibling by a spouse and offspring, and elimination of sibships where the proband carries a mutation at another locus.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Power and efficiency were most affected by the number of affected sibs, the number of sib pairs genotyped, and the risk attributable to linked and unlinked loci. Genotyping unaffected siblings added little power for low penetrance models, but improved validity of tests when there was genetic heterogeneity and for multipoint testing. The efficiency of the concordant-only test was nearly always better than the concordant-discordant test. Replacement of an unavailable affected sibling by a spouse and offspring recovered some linkage information, particularly if several offspring were available. In multipoint analysis, the concordant-only test was showed a small anticonservative bias at 5 cM, while the multipoint concordant-discordant test was generally the most powerful test, and was not biased away from the null at 5 cM.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Genotyping parents and unaffected siblings is useful for detecting genotyping errors and if allele frequencies are uncertain. If adequate allele frequency data are available, we suggest a single-point affecteds-only analysis for an initial scan, followed by a multipoint analysis of affected and unaffected members of all available sibships with additional markers around initial hits.</p