354 research outputs found

    Study of star formation in RCW 106 using far infrared observations

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    High resolution far-infrared observations of a large area of the star forming complex RCW 106 obtained using the TIFR 1-metre balloon-borne telescope are presented. Intensity maps have been obtained simultaneously in two bands centred around 150 & 210 micron. Intensity maps have also been obtained at the 4 IRAS bands using HIRES processed IRAS data. From the 150 & 210 micron maps, reliable maps of dust temperature and optical depth have been generated. The star formation in this complex has occured in five linear subclumps. Using the map at 210 micron, which has a spatial resolution superior to that of the IRAS at 100 micron, 23 sources have been identified. The SED and luminosity of these sources have been determined using the associations wit hthe IRAS maps. Luminosity distribution of these sources has been obtained. Assuming these embedded sources to be ZAMS stars and using the mass-luminosity relation, the power law slope of the Initial Mass Function is found to be -1.73+-0.5. This index for this very young complex is about the same as that for more evolved complexes and clusters. Radiation transfer calculations in spherical geometry have been undertaken to fit the SEDs of 13 sources with fluxes in both the TIFR and IRAS bands. From this, the r^-2 density distribution in the envelopes is ruled out. Finally, a correlation is seen between the luminosity of embedded sources and the computed dust masses of the envelopes.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS (21 pages, 8 figures & 3 tables

    Predicting the Amplitude of a Solar Cycle Using the North-South Asymmetry in the Previous Cycle: II. An Improved Prediction for Solar Cycle~24

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    Recently, using Greenwich and Solar Optical Observing Network sunspot group data during the period 1874-2006, (Javaraiah, MNRAS, 377, L34, 2007: Paper I), has found that: (1) the sum of the areas of the sunspot groups in 0-10 deg latitude interval of the Sun's northern hemisphere and in the time-interval of -1.35 year to +2.15 year from the time of the preceding minimum of a solar cycle n correlates well (corr. coeff. r=0.947) with the amplitude (maximum of the smoothed monthly sunspot number) of the next cycle n+1. (2) The sum of the areas of the spot groups in 0-10 deg latitude interval of the southern hemisphere and in the time-interval of 1.0 year to 1.75 year just after the time of the maximum of the cycle n correlates very well (r=0.966) with the amplitude of cycle n+1. Using these relations, (1) and (2), the values 112 + or - 13 and 74 + or -10, respectively, were predicted in Paper I for the amplitude of the upcoming cycle 24. Here we found that in case of (1), the north-south asymmetry in the area sum of a cycle n also has a relationship, say (3), with the amplitude of cycle n+1, which is similar to (1) but more statistically significant (r=0.968) like (2). By using (3) it is possible to predict the amplitude of a cycle with a better accuracy by about 13 years in advance, and we get 103 + or -10 for the amplitude of the upcoming cycle 24. However, we found a similar but a more statistically significant (r=0.983) relationship, say (4), by using the sum of the area sum used in (2) and the north-south difference used in (3). By using (4) it is possible to predict the amplitude of a cycle by about 9 years in advance with a high accuracy and we get 87 + or - 7 for the amplitude of cycle 24.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figures, Published in Solar Physics 252, 419-439 (2008

    Macromolecular theory of solvation and structure in mixtures of colloids and polymers

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    The structural and thermodynamic properties of mixtures of colloidal spheres and non-adsorbing polymer chains are studied within a novel general two-component macromolecular liquid state approach applicable for all size asymmetry ratios. The dilute limits, when one of the components is at infinite dilution but the other concentrated, are presented and compared to field theory and models which replace polymer coils with spheres. Whereas the derived analytical results compare well, qualitatively and quantitatively, with mean-field scaling laws where available, important differences from ``effective sphere'' approaches are found for large polymer sizes or semi-dilute concentrations.Comment: 23 pages, 10 figure

    Non-monotonic variation with salt concentration of the second virial coefficient in protein solutions

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    The osmotic virial coefficient B2B_2 of globular protein solutions is calculated as a function of added salt concentration at fixed pH by computer simulations of the ``primitive model''. The salt and counter-ions as well as a discrete charge pattern on the protein surface are explicitly incorporated. For parameters roughly corresponding to lysozyme, we find that B2B_2 first decreases with added salt concentration up to a threshold concentration, then increases to a maximum, and then decreases again upon further raising the ionic strength. Our studies demonstrate that the existence of a discrete charge pattern on the protein surface profoundly influences the effective interactions and that non-linear Poisson Boltzmann and Derjaguin-Landau-Verwey-Overbeek (DLVO) theory fail for large ionic strength. The observed non-monotonicity of B2B_2 is compared to experiments. Implications for protein crystallization are discussed.Comment: 43 pages, including 17 figure

    Gravitational Radiation from Compact Binary Pulsars

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    An outstanding question in modern Physics is whether general relativity (GR) is a complete description of gravity among bodies at macroscopic scales. Currently, the best experiments supporting this hypothesis are based on high-precision timing of radio pulsars. This chapter reviews recent advances in the field with a focus on compact binary millisecond pulsars with white-dwarf (WD) companions. These systems - if modeled properly - provide an unparalleled test ground for physically motivated alternatives to GR that deviate significantly in the strong-field regime. Recent improvements in observational techniques and advances in our understanding of WD interiors have enabled a series of precise mass measurements in such systems. These masses, combined with high-precision radio timing of the pulsars, result to stringent constraints on the radiative properties of gravity, qualitatively very different from what was available in the past.Comment: Short review chapter to appear in "Gravitational Wave Astrophysics" by Springer-Verlag, edited by Carlos F. Sopuerta; v3: a few major corrections and updated references. Comments are welcome

    Synthesis, antileishmanial activity and QSAR studies of 2-chloro- N -arylacetamides

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    ABSTRACT We describe herein the synthesis and evaluation of the antileishmanial activity against promastigote forms of Leishmania amazonensis and cytotoxicity to murine macrophages of a series of 2-chloro-N-arylacetamide derivatives. All compounds were active, except one (compound 3). Compound 5 presented the most promising results, showing good antileishmanial activity (CI50=5.39±0.67 µM) and moderate selectivity (SI=6.36), indicating that further development of this class is worthwhile. Preliminary QSAR studies, although not predictive, furnished some insights on the importance of electronic character of aryl substituent to biological activity, as well as an indirect influence of hydrophobicity on activity

    Calculation of the Flux of Atmospheric Neutrinos

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    Atmospheric neutrino-fluxes are calculated over the wide energy range from 30 MeV to 3,000 GeV for the study of neutrino-physics using the data from underground neutrino-detectors. The atmospheric muon-flux at high altitude and at sea level is studied to calibrate the neutrino-fluxes at low energies and high energies respectively. The agreement of our calculation with observations is satisfactory. The uncertainty of atmospheric neutrino-fluxes is also studied.Comment: 51 page

    Bio-analytical Assay Methods used in Therapeutic Drug Monitoring of Antiretroviral Drugs-A Review

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